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01x09 - Sanctuary

Posted: 12/13/13 14:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow Jennifer Mills, you've helped your sister before.

Abbie wants me to bring you into this, says you'll be valuable.

But I need to know - Are you in or out? - In.

You fell in love, you get married, but the whole time you have no idea that your wife is a witch.


How could you not know? She was protecting me.

We are part of an ancient order sworn to fight the darkness that hides in Sleepy Hollow.

We're dealing with forces so beyond our control.

Beyond beyond.

Jenny! That's the key, Lieutenant.

Now, more than ever, we need Katrina.

What is it you're afraid to say? I believe I know why I am here.

Why? - Ichabod! I'm pulling up to it right now.

Yes, I'll send you pictures.

I can't believe it used to belong to my family.

I know.

I'm just so curious.

I want to learn everything I can about this place.

It's one of the oldest homes in the area.

It took me five years to secure the title.

Oh, I'd like to restore it to its original grandeur.

We have a lot of work to do.

I love it.

Really? It's history, Sam.

My family's history, to be exact.

So show some respect.

Things happened here that need to be remembered.

Looks haunted.

For a bodyguard, you are a very fearful man.


Lena! Until we know it's structurally safe in there, you are not go It's amazing.

We should restore all of this.

Stubborn little brutes.

Sam! We should've brought the hedge clippers! The place is completely I'm merely noting the eradication of a thrice-daily tradition, wherein each meal is treated with the proper allowance of time.

Not that the "drive-through" wasn't impressive.

And despite this establishment's nomenclature, this resembles no Scottish meal I've ever eaten.

These are from the Austrian Netherlands, for one thing.

And dreadfully prepared.

This is probably as much of a Thanksgiving as we're getting.

What about your sister? This is "family time.

" I don't think my having conservatorship over her since her release from the nuthouse necessarily leads to "pass the cranberry sauce.

" The what? Turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie.

You know, all the stuff the Pilgrims ate.

The Pilgrims didn't have any sugar to make a sauce, let alone a pie.

And venison, not turkey, was served.

It would've been a miracle for a single half-starved pheasant Hold up.

Pheasants? All this talk of holidays, turkeys, family time irks me.

Because of Katrina.

If I can't be with my wife during a time of thanks and celebration, why must there be so many constant reminders of the inescapable fact that I You're alone.

I mean no disrespect.

Your company holds the greatest value to me.

Crane You have a right to be angry.

You've lost more than anyone ever should.

Besides, what are holidays for if not airing our grievances? After our nuptials, I had such hope for the life Katrina and I were to share.

It's been a crazy few weeks.

You'll feel better after a night off.

Crane, Mills Got something for you.

Kindly inform me when that night arrives.

So much for the proper allowance of time.

Lena Gilbert Philanthropist, author, socialite.

Miss Gilbert's lineage goes back generations, to the Founding Fathers.

She looks great in fancy dresses, too.

Why is she our concern? That was two days ago.

No one has seen her since.

Normally, not a problem, but she didn't show up at a fund raiser in DC last night.

About an hour ago, the Senate Majority Leader contacted me personally to check on her whereabouts.

Apparently we're not supposed to lose track of billionaires.

Sorry I'm not mistaken You did just say she is a billionaire, correct? Yes.

Meaning she has a billion dollars? That's the gross national income of all 13 colonies, in my lifetime.

Sounds like a rich lady took a wrong turn on the way to her country home.

Any of the other units can handle it.

A member of her staff faxed this over Copy of a note they found in Lena's handwriting on her desk.

That's your wife's name, isn't it? I thought you might be interested.

Okay, yeah, that's an interesting coincidence, but if she's supposed to be in DC, how do we even know that she is still in the area? Her assistant tracked the GPS on her car.

The last ping was here in Sleepy Hollow.

After that fell off the map, disappeared.

Keep me posted.

It could be a different Katrina.

It's not just Katrina.

"Katrina C.

," as in "Katrina Crane.

" One initial does not a connection make.

Oh, you've surely come to realize by now, Lieutenant, that when the two of us are involved, rarely is a coincidence a coincidence.

The captain said Miss Gilbert's lineage dates back to the Founding Fathers.

Could your wondrous Internet perform a search on Miss Gilbert's ancestry? What are we looking for? Ties to landowners within the confines of the Sleepy Hollow area.

Dating back to my era.


All right, father's side, ownership of New World Steel, Dune Chemicals mother's side, maiden name Fredericks.

Owned mining interests, invested in railroads.

Seemed like they owned half the Eastern Seaboard at one time.

Of course.

Fredericks Manor.

Named for Lachlan Fredericks, influential landowner and charter member of the Continental Congress.

Needless to say, a keen supporter of the w*r effort.

And, I assume, a friend of yours.

I know where Miss Gilbert went.

I pulled the land title and deed from city hall.

This place has had a few different owners, but no one's actually lived here for more than a few weeks since Lachlan Fredericks.

It's empty.

Inside, maybe? It's not possible.

Fredericks Manor This is where you wanted to go, right? It is indeed.

But it hardly resembles the residence Katrina and I visited during the w*r.

Katrina had been requesting to visit the estate for months.

Finally, my schedule allowed me to accept an invitation.

We had such a beautiful day together.

Ichabod, we must find our gracious host.

Welcome to Fredericks Manor.

May I take your coat? The manor belonged to Lachlan Fredericks.

I knew of him as a dedicated supporter of the w*r, a close friend of Washington's, but I had no knowledge of his other causes.

Look around, my love.

What do you see? They're all free.

They choose to work here.

This estate is a safe haven.

A place for anyone seeking refuge.

Is that not beautiful? Everyone there, regardless of the color of their skin, was free and guaranteed Lachlan's protection.

This was a sanctuary.

Most of the manor's visitors were former slaves.

Many of them remained in Lachlan's employment, earning a fair wage, as every human should.

I can't fathom how such beauty fell into such ruin.

Or why somebody who dated George Clooney would want to buy it.

An Irishman? Miss Gilbert? Unbelievable.

Sheriff's Department! Let me see your hands! Show me your hands now! Lord His face.

Looks like some kind of animal attack.


Sam Calvern.

Works for a private security company.

I'm gonna assume this guy was with Lena.

Lieutenant They're fresh.

Looks like she was dragged away from here.

Miss Gilbert may still be alive.

Charlie-six-two, requesting additional units.

Six-two, did you copy? No signal.

Gonna try outside.

Jammed shut.

Allow me.

There's gotta be another way out of here.

This is not happening.

Not to be an alarmist But we're in a damn haunted house.

These boards are stuck fast.

There must be an exit.

I am not staying in here.

Do you understand what I'm saying to you? That is not going to happen.

We're trapped in here.

Likely for a reason.

I'm uncertain what this house desires from us, or Miss Gilbert.

If she's still alive, I assume our best course of action is to locate her and ensure her safety.


Good plan.

Hello? Lieutenant? Where are you going? - Did you see her? - Who? The woman.

She was right in front of us.

What woman? All right.

We've faced witches, a headless rider of death, a demon who invades our dreams, I'm sure we can brave this little crisis.

I am saying haunted houses do not work for me.

Not as a child, not now, not ever.

There's a line.

She's not here.

Let's move on.

Wait Gulliver's Travels.


Katrina's favorite novel.

She owned a copy identical to this.

What is it? - It's a letter.

It survived all these years.

Addressed to Katrina? One I wrote to her.

The morning I faced the Horseman.

"My beloved.

"If this missive reaches you, "it means the worst has come to pass and I have fallen in battle.

" I had asked Washington's aide-de-camp to deliver it should my mission to confront the Horseman prove fatal.

Which he would have done, several days later.

She must have returned here while you were buried.

And leave my letter in her favorite book? It's as though I was meant to find it.

I don't understand.

Me neither.

Something's not right about it.

We gotta find this woman.

Miss Gilbert? Sheriff's Department.

Lena? Ooh! So it wasn't like this before, all haunted and with crows? No At the height of the w*r, this was a place of hope, a force for good.

When we finally met our host, he was charming, warm, intelligent everything Washington said he'd be.

Ichabod Crane, I am your most ardent admirer, sir.

May I present our house matron.


Grace Dixon, your reputation for helping those in need precedes you.

In retrospect, it is very possible that their home was also a refuge from supernatural threats.

Lachlan and Grace talked of evil.

Considering the state of this place, it stands to reason that some demonic force caught up with them, targeted this place, turned it from a sanctuary to a prison.

If someone or something had it out for Lachlan, maybe they've had it out for Lena, too.

She is his descendant.

You may well be right.

More evidence of Miss Gilbert's struggle.

After you.

I insist.

Miss Gilbert? The closet.

Oh, my God.

Miss Gilbert, we are here to help you.

It's okay.

We've got you.

No, don't do that.

Crane? Please You don't understand This house is alive! We've got you.

The roots They dragged me.

They wouldn't let me go.

Shh, shh, shh, shh.

I don't know what it was.

It's okay.


Come and sit, come and sit, come and sit.

All right, look at me.


Now, it's my understanding that you are a descendant of the man who lived here, Lachlan Fredericks.

He was an ally to a great and true cause, and as brave a soul as I ever met.

So why don't we honor his memory by getting out of this nightmare in one piece? Mills, where are you? Just 'cause it's the holidays, doesn't mean you don't have to check in.

Call me back.

Your sister's here.

I'm dealing with her B.


Someone's in a mood.

Yeah, you have no idea.

You better have what I asked for.

Thanks for the loaner.

You stole that.

We were fighting demons that were trying to bust out the Horseman.

There was a lot of confusion.

I lost track of what g*n belongs to where.

I left you that message five days ago.

I'm here now, aren't I? - The rest? Come on, don't waste my time.

I thought it was a gift.

You know, for helping save everyone's ass? Cigars are a gift.

Jewelry is a gift.

Maybe I'm a different kind of girl.

This conversation is over.

So - As in, you leave.


It was a stupid idea anyway.

What? It's just, it's the holidays - And? - Nothing.

Forget it.

I was thinking of having people over for Thanksgiving dinner to say thank you to Abbie for taking me in, and I thought, you know, if you didn't have plans You're gonna cook? I can cook.

So this is a normal dinner type thing.

You make turkey and gravy, I bring some pie.

Crane and Mills will be there? - Yep.

We act like normal people for a change.

One night only, I promise.

Then I go back to stealing from you.

That's funny.
Um, am I interrupting? Macey is here.

I-I can come back.

No, no, this is Jenny Mills.

And, uh, I was just leaving.

Hey, I wasn't expecting you.

Aw, my little bean.

There's gotta be another way out.

Another exit we haven't thought of yet.

Miss Gilbert, you left a note on your desk.

You'd circled the name "Katrina C.

" Um Katrina Crane.

I found her name in a registry from the late 1700s.

She was the last person who came here for sanctuary before the manor was abandoned.

My name is Ichabod Crane.

Katrina was my Relative.

He's related to her.

Would you mind telling us what you're doing here? Um, this place has always been a family mystery.

No one knows what happened to it or to my great-great-great- whatever-grandfather Lachlan.

When I found that registry with Katrina on it, I thought maybe I'd found the key to unlocking the truth.

So I bought the manor back and came here, hoping something would make sense.

And yet you've found no clue as to what dark force took hold of this refuge? Just a legend that Lachlan was more than a passionate abolitionist.

That he was also involved in witchcraft.

That might explain why Katrina was so keen to visit this place.

If your ancestor was a warlock, using witchcraft to protect those seeking refuge on his property, perhaps he was a member of my relative's coven.

Did you just say "coven"? Katrina was a witch, and a very dear friend of your forefather's.

When I freed you from those roots, they bled.

Whatever malevolent being att*cked this house, triumphing over Lachlan's protections, it has infested the property.

Something terrible happened here.

And it had something to do with Katrina.

There must be some answer, something in your research.

Possibly, but all of it's back in New York.

Okay, it's time to go.

What is it? - Quickly.

Crane, there was something back there.

Something bigger.

Yes, I saw.

We can't stay back here.

Where would you have us go? Everyone Go ahead.

I'm right behind you.

Lieutenant, come on! Crane! Lieutenant! Down here! Lieutenant! Stand back.

Give me your hand.

Your hand.

Lieutenant, give me your hand.

Miss Gilbert Oh, no.

Crane? Where are you? Crane? It's time.


Ex-Excuse me That was good, Mills.

Talk to the ghost.

Excuse me.

Coming through.

Excuse me.

Thank you.

Not gonna say hello? I mean you're dating my dad there's no point being a coward about it.

We have to meet at some point.

I'm not dating your dad.

I don't even really like your dad.

Sometimes me, either.



You're so not a cop.

Definitely not.

My sister is.

Must be cool.

Having a sister to look out for you like that.

Uh, yeah.

Can be.

She's a bit of a hard-ass.

Try growing up with my dad.

Honestly, I can't even imagine.

Well, you know, it's better now.

He works here.

I live in the city.

The man's always busy, so, you know, I don't really have to deal with his BS much of the time.

Just me and my mom.

I'm cool with that.

I never had much of a mom or dad.

Don't know what it's supposed to be like, but maybe give him a chance.

He's not a completely terrible person.

Just some friendly advice.

I know it's not the most romantic spot, but it's private.

I'll make this brief.

I know, um, I know you're busy.

Just so you know, there is nothing going on between Whatever you do on your own time is-is none of my business.

But how you behave as a parent is.

One weekend That's all Macey's seen from you since you transferred here.

One weekend.

All she knows is-is "something came up.

" I call every day, Cynthia You know what? It's not working.

When you were assigned here it was supposed to be better for everyone.

Smaller town, easier workload, a place where Macey can get out of the city.

Your words.

I'll make it up to her.

All I see is a small-town precinct a tenth of the size of your old one.

What could possibly be such a challenge in Sleepy Hollow? Cynthia I know it doesn't make sense, but the work I'm doing here is important.


Well, then why can't you have someone else handle it? I can't.

It has to be me.

Do you hear yourself? Is this the kind of father you want to be? I'm trying, Cynthia.

I want to make things right with Macey.

That's why I moved here.

What happened, happened.

And we're dealing with it, she's dealing with it, and she's doing well.

But it won't last if you hide from your responsibilities as a father.

She needs stability not any more disappointment.

There's no other way to say this.

I had some papers drawn up demanding full custody.

If you cancel one more weekend I will file.

For her sake.

You would do that to me? This is not me.

This is you, Frank.

Crane? Lena? It's coming.


The pain is rising.

She's close now.

The child is coming.

Please, are we safe? - You and your child are safe.

All you need to do is bring this life into our world.

I can't do it.

Look at me, Mrs.


I can't do this, - not without Ichabod.

You have to.

For your sake and the child's, hmm? Now, breathe.

That's it! That's it.

You're doing beautifully.

Now push.

That's it.

Push! Push! Good.

That's it.

A blanket.

The baby's coming.

Now Strength, now.

Push! Good.

That's it.

Ah Oh Mrs.

Crane it's a boy.

I have a son.

I have a son.

Shh, shh.

I have a son.

Shh Lieutenant, shh, shh, shh.

This way.

What happened to you? - Where is Lena? - The creature took her.

Dragged her away like a toy.

I couldn't stop him.

Obviously, the creature is more than simply an agent - of destruction.

Crane, I need to tell you something.

He infested this place for a reason.

Crane Crane This was an attack, aimed at Lachlan, who I'm not certain is in league with Katrina, - perhaps even a part of her coven - It was Katrina.

I saw Katrina giving birth.

What did you say? Downstairs.

I had a vision.

I saw what happened here.

Katrina came back here because she was going to have a baby.


No, I'm sorry, you must be mistaken.

She would have told me.

Or she needed to keep it secret.

If Lachlan was really part of Katrina's coven, it would have made sense for her to come here and give birth.

Come on.

Hurry, get her inside.

She would have figured the protective hex he placed on the property would keep her and your baby safe.

What was it? The baby.

It was a son.

You had a son.

Crane, there's more.

Something happened during the birth.

What happened? Ichabod would be overjoyed, Katrina.

Lachlan, what's going on? They've broken through the protections.

Something came after the baby, beating the hex by growing inside the property.

That creature, the evil in this house, att*cked the moment your child was brought into this world.

Lachlan did everything he could to protect them.

Lachlan knew this creature had to be sent by Moloch.

Take them now.

Use my personal carriage.


Abbie What happened to my son? Please.

I need to know.

I don't know.

That's all I saw.

Then he could have survived.

They both could have escaped the creature.

Crane Miss Gilbert, are you hurt? No No Miss Gilbert! - Miss Gilbert! - Can't get a clean shot! Go! Go! Run! Where did she go? I don't know.

Lieutenant the roots! He's felt it! How do we escape? This way.

Lieutenant! This way! I found a way out.

What are you doing? Stay with Miss Gilbert.

My business here isn't finished.

Crane - That thing came after my son! Listen to me We're gonna make this thing right.

You just have to stay with me! - Keep her safe.

Crane! - Heed my words.

Do not follow me.

I know who you serve.

I know why you came here.

Did you think you could attack those I love without consequence?! Huh? That you could come for my wife? My child?! Give Moloch my regards.

My God.

I should like to go home now.


There you are.

So, I'm thinking Jenny's burnt turkey and gluten-free pumpkin pie might be just what you need to lift your spirits.

Okay, it's not the greatest sales pitch.

There will be rum.

It's your favorite.

Barbadian Best Amber.

I believe I would not have survived Valley Forge without it.

I'm much obliged, Miss Mills.

But in my present state, I fear I would not be pleasant company.

Look Thanksgiving isn't easy for everyone.

When I was a kid, I remember walking on the street, passing houses on my block, looking in windows, seeing people, families, sitting around tables, laughing, carving turkeys.

I was just so envious.

I wanted that more than anything.

I had it in England.

During my father's holidays from teaching at Oxford, I would sit by the hearth, and he'd regale me with glorious tales of ancient Greece.

And I really believed I'd follow his footsteps I'd be a professor in my own right, yet upheld by his pride for me.

And that one day, I would have a son, and I'd share that same comfort that I felt so freely.

I'm guessing that's what the point of this is? The time for reflection.

You see what you have now, and you embrace what's in front of you.

Oh, I nearly forgot.

This arrived for you this afternoon.

More treasures from the Amazon, perhaps.

It's from Lena Gilbert.

The records from Fredericks Manor throughout the years.

Documentation on Mrs.

Grace Dixon the manor's house matron.

A list of her progeny.

Family tree.

Lori Roberts.

My mother.

You're a descendant of Grace Dixon.

My ancestor brought your son into this world.

Quite heroically.

I see the family resemblance.

It seems that you and I our paths were intertwined from the very start.

It definitely would seem.

We have a drink.

It's a day of giving thanks.

To family.

To finding family.