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04x04 - Super Super Mart

Posted: 11/20/22 09:00
by bunniefuu
Hey, May!

Solly, how's the baby?

Burpy, but good!

Morning, May.

- Nicola, love the hair.

- Thanks!

Morning, May.

You've got to pick up

every stitch ♪

- From Gavin with love.

- Oh, thanks, Trish.

Must be the season

of the witch ♪

- Fixed it!

- Yes. Because you're a genius, Leo.

Must be the season of the witch ♪

May. I need those TPS annuals. Come on.

Oh, um, I thought you were doing those.

I I did the tax reviews over

the weekend like you asked.

Oh, you know my job too?

Just gonna step on my head

like a rung on a ladder?

Oh, Bryce

- Hmm?

- It's just

It's just dry skin.

Don't ever assume to know

someone else's dermatology.


What's with her? Huh?

May again?

Yeah, I can barely get a cup of coffee.

You look like you could use one, Bryce.

Up all weekend,

working on these tax returns.

Honestly, I don't think she has any idea

what we do here

at Rotary Resources Group.

No f*cking clue.

Frankly, I think she better vamoose!

Bryce, what are you doing?

What are you doing?


Must be the season of the witch ♪

Must be the season

of the witch, yeah ♪

Must be the season of the witch ♪

Another Harvey Wallbanger, Leo.

We're all out of Galliano,

May. You cleaned us out.

Oh, uh

Vodka and OJ is fine.

Oh, and a cherry.

Tough day?


I lost my job.



You could say that.

G and T.

Easy on the T.

I'm sure it's just a temporary setback.


It's my fourth job in a year.

Oof. Tough out there.

Especially if you have

an ounce of talent.

It's like having

a bull's eye on your back.

Kiss up

Kick down.

What do you do?

"The Organization"?

Human development.

We identify people's special aptitudes

and then cultivate them.

Before that, I was at the UN.



So, uh, what if someone's

special aptitudes

were a little unpredictable?

Sometimes the brightest lights

come from the darkest places.


Let me guess. There's a

signup fee and I have

to bring three friends.

No fee, no friends.


Turn the card over.

Say them.

And then what?

And then you're done.





I just found some more Galliano.



Anybody get him talking yet?

No, he's pretty shaken up.

Rachel's working on him, though,

They seem to have a connection.

I don't think he was

going to be the next victim.

I think she wanted him

for some other reason.

Tim checked Sebastian's record.

He's never been violent in his life.


His mother dies,

he gets set up for m*rder.

Add Lex Luthor dying,

the whole slaughterhouse g*ng.

As crazy as it sounds, this thing

has a familiar ring to it.

No, I was thinking the same thing.

It's just like when we all first met.

I heard this song recently.

When Jinx stoned me, I somehow

made it back to the Elko Diner.

And this old Tamaranean song came on.

About a red moon.

A red moon?

Something like, "When the red moon

comes, my true fight begins".

Everything about it felt like a warning.

It's just a song in a jukebox,

- in your dream

- No.

It's not just a song.

It was my song.

They sang it to me all the

time when I was a kid.

We better get back on the road.

Moving target's harder to hit.

Hey, have you asked Sebastian

what those weird symbols

in his video game mean?

I will get there but right now

we're just talking ramen.

Before the taxidermy job,

he was an aquarium cleaner.

He likes night work.

Oh, congratulations.

You guys rescued an insomniac

who can stuff a cat.

What about the woman

in the police station?

Says he doesn't know her.

You guys have Marmite?

Uh, top shelf. Behind the pretzels.

Try it.

I'm going in with ramen.


son of Superman, right?

Sort of. yeah.


Can you fly?


Hmm. That's a shame.

What about the magic phobia?

The what?

The magic phobia?

Hmm. Superman kind of has a brown

thumb when it comes to magic.

It flusters him.

That's not true.

Actually, it is.

I mean, I never met the man.

It's just what I read.


I got you some

ramen, if you're hungry.

Why did you guys do that?

In the police station.

You needed help.

Did I?


Trust me, you did.

They say it's because

of the hydrocarbons.

The reason it's red.

It's giving me bad dreams.

Me too.

I can barely sleep.

Sebastian, um,

the woman at the police station

What did she say?

She said that she's known

me since before I was born.

And that she would help me.

If I'd only let her.

Let her?

She wanted me to say

these words.

That made me feel

I don't know

something strange.

Can you tell me?

Just one.



- And then, Zin

- No!


That's impossible.

She asked him to join the Organization.

Wanted him to say the words.

Rachel, there's

no one left at the asylum.

They're all gone.

What if they're not?

You dealt with Trigon. He's done.

Come on, tell me you both

haven't thought about this.

What if they're back?

You know what they can do. We all know.

The fire at the asylum.

No one survived.

They couldn't have.

You sure about that?

Come on.


These strawberries are positively


Does he eat strawberries?

Everything you eat, he tastes.

Just Gina or all of us?

All of us.

But he's noticed you two in particular.

He'd like to meet you both.

Has he met all the other girls?

None of them.

One of you could be the first.

Meeting him will yield special rewards,

but it also requires special faith.

Faith in what?

The power of his love.

And the rewards?

He will show you what

lies in your depths.

Grow it.

Teach you to control it.


I'll go.

Hmm? You should come.

I'll take care of you.

I can't believe we're doing this.

The asylum was burned down.

We're gonna take another look.

Make sure we didn't miss anything.

Can somebody fill me in, please?

The Asylum was run by the Organization.

- It's a cult.

- My dad's cult.

Hey, your dad led a cult?


He is the reason I came to Earth.

To k*ll him.

What? To k*ll me.

You tried to k*ll Rachel?

Hey, I thought we sorted this all out.

We did. I'm just, like,

telling him the facts.

It's too bad Superman

is in another galaxy.

Mmm, Superman steers clear of magic.

Probably why he's out in space.

He's saving a planet

from an unstable red dwarf.

Yeah, the old "red dwarf

ate my planet" excuse.

So, who is Rachel's dad?


Who's Trigon?

Trigon's a demon of inter-

and extradimensional origin.

At birth, he k*lled his own mother.

My grandmother.

And before his first birthday,

he ruled an entire planet.

At the age of six,

he destroyed an entire planet.

Then he tried to take our planet.

- Take?

- Annihilate.

Hey, can I drive this thing?

What did we ever do without her?

Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

Welcome back to the asylum.

Strange. This store

never came up on my GPS.

It's just blank. A black hole.

It's gone.

They made it a Super Super Mart.

There's something here.

Yeah, they've got power tools,

fresh groceries and a hunting section.


And a ridiculous amount of ravens.

I got something.

The hell is that?

Just your standard portal to hell.


If anybody wants to wait here

All right. Come on.

Let's go. Sebastian, with me.

You're playing with fire

letting them go in there.

Sebastian must learn the story.

They're all in the story.

The Tamaranean might not like her part.

It's already been written.

You can't change your fate.

We did.

Because we're stronger.

We have old friends who

have been waiting for this day.

When I say the word they

will rise up and fight for us.

Hounds of hell

It's time.

For the honor of his impossible love,

you must prove your conviction.

Let him catch you.

No. No, I can't.

I can't. I can't do it.

Yes, you can.

Yes, you can. Come on!

Come on.

No. No, I can't. I can't. I can't.

Hey. We're almost there.

Just look up.

- Just look up.

- Do you think he'll be there?

Yeah, of course.

I want to be his queen.

There can only be one.

He'll be here soon.

You look beautiful.

I'm so sorry, May.

You were not your best self.


You were both faithful,

courageous and strong.

But you had heart, May.

From him.

He's here.

Anybody remember this area?

No. Doesn't look familiar.

The fire never made it down here.

Like it was sealed off.

Let's split up.

You guys go right. We'll go left.

Cheery little suite.

This was her room.

The woman from the police station.

How do you know that?

It was on the floor.

See this is her,

when she was young.

But what?

I don't know her.

But I do know her.

Her name is Gina.

She's my neighbor from across the hall.

They've been monitoring you,

the Organization.

What do they want from me?

They could be looking for something.

A blood type or genetic marker.

Guys, check this out.

It's like some creepy fairy tale.

Well, that could be me.

Trigon, the child.

And that could be me.

And this

This could be all of us.

Or it could just be a fairy tale.

And the song playing on the jukebox.

Just a song.

Looks like someone

busted her out of here.

The fire probably broke

down all the security.

It tried to get rid of them, but

We let her out.

You know,

I can help you with this

magic phobia of yours.

I don't have a phobia.


Well, let me just

tell you how magic works.

It's really just a contest of will.

- I have plenty of will.

- Yeah.

You can't decide

if your will is good or bad.

Hold on. Superman

doesn't have a will problem.

He knows he's good.


You know, I'm not so sure.

He has so much more power

than everybody else.

You must wonder if he's good

or just a bully.

It probably gives him doubts.

Superman doesn't have doubts.

We all have doubts.

Hey, I think we found something.

It's a bunch of tapes.

Hey, are you and Darlene

Just friends.


Hey, be careful. He'll hear you.

Oh, he's heard us.

This room could use some blue,

don't you think?

A dump truck or two?


Some cowboy spurs and a little vest?

I think he's

got his heart set on a girl.

She was like Angela, my mother.

Looks like you have a sister.

Wait, there's a twist.

Wait, wait.

It's a boy.

Sorry, May.

Give me my baby!

The prophecy is well known.

The chosen one must be a girl.

The prophecy is wrong.

Give him back!

I will hunt you!

Muzzle her.

You were the one they were waiting for.

The one in the prophecy.

All those years, just waiting

for me and my mom.

You should listen to the rest.

Remove the muzzle.

Stand back.

You don't need to worry.

I have nothing but love in my heart.

Love for my son.

He's my strength.

Your love just wasn't enough

to make the prophet.

My son is the prophet.

But he needs time to grow.

Renounce this blasphemy.

And you can go back

and live with the others.

He will ascend under the

blood moon to join his father.

His power will have no equal.

Together, they will take the world.

As you wish.





That's my name.

Why did she say my name?

Do you have the mark?


Like this.

He's the one from the children's book

who makes the hole in the sky.

It's part of their prophecy.

No, no, no, no.

I don't I don't know anything

about any holes

or or any prophecy.

I'm not anyone.

But they want you to be.

They want me to be what?

A k*ller?

But you don't have to be.

No, no, no. We

We have to stop this.

You all have to stop this.

You saw the book.

She dies.

You all die.

He's right.

We got to stop it.


We've got to k*ll him.


I know I'm late

to the end of the world party,

but I'm here now.

Nobody's k*lling anybody, - d*ck.

If this guy turns into

a f*cking pumpkin

Nobody is touching him.

Okay, everyone relax, please.

It's waning.

What is?

I've been tracking the lunar cycles.

The moon is going into sidereal

rotation which means

the blood moon will expire

in about eight hours.

So we only have to keep him

with us for a night.

Then it all goes away.

New ending, new day.

Let's take these tapes with us.


Oh, you're alive.


Somebody set the asylum on fire.

I don't know who,

but thank God for them.

We gotta go now.

I'm done with masks.

- I'll take the axe.

- Let's move.

I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?

Give him the other mask.

Let's get out of here.


Who the hell is that?

What the hell is that?

Wake up and smell the undead, people.

There's zombies in the Mart.

I got this.

Oh, blue light therapy, nice.

I think you cleared up their acne.

Gar, little help.

How many people work here?

Too many!

Head, people!

They need to lose their head!


Get him, Rachel.

I can only hold them for a few seconds.

All right, let's get out of here.

Bring the chainsaw.

This way.

So what's the plan? We're gonna

try and k*ll 200 zombies?

Uh, yeah, that's the plan.

With that.

Follow me.

Hope this thing's gassed up.

All right, Here's the plan. We

let 'em through five at a time.

Conner, Rachel and Gar,

you're the principal head removers.

Me and Kory will work the front door.

Uh, d*ck.


Zombie Deathstroke!

Jinx, freeze him!

I need time to recharge!

What are you? A f*cking iPhone 7?

It never ends down here.

This is my fault.

- It's all because of me.

- No.

Look, there's no time

for that right now.

I think this is exactly the right time,

- I need to do something.

- Sebastian, no.

- No.

- I gotta do something.

- No, wait!

- Wait.

- Sebastian!

- Wait!

You want me?

They won't sh**t him.

Let's finish this!


I got this.


d*ck, come on.

Okay, go!


Headshot, m*therf*cker.

Let's get out of here.

Oh, shit.


Come to me, Superboy.



I thought you didn't bleed.

No, I thought so, too.


Okay, let's split into groups.

You guys are a decoy.

We're gonna get Sebastian out of here.

You ready?

Let's go!

Somebody's missing.

I didn't know zombies could drive.

I don't have time to work on the voice,

but you gotta admit

I had his body down cold.


We'll just get you

into position.

I'll take the g*n, thank you.

He's dead?

Technically, he was already dead.

If you mean, is he

coming over for apres zombie,

no, it's just us.

You got his g*n, I see.

Yep. I'm gonna sell it.

Did you get my text message?

It's been a little crazy.

I get it, superhero stuff.

Are you absolutely sure

this place can't be breached?

Well, Superman and Constantine

tried to break in,

and neither of them could.

It will keep you safe and sound

until the red moon is white.

You okay?

Yeah. I just gotta clean this up.

All right. um, so there's a bathroom,

food, water, um no Wi-Fi, sorry.

Uh, but we will be

monitoring your vitals.

It'll be just a few hours.

It'll fly by.

Right, yeah, um, just a few hours, okay.

Hey, Bernard,

is there room for one more?

Of course.

We got stuff to talk about.

Thanks, Rachel.


You sure you're all right?

Right as rain.