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03x11 - Frenemies: Chapter Eleven: The Haunting

Posted: 11/20/22 09:01
by bunniefuu
Let him go!

- You even hit Courtney.

- It was an accident!

But you haven't been

acting like yourself, Rick.

It's that hourglass.

You've been wearing it for too long.

- Come with us.

- I can't.

I think that thing is one of my dad's

crazy science experiments.

It was a giant mutant gorilla.

Yeah, a white one.

If the Ultra-Humanite

is as powerful as you say,

it'll take everyone to stop him,

including the Mahkents.

What the hell?

What is this?

At least you'll die together.

He k*lled people to get what he wanted,

and he was about to k*ll so many more.

Who k*lled my father?

I did it.


I won't let you stop me.


You can never save America.

You're filled with too much hate.

Ah! Gotcha.

You saved my life.

Just returning the favor.

Does this mean I get to be in JSA?

- What the hell?

- What's going on, man?

- What?

- Man, it's leg day.

The Ultra-Humanite k*lled The Gambler.

He tore into his trailer and stabbed him

in the heart with a claw.

Didn't see any claws.

More likely his teeth.

They were big and sharp.

However he was k*lled,

this is exactly why I've been

asking us to work together.

Whether you belong to the JSA

or the ISA,

our town needs us again.

Now, I know putting the past behind us

has been challenging for everybody.

Yeah. Me especially.

But you're working at it, Sylvester,

and well, that's what matters.

And we've made progress.

The Crocks are with us,

and I think we can get

Cindy back on board.

Why are we bothering with Cindy again?

Because she's already on the hunt

for the Ultra-Humanite.

So she might know what he's up to.

Cindy seemed pretty firm

about working solo.

Whatever grand plan

the Ultra-Humanite might have,

if history's taught us anything,

it's that it'll involve hurting

a lot of people,

including us.

'Cause, guys

This ain't no Donkey Kong.

Yeah. If we don't stop him,

it'll be game over.

1981, guys.

You know, you don't have to do a joke

on top of every joke that I do.

It's called banter, Pat.

All superheroes use it

during stressful situations

to defuse tension.

I know. It just seems

like you feel like you

always gotta get the last word

in on me just, you know

I don't know what you're talking about.

See? Right there. You're doing it.

Oh, is this what you want? No banter?

Just an overly serious conversation

that scares the hell out of everyone?

- Guys, stop.

- Sorry, Barb.

Sorry, Barb.

Okay, banter aside,

we need the Mahkents too.

And we need Cameron.

You mean you do.

He's as powerful as his father was.

Yeah, but if we all team up

and then the Mahkents put me on ice

because they figured out

that I ran their son over

- They won't.

- How do you know that?

Because they think I k*lled Jordan.

- What?

- Why do they think that?

It's not important.


Have you seen my parents?



Oh! Oh!




I'm home.

I brought one of these back

from every business trip I ever took

like a trophy.

Your mother used to love

how simple, and yet beautiful,

the worlds inside of them are.

Collecting these after she died

Was my way of honoring her.

One is missing.

Where have you been, Dad?

When I was hit, I lost

not only my form,

but all self-awareness.

I had no consciousness.

Just dreams.

Dreams of you, of your mother,

of our family.

It took everything I had to reform.

Why didn't you heal here?

Why let us think you were dead?


I was trying to protect you.

Protect me from what?

Your grandparents,

they explained everything to you, right?

Our family was hunted for generations.

To bring you into that history

would've put you in danger,

because once you knew

I know how hard it is to keep our secret

from those you hold close.

You told Courtney.

Then this happened.

Courtney told me she

was the one who k*lled you.

But she failed.

No, Mother.

It wasn't Courtney who did it.

It was her brother.


Then why would she tell me that?

To protect him.

But that's all in the past now.

And I've forgiven him.

I've forgiven all of them,

because they believe

what they were doing was right.

And after what happened,

my powers are somehow even stronger.

Courtney says you've k*lled people, Dad.

My goal was only ever to help people.

You know that.

You know me.

I thought I did.


My son,

almost losing my life,

almost losing you,

and listening to Courtney Whitmore,

it made me look at my past

actions in a different light.

Courtney's group and I,

we we want the same thing.

We could just never agree

on how we should achieve that.

But I think maybe now we can.

Yes, Father.

I want peace.

Guys, I've picked up a signal

from Sportsmaster's mask.

It's coming from under Blue Valley,

and I think I've found an access point.

Hold up, Artemis.

Where's Rick?

He didn't return my calls.

Well, we can't wait for him.

Do you think the Mahkents

did anything to the Crocks

or maybe that animal did?

If that white ape hurt my parents,

I'm gonna skin it alive.

The signal's getting stronger.

We're on the right path.

There it is, behind that door.

Maybe we should suit up.

- Where's the staff?

- Sylvester has it.

He's trying to get on

the Ultra-Humanite's trail.

Artemis, wait!

Mom? Dad?

This is command central

for our peeping Tom.

- But who was it?

- Ultra-Humanite?

This room's too small

for a giant mutant gorilla.


What is that?

- Oh, my God.

- What, Beth?


these are human remains.

Artemis. Hey.

Hey, Court.

Wh-what is it?

Barbara, you're never gonna believe it.


He's back!

He's back.

Hello, Barbara.

It's good to see you, Barbara.

I saw you die.

I know.


I wasn't sure myself at first,

but it seems my abilities extend

beyond just creating ice.

I can somehow become it.

What do you want?

I want my life back.

My death can be explained

away easily enough

as misinformation

after a tragic accident.

No one will believe it.

They already have.

They want to believe it,

because the people

of Blue Valley love me.

I've lost a year of my life, Barbara.

A year away from my son,

my parents, my work.

I know I can't get that time back,

but I can put the past behind me,

start over, rebuild.

Trust me, Barbara.

I'm a changed man.

I've seen who you are, Jordan.

You're pure evil. You'll never change.

But I have.

And who do we have to thank?

It's ironic, maybe, or fitting.

Your daughter, Courtney,

showed me it was possible.

She believes in people

in a way that I never did.

Yeah. In a way that you never will.

But I want to.

I wanna wipe the slate clean.

And to show I mean business,

I am willing to help the JSA

take down the Ultra-Humanite.

How do you know about that?

I've been watching

Blue Valley for some time.

That creature followed

Sylvester Pemberton here.

The Ultra-Humanite hated the ISA

just as much as the JSA,

because we refused to accept

him into our organization.

He didn't freeze Crusher and Paula.

It was you.

I didn't want to, Barbara.

I didn't set out to.

They came in, and it happened so fast.

It was terrible,

but it can end there.

All of it.

When you're ready to accept my help

against the Ultra-Humanite, let me know.

It really is good to see you, Barbara.

Come out, come out, wherever you are,

you damn dirty ape.



I've been trying to call you.

Reception's spotty. What's up?

We found the Crocks.

What's left of them.

What? The Ultra-Humanite?


Icicle's back.

I thought Icicle was dead.

He's already gone public.

Showed up at the American Dream.

We need to regroup.


Hey, calm down, all right?

Just take it easy.

I'm taking Icicle out

the first chance I get.

Executing him is not

the way to handle it

That creep k*lled me!

I know. I was there.

Jordan Mahkent put me in the ground.

And I buried you,

and I don't want to do it again.

And all this talk about unity

and second chances?

We gotta draw the line somewhere,

and Icicle is it!

But we have to act together as a team.

Why bother?

You tried that before,

and Icicle is surprise

not dead!

But we all thought that he was dead.

Well, you should have made sure.

You gotta check your work, Pat.

If you had, none of this

would be happening.

I'm just saying we have to have a plan.

There's a way to take care

of Jordan Mahkent

and handle the Ultra-Humanite.

They're sworn enemies.

We can use that to our advantage.

You're not suggesting

we lean into this nonsense

Icicle's been spouting off

about teaming up

and letting things go?

Bygones, my ass!

Hey, that's not what I'm saying.

The plan is this!

I'm taking out Icicle myself

whether anyone approves of it or not.

What are you doing here?

I know you heard.

My dad's back.

It's a miracle.

It is

surprising, yeah.

I mean, it's it's unreal.

It it means everything has changed.

Nothing has changed.

Cameron, he's been back for one day,

and Artemis's parents are dead.

I know.

And that is is awful, okay?

And he feels horrible about it,

but it was self-defense, okay?

He thought they were attacking him.

Why would they do that?

He was wearing a mask,

a suit that was helping him heal.

And they didn't know who he was,

so they probably just jumped

to conclusions

Your father hasn't taken responsibility

for any of his actions.

He's accountable

Courtney, where was the accountability

for the Crocks or Cindy?

How can you say they

deserve a second chance,

but my dad doesn't?

He wants us to live in peace,

as a family.

Isn't that what you want too?

Did he send you here?


Courtney, no.

Whatever happened before

between us, with my dad

things can be different now.

We can work together

like you always wanted.

He told me that.

Even my grandmother's agreed.

Let's just start over.


Think about it.


Okay. I got a good one.

Okay. What is it?

I'm gonna wish that Icicle

didn't have his powers.


Yeah, that is a great idea.

'Cause then he can't turn me

into a Popsicle,

and the team will have no problem

dragging his ass to jail.

I wish that Jordan Mahkent,

the man also known more commonly

by the Justice Society

of America as Icicle,

and currently residing

in Blue Valley, Nebraska,

did not have the ability

to freeze me or my friends,

because he was just a normal human being

without powers of any kind.


I'm sorry, Jakeem.

I can't do that.

What? Why not?

Because if I took his powers away,

I'd k*ll him, and you know

I can't k*ll anyone.

His powers are keeping him alive?

What did you do to him?

Well, I hit him with a truck.

Turned him into slush. I saved everyone!

Listen, you dumb pen!

You take his powers away,

and you k*ll him,

but if you don't take his powers away,

you're k*lling way more people,

probably including me!

I'm sorry.

I can't do what you're asking.

All right. Well, we need

to keep thinking.

You're gonna need help with that.


By the way, the doors were unlocked.

I could have been Jordan Mahkent.

Where would you be then?

Probably frozen.

Burman, what are you doing here?

Well, with everything going on,

I decided it's a lot

for anyone to do alone,

especially for you two.

So let's team up.


Yeah, sure. Why not?

Welcome to the Young All-Stars!

Uh, yeah, we're gonna

have to work on that name.


She's sitting on my bed.


He's a talented boy, my son.

Takes after his mother.

Hello, Courtney.

Whatever you're doing,

whatever you're planning,

we're going to stop you.

I know you and Cameron

have been seeing each other.

Of course you do.

You've been spying on us.

My son is all that matters to me.

And if you're important to him,

you're important to me.

I don't want to be enemies, Courtney.

I want us to be allies.

I really do think we could be

a great team, you and I.

I'll be honest.

Revenge was the first thing

that overtook me

when I first regained sentience.

But I see now that

vengeance has no purpose.

It's misguided.

Primitive, even.

And you helped me see that,

because the more

I watched you, Courtney,

the more I saw who you truly are.

You've changed

countless hearts and minds.

The Shade, Cindy Burman, the Crocks.

Right before you k*lled them.

Yes, that was regrettable, but

You m*rder*d the Zarick family.

You tried to brainwash half the country

and didn't care that

it would k*ll millions.

You m*rder*d the JSA.

No one can just ignore that.

I'm not asking you to forget.

I'm just hoping you'll forgive.

We can work together, all of us.

And then you and Cameron

can start again.

Thanks for hearing me out.


Come back over.

You can't be alone here.




Courtney should be here any minute.

She has to agree to this, Pat.

She has to.

She doesn't have to do anything.

What am I supposed to do?

Well, we're just we're just talking.

I want to go after Icicle.

Jordan says he wants to work together.

We all know that's a lie.

What if it isn't?

Oh, come on, Courtney.

After everything you've been

through since you've picked up

that staff, how can you be that naive?

- Hey, Sylvester.

- I'm just saying,

he is just playing us

like he always has.

And if he's sworn enemies

with the Ultra-Humanite,

then Jordan Mahkent is using us

to save him from that monster.

I mean, hell, for all we know,

it came back to Blue Valley

looking for the ISA, not us.

After all the support I've given you,

I'm asking you.

Let me take the staff

and face the man who

k*lled me and my friends.


It's time.

Greg, move your head.

Mad Ghost.