02x07 - A Vicious Cycle

Complete collection from season one to five. Aired: September 2005 to May 2010.*
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A newlywed with the ability to communicate with the earthbound spirits of the recently deceased overcomes skepticism and doubt to help send their important messages to the living and allow the dead to pass on to the other side.
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02x07 - A Vicious Cycle

Post by bunniefuu »

My name is Melinda Gordon. I just got married. Just moved to a small town. Just opened up an antique shop. I might be just like you. Except from the time that I was a little girl, I knew that I could talk to the dead. It's all right, honey. "Earthbound spirits" my grandmother call them. They stay here because they have unfinished business with the living, and they come to me for help. To tell you my story, I have to tell you theirs.

So... this is really, really great.

Out in nature, no one but us for miles.

Who knew that camping could be so much fun.

What'd I tell you? The clean air. The smell.

There's nothing like it.

Yeah. I'm getting that feeling.

I'm just glad you came this time, ok?

Besides, I thought when you said we were going to the woods, you meant the woods.

That place where Delia always wants to take you to?

Yeah. Salt scrubs, seaweed wraps, massages.

That would be the one.

Pushaw! Uhh!

Besides, we got all the luxury right here.

Ahh. And these hands, they got more magic in them than any seafood wrap.


Oh, right. That's it.

Ahh. Yep.

Ahh. This place hasn'
changed a bit.

You used to come out here with your father?


Me, my brother... and my old man.

No mom?

No. She loved camping about as much as you do.

Hey! Ha ha.

Oh, no.

Sorry. The wood probably was just green.

All right.


Why don't you-

I'll go-

This the crisp air you were talking about?

Did I forget to mention-ahh-

we might get a little weather.

Zip it.

Hey, do you hear that?

Hmm? Crickets.

Not that.





Somebody out there?


Come out, come out, wherever you are. Come out, come out Hello?


Oh, where is it?

Where is it?

Hey. No, no, no. It's ok.

It's ok, it's ok.

You all right?

Oh, I'm so glad it's you.

I'm glad I saw your light because when I woke up and you weren't in bed, ... I almost freaked out.

Sorry. I heard something.

A woman's voice.

I found this.

That's been there for a while.

Yeah. Look at this.

The, uh... the moldy sippy cup?

No. No, there was a-

there was a creepy baby doll.

A baby doll.

The woman's voice, it sounded desperate, and...

I don't know. I just feel like maybe I should stay in case she comes back.


I think she knows where you're staying. We're the only ones up here for miles.

Ok. You're right. If she needs me, she'll find me.

Yeah. Come on. Let's go and get some sleep.

I got some plans for tomorrow.


Come out, come out, wherever you are.


Don't be afraid.

I wanna help you.


Morning, sunshine.

It's disgusting how cheerfu you are in the morning.

Well, you sleep much deeper out here in the... fine air.

Speak for yourself.

Ah. Breakfast smells so good. I'm starving.

Yeah. Breakfast was about 4 hours ago.

This would be lunch.

Just tell me there's coffee.

All right.

Do I sense a less than perfect night's sleep?

Well, between the ghosts, stinking air-

Air mattress, I didn't sleep all night.

She came back? Why didn't you wake me up?

'Cause I didn't have any dynamite?

You know, it's weird.

She made the doll appear in the fire.

That's creepy.

What's the message?

I don't know. Stay away?

She's done everything she can to get rid of us, even that weird windstorm.

You know, I'm sorry.

I hope I haven't tainted this place for you.

No. I feel sorry for your ghost.

Yeah. That hide and seek song she keeps singing makes me think she's looking for a child.

Well, that would explain why she's so territorial.

She's trying to say something else. I just don't know what.

Yummy. I'm starving.

You're going to need it.

Oh? - I was thinking that we'd go on a little hike.

A hike sounds nice.

Might have to make a small detour.

Oh, come on. You got to admit, this is kind of exciting.

Ah, I don't know. To me, a swimming hole's exciting.

Haunted, rusty cars, not so exciting.

It doesn't look like there was an accident.

Maybe they just ran off the road. but there is no road here.

Aha. There used to be.

The main road used to run through the pass till the forest service took over and made this all a reserve.

Look at you with that thing.

Maybe this was a side road.

Well, how long ago was that?

I don't know. My dad and I first started coming out here about 20 years ago. car's been here at least that long.

I think I found a registration.

Only thing I can make out is Anna.

Well, it's a first name anyway.

Hey, do you think you can trace this license when you get back to work?

I can do better than that.

I can request a history of all
911 calls made out of the region.

I can do that if we get out of here now because I'd really like to make it to the falls by dark.

Last one there gets pushed down!

Oh, um, there's some really great vintage baby rattles over there.

Thanks. I'm just waiting on a friend.


These alabaster lamps are really hard to find.

You've got a good eye.

No. Absolutely not.

That skateboard park is an accident waiting to happen.

You sure grant's mom is going to be there?

Is my receipt in the bag?

Can you just put her on the phone?

What? What do you mean she's not there?

Here's your receipt.

No solvents. Just some soap and water and, um... something for your next purchase.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Ok, fine, but if I find out that you didn't wear a helmet, you are dead.

Yes. I love you, too.

I am so sorry.

That woman is never coming back again, is she?

Oh, I think she will. I gave her a 20% off coupon.

You definitely don't miss a trick.

Thanks for covering for me.

Anytime. Was that ned?


I always thought I'd worry about him less as he grew up, but I worry about him more.

You know, at this rate, I won't stop worrying about him until I'm dead.

If you're lucky.

Chances are, I'll still be worrying from my grave. - Lanie!

It sounds like I chose a bad time to leave you...

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

With the store.

Oh, no. Just the opposite.

It was great to take my mind off the little daredevil.

So, was camping as dreadful as you thought it would be?

Actually, it was kind of exciting.

It was good for jimmy and I to have some time alone.

Aha. Fess up. Do I detect a little biological alarm clock going off?

Uh, ooh. No, nothing like that. Mm-mmm.

Come on. You can tell me.

I know I gripe, but motherhood rocks.

You are going to love it.

I'm sure I will. Can you just excuse me for a second?

What are you doing?

I'm sorry.

I just wanted to see your adorable baby, and, oh, my god. She's so cute.


It's like she's testing me, trying to see if she can trust me.

You think this ghost is a worried mom... looking for her kid.

Yeah, but I didn't realize until today how intense that feeling is.

Wait a minute.

What happened today?

I just had a couple of anxious moms at the store. Delia being one.

Please tell me that this is not the same stove that you used with your dad.

Yes, miss change the subject.

That is the same stove I used with my father.

And it works like new.

I got a little something for you.

That's the trace, with an address for one anna fowler.

You traced the license already?

Yep. That's how I roll.

It expired in '86.

That's probably around when she died.

Well, we'll know that for sure when the 911 trace comes back, which will probably take a couple of weeks, because anything more than 10
years old is in the main archives.

You're my hero. This is brookside. It's close.

Don't get too excited.

Anybody who lives in that house probably never heard of... anna fowler.

Well, I have a secret w*apon.

Delia can trace real estate transactions for me.

You know, one of these days she is going to get suspicious.

Yeah, and one of these days, I'm going to have to do something about it.

Come out, come out, wherever you are.

Uh, you know, I'll be right back.

Can you throw this thing in the trash for me?

Yeah, sure.


Anna, I can't help you if you won't talk to me.

Are you looking for someone?

I have to find her.

Who do you have to find?

My baby girl.

She's lost.

Can you tell me what happened?

I... I was cold.

Mel, where'd you put the, um...

I scared her away, didn't I?


But she left us something.

Lanie was a baby she must dead too I really shouldn't be doing this.

You said you wanted to keep a foot in real estate.

Yes, to make money, but not to snoop on other people's records.

Well, it's for a good cause.

A little girl's missing her doll.

Well, she wouldn't be a little girl anymore if we're looking at records this far back.

Ok. Here it is.

The house was sold in 1991 and the owner's name was brad fowler.

Does it say anything else about him?

Like what, he's a gemini and likes long walks on the beach?

I mean, like his occupation.

Uh... he was a therapist.

Hey, maybe you can k*ll two birds with one stone.

You're hilarious. Thank you.


I just thought you'd like to know that the car was found.

This is, uh... this is strange.

All those years...

I'm guessing it belonged to your wife?

My wife is dead.

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... it's just I found something in the car that I thought may have belonged to a child.


This was my little girl'S.

It was really very, very thoughtful of you to go to all this trouble.

It was no trouble.

My wife, anna, we were... separated at the time.

She died up in those woods... in a snowstorm.

Just a bit of a shock seeing all of this.

I understand.

I'd rather not have this.

Maybe you can give it to a hospital or something.

Brings up some pretty tough memories.

I don't mean to pry, but did something happen to your daughter also?

Worse thing that can happen to a little girl.

I'm so sorry.

She was abandoned by her mother.

You mean she didn't die in the storm?


She wasn't even in the car.

She was at home with me.

Where's my baby?!

I don't know yet.

Are you hiding her?


I'm trying to help you, but I need to know what you remember.

Nothing. I don't remember anything.

Ok. I know that this is hard, but you have to try.

It will come if you're not afraid of remembering.

But I am afraid.

Look at the doll.

That's what you were protecting.

I was scared.

It was bad out.

I knew it was stupid to be on the road, but I felt like I couldn't stop.

Like I shouldn't stop.

I don't know why.

I panicked.

Where was my baby?

I couldn't remember.

Anna, I... I found your husband.

Lane was with him that night. She wasn't in the car with you.


She's alive.

I can't believe it.

Can I see her?

No, I haven't found her yet.

But there's something else.

Your husband said that you left him... and lane, that he raised her alone.


No. No, I would never do that.

She's my life, she's all I have.

Yeah. I'm sure that that's true, but brad said no! I didn't abandon my baby!


Maybe I should talk to her alone first.

See how she feels.

Brad said that she lives nearby, so...

I have to see her.

You will.

I swear. Just... let me do this first.

My baby's alive.
Hi. I'm melinda gordon.

I own the antique shop in town.

I found something that I think you might want.

I talked to your dad-

oh, my god. My muffins.

Come in. Come in. please don't burn Hot, hot, hot!

Oh, oh!god You'd never guess I do this for a living.

Ah. Chocolate peanut butter cup.

My new greatest invention.

Those aren't the ones they sell at village java, are they?

The very same.

I love those. I'm totally addicted.

It's part of my evil plan.

I do birthdays, too.

So, you were saying that, uh, my father sent you?

But if what you found is a wedding dress, ... you can forget about it.

A dress?

I know he means well, and I'm sure your vintage pieces are very sweet, but I told him a gazillion times, it's a hawaiian luau.

I mean, I love the guy to bits, but it's my wedding, right?

I'm-you know-actually-

ah! Oh!


I'm such a klutz.

Don't scare me like that.

I thought you were at the library studying.

Well, I couldn't stay away from you so long.

Ok. Enough with the flowers. I get it. You're sorry, but we are running out of vases.

Oh, god. I'm so rude.

Todd, this is melinda.

She owns that cute antique store downtown.

Oh, yeah. It was nice to meet you.

Hey, babe, I'm gonna squeeze in a couple more hours before dinner.


As if getting married wasn't enough, he's studying for the bar.

Mmm. Why all the flowers? he feels bad.

It was a nothing argument really.

It was my fault.

But who's complaining, right?

Right. Um, actually, I didn't come here about a dress.

I wanted to return something to you.

Uh, no. That's-that's not mine.

Why would you think it is?

Because I found it in your mom's car.

Lanie It;s yours, isn't?

What? we should go outside and talk.


My mom left when I was 3, but it still gets to me.

So you remember her?


How she used to sing along to the radio, the way she smelled when she kissed me good night.

The rest I just learned from my dad.

Did your dad tell you why she left?

Look, um... you're real easy to talk to, but... why are you asking me this?

Your mother... her spirit is still here.

I've seen her.

I've spoken to her.

You're telling me you've seen my mother's ghost?

I know.

Believe me, I know that it sounds crazy, but... it's my gift.

She's the one who gave me this doll, and she wanted to find you very badly. She loves you very much.

What are you doing?

Why are you doing this to me?


Nothing. I'm just telling you the truth.

My mother was mentally ill.

My father said she had delusional paranoia.

She left us.

She left me, and then she died, so I couldn't even know her.

Uh! What the hell!

What happened?

I don't know. it just expl*si*n Anna.

What are you doing?

I'm sorry. I-I think anna is doing this. I'm just not really sure why.

Look, I don't know what you're trying to pull, but I want you out of here, ok? Now.

You ok?

Uh... yeah.

What happened in there?

I had to see her.

She needs me.

She's a big girl now. She grew up really well.

You don't have to worry about her anymore.

Yes, I do!

Look, if your marriage ended badly, I'm really sorry about that, but you can't take it out on lane and todd.

Believe me, the best thing that you can do for your daughter is just to move on.


As long as my baby needs me, I'm never leaving.




What's going on in there?!



You have to get over here quick.

I think I need you.

The door's jammed.

Don't worry. Jim will get us in.


Todd, where are you, man?

Oh, my god! Baby!

It's all right. He's all right. Come over here. Come over here.

Oh, my god. He's bleeding.

Go away!

He's gonna need stitches.

I'm gonna go grab my kit. Pressure.

It wasn't enough that she abandoned me?

She's got to come back from the grave to haunt me?!

I don't know why she's not moving on, but I'll try to fix it, ok? I promise.

I have no idea how to fix this.

Oh, yeah? Maybe this'll help.

911 report. We just got it faxed to us.

"Anna fowler. Female. Caucasian.

Cause of death, hyperthermia.
"Page one of 3". Where's the rest of it?

Hey, hey, hey. That was before we got computerized.

We're lucky to have gotten anything at all.

I'm sorry I'm so grumpy.

Grumpy? You got a crazy ghost making you crazy.

Oh, I married a comedian.

Hey, the guy who wrote this report, do you know him?

Yeah. I know andy.

Sure, I remember that night.

Changed me forever.

Got a call that morning from the woman's sister... she was worried because she hadn't shown up the night before.

Andy, you led the rescue team up, right?

Not right away. That storm was something fierce.

Worst I'd seen up till then.

Had to wait until it was practically dark for it to subside.

It couldn't have been easy finding her with all that snow falling.

You're not kidding.

There was no sign of her along the main road, so we split up.

The footprints were pretty well covered already.

But I knew they had to be hers.

So I followed them for quite a ways.

I knew right away that she didn't make it.

I went to check her pulse... and that's when I realized... what?

What did you realize?

The little girl... was alive.

It was a miracle.

A true miracle.

Her mother used the warmth of her own body to keep her kid alive.

Lane was with her mother that night.

Anna died trying to save her baby.

Why would her husband lie about that? y would bradlie about that?

I don't know. But I think that you do and...

I hope bringing you back here will help you remember.

She was with me.

She was with me.

Yes. She was. Anna... no. You don't understand. It... it all makes sense now.


Mommy, my dolly! Mommy!

I knew I should stay in the car, but... it was like a refrigerator.

Mommy, I'm scared.

I thought if I just kept moving.

Come on, sweetie.

I was scared. I was trying to get away.

I just couldn't let him find me.

Who? Who were you running from?

My husband.




He hit me.



I always thought it was my fault.

If I could just be a better wife.

Until that night...

Come back here! I'm not done!

Open the door!

And we had another one of our fights.

Anna! Open the door!

I thought she was asleep, but our fighting woke her up.

Oh, baby.

Oh, baby.

Anna! let me in!

Mommy, don't let him in.

Please don't let him in.

I saw how scared she was.

And I knew we had to get out.

But if you were being abused... why didn't your friends or anyone help you?

I was too ashamed to tell them.

I wore long sleeves to cover the bruises.

And if anyone did notice, I'd just laugh it off.

Clumsy me.

Everyone thought we were the perfect couple.

And we were when we weren't fighting.

Brad would feel so bad after one of our fights, he'd spoil me like crazy, presents, big bouquets of flowers, the works.

Is that why you att*cked todd?

Because you saw him give lane the bouquet of flowers?

When I saw him with that bouquet, something just snapped inside of me.

She has to know what you went through.

What you did for her.

Please tell me she's not here.

It's just me.

She gone for good?

No, but she said she'd stay away until you're ready to see her.

That would be never.

Anna didn't abandon you.


I talked to the paramedic who rescued you.

You were with her when she died.

I was with her when she left my dad?

She took you with her.

But... why would my dad lie about that?

Maybe he feels ashamed.

Ashamed of what?

My dad? He's the greatest dad anyone could ask for.

Did some pretty bad things to your mom.

Look, my dad would never hurt anyone, ok?

If she said he did, it's because she's crazy.

I don't know. Maybe she hates me. You saw what she did to todd.

That was because of the flowers.

Your dad always gave her flowers after they had a fight.

It was a gut reaction when she saw todd give you the bouquet.

Ok. Stop. You've gone too far.

I don't need you meddling in my life.

It's complicated enough right now.

Your mom died trying to keep you safe. She wanted to protect you.

And now she needs to know that you're ok so she can move on.

Would it k*ll you to just at least talk to her?

That ship's already sailed.

At least I know I can trust my instincts. Anna isn't crazy.

But lane didn't believe you?

When I told her her mom was abused, she just shut down.

Well, that's a pretty big b*mb you dropped on her.

Kind of blows away everything she grew up believing.

Yeah. Her father is a therapist.

I mean, you'd think he'd have it all figured out.

I guess she never really know.

Yeah. Well, I wouldn't mind meeting that guy in a dark room.

You are a bigger softie than me.

It was a nothing argument. My fault really.

I always thought it was my fault.

It's happening.

It's happening.

Oh, my god! I gotta go!

Lane! Lane, it's melinda!

Are you ok?

I'm fine.

Now isn't a good time.

Do you want me to get you out of here?

Are you crazy?

You've done enough damage.

Lane, get in here Lane!

I left so this would stop.

But it didn'T.

It never will.

Then we have to do something.

She won't listen to me... or to you.

Not now.


Is this some twisted joke?

I'm sorry.

I would normally do this slowly, explain gently that I have a gift, I can see spirits, I can cross them over, yada, yada.

Frankly, I don't have the patience or the time.

Lane needs you.

What do you mean?

I think she's being abused, just like you abused her mother.

What, um... what makes you say that?

Look, brad, you don't have to believe I can see ghosts, but please believe what I'm telling you about your daughter.

Ok. Ok. I'll admit I had doubts about todd.

I always thought it was just my own paranoia, projecting my own demons onto him.

But I know he loves her.

You loved me, too. Said you couldn't live without me.

You always said your heart beat only for me.

You said your heart beat only for her.

Is she really here?

Can-can-can you tell her-

tell her that I'm not the same person anymore?

That I've gotten help, and now I'm helping others.

I know that look of his, so full of guilt and remorse.

She can hear you.


I'm so sorry for... for what I did.

I just... hope you can forgive me.

All those times you begged me to forgive you, and I did... because I loved you, because I believed you could change.

And it looks like you have, but I can't forgive you.

I forgave you too many times when I was alive.

She wishes she could, but it's too late.


Of course... brad, the reason that anna is earthbound is not because of what you did to her.

It's lane.

You have one chance to redeem yourself, to help your daughter, please tell her the truth about you, so she that can she can know the truth about todd.

I didn't want you to know. That's why I lied.

I know it was wrong.

I hated myself for what I did to her.

I couldn't live if you hated me, too.

My mom didn't abandon me?

No. She didn'T.

So you let me believe that my mother left me?

That she didn't love me?

Lanie, the only reason I'm bringing this up now is because I don't want you to make the same mistake your mother did.

What do you mean?

Anna thinks todd is hurting you.

Lanie... they say that little girls marry their fathers-

just stop it, ok?

Todd and I are happy.

We're getting married, he's gonna pass the bar, and everything is gonna be great.

Just stop this.

Lanie, please.


My head is spinning.

I can't even think about this right now.

So you think she's waiting to see if lane's okay?

Sure. And believe me, she'll know. She's got the mommy-radar.

You know, I always wondered how my mom knew I spiked the punch at junior prom.

Go ahead, make fun of me, but, you know what, it's powerful stuff.

See, I think anna was in limbo. Earthbound but unaware.

Her daughter got engaged, and it sent a ripple effect through the universe that woke her up.

Oh, to be continued.

Is my mother here?

I always told myself it would get better.

When he passed the bar... when we got married.

When we moved into a bigger house.

He wasn't going to change.

You did the right thing.

My mother did the right thing.

Is that why she stayed here?

To stop me from staying with him?

Can I... can I thank her?

You just did.

She's here?

She's so beautiful.

I can't believe this is the tiny little girl I held in my arms.


She wants you to know how proud she is of you.

No, mom. It was you.

I can't believe how strong you were to do what you did.

How tough you were.

You protected me.

You saved me.

We saved ourselves.

I'm so scared, mom.

I don't know what I'm going to do now.

Yes, you do.

It's inside you.

Remember how strong you are.

And just think of me, and I'll be with you.

I'll be watching you from wherever I am.

She wants you to remember how strong you are.

She will always be watching over you.

I love you, mom.

I feel like I never got to say it to her.

You don't have to say it.

We both know it.

Thank you for everything.

She's gone?


But she's happy.

At peace.

I can't thank you enough.

I don't know what else to say.
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