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01x04 - k*ll or Be k*lled

Posted: 12/13/13 14:50
by bunniefuu
STEPHEN: My name is Stephen Jameson.

I am one of the Tomorrow People, the next step in human evolution.

They call our powers the three T's.


CARA: Stephen?

Telekinesis... and teleportation.

There is a shadow w*r going on between us and Ultra...

-... the secret organization that hunts us.

The only way to keep my species from going extinct is to find my father.

And the only way to do that is by working for the enemy.

I'm in.

Welcome aboard, Stephen.

STEPHEN: Previously on The Tomorrow People...

So you've decided to come home.

Did you think he was gonna to help you find your promised land?

Why didn't you tell me Jedikiah was my uncle?

You are not like him. You're one of us.

Wait, are you telling me my lunatic, deadbeat dad was like you?

I guess you could call him our leader.

(CHOKING) STEPHEN: Our kind can't even k*ll.

Yet. But you are one mutation away from acquiring that ability.

That's insane.


(LAUGHS) Whoo!


Freeze, you stupid son of a...


Chill, guys, chill, there's plenty more where that came from.


I have to steal food, and you blow our foster money on booze?

We need another lesson about who owns this house, John?

Now clean up that damn mess.

Something going through that thick skull of yours?

Well, go ahead. Pick it up.

(LAUGHING) Yeah. That's what I thought.


My name is Dr. Jedikiah Price.

Would you mind putting down the knife?


I'm looking for a foster child who lives here.

His name is John Young.


Damn it!

You're getting better.

(GROANING) Really?


Oh, God, I'm trying... to forget the methods that Ultra taught me, but... teleporting with someone is harder.

It's all in your head. You're letting yourself get daunted.

And you're still thinking about landing combat-ready.

I don't really see the difference, as long as I land without busting my ass.

Did Ultra training mention bending space, traveling between metaphysical planes?

Yeah, how'd you...

You're talking to Jedikiah's former star pupil.


Your uncle wrote that handbook to boil our abilities down to brute tactics, but teleporting isn't about intellect.

It's about instinct, emotion.

Feel your target, then allow yourself to become a part of it.

That handbook ignores everything that makes our species special.

(SIGHS) How about I be special tomorrow?

I gotta get home for dinner.

Three hours of teleport training? You trying to k*ll him?

You should have seen my training.

Think I should try?


Branch out?

Sorry I'm late.

I, um, tripped on a sidewalk, and face-planted.

Thank God no one saw.

Stephen, if you joined some sort of fight club, I want in.

So, speaking of, um, how's Film Club?

Yeah, it's, uh...

Think before you answer.

I haven't been going.

Your club sponsor called, wondering if you had mono.

And Astrid, where has she been? I haven't seen her around in days.

We had a bit of a falling out. It'll be fine.

So what exactly have you been doing with yourself after school?

I'm thinking before I answer.

That has anything to do with it?

What are you doing with an employee badge from your uncle's company?

I've been interning for him.

I know you associate Jedikiah with Dad leaving.

(SCOFFING) It's more complicated than that.

That's not good enough for me.

Well, I don't trust him, Stephen.

It's not like I'm going on camping trips with the guy.

But if he can tell me more about what happened with Dad, I need him right now.

Why, is he talking to you about your father?

We're working up to that.

But in the meantime, I promise there is nothing dangerous about me spending time with him.


Why don't you invite him to dinner?

That way he can tell me what kind of work he has you doing.


He is family, after all.

The expl*si*n and smoke that rocked downtown Chicago this afternoon was initially attributed to a ruptured gas main.

However, a full investigation...


The blast, which released plumes of smoke, so weakened the foundations of...

That's enough.

Something you wanna share?

I figured there was no reason to worry you if it turns out to be nothing.

It doesn't look like that's the case.

Tim, line 'em up.

Four explosions moving east. Next big city in line...

Is us.

Wait. You think it's McCrane?

Sure looks like it.

Why now? Why would he come back?

I don't know.

I'm compiling the latest intel on Killian McCrane, although the most recent update is almost two years ago.

Add these latest four incidents to the McCrane file.

Just a hunch.

Thank you.

Uncle Jed, do you have a second?


What'd I tell you to call me here?

(SIGHING) I need to ask a favor, sir.

Dinner? It's not gonna happen.

I don't have time to handhold your mother at the moment.

Handle it, Stephen. While you're at it, familiarize yourself with Killian McCrane.

He's a suspect in 15 bombings, responsible for 10 fatalities.

I thought my kind couldn't k*ll, that we weren't wired that way, the whole ringing in my ears.

Yeah, well, Killian is unique.

A corrupted form of your species. Also a former Ultra agent.

He was with Ultra?

Till he went on his first rampage.

Exactly how many k*lling sprees has he been on?

Why hasn't he been caught?

I know you're not trying to upset me, Stephen, but you are.

Read the file. And deal with your mother.

JOHN: It's gotta be him.

CARA: After all this time.

McCrane decided to come back for Jedikiah?

Well, he certainly has grounds for wanting to see the man incinerated.

Couldn't have waited another two seconds?

This is a much easier fight without Jedikiah alive.

I'm supposed to let him die?

k*lling's not in my DNA, John.

It's in Jedikiah's. Flip the roles, he'd have let you burn.

Ultra is in full lock-down.

The name Killian McCrane is going around.

Some former agent who turned himself into a k*ller.

"Turned himself"? That's what Jedikiah said?

McCrane was part of the Annex Project.

An experiment to weaponize Ultra agents.

It was catastrophic.

Jedikiah used brutal drug therapies to fry out the part of the brain that blocks us from k*lling. The so-called "prime barrier."

The result was countless dead agents.

Only McCrane survived, but it cooked him.

It's Jedikiah's fault that McCrane's out in the world k*lling humans.

The one thing your uncle's sworn to protect.

Then he'll be all the more grateful when I bring him in.

You're kidding, right?

McCrane's a maniac.

Putting him away is what's best for everyone.

And if I'm the one to do it, maybe I can get my uncle off my back and get a higher clearance.

Do you have any idea how many agents he tore through when I was at Ultra and we went after him?

We can't risk what few bodies we've got for the sake of your promotion.

Well, how about because he's a k*ller?

I don't work for Ultra anymore.


John's time working for your uncle was complicated.

A lot happened to him.

Things he doesn't even talk to me about.

I get that.

But Killian McCrane needs to be stopped with or without you.

John's aptitude testing blew away the other children at his school.

Literally off the charts.

That's when we were alerted.

I think you got the wrong kid.

This one's an idiot.

Yes, well the testing often recognizes gifts that go unnoticed by other people.

(THINKING) That was you in the stolen car, wasn't it?

It's okay. I know you can read my mind.

I can't do what you can do, so just nod if you can hear me.

We're gonna help him develop those gifts.

I understand you're compensated for taking care of these children?

I think this will more than take care of your loss.

Plus a little extra for any emotional loss you may feel.

We're going to need to take him right away, of course, unless you have any objection.

Whatever's best for the boy.


Heavy bag just threw in the towel.

You wanna talk about it?

What's there to talk about?


He was your friend.

That's before they made him a k*ller.

He's Ultra's problem now.

Just got a hit from a PD camera.

A facial match on McCrane.

He walked into a warehouse downtown three minutes ago.

Good. Bring him in.


I wanna do my part to help catch this guy!

Why'd you have me studying his file if I was just gonna be sidelined?

You can monitor from your desk.

Sir, you gave me a chance here, and I need to prove it wasn't just because we're related.

And with all due respect, I saved your life.


Not a hair off his head.

Stay in line, stay silent. Got it?

What the hell is that?

It's a stun g*n.

I can't k*ll McCrane like our human counterparts, but I am not going in there empty-handed.

(WHISPERING) Good idea. What about me?

You stay in line, you stay silent.

All right. Let's go.

DARCY: Let's go!

What is it?


Stephen, wait!

I'm not letting him get away.

You're not John.

What do you want with John?

We have unfinished business.

A shame he's not here.


Hubris, boy.




You saved...

My own ass. Not yours.

No concussion, no broken bones.

Well, you're lucky, Stephen. You don't know how lucky.

I'm starting to get an idea.

Oh, you're starting?

Come here, son.

Look, I can appreciate you wanting to prove yourself, but the real world is filled with dark, warped, cunning individuals.

And what brings them down is not puppy-dog eagerness, but tactics.

Training. Experience.

You're right. I'll be more careful.

This dinner with your mom.

You think maybe she can do tonight?

I'll ask.

Maybe drop the hint to steer clear of brussels sprouts?


All right, give me the word. Beat it, kid.

Dig up all the surveillance for this facility up to and after the expl*si*n.

What's your thinking, sir?

That if McCrane wanted me dead I wouldn't be here.

I'm starting to doubt that I'm his target.

I'm on it, sir.

I'm gonna take a wild leap and say you didn't just hunt McCrane.

They came up together. At Ultra.

I always felt sorry for him.

He was the one kid with a story worse than mine.

Beatings, abuse...

After the Annex debacle, McCrane fled the program.

Ultra wanted him swept under the rug.

Since I knew him, Jedikiah had tasked me to bring him in.

He thinks you betrayed him.

And he won't stop k*lling unless we stop him.


Or he'll just slink back into hiding.

He almost got Stephen.

If you're not gonna do something about McCrane, I will.

Jedikiah thinks your powers were erased by him.

That little stunt that saved you?

If he gets wind of the truth, our new friend here gets a needle in the neck.

Where did you say that warehouse was?

Downtown, why?

Can't have been a coincidence McCrane led you there.

DARCY: The expl*si*n happens here.

Jenkins reacts. He leaves his post, and there's McCrane.

He searched for one file, sir. John Young's.


Keep your guard up.

All right, all right, all right, time.

(SIGHING) Come here, kid.

He's twice my size! I don't have enough guard to go around.

Yeah. Well, you see, Killian's learned to turn his fear and aggression into a w*apon.

You figured out how to use your powers to survive, but the real world is filled with dark, warped, cunning individuals, son.

Look. You are our youngest recruit ever and I have no doubt that you are destined for great things.

But tap into that anger and aggression. Don't be afraid of it.

It's a law of nature. k*ll or be k*lled.

JOHN: You don't have to be here, you know.

If I find Killian I promise to knock him over the head, so you can turn him in to Ultra the big hero.

(CHUCKLES) Well, your old pal got in a shot at me.

I'd like to return the favor.

You know, you never talk about your time at Ultra.

I can't really imagine you there.

Well, Jedikiah took me in from less than nothing.

He gave me plenty to eat, a roof. That was all new to me.

Then it went from being SuperKids Summer Camp to people dying.

Breakouts getting their powers extracted, experimented on, shot in the head.

The opposite of what your father wanted.

A place our kind would be safe.

I know that you think that I hang back sometimes.

I'm only trying to fulfill your dad's vision the way I think he would have.

You hear music?

It's coming from over here.


JOHN: We're right over the youth orchestra auditorium.

You don't actually think that Killian would blow up a room full of kids, do you?

I do.

This concert hall is adjacent to the warehouse.

McCrane wasn't just hiding here.

He was casing his next target.

KILLIAN: Johnny boy!

Long time.

Watch your back, Stephen.

Killian. Leave him alone.

You're looking for me, what do you want?

That is no way to start a reunion.

Maybe I just wanted to see you.

Catch up, ask a few questions.

Like why'd you leave Ultra?

What did he do, John, to finally push you over the edge?

Will you turn yourself in if I tell you?

You were his golden boy.

Must've been pretty bad if you couldn't stomach it.

I'm back for you, John.

When I discovered you were no longer hunting me, I needed to know why. So I stole your files.

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that you left the company.

You're a fugitive now, just like me.

The hell I am.

That makes you a man without a country!

Join me, John.

Come on, it'll be just like old times.

The two of us working together.

For what?


Jedikiah for starters.

For the horrors he's inflicted. We can burn that place to the ground.

Jedikiah might be a monster, but you're no better than he is.

Well, then I guess I'll just have to apologize ahead of time.

That what you were looking for?
Stephen, we have a problem.

What are you doing?

Twenty seconds!

The bombs are in a circuit. They need to be disarmed all at once.

Cut the black wire right in the middle at the exact moment I cut the other five.

A fraction of a second early or late and we're looking about a tenth of a megaton.

You've done this before, been in five places at once?

It's been a while. Need to build up to it, gauge the distances.

Listen for my signal.



JOHN: Now!


Why would Killian set up a place to explode like that?

Six bombs all at once.

He was testing me. See if I'm still a worthy adversary.

If he finds me, our lair, he'd expose us all.

We gotta outsmart him.

TIM: Stephen. Some information that might be of interest.

You've missed three phone calls from your mother.

It seems you may be late for dinner.

(SIGHING) Jedikiah's at my house.

Family dinner, long story.

Look, John, I know I pushed you to go after McCrane...

No. You were right.

No one's safe until we take him down.

Not even us.

You stupid twit. Already get yourself kicked out?

I'm not giving that money back.

I didn't wanna be there anymore. I just wanted to come home.

Wherever you ran from, you're going back there.

Get off me!

The hell?




You just learned a very important lesson, kid.

Never expose your powers to anyone.

I'm the only human being who is going to accept you for who you are.


He's dead.

He got drunk... played with his p*stol. Accidental discharge.

It's okay.

The kids are going to be placed with better families now.

It's like I said, k*ll or be k*lled, son.

Very good, Marla. That was some pork chop.

Thank you, Jedikiah.

What kind of name is Jedikiah?

(STAMMERS) I'm just asking. I mean, are we, like, part Amish or something?


Honey, don't you have a math test tomorrow?

You're excused to go study.

(SIGHS) Whatever.

I miss everything.


So I'm getting the feeling you're a little bit concerned about Stephen.

What's he doing for you exactly?

Mom, I already told you...

I just thought your uncle might give me some clarity on the position.

Well, yeah, he's, um... filing, fetching coffee...

He comes home with bruises, Jed.

Marla, we're a bio-medical research facility.

He's there for a few hours at a time and a normal teenager, I guess, the rest of the day.

Why don't we do pie in the living room?

This is what I know.

Before Roger went to work with you at Ultra, he was fine.

He was a kind, loving husband who adored his children.

And you.

Whatever you were doing over there, your studies or genetic experiments...

It's hardly Frankenstein's laboratory.

It changed him.

He became distant and paranoid, made us up-end our lives and move.

And no one has ever been able to tell me why.

So tell me, what happened to Roger?

I just think this is a question for your husband.

Your brother.

Wherever he may be.

My gut tells me to cut you off.

But you're Stephen's family.

And a connection to his father.

So I'm going to allow this internship.

But know this Jed...

I'm watching you.


And appreciated.

I think...

Who wants some pie?

Uh, sir...

Uncle Jed. We're not at the office.

I had no idea that was going to happen.

It's okay, kid. Everyone takes their lumps.

Look... I have a task for you.

John Young. Is there any way you can get him a message?

You, uh, brought in his girlfriend, you were the last person to see his people.

I can try.

Wherever he is, it seems like he's dug in pretty deep.


I don't think Ultra can take out McCrane alone.

I need you to arrange a meeting between John and I.

I'll see what I can do.

No! No way. It's a trap.

TIM: What you just said could be interpreted in the negative.

Meaning there's no possibility of it being a trap.

I meant, no way it isn't a trap, you literal-minded hunk of crap.

Where does he wants this meeting?

You're not actually considering going?

Your call. I'll teleport him in alone, blindfolded.

We don't work with these butchers.

Seriously, how did I become the voice of reason around here?

Noodle shop, 5:00.

Ah, don't move.

First thing, we are mapping out logistics and security.

What's this about?

I'm out of ideas on how to find McCrane.

As much as Jedikiah wants McCrane, he wants you more.

I don't get it, he took a shot at you, he tried to k*ll me, and you still jump to when he calls?

What are you not telling me?

What is his hold over you?

I've seen the worst he's done.

I've been an agent of it.

But he's the closest thing I've ever had to a father.

I don't expect you to understand.

How can I when you won't explain?

I'm sorry Cara, I'm going. Alone.

Okay, we're here.

This is where John wanted to meet?


You two wanted privacy.


Hello, John.

You're looking well.

What do you want?

Well, in case you haven't figured it out, your friend Killian is back.

I know.

And he's after you.

I know that also. What do you want?

Well, I would like to avoid sacrificing the 20 or so agents it would take to get him without you.

From where I sit, that's a win.

Look, McCrane is after you.

Why can't we use that to our mutual advantage?

McCrane can't get me.

But he's being reckless.

How long before he's caught using his powers and blows the lid off your kind?

That's both of our problems.

So what do you say, you and me... call a cease fire?

Temporarily, of course.

The extent of us working together will be you providing me with Ultra resources so I can track him down.

You and your band of sewer rats running point?

Not gonna happen, John.

No need to involve anyone else but me on this one.

He'll shred you alone, kid.

That's a win for you also.

Oh, come on... it doesn't have to be this way.

We can work together, find common ground again, son.

The only reason I'm here is you have the resources I need.

Find McCrane, then I'll handle it.

No agents.

So all those years meant nothing to you?

All the knowledge I imparted?

The training?

I raised you, son.

I saved your life. Have you forgotten that?

How could I?

You have my terms.

We'll put every agent on it, every resource.

When we get a fix on him, we'll reach out to you.

And then you back off.

I'm going to give a 10 minute lead, John.

Either you catch him or I send in Plan B, I'm not risking anything with McCrane.

I am not your son.

JEDIKIAH: If you catch him, you know what to do.

The slightest hiccup, any sign of him, I want a flag raised, you got it?

I'd rather chase down 1,000 false leads, than lose this one.

Yes, sir.

What are you thinking?

John, you can't k*ll, he can. He'll always have the advantage.

I'll find a way to stop him.


It's what they trained me to do.

I got a tele-signature.

Parking structure near the garden.

Looks like our guy, sir.

Go ahead, clock's ticking.

(THINKING) John, we found him.

JOHN: I'm on my way.

Wish me luck.

You're gonna need more than that.



You wanted me, here I am.

How did you find me?

I'm here to help you.

We can work this out, but only if you disappear and never come back.

Go spend your life on whatever beach you want.

Sipping mai-tais, trying to forget?

What if I can't forget?


This doesn't end well for you, Killian.


I promise I won't hunt you.


Who says I won't hunt you?

There is no beach, John.

You want me live underground, like a worm, in your supernatural refugee camp?

How did you know we lived...

It's all in your file, John.

You're moving backwards, devolving.

A hundred million years ago, we crawled out of the mud and you want to go back?

We've got confirmation, sir.

Both targets are at the site.

"Both targets"?

Deploy Alpha unit.

FEMALE AGENT: Copy that.

ETA, two minutes.

That's the k*ll squad.

You set John up.

You used him as bait.

Both these men are Ultra fugitives, Stephen.

That comes with a price.

Now you know.



What did I tell you about keeping your guard up, huh?

STEPHEN: John, they're coming. Jedikiah lied about the headstart.

Aw, had to call Daddy to come save you.

This is between you and me.

Ah, a little trip to nowhere.

What is this?

Your last chance.

You know what I think the problem is?

You're jealous.

Jedikiah gave me the gift.

And not you.

Go ahead, pick it up.

Why did you even try to find me?

I'll always have the edge.

As long as I can k*ll, and you can't.

You want to know why I left Ultra?

Because they turned me into you.

JOHN: Tell Jedikiah it's over.

He's not responding anymore, what does that mean?

That it's over?

I guess, I don't know.

I wasn't there. I suppose I'll just have to trust him.

You used me to set John up.

Oh, come on, Stephen. These are complicated times.

Powers like yours and McCrane's have to be harnessed properly, or it's disaster.

That's why allegiance is paramount.


What about McCrane? He was Ultra.

Only he didn't steal those dr*gs like you said, you turned him into that monster.

Yeah, I did a little digging in our files.

The Annex Project?

Everything that happened to McCrane was voluntary.

Stephen, your kind is one of gene away from perfection.

What, k*lling?

I thought you wanted to protect the human race from us.

What better way than to have the ultimate guardian on my side?

One no breakout could ever contend with.

Your only genetic weakness amidst so many new strengths.

Finding a fix was worth a few McCranes.

RUSSELL: You are the man!

Getting McCrane to turn tail... Ah! That's a miracle, brother.

Well, I've known the guy a long time.

I knew he didn't want to fight anymore.

Looks like he had a violent way of communicating that.

Hey, I admit... it took some convincing.

Liked, you kicked his ass?

He's back to where he came from, that's all that matters.

Whatever. I'm stealing a keg and we are getting real in this place.

I'm glad you're home.

Me too.

After all of that, he just up and leaves.

You really think he'll stay gone?

If he values his life at all, he's not coming back.

I'm, uh, I'm gonna get this cleaned up.

Making deals with Jedikiah... it's not like John.

He did what he had to do.

I know I'm usually the one criticizing him.

The way he runs things down here.

I have accused him of being cowardly, and overly cautious.

I have even questioned what it is you see in him.

But today was different.

Today I saw it.

You're not developing a guy crush on him, are you?

The guy's a leader, Cara.


No new bruises today, I hope.

Not yet.

I may have to watch my step around you, though.

What does that mean?

The way you came at Jedikiah last night at dinner...

I've never seen that side of you.

You're kind of bad-ass, Mom.

I had to raise two boys on my own for the last 10 years.

You gotta be pretty bad-ass to do that.

Stephen... there are a lot of things you don't know about me.

What happened to my 10 minute lead?

I knew you couldn't resist backstabbing me.

I'm very proud of you, John.

You finally learned the consequences of living in the world with these dark, warped individuals.

You had no choice but to respond in kind.

I left Ultra because you made me k*ll.

I swore to myself I'd never do it again.

And you haven't.

Till tonight.

You think it's an imperfection.

But I think there's a reason we were born unable to k*ll.

It destroys something.

A part of your soul you don't get back.

I felt it today.

Just like I felt it years ago.

I hate you for what you made me.

I made you strong.


We're not running anymore.

From here on, we do everything to stop you.

We see you on the street, we don't turn, we fight.

Got it?

k*ll or be k*lled, John.

k*ll or be k*lled.