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06x06 - Hot and Bothered

Posted: 11/17/22 21:49
by bunniefuu
[WEATHERMAN] A brutal heat wave...

Barely : , and it's already...

...breaking all records.
The extreme temperatures...

What are you wearing?

A rechargeable cooling vest.

Kevin says it's going to be
degrees today,

and this will maintain my core
temperature for up to eight hours.

I also have a neck fan,

personal hydration pack, and...

...cooling hoodie.


You, uh, really went for it.

It's an investment in our future.

We will need these
many, many more times.

Mm. keep all pets indoors,

and make sure they have plenty of water.

If you need to...

you can borrow my hoodie.

...stay hydrated,

especially if you're elderly
or have special needs.

During this high heat advisory,
please, please stay inside.

Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

[SIGHS] Seriously.

Is the AC even on?

It's working fine at the VA gym.

My wheelchair basketball team's
taking refuge over there later today.

We could use a sh**ting guard.

Not sure I'm quite ready
to drain threes in this thing.

An iced cap, though.

You're with me today, Dr. Powell.


Do I get matching gear?

Like a Team Murphy uniform?


Spinal cord injuries disrupt
autonomic homeostasis,

so patients are more
susceptible to the heat.

If she'd had the surgery I proposed,

Dr. Lim would be better able
to regulate that temperature.

It was too early for her
to make that decision.


The longer she waits, the higher
her risk of irreversible edema.

There's many factors to consider.

That's why I told her
not to rush into it.

Excuse me.

Y-You are a first-year resident.

I have much more
surgical experience than you.

And I have much more physical
disability experience than you.


- It's the ER.


[DR. ANDREWS] Blackout hit
a senior residence.

Their entire population
has been evacuated to us.

That makes new patients.

And one cake.

Blackout shmackout.

We gotta celebrate Art's th.


Evaluate them all for heat stroke.

Also, any pre-existing
condition could be exacerbated.

The rest are yours.
All of them non-surgical.

Some will need IVs and cooling blankets.

And wander bracelets.

You want Fred and Ginger
or Stanley Kowalski?

Your heart's running fast,
Mrs. Hamilton.

The heat's made your V-tach worse.

My heart's kept me going years,

so don't be too hard on it.

And call me Edna.

Ninety? Come on. I don't buy it.


You remind me of Jerry at the home.

Although you're easier on the eyes.

Let's give Edna five of metoprolol.


Lost her pulse. Need a defibrillator.




Got her pulse back.



Nice work, Doc.

Other than cracking her ribs.

We better get a chest CT,
see how bad the damage is.

You're not old.

This is Brooks Mosey, .

He collapsed during
his daily -mile bike ride.

Yeah, the heat caught me off-guard.

I'm just dehydrated.

You should watch The Weather Channel.

Start an IV.

Oh. We need to start an IO line.

I can't find a good vein.

That's because you didn't
tap the vein to make it dilate.

He's dehydrated. He needs an IO line.

No, he needs a doctor
with more experience.

Please change
that patient's catheter bag.



Her core temp's . She's critical.

Axilla's packed. Two cooling blankets.
None of it's helping.

- BP's tanking.

This heat's frying her organs.

That's the smoke detector.

You leave the stove on, Marty?

She needs cold nasogastric lavage.

I'm scared, Marty.

May, my name is Dr. Perez.

You're at a hospital.

We're gonna take good care of you.


- We've got you.


Gracias, senorita.

Oh, it's, uh, Tango Tuesday.

We do all things Argentinian.

That explains...

That guy takes three dance lessons,

and she's all over him.


Fred and Ginger?

Every bit as adorable as they look.

Like two dancing prunes.

A couple in their twilight years

displaying affection makes you pissy?

It's Tinder, isn't it?

I saw your profile.

What are you doing on Tinder?

Spying on my coworkers.

I don't blame you for being cranky.

There's nothing more depressing

than a few laps around the dating pool.




Arthur Abbott?


Okay, well, he couldn't have
gotten far. He's...

Hundred years old, as of today.

Oh, Art's one spry son of a bitch.


I hear you saved my life today.

And fractured some ribs in the process.


Which led to us doing a CT
that showed a tumor

running from your right lung
to your belly.

Can you remove it?

Yes, but at your age,

I'm not sure your body could
handle such a big surgery.

I'd recommend you leave it.

You'd have several good months.


Six, maybe seven.

You saved my life once today.

I'm sure you can do it again.

Edna, I'm just not comfortable
doing the surgery.

Then I want another opinion.

And another butterscotch pudding.

Hmm? If it's not too much trouble.



Dr. Powell's not your favorite employee?

We are not allowed to have favorites,

but if we were,

she would not be mine.

- She is very annoying.

I've got employees,
seven of whom are annoying,

and of those seven,
four are my best employees.

They consistently challenge me
with opposing points of view.



I can't br-breathe.

- Aah!

Code Blue!

- Oh!
- Heart rate is ! I need a crash cart!


[SHAUN] It's a structural issue
causing cardiac ischemia.

Then we would've heard a murmur.

- What about a coronary vasospasm?
- N-No.

Brooks' troponins
are only mildly elevated.

Hi, Lea.

His electrolytes were off.

Could've been a vasovagal
response to dehydration.

You're wrong.

And your opposing
points of view are not useful.

It is structural.

We came here because it's
degrees cooler than everywhere else.

Dr. Powell did not come to work
prepared for the heat.

Go set up a coronary angio.


It's out here.
Why would Art leave the hospital?

It's called dementia.

Spry or not, he couldn't have
hobbled this far.

Put a wander bracelet on him
like Andrews told you to,

we wouldn't be on this hunt
for the Walking Dead.

Andrews was looking at you, not me.

Should we talk about
what's really bothering you?

You look on over there for the old
guy you lost, and I'll look over here.

It's up to degrees in here.

Anything over
will compromise the servers.

What's with Mr. Grumpy?

I'm not Mr. Grumpy.

Mm. You were with Powell.

I don't like her.

'Cause she's a bad resident?

She... makes a lot of mistakes,

but no more than the others.

So it's her personality?

She's annoying.

- How is she annoying?
- She's...


Oh. Kind of sounds like someone we know?

Yes. But I like Morgan.

The first step to getting
past your issues with her is

identifying them.

And why do I need to get past my issues?


[LEA] And there's the blackout.



That didn't last long.

That's just the backup
generators kicking in.

And how long they will last,
I have no idea.


We got your labs and imaging back.

Heat has caused damage
to your heart and lungs.

It's permanent.

And, um...

You're dying, May.

Very soon.

A matter of hours.

But we'll make sure you're not in
any pain and keep you comfortable.

Do you have any family we can call?


My husband passed last year.

Didn't he?

Is there anyone you want
to be here with you?

Marty was always the social one.

We talked about seeing the world.

Marty and I finally booked a...

a-a trip to celebrate
our th wedding anniversary.

To Paris.


But he got cancer.

He still wanted to go, but... I said no,

we needed to get him better first.


Hi, Edna.

I'm Dr. Aaron Glassman.

I understand you wanted
a second set of eyes.

Thank you for coming so quickly.

Well, I was in the neighborhood.


How you handling the heat?

Well, I brought you this.

In case you want to use it later.

Any shortness of breath?

I've had that for ages.
It doesn't really bother me.

At the home, everything's right there.

Well, that's convenient.

It is.

I do like to go to the courtyard.

They have a beautiful
eucalyptus tree there.

When my granddaughter visited
from Eugene last summer,

we sat out there and just
watched the leaves rustle.

Well, that sounds just lovely.

It was.

May I?

Does it hurt when I press here?

Okay, okay. I'll take that as a yes.

Any problems with memory,
forgetfulness, confusion?

I am .

But I just won all three matches

at last week's cribbage game.

So I guess it could be worse.

Card sharp, huh?


Edna, this tumor's a monster.

To take it out would be very risky.

You might not survive
the procedure, or worse.

Ventilator, chronic pain,

Dr. Park went through
all of this with you?

Yes, he did.

I want the surgery.

And another butterscotch pudding.

When you have a moment.

I'll see what I can do.


We're doing the surgery.

You know Edna's heart stopped, right?

And restarted without a defibrillator.

This is a huge surgery
for a -year-old.

And? Age isn't the only issue.

Okay, she has no idea
what she's getting herself into.

I think she does.

Well, she's blindly optimistic.

Or is it blind faith?
What's the difference?

She wants to have the surgery.

That faith could destroy what
little quality of life she has left.

Her call.

W-We need to radically
slash power consumption.

Your servers are pulling more
energy than any other department.

For good reason.
If all of our servers go down,

that'll take out the SmartEnergy Hub.

What's a SmartEnergy Hub?

It directs power to areas
that need it the most

and reduces it to areas that don't.

Without it, I can't guarantee
the generators won't overload.

Our backup system needs a backup?

If we didn't have the Hub,
we'd be working in the dark already.

We need to act now.

Shut down the top two floors,
relocate the patients.

And compromise the medical care
of over people?

I'll look after the patients,
you look after that Hub.


We need to talk about
why I don't like you.

Sounds fun.

Your hand lotion smells
strongly of almonds.

Injecting contrast.

You are stubborn and intractable,

as demonstrated by refusing
to transplant a pig's heart,

ignoring proper procedure
for inserting an IV...

And I didn't back you up
on Lim's surgery.

You were wrong about that too.

The feeling's mutual.

Very stubborn.

And... almonds.

I've seen you get distracted

when something irritates
your sensibilities.

Never seen that make you a jackass.


The coronary artery is coming
off the pulmonary, not the aorta.

This is very rare and will require
a very complicated surgery.

He could drop dead at any minute.

Yes, he could.


How about a coronary artery bypass?


Swamp cooler.

Okay, Brooks' anatomy is
far too complex for a bypass.

We won't have all the necessary
information until we open him up.

Why don't we do a cardiac MRI first?

That would be useless. His
arteries are too tortuous and dilated.

It'd make interpretation
of images impossible.

Okay, so your plan is to have no plan?

My plan is to open him up,
observe, and improvise.

You can't improvise
the most complicated...

Stop contradicting me.

I have more surgical
experience than you.

Yes, and it's your job to teach me.

Then why do you act
like you know as much as I do?


Knowing why I don't like her

isn't going to help
because she won't change.


You're off the case.



We just lost our first server.

How about ECMO and CRRT?

That could bridge May to multi-organ
transplant and we could even...

Danny, she won't even
tolerate anticoagulation.




How you holding up, Chief?

My office is a sauna, the Wi-Fi died,

and I just lost
my last two hours of work.

Well, Andrews just put the hospital

and the ER on full divert status,

so we both have
the next couple hours free.

The AC at the VA is still working.

Oh, I have physical therapy in .

You go to therapy to get better
when you're injured.

I am injured.

You were. You're not anymore.

Living with a physical disability

is not like living with, like, cancer.

You're not dying. You're not sick.

I see a healthy, fully capable
woman sitting across from me.

At some point,

you need to start seeing
yourself like that, too.


You were right.

About the wander bracelet.

Andrews was looking at me.

Are you just saying that
to make me feel better?

- Did it work?
- No.

When I was a junior in high school,
I made this vision board.

Two horses, Olympic medal in archery,

tour with NSYNC.

All goals that I'm okay
with not accomplishing, but...

Being a surgeon, getting married,

having kids?

One of those is already off the table,

and the others feel like
they're sliding out of reach.

I just... I feel like there's
this huge hole in my life.

You had a vision board?

There he is.


[ASHER] Mr. Abbott! Art! Hi.

We're doctors from the hospital.

Let's get you out of this heat, okay?

He's all yours, Starsky.

Mr. Abbott!





I was nervous my first time, too.

Shouldn't they lower the hoops?

You've been pushing that
chair around for months.

I'm sure your arms are up to it.

Today is about fun, remember?

- Ooh, you're tall.

Good reach too.

Audrey, this is Clay.

He's captain of the losing team.

Mm, love your optimism, Powell.

You're for against us.

Right, which is why
I call dibs on the newb.

She who brings the long-armed
newb plays the long-armed newb.

I think I'll just watch.

Oh, come on. You will love it.



You're gonna improvise?

Based on my visual assessment
of your anomalous anatomy.

So you're going to have to make

a lot of decisions in the moment?

Oh, at least six.

Where's Dr. Powell?

Off the case. But she will be replaced.

I want her back,

challenging every decision you make.

Her challenges have not been useful.

Israeli Intelligence refuses
to make any major decisions

until they are thoroughly
challenged by the Tenth Man,

a person assigned to raise
every possible pitfall

before proceeding.

I have a successful business
because of it.

If you can't work with a Tenth Man,

I'll find a surgeon who can.


We're gonna get you cooled down.

Jerome! Jerome!

We found Art!

No. I found him.

In the hospital laundry room.

So who did you kidnap?

♪ Na-na na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na ♪

♪ Na-na na-na-na ♪


♪ Oh,
hey I'm putting bodies On the board ♪

♪ Oh, hey... ♪

Hey! Whoa! You leave it out there,

I'm picking your pocket, newb.

[TORY] Yeah, I'm open!

♪ And I don't think
you're ready for it ♪

♪ Na-na na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na... ♪

- Yeah!
- Nice shot.

[CLAY] All right, get back on D!

♪ Na-na na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na ♪

♪ Na-na na-na-na ♪

♪ I'mma take ya... ♪

[POWELL] Go to the low post.

Let's go! Come on!

Stay out of my lane.

Pass it!


No, don't leave her open.

♪ Dynamite, dynamite ♪

♪ Whoo ♪

♪ Dynamite ♪

♪ Whoo ♪

♪ Dynamite ♪

- Whoo!
- Yes!




Nice shot, newb.

- Oh.




She doesn't have much longer.


We're taking May to Paris.

I kicked Powell off my case,

but the patient said I can't do
his surgery without a Tenth Man,

but I don't want to work
with Powell as a Tenth Man

because I don't like her.

I work with people
I don't like all the time.


Focus on the good, forget the bad.

There is nothing good about Powell.


If there is,
I don't know how to find it.

Common ground.

Find the... the... the common ground.

My father-in-law, for instance.

We were like frozen Popsicles
in a... in a freezer.

- Popsicles?
- Metaphor.

We were so uncomfortable
around each other.

He didn't like me, I didn't like him.

And then, on Maddie's
fifth birthday party,

my father-in-law
pulled out a deck of cards

and performs, to perfection,
this magic card trick.

I'd been fumbling over
that same card trick for years.

I used to have a magic show.

Amazing Aaron's... Magic Show.

And from that point on,
we thawed out, you know?

And we were never close,

but we were okay around each other.

Common ground.







It was two months
before I scored in a game.

Ugh, I won't be able to move my
arms tomorrow. Not good for a surgeon.

- for , Doc.
- Mm-hmm.

- You're a doctor?
- Pediatrician.

I play much better against the kids.


Just for the record,
I did not love that.

No? Then why are you smiling?

It's more of a grimace.

Oh? Maybe.

Or maybe it's nice.

You know, being treated
like a normal person again.

That patronizing politeness
accorded to the helpless,

vulnerable invalid?
That crap gets old fast.


Same time next week?

Not a chance in hell.


And I'm back on the case.

I didn't know you were off it.

Figure you can use these
more now than I can.

Already lost one generator,

and the other is on its last legs.

ICU and OR are the only places
with working AC.

The whole hospital
could go dark at any time.

You're gonna fire me, aren't you?

Not if the board fires me first.


I got to make some calls.

Number six.


[DR. GLASSMAN] Lung is clear. Moving on.

Give her a bump of Dilt.

We don't want her heart going haywire

while we're trying
to pull this thing off of it.

Renal parenchyma isn't clear.

I can't resect this aspect of the tumor

without sacrificing the kidney.

Take the kidney.

Well, she'll need full-on dialysis.

She'll be looking
at blood-pressure volatility,

fainting spells,
electrolyte imbalances...

She can live with it. Take the kidney.

When my grandfather
got pancreatic cancer,

my grandmother pushed
his doctors to operate.

And complications from surgery

cost him everything that
made his life worth living.

Now, he could have spent
his last few months

in palliative care with his family.

Instead, he got three years
of pain and misery.

Now, we stop now, she'll have
a few more good months.

Butterscotch pudding.

Life is hard.

Sometimes the pain of loss
or whatever is so acute,

you don't know how
you're gonna go on or why.

And then you find a reason
or a reason finds you.

Someone needs you.

You find love, a purpose.

Dialysis isn't going
to stop Edna from the joy

of seeing her granddaughter
or the rustling of the leaves,

or butterscotch pudding.


I'll take the kidney.

Brooks' unstable angina has worsened.

The surgery can't wait.

Do you watch The Weather Channel?

This is San Jose. There is no weather.

Other than today. [CHUCKLES]

Helsinki has a lot of weather.

You watch Finnish weather reports?

I find using science as a
predictive tool very reassuring.

I've seen some good weather movies.

Twister, The Day After Tomorrow...

Those movies are very unrealistic.

- Sharknado.
- Pancakes. Do you like pancakes?

Not much of a carb person.

I do love banh xeo.

Vietnamese crepes,
stuffed with pickled daikon radish...

No, those are not pancakes.


We have no common ground.

Dr. Glassman's advice is not useful,
nor Lea's advice.

I still do not like you.


That's every senior care
facility within a five-mile radius.


Vista Park?


Any of those places ring a bell?

Where's my Emma?

I'm gonna end up in Edenvale, aren't I?

With no one to report me missing.

No, you're not.

Edenvale's far too exclusive.

Come on. You know you're gonna
get back together with Park.


Someone just called our ER

looking for a -year-old Samuel
McIntyre of Meadow Drive.

We really did kidnap him.

His grandson Kyle
is coming to pick him up.

As in Kyle McIntyre, Attorney at Law.


Solar energy company's
delivering a battery truck ASAP,

which would give us
all the power we need.

That's fantastic.

Except we can't access it.

It's DC power,
and they don't have an inverter.

MRIs run on DC.
They must have inverters.

I'm not sure they can
integrate it into our grid.

Well, we're gonna find out.

Have engineering take an inverter

- to the electrical room.
- Okay.


What's happening?

We're taking you on a little trip, May.

Just sit back and enjoy.


Welcome to Paris.


[MAY] Oh.

Oh, my...

♪ Non, rien de rien... ♪

It's... It's Notre Dame.

And the Louvre.


And... the Eiffel Tower.

We made it after all.

Isn't it beautiful, Marty?

♪ C'est paye ♪

♪ Balaye, oublie ♪

♪ Je me fous du passe... ♪

Yes, it is, May.

♪ Avec mes souvenirs ♪

♪ J'ai allume le feu ♪


♪ Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs ♪

[SHAUN] Oh. Brooks' coronary
anatomy is very, very unusual.

[POWELL] Yes, it is.

I was hoping to implant the
coronary artery directly onto the aorta.

- It won't reach.
- I know.

I was about to say that.

Sorry. Sorry.

We could do a bypass
with a h*m*, although...

The graft would clot.

I was getting to that.

I don't need your bad ideas.

I was hoping you'd hear it
and make it a better idea.

- Stop talking.
- No!


I'm fine with you not liking me,

but that doesn't mean
you get to disregard my ideas.

And I would've thought
that you'd understand

exactly what it's like
to be treated as the other.

You want to find common ground?
That's our common ground.

We can use a modified Takeuchi procedure

to tunnel the RCA using TEE guidance.

Great plan. I'll cross clamp the aorta.




It was a great plan.

[SHAUN] We need to do
an off-pump modification

of the trap door technique.
Number scalpel.

Without electrocautery,
there's a huge risk he'll bleed out.

We need to improvise.

What about adjustable ligature technique

to cinch down bleeding vessels?

That is from the Civil w*r.

I'm a little bit
of a surgical history geek.

over . He's critical.

That ligature technique could
permanently damage the vasculature.

We will do the off-pump modification.


In the Civil w*r,
they also used heat on metal.

[POWELL] To cauterize.

I'm sure somebody has a lighter.


[SHAUN] I'll cut, you cauterize.

Is this gonna work?

It's not rated for this energy load.

[NURSE] BP is over palp.

We're losing him.

[SHAUN] Okay.


Anastomosis complete.

[POWELL] Unclamping the aorta.

Heart is perfusing.

[NURSE] over . He's stabilizing.



Wonder if Jerome will wait for me.

Till we get out of jail.

Grandpa Sam!

There's my Emma.



He just recently started to wander.

I don't know where you found him,
but with the heat today...

you probably saved his life.

♪ I can't tell ♪

♪ If I'm crushed or cradled ♪


♪ Between the bars ♪

♪ In this hotel ♪

Thank you.

♪ I wish there was something
You could hold... ♪

We're heroes.

Who knew?

♪ What's it gonna take? ♪

♪ Oh, what's it gonna take ♪

♪ For this place To feel like home? ♪

Thank you.


You're, uh...

You're an amazing person.

♪ What's it gonna take? ♪

♪ Twenty-seven years
On a rock in space ♪

♪ When is the fever Gonna break? ♪

How's our Edna doing?

Pretty good, actually. Considering.

Butterscotch pudding?

♪ Yeah, what's it gonna take ♪

♪ For this place To feel like home? ♪

Mm, this is good.

♪ Oh, what's it gonna take ♪

♪ For this place To feel like home? ♪

♪ Oh, what's it gonna take ♪

♪ For this place To feel like home? ♪


We're back to % capacity.

Nice job.

Back at you.

Maybe you can meet a guy
in a tango class.

That hole in my life?

It's not that I want a boyfriend.

I want a child.

Brooks' EKG is perfect.

[SHAUN] Hmm.

The first brain surgery
was performed in ancient Egypt.

The patient died.

I heard they found surgical
tools in a pharaoh's tomb.

They were made of bronze.

There's a great surgical museum
in Chicago.

You should check it out sometime.

Well, what happened there?

She changed her hand lotion.

How do you feel about tennis?

I play every Saturday.

Unless you're too busy with PT.

I think I might be ready to graduate.