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02x08 - The Night We Met

Posted: 11/22/06 02:35
by bunniefuu
My name is Melinda Gordon. I'm married. I live in a small town, and I own an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except that from the time I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. Earthbound spirits, my grandmother called them. They're stuck here because they have unfinished business with the living. And they come to me for help. In order to tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

Hey, do you want to see what I'm getting jim?


Walk with me. It's in shiffman's window.

What's the occasion?

It's our anniversary on friday.

5 years.


I didn't know you guys were together for 5 years.

No, we haven't been. It's the night we met.

Wait. You're celebrating the night you met?

That's disgusting. Was it romantic?

Yeah. A little scary, too.

Anyway, there it is.

What? Where?

Right there. And it actually works.

That's sweet.

You know, jim's been so busy lately, he hasn't even mentioned our anniversary.

I think he forgot.

Really? Um... did he say he wanted one of those?

It means something to us.


I will never get used to that sound.

Is jim working tonight?

Man: Are you guys safe?

As long as you all are safe.

Ok. Come on. I'll get you home.

Do you see jim anywhere?


You're all right.

Wait. There he is. He's right there.

He's right there with that guy!

Jim! Jim! Jim!

I'm lit! I'm lit!

Hey, no!

No, please, please, see if everybody's out.

It's empty, it's empty. It's all right.

Did everyone get out?

Please, please, make sure.

Let us take a look at you.

Get him some oxygen, get some water.

Are you ok?

Ahh. You see, they saved the basic structure, but the interior's totaled.

What a shame.

And it was the opening night.

Mm-mmm. Re-opening.

That thing burned down once before, like a year ago.

And I think I have it bad when I can't find a parking space.

Ooh. Ouch.

No, that's my line.

You're too tough and stoic.

Oh, it's good you reminded me, 'cause I wanted to scream when you were taking off my shirt.

You want a hot pack?

No. Enough heat for one night.

Ice? No thanks.

Look, tell me more about this ghost.

He was on fire?

Yeah. He felt pretty powerful.

But nobody died in the fire. Where'd he come from?

I don't know.

It like he was getting his power from the fire.

I mean, he looked at me, and I got the chills.

Chills. Get it?

Oh, all right. You're delirious.

Get some sleep.

You're going to be so sore in the morning.

Oh, I'm already sore as hell.

Ah. Hell? Fire?

Ok, sleep before I slap you.

All right.

I think everything'll be fine as long as I'm better by friday.

Really? Well, what's friday?

Poker night at richie's.

I didn't know that.

Is it sore right there?

Ow! Oh, I'm so sorry.

There's no reason to panic.

Interior collapsed in the building next door.

There's no fire jumping.

Oh, my slipper.

I can walk on my own just fine, thank you.

You're welcome.


So, what is it?

The gift.

I just had to get it out of the window before jim saw it.

Anyway, I'm only going to leave it here until friday.

So, do you know what he's going to get you?

Uh, I think he forgot.

He has plans to play poker on friday night.

Ohh. Trouble in padise?

No, he's just been exhausted, working doubles.

And he got his dates mixed up.

He'll realize it, figure it out.

So, do you want me to drop a hint the next time I see him?

I'm pretty good at it.

No, it's ok. Thanks.

I really want him to remember on his own.

I mean, it was a big night for him... for us.

I just can't believe that he would forget.

Do you smell smoke?

Mm-mmm. You know, it's probably just some leftover stink from the fire the other night.

I still smell it on my clothes.

Reminds me of my clubbing days.

Professor payne!

I can't tell you how many times I've walked past this store and was almost tempted to come in.

I'm honored. I think.

Delia banks, this is professor payne from rockland university.

He teaches a course on... I teach the use of symbols in the world of the occult.

Man's need to believe in the unbelievable.


Uh, I'm going to go across the street and get some air freshener.

Air freshener? Did i... nothing to do with you.

Your husband got knocked down in that fire.

Is he ok? Yes, thanks.

I met him, you know. I know.

He's a nice man, your husband.

I know.

Does he always drool like that?

He's a mouth breather. Is that a problem?

I don't think you came here to just make fun of my husband.

No, I did not, although I do enjoy it.

I miss you. I miss you, and i... you're avoiding me.

Not intentionally.

Did I scare you off?

I don't scare easily.

Crazy. It's... new neck exercise? yes, actually.

You know, that reminds me, I have a question for you.

You always have a question for me.

This time before you ask, let's talk a little quid pro quo.

If you get to ask a question, I get to ask you a question.

Ok. What's your question?

How many college professors does it take to screw in a light bulb?

No, don't answer that. That's not the real question.

My question to you is... do you claim to have supernatural powers?

Define "supernatural."

Ahh! Now we're getting somewhere.

Supernatural meaning, not of this world.

Do you claim to be connected to the supernatural?

Sometimes it feels that way.

How do you... ok, that was your one question. Now it's my turn.

If somebody said to you that there would be 5 signs and then death would come, what would you think?

I would think about selling my house and moving to the nearest police station.

I'm being serious.

That's what scares me.

I mean, aside from...


5 represents the unification of 2, in the feminine element, and 3, the masculine element.



5 represents the 5 senses, the 5 wounds of the christ, the 5... the 5 pillars of piety.

In islam 5 is a big one.

A powerful, strong number.

Let's not kid ourselves, sister.

It wasn't the jackson 4.

So what's going on?

Not yet.

Hi. Can I help you?

Thanks for coming.

Who are you?

It burns.

Everything burns.

What does that mean?

He knows.

He knows why.

Who knows? so, what are we saying here?

The ghost set the fire at the restaurant?

Let's just say he caused it.

He said "he knows, he knows why."

Who? The owner?

Yeah. You said that it had burned down once before, right?

Yeah, about a year ago.

Ahh. See? That's the one I need to know more about.

Hey, you know my buddy freddy diaz?

I've heard you talk about him, but I've never met him.

He's the county arson investigator.

He's been on the scene all week.


Does that mean I'm not the only one who thinks it was set?

No, it's routine.

You see, every fire gets investigated the same way until they've figured out how it happened.

So, look, I don't think you're going to find any wanted posters for ghosts.

So, why don't you go, talk to him, see what he can tell you?

I'll give him a head's up. You want a glass?

Mm-mmm. Ok.

Mmm. Thank you.

Melinda, my husband's still in there.

Are you sure? Maybe he came out around the corner.

No! No. He's in there.

He's at the bottom of the stairs.


I'm really sorry to bother you.

Excuse me, ma'am. You're supposed to be behind the barricade.

There's a man trapped inside.

No, there isn't. We got everybody outside.

Please believe me.



Come on.

Where we going?

Back inside.

You're welcome.

Man: Everything ok?

Is everything ok?

Oh, I'm sorry.

You looked like you were a million miles away there.

You caught me.

Actually, I'm looking for freddy diaz.

Oh, that's me.

You are... hi. I'm melinda gordon.

I think that you know my husband, jim clancy.

Oh, are you kidding?

You have any idea how much beer I have consumed with that man over the course of... anyway. Uh... what can I do for you?

The first fire happened in the middle of the night.

They were closed, no customers.

Did you investigate that one, too?

Oh, yeah.

Figured that one out in about a half-hour.


In a big way.

How can you tell?

Tons of ways.

You look for accelerants, pour patterns, ignition sources.

But the surest way to know is when you find the arsonist's body right where the fire started.

Pretty much a slam dunk.

Someone died in that fire?


Tried to screw his ex-partner over.

Insurance scam is what we figured.

See it all the time.

It's amazing what people try to get away with.

Not too smart, though.

Guy burned to death.

People have no idea how fast a fire can spread.

What about this fire?

Any idea what caused it?

This matters to you, why?

Sorry. I'm just doing some research on arson, fire, things like that.

Mmm. You mean, for a book or something?

You never can tell.

I haven't found any evidence to suggest arson.

We're gonna keep looking though.

Say hi to jim for me.

Watch your step on the way out.


Lilly chen.


What is that?

Stained glass?

Everything will burn.

Everyone will burn.


I'm fine.

I just got so hot I couldn't breathe.

I can't decide whether to move into the firehouse or have the firehouse move in here.

Well, at least I know who the ghost is.

It's the guy who set fire to his own restaurant?


And then a year later set fire to it again, after he died?

I think so. Why?

Maybe... I don't know.

Maybe he's been in some kind of sleep state all this time.

You know, it does usually take some big event or... I don't know, some kind of ripple.

And you think the re-opening of the restaurant set him off?

Well, yeah!

I need you to lie down.

That's not lying down.

Well, why don't you turn your head sideways, and then it'll look like I'm lying down?

You are a terrible patient.

He said that everything was going to burn.

Every one was going to burn.

What for? I don't know.

But, you know, he's obviously coming to me for some reason.

Maybe he wants my help.

And maybe he's just completely evil, and he enjoys the attention.

Either way I have to cross him over before he burns something else down.

All right.

You said he recognized his wife?

Yeah, he said her name.

I tried to find her before you got home, and there's no listing for her anywhere.

Why don't you talk to that guy jesse at the restaurant?

He knows... warren chen.

Right. His partner. Talk to him, see what he can tell you.

Can you get me his address?

Well... that depends what's in it for me.

How's your blood pressure?


Now lie down.

Ok, i'll lie down.

I hope you don't mind if I keep working.

I got to get this place in shape.

It's gotta go on the market next week.

I know that this is a bad time for you right now.

Yeah. Well, that's what happens when you lose a business twice in one year.

Wasn't there any insurance?

Yeah, but with the first one, they didn't want to pay.

Insurance companies tend to frown on arson.

Then I had to borrow money from my father to rebuild, and no one wanted to insure the new place.

Look, I really appreciate what your husband did for me, but I really don't want to think about any of this right now.

I'd like to talk about the first fire, last year.

And warren chen.

Why are you doing this? What do you want from me?

I'd just like to know more about him.

Warren was my partner, and he was my friend.

He burned down your restaurant.

And it broke my heart! He was like a brother to me.

Look, I don't know why he did what he did that night.

But you didn't know him, and you can't come here and talk about him like he's some kind of criminal.

Ok, I'm sorry.

Ok. Well, now I have things to do.

What about lilly?

Do you know where she is?

She had a total breakdown after warren.

Look, what do you want from her and what do you want from me?

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to... just leave us alone. Leave me alone.

Leave her alone. We've l been through enough.

I really hate being the only one who knows how that fire got started.

So, did jesse say anything helpful?

No. He's pretty raw.

I'm guess I'm going to have to find lilly and see if she knows anything that can help.

Well, how are you going to do that?

You said there was no listing.

You can help me.

I knew that was coming.

Ok. All you have to do is find out where she lived with warren.

I'm sure there's a record from the last fire.

She might still be there.

I'll take a look.


One kiss.

Go to work.

They're gonna take a look.

Don't worry.

Let's go, let's go.

There's somebody still here.

You ok?

I'm all right.

Let's do this.
Anybody here?!

Can you hear us?

If you can hear us, make a sound!

Did you hear that? What's that?

Man: Get out!

I hear something. I think someone's here.

Turn off the radio. Radios off.

Right there. That's it.

We got 2!

Radio: We got them! We found them!

Move it! Let's go!

Make sure you check on him, ok?

Make sure he's ok?

I will.

Thank you.

Hey, I'm going across to lentos on the square.

You want anything?

No, thanks.

Whatcha looking up?

Trying to find someone.

Aren't we all? Old friend?

Not really.

Old enemy?

It's a long story.

I'm starting to get the idea that there's a lot of long stories attached to you.

More than you know.

Hey, it's cool, I was just gonna... you know, it's a friend of mine whose husband died, and I'm trying to check up on her, but I don't know how to find her.

Phone book?

No, I tried the old number and it just said disconnected.

Hmm. You know, I love those kind of good puzzles.

Yeah. I'll figure this one out.

So, has jim remembered your anniversary yet?

No. He's still playing poker on friday night.

Time for a hint?

I don't want to trick him into remembering.

You know, men have so much crap on their minds this time of year.

There's football, basketball, ice hockey...

america's next top model.

Yeah. I guess it's no big deal.

I mean, maybe this stuff isn't that important after all.

Yeah, my husband was really excellent at forgetting our anniversary, too.

And it didn't really matter that much, or at least that's what I told myself.

And I would drop hints all the time, but it never worked.

And finally one day I just looked at him and I said, charlie, what the hell is it about our anniversary?

Why won't you just remember it and get it over with?

And he looked at me and he smiled, and he said...

'cause it's just one day.

What's one day when you compared it... to being married to you every single day?

That's a really good answer.

Yeah. That was charlie.

The funeral home.


Your friend.

Why don't you check with the funeral home where her husband had his wake?

What if she moved, you know, after the wake?

I bet they have a cell number or maybe her work number.

You are a genius.


Please tell my son that.



The chens.

I remember the chen family.

Do you remember the wife?


Just that she seemed so sad.

It was only her and a man, about her age... he was just inconsolable.

Cried more than she did, if I remember.

Must have been jesse, his partner.

I didn't get the name.

I tried to comfort them, tried to tell them that warren was at peace now... but, of course... I know.

So sorry to keep you waiting.

We do still have the records from that funeral, but I'm afraid I couldn't give you any personal information.

Oh, I understand.

But if I could impose on you just a little bit more... um, would you mind calling ms. Chen and just giving her my phone number, just let her know that I have a message about warren, and that it's really important that I speak to her.

If it's that important... thanks, I really appreciate that.

Tell him he did a fantastic job on the hair for the woman in room 5.

The family loved it.

So did she.

People really love your work.

Let's walk.

I have to admit, I didn't think you'd call me back.

I'm not sure why I did.

But for some reason I felt like I had to.

You said you had a message about warren.

Did you know him?

No, not really. Um... I've been doing some research on the restaurant fire, the red noir.

You know, I don't mean to pry, but do you know why warren would do what he did?

It doesn't make sense.

What was he like?

He always said his life had perfect balance, except then he got into business with jesse.

To be his partner.

Yes, and that was the problem.

He wasn't just a chef anymore.

He had to deal with the business... the hiring, the firing.

He hated it. Worst of all, it had nothing to do with his talent, what made him happy.

His mood changed.

He was always so stressed.

Do you think that's why he set the fire?

So he could get out of it?

I just don't know.

What if I told you there was a way you could ask him?

I don't know what you... what if I said that warren's spirit is still here?

I can help you talk to him, through me.

No. Lilly, please... he showed me a piece of glass.

Stained glass, does that mean anything to you?

I don't want him to see me.

I don't want him to know.


Warren chen?

I need to talk to you.

I can help you.

I spoke to your wife and jesse.

They don't really understand why you did what you did.

Warren: What did I do?

Set the restaurant on fire. Twice.

Don't you remember that?

I remember being mad at jesse.


I wanted him to buy me out.

I needed him to buy me out.

He kept telling me he'd pay me off, and then he'd always have an excuse.

He was never going to give me what was mine.

Did you think you were going to get money from the fire?

From the insurance? Or were you just trying to get back at jesse?

I don't remember.

You really hate this place.

I was a chef... before.

I used to love to come to work.

I couldn't wait.

People loved what I did.

When I got this place with jesse, it all changed.

I used to dream about fire... about this place burning down.

And then i'd be free.

Warren, I know how much pain you're in, but you have to cross over. There's a better place for you.

I can't.

Ok. Look, the revenge that you wanted to get on jesse, you got it.

All right? He's ruined.

He's probably never going to be able to open a business again.

It's lilly.

There's something she has to know.


I don't know.

Does it have something to do with that stained glass?

I love her so much.

I'm afraid I hurt her.

I have to talk to her.

Don't let lilly think I forgot her.

You know what, noah?

I think i'll see you back at the station.

Ah! Sorry... aah! It's ok.

You remember me?

Yeah. You threw my slipper at me.


I tossed it at you. There's a difference.

Let me see if I can fix this.

There's a trick to it.


That's not it.

I hope you're better at putting out fires.

I'll buy you a new one.

Don't worry about it.

I'm jim... jim clancy, by the way.

Melinda gordon.

Nice to meet you.

I have to... where you headed?

Uh... now to get an umbrella.


Produce. My apartment is full of soot, so... I don't know about you, but I'm starved.

Well, good luck with that.

Hey, let me buy you a late dinner.

I know a place.

What place?

Ever heard of the umbrella room?


Come on.

Welcome to the umbrella room.

Well, you got class, i'll give you that.

Anybody can take you to sardi's.

Thanks, boss.

You won't find this kind of food there.

One can hope.

Do you live close by?

Well, near. West 90th.

That's the upper west side.

This is the east village.

That's not close at all.

I was never any good with a compass.

You got a little, uh... on your lip.



I know.

You were pretty sure that guy was in that apartment.

Lucky guess.

No. You knew.

You were sure.

I've been thinking about it all night.

How did you know?

You know what? I have to go home.

I have work in the morning.

You know, I hate secrets.

So, how did you know?

Maybe someday i'll tell you.

Earth to melinda.


I was lost in thought.

What about?

Um... about... about how to get lilly chen to talk to her husband.

I never got her number when she met me.

But she called you, right?

So it's probably in my phone memory. Hello.

Uh. Here. Look.

This number... I don't recognize it.

That's got to be it.


I just don't like doing this kind of thing over the phone.

You mean you really don't like the hanging-up-
in-your-face part.


You online?

Yeah... let me try something.

All right. This is a reverse phone directory site.

You put the phone number in, you get an address, unless it's been blocked.

You never cease to amaze me.



You already gave me this address.

There was a time he was like my brother.

I'm so sorry, warren.

And lilly... she was my wife.

We went through so much together.

Look, we don't really know what happened... or when it happened.

I just died. How could they... you died a year ago, warren.

Things change.

People change. Sometimes they have to move on.

I'm going to burn them.


I will burn everything.



Ow! Jesse!

Hey, what the hell is... god, it's hot. Are you all right?

It's just my furnace. What's wrong with you?

There is nothing wrong with your furnace.

Ok? Just please come outside?


Just please. Warren's here.

Warren? What are you talking about?

Warren's spirit is still here.

Ok? He's been haunting the restaurant.

He caused the fire. And he knows about you and lilly, and he's really mad... are you on dr*gs?

Warren, don't do this!

What the hell?

She says warren's spirit is still here.

Look, he knows about you and jesse.

You have to talk to him before he burns the house down.

Are you ok?

Aah! Please!

If that's you, if you're doing this, please stop! I'm so sorry!

Tell him how much you love him.

Use his name.


I love you so much!

He's right here... next to me.

Ask her how long.

How long was she with him?

Before I died?

He wants to know if you were with jesse before he died.

No, never... it wasn't like that.

Warren... I knew you loved me.

All I wanted was for us to get our lives back... I wanted you to quit, to be happy... I didn't mean for it to happen, warren.

I never thought of jesse that way... but when you... when you died... we were both so... so lost.

Jesse was destroyed.

He cried for you... he called your name. He was so torn up.

Warren: No!

He cried.


Now I remember.

He remembers.

Lilly was making a stained glass window for our bedroom.

I saw this beautiful piece of glass on my lunch hour.

I hadn't bought her a gift in such a long time.

And i'd had another fight with jesse about the money.

I left work mad and was halfway home when I realized I forgot the gift.

I went in the back way... jesse!

What are you doing?

He watched you.

He watched you set the fire.

Is this true?

Lilly, please.

You have to believe me. I didn't mean to.

I did it for all of us!

We were going broke!

It wasn't working!

And I thought if warren found out, that he'd quit for sure.

The insurance paid off, we'd just start over.

Clean slate.

I made one mistake.

He wasn't supposed to be there.

I don't know why warren came back.

What the hell are you doing here? Get out!

Go on! Go on! Go back!

I can't!

Why'd you come back here?!

Why did you do this?

Warren, get out of here! Go on! Come on!

Make a run for it! No! No, no, not there!

Aah! Not there!

Aah! No!

I swear I didn't mean to hurt him.

Just let him take the blame.

Yeah, but what difference did it make?

Nothing could have brought warren back.

I never said he did it.

The arson investigators did.

Lilly please... uhh!

Get away from me!

It wasn't the reopening that woke you up.

It was lilly and jesse being together.

You had to tell her that the man she was living with k*lled you.

Please tell her... I always loved her.

No matter how hard I worked... no matter how much it seemed like I wasn't there.

I did it for her.

I wanted to give us a life.

He wants you to know that he always loved you.

And he worked so hard because he wanted the two of you to have a good life... we did have a good life.

You and me together, warren.

I didn't need anything else.

How can I be dead... if this hurts so much?

If I love her so much?

You'll always love her.

Tell her no matter what happens... i'll be waiting for her.

Tell her i'll never forget her eyes.

I'll see them again, with mine someday.

He's ready to cross over now.

Well, are you going to open it, or you just going to wait for your x-ray vision to kick in?

Come on. What's the occasion?

There doesn't have to be an occasion.

I just saw it and thought of you.


Hot dogs!


It works and everything.

Ha ha! Perfect!

You are a genius.

I love you. What a surprise.

Um, you know, I don't want you to be late for the guys.

So, you should get going.

Oh, yeah, yeah. Hey, you know what? Could you do me a favor?

Grab my jacket out of the closet. I'm just gonna plug this in.

I just want to see if it works once, you know?

I'll get an extension cord. Sure.

Sometimes these things are a little temperamental.


The fuse might not hook in just right.

I'll get your jacket.

There's a trick to it.

Dinner at the umbrella room?

I'd thought you'd forgotten.


I'd thought you'd forgotten.