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06x08 - Asexual Healing

Posted: 11/19/22 07:37
by bunniefuu
[keypad clicking]

Oh, come on, answer.

Jesus. What's wrong with you?

I've been texting Bernie

non-stop all morning.

Oh, like a true psycho.


And she hasn't responded once

because she's hanging out

with her friend Alison.

Okay. So, what's the big deal?

Alison's a boy, Nick.

A boy named Alison

hanging out with a girl named Bernie.

Up is down, left is right. Soup is salad.

[Nick] Ooh, yeah, and Alison's hot.

Like, way hotter than you.

That gorgeous specimen

is probably wooing Bernie right now.

Oh! That's why she hasn't texted you back.

Oh God. You're right.

I'm gonna text her again.

911, FaceTime emergency, all caps.

Hey, I'm at the movies. What's wrong?

Hey, Andrew.

I've heard so much about you, man.

f*ck you, Alison.

We will cave in your f*cking face!

Oh shit, my Red Hots.

Dear God, Andrew. His ass is magnificent.

-Hold my hand while I weep.

-What? No.

Andrew, do something! Say something!

Distract Bernie from that ass!

Uh, I love you.

Okay. Was that the emergency?

Yep, that was it.

Now you gotta say it back.

Yes. And say it

in front of Alison's perfect pooper.

Okay. I love you. I gotta go.

Oh f*ck.

That was not a convincing "I love you."

She said it like the Pledge of Allegiance.

Andrew, you must take action.

You don't want to end up like your dad,

losing the only woman

who will ever love you.

-You're right. I'm gonna go to Vermont.

-What? Really?

I'm gonna surprise Bernie

and make sure

that she doesn't fall in love

with that gorgeous piece of ass.

Andrew, you are being crazy.

Crazy with love.

And jealousy.

And rage. Rage. f*cking rage!

Boys, let's go block a cock.

I'm going through changes ♪

I'm going through changes ♪

Oh, in my life ♪

Oh, ooh, ooh ♪

Oh gosh, Elijah,

I am so nervous to meet your family.

Relax. It's just a cookout.

And they're gonna love you.

Missy, even I'm nervous.

Everyone here is Black.

We have to be cool.

Do you think there's gonna be

vegan options at this cookout?


-I said cool.

[kids laughing]

-Oh shit.


Okay, those are my uncles.

Do not say the word "backflip" around them

because they'll start flipping

-and then somebody's gonna get hurt.

-Got it. No BFing.

So, uh, this your little girlfriend?

Uh, yeah. Everyone, this is Missy.

And she is my regular-sized girlfriend.



-f*ck yeah. He made it official.


-[woman] Hey, Elijah.

If she's good enough to be your girl,

then she's good enough

to be my spades partner.

-That's my Auntie Amber.


She's rich and cool,

and she hates everybody.

That's my kind of woman.

Now, come over here, sweetheart.

Let's win some money off my sad cousin.

-Oh, okay.

-Good luck.

Hey, Elijah.

What have you and your girlfriend

been up to?

Well, we've been to two restaurants

and three movies.

No, we mean physically.

-Y'all doing hand stuff, mouth stuff?

-Foot stuff?

We hold hands all the time.

-That doesn't count for anything.

-You need to at least be kissing the girl.

Or sucking her toes.

'Cause if you don't satisfy your woman,

somebody else will.

I know that's right.

Hey. Don't listen to these fools, Elijah.

They're all single.

And from what I hear,

none of them can do a backflip

to save their lives.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

You hold on now.

You take that back.

I will do a backflip right now.



Shit. My ACL.

Oh shit.

Oh, are you following me?


Does that mean I'm getting my own story?

And if you're getting

your own story, buddy,

that means you're gonna need

your hormone monsters.

-Oh, hey, guys.

-Gil, can you believe it?

We're on Big Mouth. What an institution.

Yeah. What do you think, Elijah, huh?

-You wanna jerk off onto the grill?

-What? Why?

Because it's Big Mouth.

These people are sick.

[knocking on door]

-Hi. You must be the plumber.

-[chuckles] That's right, little lady.

Is the man of the house home?

Uh, there are no men in this house.

Oh, okay, ladies.

Uh, how can I explain this?

I'm like a doctor for your sink.

You don't have to use a metaphor.

We know what a plumber is.

Wow, for such a cute little girl,

you're kind of a bossy

little pain in the ass.

Am I right, lonely mom?

[chuckles] Just fix the damn sink.

[scoffs] Can you believe this sexist pig?

Yeah. We know how to fix a sink.

Well, no. Technically, we don't.

I'd be lost.

But he shouldn't just assume that

because we're women.

Well, of course, sexism sucks,

but it's really all a part

of this whole crazy obsession

you humans have with gender roles.


-Well, before one of you is even born,

it's all, "Is it a boy or a girl?"

With the pink blankies

and the blue blankies.

Oh, and what about

those stupid little headbands

they put on their babies to say,

"Don't worry.

She's bald, but she's still a girl."

You know, I never really thought about it

that way before.

That gender puts you in a box,

and you spend your whole life

trying to claw your way out

until you end up

in a literal box under the ground.


-Knock, knock. Dr. Sink Doctor.

There's something wrong with my toilet,

but I can't tell what it is

because I'm in a skirt.

Say no more, sweetheart.

And that, Jessi, hmm,

that's how you get

your shitter fixed sweetie.

Bernie Sanders, here we come.

Oh, I can't wait

to see the look on her face

when you show up

unannounced and uninvited.

Hey, guys, do you mind?

I'm listening to a fascinating podcast

from the makers of Serial.

It's about cum in the 1960s.

Look at us sitting here.

I don't know why train travel

gets such a bad rap.

It's really quite elegant.

[farts] Ow.

Hey, kid. Where are your adults?

Um, they should be joining me any moment.

Okay, I'll be watching.

-[phone rings]

-Oh, hello, Bernie.

Hey. Where are you?

Don't ruin the romantic surprise.

I'm at home.

-Tickets, please. Take out your tickets.

-[Bernie] Who's that?

Oh, it's my dad.

He's, uh, selling tickets for lunch now.

So, how was

your cinematic rendezvous with Alison?

It was fine.

-Fine like platonic?

-Of course. Why are you being so weird?

Well, I mean, honestly,

Alison's the one who's weird.

Sketchy, really. Shady. I don't think

you should be hanging out with him.

You're doing so well.

Alison is not sketchy. He's my friend.

I also think Alison sounds sketchy.

See? The creepy guy gets it.

Guys, please.

Ira Glass is talking right now

about how Lady Bird Johnson

was actually a squirter.

[Ira] Act three. Things are getting wet

in the White House.



Holy shit!

Uh, I gotta go.

-My house is tipping over.

-Oh no!

I can't hear my podcast.


Okay, guys, I really like Missy.

Sure. She's a top-shelf lady.

I just wish I was more excited

to make out with her

or do some of that feet stuff

like my uncle said.

I always thought once you met

the right person, you'd get, you know


-Yeah, with the d*ck and the uh, uh, uh.

I don't really think

I feel a lot of the uh, uh, uh, like ever.

Well, then, let's get some blood pumping

into those big fat genitals, huh?

I mean, that's our job, right?

To get your nuts all fat?

Focus. Focus. Focus. Here we go.

Okay, let's see what giggles your pickle.

How about this lady having

from-behind relations on a motorcycle?

-Whoa. That's a bit much.

-Yeah, 2 Fast 2 Furious, right?

How about this photo

of the Kravitz family?

Zoe, Lisa, Lenny.

Jason Momoa?

-Mm, nah.

-No J-Mo?

-You sure?

-I like girls.

All right, what about this lady

in a Donald Duck suit?

Huh, you a furry?

You want some "suffering succotash"?

First of all, "suffering succotash"

is Sylvester the Cat.

Oh, so you want a cat.

No, I don't want any animals.

I got it. I got it. Halle Berry.

Oh, my uncles are always talking

about how fine she is.

Well, what do you think?

What do you think of Ms. Berry?

You horned up, E-man?

Actually, I'm just really proud of her.

I mean, she probably worked really hard

to get in such good shape.

But you're not feeling the uh, uh, uh?

Guys, no offense.

I just think we might need

some outside help.

Like a real expert in horniness.

-Condoleezza Rice?

-Pete Rose?

Snoopy when he's wearing sunglasses?

No. Someone even hornier.

Hornier than Snoopy.

[scoffs] Okay.

[announcer] Welcome back to Boy Fight.

B-B-B-Boy Fight.

Where two boys fight in a parking lot

over whose Barbie doll this isn't.

It's not mine.

-I only play with g*ns and barbed wire.


You see, humans and gender.

It's a real shit show.

So, on that, do hormone monsters,

like, do it differently or

Of course.

In hormone monster culture,

we raise the fruits of our jizz

gender-neutral until puberty

and then they get to pick

their own gender identity.

It's all explained right here

in my favorite book,

So, You're Becoming a f*ck Monster?

-Oh, cool.


Now let's get up inside these pages.

Take my hand and come along ♪

Through the magic of a song ♪

To a wondrous

Gender-neutral Shangri-la ♪


-Play with fire trucks or dolls ♪

Rub a dildo twixt your balls ♪

We've no gender-labeled playthings ♪

From nursery to boudoir ♪

Macho man or genderqueer

Show your anger, shed a tear ♪

Every feeling plays an elemental part ♪

In the nurturing of a soul ♪

Free of judgment or control ♪

Till you grow into the you

That's in your heart ♪

This place is amazing.

Gender is performance ♪

We play it as we choose ♪

In a universe

More vast than Mars and Venus ♪

It's a dazzling color spectrum ♪

So much more than pinks and blues ♪

And more beautiful

Than simply vag or penis ♪


From the high-femme CEO ♪

To the transmasc frathouse bro ♪

We've embraced

A gender menu à la carte ♪

Every he and she and they ♪

-With equal pride ♪

-And equal pay ♪

Can live happily

As the gender in their heart ♪

Flourish as the you

That's in your heart ♪

Montel, wow.

-You really

-Sing even better than my mama?


Hey, both of you shut the f*ck up.

I do not like this dynamic.

Sorry about that train oopsie, folks.

But we will be getting you to Vermont

in just 18 short hours.

-Thank you.



-Ah. Ah.

Oh, Bernie. I'm so glad

we're becoming more than just friends.

Ugh, me too. Andrew never had a chance.

He lives so far away,

and your beautiful ass is so close.

No. Bernie, don't. I'm coming.

Oh shit, Andrew. Look down.

-You're running on Alison's fantastic ass.


Oh God, it's so supple.


Ah! Oh God. I really gotta poop.

[chuckles nervously] But, Andrew,

you can't seriously be considering

taking a shit on a Greyhound bus, right?

We've done a lot of disgusting things

over the last several years,

but I don't know

if I can be a part of this.

I can't very well hold it in

until we get to Vermont.


-No! [grunts]

This is my own fault

for holding in that poop when I was 13.

See? I'm not ending up like her.

It's time for Andrew Glouberman

to shit on a Greyhound bus.

Hey, kid. Have a great doodie.

I know that I'm new here

and we don't know each other very well,

but I've come to pay my respect

and to seek your advice.

I've heard tell

of your legendary horniness,

the potting soil, the pillows, the turkey.

Turkeys. Plural.

I've f*cked many. And one even f*cked me.

Jesus Christ.

This guy is hornier than Snoopy.

How do you do it, man?

How do you get so horny?

Oh, I don't get horny. Horny gets me.

You know, with the d*ck

and the uh, uh, uh.

Yes. The uh, uh, uh.

That's what I'm looking for.

What does that feel like?

I guess it's kind of like

there are butterflies in my stomach.

Butterflies? That sounds sweet.

But they're all doing full penetration.


f*ck me

until I turn back into a caterpillar.

Oh yeah. Fill my thorax.

Oh, treat me like a f*cking moth. [grunts]

And then it tingles

in all the right places,

if you know what I mean.

-I don't.


My d*ck, balls,

nipples, hands, and forehead.

But we've got butterflies too,

right, Elijah?

I mean, I have butterflies,

but they haven't really

started penetrating each other yet.

It's so exciting to be Missy's boyfriend.

I love her braces.

We should take her on a vegan picnic.

I gotta say, your butterflies seem lovely.

But I want them to be more like yours.

I mean, Missy and I are official now,

and if I don't kiss her, I might lose her.

-And I really like her. And

-Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Okay, that's the problem.

You're thinking way too much.

And thinking is the enemy of horniness.

Don't think. Ugh!

I can't believe we didn't think of that.

Just kiss her, man.

And I guarantee you,

your butterflies will start

f*cking the shit out of each other.

Okay. I won't think.

I'm just gonna kiss my girlfriend.

Thank you, Jay. You really

are the Godfather of horniness.

I know.

Just when I thought my d*ck was out,

they keep shoving it back in.

Okay, easy-breezy, tushy squeezy.

And we're done.

Huh, that's different.

The blue water. It's rising.

-Oh shit.

-Stomp it down.

Hail Mary, full of grace,

please guide Andrew's foot

and send his waste back down to hell.

Oh! Oh, okay.

Oh, the toilet's got my shoe.


[brakes squeal]

[passengers clamoring]

[woman] Oh God!

What kind of sick f*ck shits on a bus?

[Andrew] Oh, I don't know.

I mean, if we ever do find out who did it,

we should probably

show them some mercy, right?

Oh, we all know it was you, kid.

f*ck you. I quit.

Well, that's the driver.

All right. Shit. What do we do now?

Andrew, I hate to say it,

but it might be time

to cut our losses and go home.

And let Alison steal the love of his life?

Never. We'll just hitch a ride.

Yeah, hitchhiking.

The safest way

for a young boy to travel alone.

Hey, guys, I'm back.

Whoa. Are you painting my room pink?

Actually, it's called bubblegum nostalgia.

It matches this dope ballerina lamp

that I got for the baby.

And this headband I got,

you know, in case she's bald.

You guys, they got the headband.

What do I do?

This is your chance.

You can save that baby

from the clutches of Big Gender.

Yeah, be the change you wanna see

in your dad's shitty apartment.

Hey, guys. I've been giving it a think,

and just wondering

if maybe you should raise the baby,

you know, gender-neutral.

Whoa, that's a great idea.

What does that idea mean?

Well, we wouldn't assign them a gender.

We'd get them

gender-neutral clothes and toys.

We'd use gender-neutral pronouns.

So, she would wear the headband

like a belt or

No, more like

they wouldn't wear the headband at all

because it's oppressive.

Yeah, but hold on. We're gonna raise

our daughter to be a strong woman.

-Oh yeah. We're raising a strong woman.

-Just like you, Jessi.

No, you should raise a strong person.

Right. Right, right.

Strong person is better.

Okay. Look. If one day

she realizes that she's not a girl,

I will totally accept that.

But until then,

we're raising her as a girl.

Yes. Yes.

We gotta let the girl person decide.

Pro-choice, Jessi.

But why force

all this gendered bullshit onto a baby?

Girls can't fix sinks.

Boys aren't allowed to cry. It all sucks.

No, actually, what sucks is you storming

into this bubblegum nostalgia room

and making me feel bad

for wanting a little girl.

Just say baby.

Ugh, leave me alone.

I'm too young to be a stepmom. [weeps]

All right, this is how change happens.

One crying pregnant lady at a time.

Aw, f*ck me.

-[horn blares]


You guys are not gonna believe this,

but I gotta take a dump again.

Jesus. Oh, wait, wait, wait.

Someone's stopping.

Oh, finally, a kind soul.

Hey, kid, hop in.

It's wetter than

Lady Bird Johnson's p*ssy out there.

Andrew, as much as I appreciate

this man's taste in podcasts,

we can't get in the car with him, right?

Oh, quiet yourself, Maury.

He's practically a friend by now.

And if he was gonna k*ll me,

he would have done it

after I shit the bus.


See? Hitchhiking's not so bad.

Uh, Maury,

why are you sitting in a car seat?

Oh, you know,

I actually was wondering the same thing.

-This is weird.

-Hey, Mario.

Quick question. How come your rental car

has a toddler's car seat?

And why are the cup holders

full of Honey Nut Cheerios?

Busted. I carjacked a family.


-And my name's not really Mario.

That's just what they called me

at the facility

because I tried to escape

through the pipes with my friend, Luigi.

-[siren blares]

-Oh God. It's the cops.

Oh f*ck. I can't go back to the facility.

-Sir, are you aware your taillight's out?

-f*ck you, copper!

I'll k*ll you!

Holy shit!

Kid. Grab his g*n.

Do it, Andrew. You'll feel so powerful.

No, run. Run for your life.

And take the Cheerios.

Ah! Oh f*ck, my glasses.

Andrew, k*ll this police officer. Please.

Uh, no, thank you.

But thanks for the ride.


So, that cookout was really fun.

Yeah. It was great.

Uh, my favorite part

was probably when you called me

your regular-sized girlfriend.

Eyebrows, eyebrows.

Okay, Elijah, I think that's our cue.

Just do it. Don't even think about it.

Here. Watch. Muah.

Okay. Well, watch this.


And then, once I kiss her like that,

I'll get horny?

[chuckles] It's working for me.

-Hey, Missy.


Permission to consensually kiss you?

Yes. Say yes, baby. Suck his f*cking face.

Um, fudge yeah.



Hump me good, bug daddy.

Hump me good.

Absolutely cocoon me.

I needed this.

Now, make up for the lost time

and stick your finger up his ass.

How's it going in there, buddy?

Are your butterflies going uh, uh, uh?

This is nice.

Do you, um Do you wanna f*ck me?

No, uh-uh, but thank you for asking.

Ooh, wowie-zowie. That was incredible.

What happened, guys?

My butterflies didn't even

wanna do hand stuff with each other.

-Uh, should I kiss Joe again?

-Couldn't hurt.



What's wrong with me?

Oh God. I wanted this for so long. Mm.


I feel like I've been walking forever.

I am also tired from the walking.

Not me. The hours flew by.

This podcast is riveting.

Did you know Muhammad Ali's

birth name was Cassius Cum?

[Ira] Of course, this name change

came years before Ali's legendary

fight against George Foreman,

The Rumble in the Bunghole.

Andrew? Hi. What are you doing here?

I'm here to surprise

and delight you, my dear. [groans]

Oh boy. Are you okay?

-Hey, Andrew. Nice to see you, man.


Whoa! What happened to you?

Isn't this lovely?

Alison's here.

And of course, yeah.

-He brought his world-famous ass.

-Hold on.

Did you come all the way to Vermont

just because you're jealous of Alison?

Yeah, of course that's why I came.

He likes you. He wants you.

He craves your body, I think.

No, he doesn't.

Alison, please tell him

you don't like me like that.

Actually, I don't think I would have had

the courage to say this

if Andrew hadn't come here

and forced my hand,

but I do like you like that.


-Oh no.



I think you're a beautiful person

inside and out.

You are the most unique

and special human I have ever known.

Oh my God. Alison.

Shit, that's beautiful.

I think I'm falling in love with Alison.

Andrew, punch him in the face

like Cassius Cum.

Okay. I'll try.


f*ck, I missed.

Andrew. What are you doing?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I just don't wanna be like my dad

and lose the love of my life.

You're the most unique

and special human I've ever known.

Oh, Andrew. That's Alison's line.

That's That's okay.

Do you want me to help you up,

and you can maybe try to punch me again?

[sniffles] Yeah, please.

No. Nobody's punching anyone.

Because the whole thing today

impressed you a lot,

and even though Alison's beautiful

and he likes you,

you don't like him

and you're about to tell him?

Oh, Andrew,

that's not what's gonna happen.

[sobs] I figured.

I figured.


-Hey, Caitlin.

I'm so sorry. You can totally

call the baby "her" if you want.

I won't be mad.

Oh, boo. Compromise

is for the weak and the married.

But if it's okay with you,

I would like

to call the baby "them" instead of her.

You can call the baby whatever you want.


-I'm gonna call the baby f*ck stick.

And I'm sorry that we painted your room

bubblegum nostalgia

without talking to you.

That's like ugh.


What do you think about

lemon drop daydream instead?

-Is that yellow?

-Yeah, it's it's just yellow.

That sounds great.

A yellow room? That's it?

I thought we were abolishing gender today.

Oh, sweetie, humans change slowly.

You gotta give 'em time.

But I thought

you said they'd all be dead in ten years.

Shh! Baby, they don't know that yet.

Guys, what am I gonna do?

Yeah, that kiss confirmed it.

You have zero horn in your t*nk.

Hmm, I'm so confused.

Elijah, I was hoping to see you

before I left.

Why don't you come walk Aunt Amber

to the car, baby?

Okay, Auntie.

Are you all right? And be honest now,

'cause I already know the answer.

I think there might be

something wrong with me.

Everyone else at school is so horny,

and I don't even wanna,

like, kiss my girlfriend.

Well, maybe you're just not ready.

Or maybe you're like me.

A fabulous rich lady

who's too good for the rest of her family?

Well, yes.

But also, you see, when I was younger,

everyone told me

that when I found the "right person,"

it would click.

-So, I was a true ho.


I tried everything. Being straight, bi,

very gay, demisexual, pansexual

Whew! You're like Dennis Rodman.

But after all that,

I found that asexual is what works for me.

Asexual. You guys know what that is?

Oh, it's when someone feels little

to no sexual attraction for other people.

Kinda like you.

Oh! Joe, he's asexual.

We probably should have known that.

Well, life comes at you fast.

You can't beat yourself up.

So there's nothing wrong with me?

Maybe I'm just asexual?

If that's what you feel right now,

then that's what you are right now.

Yeah, but, Auntie Amber, I don't wanna

have to break up with my girlfriend.

You don't have to.

Being asexual doesn't mean

you have to be alone.

I love so many people,

and so many people love me.

I just don't wanna pork 'em.

And you have so much disposable income.

[chuckles] I sure do.

My life is absolutely better

than all your uncles'.

And, baby, this is how you do a backflip.




You know what? That didn't look so hard.

[grunts] Ow!

Ooh, my ACL!

f*ck. Ah! My clavicle. My nose, Joe.

-It's all broken. It's all broken.

-Oh, and, buddy, your ass is bleeding.

No, that's something else.

I cut it while I was shaving. f*ck!


Thanks for sitting with me

while I wait for my mom.

No problem, Andrew.

What are you gonna do

after I get picked up?

You two gonna fool around?


-Yeah. We're really gonna go at it.

Andrew, what were you thinking?

You could have been k*lled.

Oh, Mommy.

I was in a train crash,

and I ruined the whole Greyhound bus

with my dookie.

And then there was a sh**t.

And now Bernie likes that beautiful boy.


And it's all my fault.

Oh, sweetie. It's okay.

Sometimes things just don't work out.

Is that what's gonna happen

with you and Dad?

I don't know.

But let's go home and get you cleaned up.

Does this mean Andrew's mom

is finally coming home?

I don't know, man. I wasn't listening.

They just dropped a bonus episode

about Buzz Aldrin cumming on the moon.

[Ira] And some people say

that on a clear night,

if you look up in the sky,

you can still see Buzz Aldrin's semen

orbiting this big blue marble

we call home.

The butterflies ♪

Are passive aggressive ♪

And put their problems on the shelf ♪

But they're beautiful ♪

And he'll realize ♪

The only thing that's real

Are the kids that kid themselves ♪

And the demise of the beautiful ♪

What is beautiful? ♪

The multi-life is better

Than the one we're in ♪

The one we knew ♪