04x03 - Pups Save a Teeny Penguin/Pups Save the Cat Show

Episode transcripts for the TV show "PAW Patrol". Aired: August 12, 2013 - present.*
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A group of six rescue dogs, led by a tech-savvy boy named Ryder, has adventures in "PAW Patrol."
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04x03 - Pups Save a Teeny Penguin/Pups Save the Cat Show

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ We are the cowpoke puppies ♪

Yes, sirree!

♪ This is our little jamboree ♪






♪ It's the cowpoke life
for me ♪


Great song, pups.


We're gonna play it tonight
at the big chili cook-off.

Everyone's so excited
to find out

whose town makes the best chili.

It's gonna be Adventure Bay,
of course.

Mr. Porter's chili is downright


Come, Chickaletta.

Let's visit Mr. Porter.

Maybe he'll let us sample

the yummiest chili in the world.

Sorry, Mayor Goodway.

You'll have to wait till tonight
to try my chili.

Your chili, Mayor Humdinger?

Then, shouldn't you be cooking
it right now?

Well, I'll have you know

I've been working very hard
to win this competition.


Ah-choo! Ah-choo!

Oh, Mr. Porter!

Are you all right?

I'm okay, but... ah-choo!

My stove went kablooey.


And my chili went all over!


And all this chili powder
went up my... ah-choo!



What a shame.

I suppose Foggy Bottom
automatically wins.

Oh, hardly!

The contest ends at tonight,

Hey, Ryder!

I'm here to help...

eat any treats that you happen
to drop.

(Giggling, phone ringing)

Hey, Mayor Goodway.
What's up?

Mr. Porter's chili,
that's what?


Oh, it's up and down and all
over the place.

His stove went kablooey!

Oh no!
Not the chili.

We're on our way.

No job is too big,
no pup is too small.


PAW Patrol, to the Lookout!

Ryder needs us!


Whoa! Whoops!



Thank you.

Thank you!
I'll be here all week.




PAW Patrol, ready for action,
Ryder, sir!

Thanks for hurrying, pups.

Mr. Porter's stove went kablooey
and ruined his batch of chili.


Poor, Mr. Porter.

He's got a bad case of chili
powder sneezes.

Otherwise, he's okay.

Too bad the chili isn't.

We have to help Mr. Porter get
cooking again.

So, for this mission
I'll need Rocky.

I need you to repair
Mr. Porter's stove.

Green means go!

Rubble, I need you
and your shovel

to clean up all
that spilled chili.

Let's dig it!

All right, PAW Patrol
is on a roll!

(Barking, cheering)


♪ PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪


♪ PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

(Barking) go, go, go


♪ Rocky! ♪


♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ PAW Patrol ♪

(Siren wailing)

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Rubble ♪


♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go! ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol ♪

(Tires screeching)



Oh, good!
Here they are.


Rubble, go inside and start
scooping up that chili.

You got it, Ryder!
Arf! Shovel!

Rocky, check out the damage
to the stove.

I'm on it!

Poor chili.
Never had a chance.

Bad news. The stove's heating
element is busted.

And I don't have a replacement
in my truck.

(Gasping) But how can we
win with a broken stove,

and a chef who can't stop...


Hmm, Mr. Porter may not be able
to cook it,

but he can give us his recipe
and we could cook it.

We can?

Here's the... ah-choo...

But you still need
something to...

ah, ah, ah-choo...
cook it on.

Why don't we make cowboy chili
the cowboy way?

Over a campfire!

Cooking in the open air will
give it a whole new,

ah-choo... flavor.

Outdoors, eh?

Why that idea sounds
positively steal-able.

(Laughing nefariously)

(Sirens blaring)

(Tires squealing)

Mayor Humdinger?
You're cooking here too?

Of course!

Everyone knows cooking
in the open air

gives chili a whole new
wonderful flavor.


Sounds like someone was
listening in on your ideas.

Rocky, can you make one of these
campfire tripods?


I know just what to use.

Rubble, use your shovel
to dig a campfire pit.

Rubble, on the double.

Skye, Zuma, Marshall,
you can gather kindling.

You got it.
Coming up!


Chase, keep an eye on
Mayor Humdinger.

These paws uphold the laws.


It actually smells... good.


Good sized fire-pit.

No trash that can burn.

Sand and water ready.
We're good to go.

Yay! We did it!
(Cheering, barking)

- We did it!
- We did it!

First ingredient, tomatoes.

Okay, what's next?

The recipe says onions...
Lots and lots of onions.

Onions, coming through.

My eyes are tearing up.

Heh, I never thought food could
make me sad!

(Pups laughing)

Time to start stirring, Rocky.

Ruff! Spoon!

Dude, that smells so good!


No, not yet, Rocky! It still
has to cook for a while.


Making chili isn't nearly as
hard as waiting to eat it.






Nice save, Rocky.

I'll fix that tripod,
so we don't lose any time.


Where'd that yarn come from?


Ahh... ah-choo!

Chili powder?


I have no idea
how that got there.

I don't see any kittens.


Not even that little meowing
dude up in that tree?

Is that a kitten?


Quick, Chase, your net.

Ruff! Net!

Don't worry,
little itty-bitty kitty.

We'll save you.



What was that about?

(Whooshing, splattering)

ZUMA: Where'd that
scorpion pepper come from?

They're like the hottest
peppers ever!

Ruff! Spoon.

MAYOR GOODWAY: We must get
that pepper out! Pronto!

I'm trying, but I can't find it.

Marshall, use your
x-ray screen.

Good idea!

X-ray screen.

♪ Here, pepper,
pepper, pepper ♪

(Mayor Humdinger laughing)

MAYOR HUMDINGER: Nothing but bad luck
for Adventure Bay today, it seems.

Anyone want a taste
of my winning chili?

Oh, no!

It's delicious.

There's that pepper!

And here I come...


uh, to the left.




This still tastes too spicy.

Don't worry.

If there's one thing I know,
it's what tastes great.

It just needs more tomatoes...

and oregano...

and a pup treat.


For me.

I like chili with something
crunchy on the side.

SKYE: I'll get the oregano.

I'll get the tomatoes.

(Triangle ringing)

Time's up!


Very good.

But also, very familiar.

Oh, that's because it's a...
uh, classic recipe.


But this...

is the best chili
I've ever tasted.



They must have cheated.


Oh, Mayor Humdinger!

You used canned chili?

Now, that's cheatin'!

Who needs your chili.




♪ It's the cowpoke
life for me ♪

You're all such good pups.

(Howling, laughing)

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