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13x06 - On Dangerous Ground

Posted: 11/19/22 09:46
by bunniefuu


(WHISPERING): Come on, Davis,
come on, come on, come on, come on.

Your Honor, I'm asking you to
dismiss the indictment in this case.

On what grounds, Ms. Jones?

ADA Davis hasn't even
bothered to show up.

I came as fast as I could.

Your nephew's in there fuming.

I know, he's been texting me.

- Any word from Davis?
- Nada.

My client, Manny Vargas,
deserves a speedy trial.

And if the DA's office

continues to drag it out,

the case should be dismissed.

My apologies, Your Honor.
I'm stepping in for ADA Davis.

How convenient.

We will proceed as planned,
but, Ms. Reagan,

you should know that
before you got here,

the defense made a motion
to dismiss the indictment.

Well, with all due respect,
Your Honor, that's ridiculous.

The defendant was in possession
of more than ounces of cocaine.

I agree, but if your ADA is
also aware of the severity of

these charges, he would've
been here on time.

Yes, Your Honor.

Any word from Davis?

Still nothing.

Okay, call my office, get his address.

I already pulled his address.

Great. Go find him and get
him here, immediately.

Well, that's about it.

There's one more thing.

You're absolutely positive
you don't want to attend?

Garrett, I thought we already
told them I am not available.

We did.

And they basically
came back with "you sure?"

They're very persistent.

It's their own damn fault.

Last time was a flat-out ambush.

And it was used in the press
to hurt the department.

They should've done a much better job

of vetting the students' questions.

That was three years ago.

All those students have graduated.

The professors behind it
are still there.

This is New York College
for Criminal Justice,

they're not exactly known
for their anti-cop sentiments.

But a few professors with an agenda

are doing their best to change that.

Well, there's something else
you should know.

When you turned them down, they asked

for someone else
to attend in your place.

Sid Gormley.


You're kidding me.

What did you do after Sid said "no way"?

That's the thing.

What's the thing?

Sid really wants to do it.

He hates public speaking.

What the hell is going on here, Garrett?

Nothing's going on, Frank.

Under the circumstances,

maybe you should join him.

Safety in numbers.

No is no all day long.



(CRYING) They're not done with her yet.

Just have... just stay out here, okay?

Hey, what do we got?

Vic is -year-old Maritza Lopez.

She owns the store with her husband.

DANNY: What's his story?

He's pretty shaken up,

says she was hit by a stray b*llet

while they were stocking shelves inside.

BAEZ: When was this?

- About minutes ago.
- Witnesses?

So you'd think. Broad daylight.

No one's talking?

Everyone seems to love Maritza.

Her neighbors are shaken

and I saw a lot of tears, but yeah,

it cleared out pretty quick
when we rolled up.

Tale as old as time.

No go.


OFFICER: Mr. Lopez,
you can't be in there.

- Mr. Lopez!

Come back from behind
there. You can't be back...

g*n! g*n! He's got a g*n!

Step back, step back.

Hey! Hey!

Drop the g*n right now.

Drop the g*n! Who are you?

I'm a detective.

DANNY: I need you to put that g*n down,
right now.

I was supposed to protect her.

I understand you're upset, okay?

No, you don't. How could you?

'Cause my wife was m*rder*d, too.

I should be dead, not her.

Yeah, I thought the same thing
and I was wrong.

Now take your finger off that trigger,

put the g*n down, right now.

I have nothing to live for.

You got kids?

Sir, do you have kids?

Two boys.

Two boys. Just like me.

We got a lot in common, you and I.

I found the guy who k*lled my boys' mom.

Give me a chance to find the
guy who k*lled your boys' mom.

Mr. Davis?

Mr. Davis?

Mr. Davis?


Are you serious?



What the...

What time is it?

You were due in court two hours ago.
Good morning.


Are you serious?

You're going to ruin this entire case.

Years of work, down the drain. For what?

So you can have a good time?

All right, okay, cool it.

- Really?
- Cool it.

What the hell happened?

I don't know.

I don't... I don't even
remember getting home.

Well, looks like you had a great time.

I know what this might look like,

but I haven't had a
drink in over a year.

I've been k*lling myself to stay sober.

And even when I did drink,
I-I know my limits.

ANTHONY: Take it easy.

I've never seen him drunk

and I've seen him down
three martinis at lunch.

What the hell happened?

What's the last thing you remember?

Uh, I was on a date.

- With who?
- Some girl.

Does she have a name?


something, I...

Look, I don't even have her number.

We were... We met on an app.

Where'd you meet her at?

The Old Town Bar on th.

(SCOFFS) You honestly
expect us to believe

that you and this woman
met at Old Town Bar

and you didn't have a drink?

I swear.


Boss, you got a moment?

I do.

Garrett told me he mentioned

I'm gonna speak at the New York
College for Criminal Justice.

He did.

I just want you to know:
I'm very excited about it.

Well, to be honest, Sid, I'm not.

Boss, I know I should've
asked your permission,

but I see it as my job
to cover your six o'clock.

You hate public speaking.

I know, but it's time
for me to step up, okay?

So, I'm gonna hit the books

and trust me, I'm gonna
be ready to support

all my brothers and sisters
in law enforcement.

Sid, we defend what
we do by our actions.

What our officers do on the street,

for everyone to see.

Look, I appreciate
the gesture, I really do,

but, uh, tell them
you've changed your mind.

Boss, please, come on, a little respect?


why the sudden change?

What's going on, Sid?

There's nothing's going on...

but, um... okay, here's the thing.

What's the thing?

Now you got me all confused. Um...

You're twisting my words, boss.

Uh, the thing is your dad.

The thing is my dad?

Yes, they asked him to do it

and I didn't think he should
be up there all alone.

Well, he really shouldn't.

And I didn't want to offend you

by implying Henry couldn't
do it on his own, okay?

Because he sounded
very excited about it.

So, boss, I don't want you
to worry about it.

I am his backup

and I am gonna fill in
all the blanks, all right?


That guy claims he's sober,

but he got totally wasted last night.

Even when he used to be
here eight times a week,

- I never saw him like that.
- And you served him alcohol?

No, I think he showed up tanked.

Or he was sneaking mini bottles
into his club sodas.

Lot of our "recovering" patrons do that.

Who was he with?

Some girl.

JOE: Remember what she looked like?

Blonde broad, looked strung out.

But she got him into a cab
at the end of the night,

so I was thankful for that.

Do those surveillance cameras work?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, play that back.

ANTHONY: You see that?

She slipped him a mickey.

Well, we don't know exactly what it was.

Well, what was she
putting in there? Viagra?

I told you he ain't a bad guy.
He's the victim.

Yeah, well,
he should've never put himself

- in this situation to begin with.
- Give him a break.

Guy's trying to better himself.

And then this happens.

Come on.

(SIGHS) All right. Let's go find her.

See who put her up to this.

Thank you.

So, it was a sh**t-out?

No. Guy on a scooter
pulled up on a parked car

and fired sh*ts.

Well, did the camera catch
either of their plates?

No. The scooter didn't have any plates,

the car had temporary plates,

we ran them, nothing popped.

Well, maybe we can
canvass the neighborhood,

see if anyone recognizes
the scooter or the car.

Right, 'cause everyone in that
neighborhood wants to help us.


DANNY: Hey, now is not a good time.

It's about your case.

What about our case?

JAMIE: I just interviewed a
woman arrested on a g*n charge.

She says she knows the son of a bitch

- who shot your vic, Maritza Lopez.
- You're kidding.

- That's great.
- Yeah.

She says his name is Elijah Martin.

- You run him?
- Yeah, I ran his name.

No record, but I got an address.


Could be this woman is just trying

to get herself out of a jam, though.

I mean, this case is all over TV.

Yeah, but still, we'll look into it.

Yeah, for sure. Let's look into it.

Oh, thanks for coming by.

Oh, yeah, thanks.

JAMIE: I don't need to remind you guys

that I'm now
Field Intelligence Sergeant.

Yeah, I-I heard that.

Yeah, congrats.

Yeah, so, I was instructed

to bring you guys this information

from my boss, Lt. Fleming.

Highly credible, vetted by my team.

Great. And, like she said,
we'll look into it.

Yeah, you should jump
on this immediately.

Yeah, well, we will.

It's not your case, it's ours.

If it was mine,
I'd already be out the door.

And so would we if were weren't
stuck here still talking to you.

Come on, I want in on this, all right?

I'd like to follow up on my lead.




But you ride in the back seat.

Manny's crew owns this block.

I guess that's why it's so charming.

Manny used addicts all the time

to do his dirty work
in exchange for dr*gs.

And you've been able
to flip some of them?

If they can stand up straight.

ANTHONY: Would you look who it is?

Hey, Monique?

Do I know you?

You know my friend, Manny.

Are you a cop?

JOE: Now why would you say that?

Because you look like a cop.

And he looks like an even bigger one.

Oh, sh**t, she got us.

You mind coming with us?

We got some questions about last night.

Last night?

I mean, I was home last night.

You were? That's funny.

Because we have surveillance footage

that shows otherwise.

Look, you got the wrong girl.

Just go bother someone else.

Give me that.

What the hell are you doing?

Thank you very much.

ANTHONY: What do you got in there,

Ah, I bet one of those matches

what was slipped into Davis's drink.

JOE: I bet it does, too.

ANTHONY: Very bad, Monique. Turn around.

- You're under arrest.
- ANTHONY: Oh, Monique.

You're breaking our heart.

DANNY: Police. Open up.

May I help you?

DANNY: Detective Reagan,
my partner Detective Baez.

We're looking for Elijah Martin.

Okay, is something wrong?

Is he here, ma'am?
Well, what's it regarding?

His name came up in an investigation

and we'd like to talk to him.

Oh, well, you must be mistaken.

Could you just tell us
if he's here or not

so we could speak to him?

ELIJAH: Ma, have you seen my sneaker...

Elijah, what the hell is going on?

- What's wrong with you?
- Hey!


DANNY: Get away from the window.
Come on.

Hands up, hands up!

- Step away from the window.
- Oh, my God.

- Relax, relax.
- God, Elijah.

What have you done?

What have you done?

Where were you this morning?

- I was at school.
- Really?

Because that's not
what your school said.

They said you'd been absent all week.

Okay, so I-I wasn't at school.

Okay, so, then where were you?

I slept in, okay?

I was in bed.

DANNY: Think your mom will
confirm that that's where you were?

- ELIJAH: Of course she will.
- I think you were out cruising around

firing a g*n at innocent people.

You don't understand.

DANNY: Well,
maybe you should help me understand.

'Cause all I understand right now

is a woman is in the morgue

and I'm pretty sure it's because of you.

I didn't sh**t her!

DANNY: You didn't sh**t her

or you didn't mean to sh**t her?

Which one?

(CRYING): I-I didn't mean to.

You got to believe me,

I didn't have a choice.

You pulled the trigger.

You had a choice.

Panos said I had to do it

- if I wanted to work for him.
- Who's Panos?

The leader of the crew.

He lives in my building.

Well, you realize
you admitted that you're guilty,

- right?
- I'm sorry.

I never wanted to hurt that woman.

I didn't want to hurt anyone.

DANNY: Maybe so.

But you did.

In fact, you k*lled someone.

DANNY: Sit tight.

Why'd you do it?

ELIJAH: Panos runs our neighborhood.

It's either work for him,
or end up dead.

I did what I had to do.

Who'd he ask you to k*ll?

ELIJAH: Some guy named Marco.

He's part of a rival crew.

Panos said he's been
stepping on his territory.

So, Panos ordered you to k*ll Marco?


But you k*lled someone else instead.

Sit tight.

There you go. He confessed.

Case closed.

Well, I also heard him say

that he was ordered to make the hit.

Yeah, he was ordered to make a hit

because I also heard him say

that he wanted to join the g*ng.

But he botched the hit and left

two boys to grow up
without their mother.

If we can get Elijah to make a deal,

then we can use him to take down Panos,
and his crew.

Look, he's not the one, okay?

You saw how quick he flipped.

He'll never hold up out on the street.

Danny, my entire job is about

using a small fish
to catch a bigger fish.

That's exactly what this is.

And I'm all about
catching a bigger fish,

but he's not the right bait.

Look, I promised this
woman's husband justice.

- And he's gonna get it.
- Justice?

He might look like a grown man,

but mentally he's more
on par with a seventh grader.

He-he doesn't know what
he was getting himself into.

He knows right from wrong,

he said it himself.

Look, I know you got a new job, okay?

And you'd like another
gold star from Teacher,

but this ain't that.

This is not about me trying
to prove myself at my new job.

If we can get Panos collared

and serving state time, then
we can maybe have a chance

to bring some peace
back to that neighborhood.

"Peace back to the neighborhood"?

What... This isn't an
after-school special, kid.

There will never be
peace in the neighborhood.

Someone will replace Panos

in a week and we'll
be back to square one.

He's worth more to us as a trade

than he is as a collar and you know it.

We'll get Panos another time,

with another fish.

This kid won't make it out there.

Forget it. It's not happening.

Who told you to meet with ADA Davis?

I got a call from Manny yesterday,

asking me to keep Davis
from trial this morning.

Did he say why he wanted
to keep him from trial?

MONIQUE: No, but I knew.

He wanted to get Davis fired.

Why do you think that?

Because Davis stopped cooperating.

What do you mean by "cooperating"?

MONIQUE: Look, there's more I can say,

but only if you guarantee me
some sort of deal.

We got you on video

putting something
into ADA Davis's drink.

I'm sure the lab results will say

it's the same narcotic
that we found in your purse.

Which is a felony, so you're not really

in a position to ask for favors.

MONIQUE: You think I'm
scared of some jail time?

Manny finds out I talked to you,

it's a death sentence.

Okay, so maybe we can sweeten the deal.

Depends how sweet we're talking.

It depends on what you have to say.

Manny caught wind that Davis was in deep

with some guy from Yonkers...

like, we're talking like
$ , or something.


Manny offered to pay off Davis's debt,

in exchange for the occasional favor.

Are you suggesting that Davis

threw previous cases in Manny's favor?


But recently, Davis stopped cooperating.

Manny got pissed off
and wanted to screw him over.

JOE: I always suspected
there was a reason

your office couldn't nail them.

- Easy, Joe.
- Do you have any idea

how many lives Manny and his crew

absolutely destroyed?

Yes, I do.

Which is why we will thoroughly
investigate the allegations.

In the meantime... you have anything to back this up?

You give me your best offer,

I'll give you everything you need.

Seven letter word for hinder.
Starts with "S."


So, I hear you accepted
an invitation to speak at

the New York College
for Criminal Justice.

Yeah, I did.

I'm very excited about it.

- That's exactly what Sid said.
- Mm.

So, what's so exciting about it?

You're fishing.

No, I'm not.

What, you don't think I can handle it?

It's speaking.

You handle that function quite well.

It is the keeping quiet part
that you struggle with.

Look, you need to be there.

And you know it.

But if you're not going to go, I'll go.

The Commissioner's Office
needs to be represented.

Pop, I represented
the Commissioner's Office

at that very event for many years

and with great pleasure.

Wasn't me who pulled a fast one.

No argument there.

But you're still going.

Well, somebody's got to back up Sid.

I love the guy, but...


Pop, it is with good reason
I'm not going.

I know that, Francis.

They haven't earned it.

You're probably right about that.

You're doing that thing.

What thing?

That thing where you pretend
to agree with me

as a way of disagreeing with me.

You're probably right.

There, you did it again.

So I did.

Yeah, well, knock it off, will you?




I'm not going and that's that.

Hey, did you find Monique?

Yep, and we got proof she drugged you.

Oh, thank God.

But she had a lot to say.

Like what?

That you're in cahoots with Manny.


DAVIS: You don't believe her, do you?

I do.

You're really gonna trust
the bitch that drugged me?

JOE: Man, you are no better than she is.

Who knows how many victims
suffered at Manny's hands

because you helped him get off?

I'm the victim here.

- Oh, give me a break.
- Okay, calm down.

- You're not helping here.
- JOE: I'm not helping?

I just blew this entire
case wide open for you.

JOE: This guy made your
entire office look like fools.

- Especially you.
- ANTHONY: Don't talk to her like that.

I'm sorry that I actually care

about the people affected by him,

and not just the
reputation of your office.

I suggest you get the hell
out of here right now

before I put you through the wall.


Excuse me.


So what now?

I went back and reviewed
your last two cases

against Manny's cartel

and I believe you
intentionally threw both cases.

That's a huge allegation, and a reach.

And I'm offended that you
would even think that of me.

Well, I don't want to believe it.

You know me.

We've worked together for years.

The defense was one step ahead
of this office in both cases.

It makes sense that someone
was feeding them information.

And I believe with
a thorough investigation,

it will prove that it was you.

Erin, look, you got to believe me.

I got an addiction,
and they preyed on me.

That's why I got sober,

so that I could turn my life
around and do the right thing.

Well, I am glad that you saw the light,

but you chose to do this.

Just give me a chance to explain myself.

You should save
your explanation for court.

Really, Erin?


So I guess that means I'm fired.

You should consider this the last time

you ever step in this office.




Any update on who k*lled my wife?

Yeah, we got a full confession.

Who was it?

I can't tell you that right now.

Not yet, anyway.

When I can, you'll be
the first person I call.

So, he's been arrested?


Good. I don't know how to thank you.

You don't have to thank me at all.

You just go home and
take care of those kids

and, uh, I'll call you as soon as I can.

DANNY: Hang in there.


I just got a call from Central Booking.

Jamie pulled Elijah out for questioning.

I'll be back.

You went over my head
and went to Central Booking

to talk to my perp after
I told you to stay out of it?

You don't do that. It's my case.

I didn't do anything wrong.

I sat down with Elijah and told him

I'd put in a good word
with the ADA if he cooperated.

You know that's not how this works.

We shouldn't be discussing this here.

No, we shouldn't be discussing it at all

because it never should've happened.

Any other cop that did this,
you'd be fine with it.

No, if it was a different cop,

I'd put my foot up their ass!

The only cop I can think of
who would do this is you.

Why don't you get out of here

before you embarrass yourself?

The only embarrassment here is you,

to the whole family.

I spoke with the ADA

and they're offering leniency to Elijah

if he assists in
helping us take down Panos.

SHARON: Are you crazy?

Messing with Panos
will get us both k*lled.

That's why we're offering
both of you protection.

We need both of your
cooperation if this is going to work.

What exactly are we talking about here?

Elijah would set up a meeting
with Panos in a controlled setting

and get Panos to admit
that he ordered the hit.

You want my baby to wear a wire?

JAMIE: We have very advanced stuff now,

the room would be wired.
Panos would have no idea.

I don't know. This-this seems risky.


I want to do it.

It's my fault an innocent woman is dead

and if this is the way to make it right,

then I don't care what happens.

It's the right thing to do.


What's up?

What's wrong? What happened?


Robert Davis hung himself last night.


Oh, my God.

This is on me.

Don't even go there.

I shouldn't have let
him leave the office.


We had no reason to think
he would hurt himself.

Didn't we?

I was too hard on him.

I-I fired him and I wouldn't
even let him speak.

You didn't put him in that position.

Oh, my God.

He brought it on himself.

Who found him?

His super.


Did he leave a note or anything?

He left a lot more than a note.

If you want to know, you could
talk to your husband about it,

I'm sure he'll be happy
to tell you behind my back.

JAMIE: I think what
my brother is referring to

is a case I've been working
that I'd rather not discuss.

You mean my case.

The one I solved for you.

DANNY: I didn't need your help.

JAMIE: Really? Because last time
I checked, I found you your perp.

No, someone brought you a name

and you passed it forward
to the detective

whose case it was, me.

What are you trying to say?
That what I do isn't real police work?

I didn't say any such thing.

ERIN: Enough.

- Enough.
- Guys, come on.

Enough, you guys.
You can do this somewhere else,

like romper room.

FRANK: Yeah, your sister's right.

This isn't the time or the place, okay?

Well, I'm going to cheer
you all up, with some cake.


Are we celebrating something special?

Yeah, what are we celebrating?

JANKO: We are
celebrating cake with cake.

Celebrating cake, okay.

ERIN: I think what
she's trying to say is:

cake makes everything better.

Oh, of course.

JAMIE: Exactly.
You don't need a reason for cake.

Always so helpful.

Always so bitter.

Look, you guys need to settle
this somewhere else.

DANNY: You're right.
Uh, I'll make it easy on Jamie.

Good night.


No, no, no, you can't leave.
I brought cake.

Jamie can have my cake,

and eat it, too.


Danny, come on, wait up.

I got nothing to say to you.

- Danny.
- What?

You really don't see why
I thought this was worth it?

No, I don't.

I think you're taking
this case too personally.

Mm-hmm, how's that?

The husband feeling guilty,
for the wife's death,

two young boys coming up without a mom.

That's got nothing to do with
anything. It's a coincidence.

I'm just saying, take a step back.

Look, we see things differently, okay?

We always have.

So, why don't we just

continue to agree to disagree?

- Look, no argument there. All right?
- Good.

And never go over my head again.

I was making collars
when you were in diapers.

Oh, so this is about me not
being cop enough for you?

- Is that it?
- No.

It's about you doing the job

like you're still a Harvard law student.

Your way isn't the only way, Danny.

It's like you're just
pissed off and jealous

that I'm not some rookie cop anymore,

that I'm not your-your younger brother

who hasn't made sergeant.

(CHUCKLING): Oh, you think I'm
jealous that you made sergeant?

Let me tell you something.

Stripes don't make the cop, okay?

I think you're jealous
because I'm good at what I do,

because you don't know everything

there is to know about being a cop,

and, yeah, now I outrank you.

I don't give a damn
about your rank, okay?

I give a damn about doing
the job the right way

and catching bad guys, period.

This was the right play.

The bigger bad guy goes down.
Why can't you see that?

Did it ever occur to you

to check your source?

Did you ever think to ask

why she gave up Elijah's name so easy?



I assume you asked us here

to say ADA Davis has been reassigned?

ADA Davis died by su1c1de.

I guess his demons
finally got to him, huh?

Be quiet.

Show some respect, smartass.

We're here to inform
you that in addition

to the charges of drug trafficking,

we will be filing new charges.

Bribery in the first degree,

menacing in the first degree,

and obstruction of
governmental administration

in the second degree.

Give me a break. With what evidence?

Robert Davis left us a sworn affidavit

owning up to his mistakes,

and admitting that he
worked for your client.

It's not admissible in court.

No, it's not,

but the conversations he recorded

with your client are.

And he gave us more than enough
to put him away for life.

What the hell?
You said we were in the clear!

Not another word.

Sit down.

If I find out you knew
anything about this,

I will personally see to it that
you're disbarred and prosecuted.

What do you have to say for yourself?

I'm sorry, Panos.

I-I messed up. Tell me about it.

It was a mistake.

What was a mistake?

I let Marco get away.

And I k*lled an innocent woman.

Shouldn't you be waiting
for me to say that?

What are you talking about?

Isn't that why you're here?

To get me to confess
to something on a little mic?

Dude, what? I wasn't born yesterday,

you worthless idiot.


Actually, we just needed
to get you down here

so we could lock you up.

For what?

I didn't do it.

That kid just said he shot the woman.

You should be careful who you trust.

That friend of yours,
that gave up his name on your orders?

She flipped pretty quick.

- Katrina wouldn't do that.
- That's the thing.

I never mentioned her name.

Hands behind your back.

JAMIE: And she didn't.

Katrina swore up and down

- that she'd never even met you.
- Damn it.

JAMIE: Looks like
you're the worthless idiot.

Let's go.

- Take him.
- OFFICER: Yes, Sergeant.

Captain Maher of Fleet Services

has requested a meeting
tomorrow at : .

Regarding what?

He'd like to show you the
new vehicles he's rolling out.

And Garrett wants to come
along to take some photos.

Tell him I'm busy.

But you're not.

I know that, but tell him I am anyway.

He's very excited to show them off.

And Garrett thinks it's a great idea.

Well, then their excitement
will last till next week.

But you're booked up next week.

You have back-to-backs every day.

I do?

Yes, sir, you do.


Well, I guess we got to do it tomorrow.

: , you said?

Yes, sir.

And what time is the event

at the New York College
for Criminal Justice?

Not sure how that's related,
but it's at : .

So, here's the thing.

I get in the car,
you and Garrett kidnap me,

and, miraculously, we arrive
at the college just in time.

Why would we do that?

Because tomorrow is a special day.


Wasn't that hard, Abigail.

How did you figure it out?

Well, I remember

it was a day a lot like this one.

Warm and dry for the month.

What we used to call a gift
and now we call global warming.

Don't be mad.

Our hearts were in the right place.

And it's a good thing the
college is trying to make amends.


Yeah, I know.

If you want to call it off...

Well, Abigail...


I won't.

Well, let me put it this way,
I shouldn't.

But you hate surprises

and you hate when
the attention is on you.

Yeah, I know that and you know that.

But you all seem so committed

to this clever little scheme of yours.

Bring it on.


DANNY: How'd it go in there?

Couldn't have done it without your help.

I didn't help, I just got in the way.

You were right. Panos ordered that girl

to give up Elijah's name.

Imagine that.

I got it from here.

Come on.

Danny, g*n!

Let me go!

Let me go, damn it...

DANNY: Stay there.


What are you thinking? Why?

Because they told me
that you cut him a deal.

- I didn't cut him anything.
- Yes, you did!

He k*lled my wife!

And now...

Now he's going to get away with it.

No, he'll get what he deserves.

No, he won't.

DANNY: Yeah, he will.

And so will you, too.



Come on, Elijah.


JOE: How'd you know I'd be here?

Jamie told me this was your spot.

I didn't even know you played.

You're looking at Suffolk
County Player of the Year,

two years straight.

Hmm, I wouldn't have guessed.

Thanks? (CHUCKLES)

- What are you doing here?
- I, um,

wanted to thank you.

I wouldn't have gotten to
the bottom of this without you.

Appreciate that.

And I wanted to talk
about what you said.

Yeah, uh, I'm sorry

that I got caught up
in the heat of the moment.

I shouldn't have said those things.

No, you shouldn't have, but...

you were right.

It's a huge blemish
on my office and on me.

I worked with Davis for years

and I, um, ignored his drinking.

He was a good ole boy

and did his job,
never caused any problems.

So I just looked the other way.

Which is why I wanted to talk to you.

About what?

The way you conduct yourself,
particularly in my office.

I already apologized.

You can't behave that way.

I already have Danny and Jamie
barging into my office,

acting like they own the place.

But they're my brothers.

- You're not.
- Okay.

- You're my nephew.
- Okay.

And you should show some respect.


I mean, I'm just doing my job, though.

I-I'm sorry if I get a
little heated sometimes.

A lot heated.

Well, that's just who I am, so...

Just don't forget that
your father was my brother.

And he would be ashamed
of the way you spoke to me.




You guys.

Today, we honor the distinguished career

of perhaps the finest
of New York's Finest.

Please welcome to the stage
Henry Reagan.


The nd police commissioner
of the NYPD.


Thank you.

Trust me when I tell you

that I am not at all worthy
of any high praise.

The truth is, I'm just a cop.

No different than
the many men and women in blue

that you likely passed by
on your way here today.

Today is indeed a special day.

years ago today,

Francis Xavier Reagan

first walked the beat

as a uniformed officer of the NYPD.

For him, being tapped for Commissioner

was no happenstance.

It was nothing less than the hand of God

putting the right man

in the right place at the right time.

I am proud to have sat
in the same chair as him.

But I'm even more proud
to call him my son.

Please welcome

the longest-serving commissioner
in the history of the NYPD,

Francis Xavier Reagan.


Congratulations, boss.

You guys.


JAMIE: I brought you a
clam pie from Denino's.

You went all the way to Staten Island

to get me my favorite pizza?

I would have, but they actually
got a location in the Village.

This your idea of an apology?

I just came to talk.

We did talk, before,

but you didn't listen.

- Look, I'm sorry.
- You know, not for nothing,

but you're not as smart
as you think you are.

Just trying my best.

I had no idea how
this was going to go down.

No, you didn't.

It's like chess.

You know, you have
to see the whole board

before you make a move.

- Okay.
- All right.

You win.

There's no winners here.

Andre Lopez is locked up.

And now his two kids
don't have either parent.

Danny, you can't put all that on me.


I got work to do, so...