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01x08 - Necromancer

Posted: 12/13/13 14:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on Sleepy Hollow Andy? You're supposed to be dead.

The Horseman won't stop coming after you until he gets his head.

My sister, Jenny.

She's getting out of the institution tomorrow.

Hessians German soldiers loyal to the British Crown.

Like the Horseman.

You can't k*ll Death.

But you can trap him.

It's the only way - you can defeat him.

Crane? Now! Okay.

I want to show you something.

Fist bump.

I beg your pardon? It's an expression ofelation.


We got him.


Fist bump.

Makes no sense.

Hard to believe.


And yet, here we are.

I'm tempted to dial in NORAD.

Drop a nuke down here and call it a day.

I'm afraid it and the cockroaches will still be standing.

We've tried k*lling this thing a thousand ways to Sunday.

I put a b*llet in his chest.

And cut off his head.

And we filled this cell with his personal Kryptonite.

Those hex candles from the Mason's supply.

The strongest UV lights on the open market.

It's weakened him, but - Here he stands before us.

As monstrous as the man I met on the b*ttlefield more than two centuries ago.

If we can't destroy him, what do you suggest? Let him - rot down here? - The cell is secure.

Thomas Jefferson designed it.

Alongside his wife's witch coven, who put a supernatural hex around it to keep the evil out.

I can hardly believe Jefferson foresaw holding a headless man prisoner.

He foresaw holding the worst type of demons that may walk the earth.

A product, no doubt, of his years trying to reason with the French.

No matter what happens with the Horseman, others are coming.

Witches, demons, Sandmen.

Sir, as crazy as this sounds, this w*r has just begun.

Then perhaps we treat him as any other captured enemy.

He rode into Sleepy Hollow for a reason.

He knows what evil is planning to attack next.

You want to interrogate the Horseman.

I don't think he's gonna talk.

Or maybe he'll talk to someone who's already dead.

Of course.

Your former friend, Officer Brooks.

As in the late Detective Andy Brooks? He delivered a message to the Horseman for us before.

They must communicate.

Last I heard, he was dead.

Rules on that status have gotten a little bendy.

He's unhappily resurrected.

Deployed as an agent for Moloch.

Moloch, the demon on the top of the org chart? Which begs the question How can we trust Brooks? I believe he truly regrets his lot.

He's already aided us in capturing the Horseman.

And he still holds unrequited feelings for Ms.


Seriously? - Sir, we can track down Brooks.

If you could get in touch with my sister, I think she could be useful.

Didn't she just get out of Tarrytown Psychiatric? Yesterday.

She deserves to know.

A dead guy, a mental patient and a time traveler from the Revolution.

That's our team.

Thought I heard a deer.

You see it? Not yet.


What the hell? Agreed.

__ __ __ What is that, German? We last saw Brooks in this section up ahead.


This must be his closet.

It's bigger than mine, I'll give him that.

It appears our undead informant is out on the town.

Andy's a creature of habit.

If this is where he lives, this is where he'll come back.

Jennifer Mills.

I'm Captain Frank Irving.

I'll take it from here.


I'm all for renditioning innocent Americans while they're sitting at a café, enjoying a soy latte and some free Wi-Fi.

No warrant.

No lawyer present.

You weren't answering your phone.

Now you see why.

My office.

Have a seat.

First day out of Tarrytown Psychiatric.

How you doing? I already have a P.


and a shrink that I report to, so I don't need another shoulder.

Your sister asked me to find you.

And where's she? - On assignment.

She can't even pick up her phone.

Typical Abbie, already - You don't like authority.

I get it.

I know about your past.

You told the truth about what you and your sister saw as kids, and the system failed you.

What do you know about any of this? Do you even really know where she is right now? Abbie asked me to track you down because she's with the Horseman.

One of the Four Horsemen.

We captured him.

"We"? Cut your sister some slack.

She got a pretty good excuse for being out of touch.

I want to see him.

He's in a Masonic cell that's supposed to be strong enough to hold him, but I've never seen anything like this in my life.

You helped your sister before.

Abbie wants me to bring you in to this, says you'll be valuable.

I'd like to believe her, but so far you haven't given me any confidence.

Yeah, come in.

Sir, there's a situation at Adams Antiquities.

Alarm company called it in.

Adams? You know the place? Yeah, I used to do work for the owner.

Freelance acquisitions.

What kind of acquisitions? Fine.

Stay put till I get back.



What do you want from me? Do you see these people? They don't understand.

Hopefully they never will.

At least not on my watch.

But I'm new to this, and you've spent the last thinking about the day the demons will rise.

You can go it alone or you can help us.

But I need to know Are you in or out? In.

Then let's take a ride.


It's appropriate for Brooks.

You should check it out, too.

You know, there's been some pretty good American literature - in the last 200 years.

Yes, I've discovered Twain, Faulkner fascinating Southerner.

though we should discuss books.

These are Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Put that down! - Andy.


What are you doing here? What's he doing here? We've been looking for you.

We're hoping you can help us.

I already told you how to trap the Horseman.

You have him, - don't you? - We want to know his weakness.

How do we break him? You don't.

You don't break him.

You leave him be.

There is a way to communicate with him.

Through you.

These are Egyptian symbols for communicating with the dead.

You're his necromancer.

Necromancer? An appointed one who has the power to speak for the dead.

You're his voice, aren't you? I am.

Then this is your chance at redemption.

Come with us, allow us to unearth the man within.

You want to bring Brooks to the cell? Yes, to speak to the Horseman.

It's a calculated risk but one we must take to gain ground in this w*r.

We'll take every precaution.

Abbie, please don't make me do this.

You said you wanted to help me.

I do.

But you got to understand, the decisions I made when I was alive, I can't take back.

My soul doesn't belong to me anymore.

__ When he visits I have no choice but to obey his commands.

I help you when I can, but if you put me in there with him, it is not gonna end well.

How do I know I can even trust you now? You can't.

But believe this Confronting Death leads to nothing but misery.

It's a darkness that'll haunt you forever.

All right.

This way.




It's this way.


Hands in the open.

They broke the jewelry case and left all the most expensive stuff.

This all just seems Faked? A diversion, but why? I got to show you something.

Adams used to hide his most valuable merch in here.

Jenny - Adams! He's shot! Get a medic in here.

Over here.

Second shelf.

The box.

Bring it over.

Did they get it? It's empty.

What was in it? Thracian Phiale.

A ancient relic, allegedly protected by warlocks after Cromwell's conquest of Britain.

Why would someone want something like that? You wouldn't.

Not unless you wanted to break a hex-spell.

Like the one protecting the Horseman's cell.

Who did this? They spoke German to each other.




Come on.

If the Hessians know where the Horseman is, they can use the Phiale to remove the hex.

We've got the Horseman weak under the U.



Not if they cut the power.

They're gonna take out the grid next.

We need to call Abbie on the way.

Consider yourself warned.


__ __ Must not be feeling too chatty.

Consider it a blessing.

Feeling less than robust? Good.

So, do you have a name? Should I just call you Death? You may serve Moloch and outside these walls you may be one of the Four Horsemen from the Book of Revelation, but now you are nothing but a prisoner.

And I will see you and your kind defeated.

Just as I took your head.

One way or other, I will learn your secrets, and you shall remain here for eternity a failure.

Where'd that come from? Crane.

It belonged to Katrina.

Yes, you took my head, but death will not be silenced.

Crane, I know what you're thinking.

You have no idea what I'm thinking.

Look, I'm on your side here.

Brooks warned us that he would try to get under our skin.

But how does the Horseman have Katrina's necklace? Okay, let's start with what we know.

Why would he have this exact necklace? It was a gift to her.

But not from me.

It was given to her by the man to whom she was once betrothed.

My best friend, Abraham Van Brunt.

This one, sir, is sure to melt her heart.

There's no other like it in the colonies.

I think I rather like it for her.

What do you think, Ichabod? Yes, it's a it's a beautiful piece.

It's the best one.

It's not my place.

Ichabod, this is important.

I'm I'm not sure it suits Katrina.

This one.

It embodies her elegance, simplicity, beauty and restraint.

Uh, very well.

I'm trusting you.

Turn around, darling.

There we go.

It's perfect.

Exactly what I would have chosen.

I knew it would be.

Ah, Rutledge is here, with news from the Crown.

Word is they're sending troops to disrupt Congress.


Excuse us.

You picked this out, didn't you? - Sorry? - Abraham's taste is far more excessive.

He's not bought anything of the kind for me.

Perhaps he's learning.

I merely consulted.

Take no offense.

I'm breaking off the engagement.

You can't.

I'm telling Abraham tonight.

Katrina I know an arranged marriage is not the stuff of fairy tales, but Abraham's from a good family, and he loves you.

I do not love him.

I never have.

My heart belongs to another.

I cannot betray my friend.

This isn't about you, dear Ichabod.

This is my life.

I am breaking off the engagement because it isn't right for me.
There are consequences.

As there were when you turned your back on England, remember? All of this it's the remnants of the life we are fighting to leave behind.

I do not wish to go to the effort of creating an independent country only to have it dictated by the same senseless customs as our motherland.

If and when I marry, it will be out of love.

Otherwise, I know not what I'm fighting for.

You deserve nothing less than love.

And I love you, Ichabod.

She dumped her fiancé for you.


You got some game.

I neither wanted nor did I invite "game.

" The unfortunate situation was a by-product of the meager rights afforded to women at the time.

It's still better to be you.

Be that as it may I need to understand why the Horseman has it.

Did he take it from her? Does he know why Moloch holds Katrina c*ptive? We need to stay on point.

We are looking for his weakness.

Don't let him find yours.

And we shall find it.

We have him talking.

__ That's why no electrical workers carry firearms.

Wait here.

You're kidding.

Don't move.

So much for her waiting.

Put 'em down! Now! You're way outnumbered.

I'd do exactly as she said.

Two against four? I like our odds.

Check your math, Adolf.

Put your hands behind your head.

How did you acquire this necklace? You wish to wear it? How would that work, exactly? You miss Katrina.

What do you know about her? - I know all of her secrets.

Her fate.

Her destiny.

Well, tell me.

You want me to know, don't you? Not yet.

But you will learn before you die.

I bested you in battle.

The sunlight has weakened you.

You must use a puppet to speak.

And now you are caged like a beast, because I took your head.

I took you! I took you on the b*ttlefield! I slayed your Mason brethren! I hung their heads like lanterns! I k*lled her partner! And I will k*ll you.

My, this has become very personal.

Why me? Your mission was to m*ssacre the Masons, yet you lingered.

for your head? No.

For me.

That was your downfall.

Did Moloch sanction this mission? Are you on your own? Something blinded your judgment made you careless.

I have waited for this day.

Washington's prize soldier all the time you were searching for me on the b*ttlefield I, too, was searching for you.

You were my mission.

Then and now.

You ask why I remain here.

To finish what I started.

And as you lay dying, think about all the bloodshed that will follow, and know that it will be on your hands.

Mills, that van is evidence.

Do you know how dangerous this is? I have an entire TAC team in position.

That's why I wasn't worried.

The next time I tell you to wait This bag is empty.

Whatever was in it is somewhere else out here now.

Attention, I need the dogs rolling over the southwest quadrant immediately.

Why were you searching for me on the b*ttlefield? To avenge the death of your partner.

My partner? Abraham.

Have you forgotten about him already? Crane.

Does the other Witness know that you betrayed and k*lled your - former partner? - No.

That's lies.

That's not what happened! Crane, listen to me.

I-I'm not finished, Lieutenant.


Found this on the perimeter.

All teams, S&R on Hollow U.



I told you this wasn't gonna end well.

And the captain believes these same Hessians are responsible for stealing this artifact? We just don't know how many of these guys there are.

He arrested six at the DWP.

Uh, acronyms.

Department of Water & Power.

And we're still guessing it's two hours - until they get the power back on.

Two hours? Every minute he grows stronger.

They will attempt to release the Horseman.

We'll be ready for them.

Irving's on his way.

I'm going to resume our interrogation.

Not yet.

Clearly, he struck a nerve in there.

I didn't k*ll Abraham.

I believe you, but I need to know what he's talking about.

Want to fill me in? Abraham was devastated when Katrina broke her troth to him.

The next day, the two of us were charged with an important clandestine mission, to deliver the Declaration of Resolves of the First Continental Congress.

Declaration of Resolves? Was that a precursor to the Declaration of Independence? Indeed.

It outlined our grievances to the king.

It was a crucial errand fraught with danger.

But Abraham's mind was elsewhere.


Be cautious We're in enemy territory.

She doesn't want to marry me.

I'm sorry.

Did I mistreat her, Crane? Have I not enough wealth to keep her family in comfort, even luxury? Social status she clearly has never had.

Katrina's never cared for those things.

She's spirited.

She's motivated by the heart.

The heart? She has no right.

Do you realize how this will make me look? That I am not good enough for her? Shh, shh, shh.

I did not know until yesterday, I swear.

She professed her love to me.

To you? - There's no need to force an unhappy union, not when there are many women who would faint - at your prospect - Do not patronize me.

How long have you been wooing her? Abraham, no, I would not do our friendship the dishon But you have.

You have! Abraham you are my friend.

Now, please, you must understand, this is hard for us all.

We wish for your blessing.

Do not burden yourself.

Abraham, whatever your misgivings, now is not the time, not here.

Our mission.

ABRAHAM Lies! - Draw your sword.

Abraham, I will not duel.

You don't deem me worthy? Arm yourself! - I yield.

I yield.

I do not accept.

Who's unworthy now? Abraham! - Oh, no.

Leave, leave.

We must deliver the Declaration.

Leave me! I never meant to hurt him.

His pride came at a great cost.

The Hessians k*lled him, not me.

This is exactly what Brooks warned.

He knows your darkest secrets.

And I will learn his.

Not yet.

Not while he's getting stronger.

That's all the more reason - For you to sit down.

I'm making progress.

Now we know why remained in Sleepy Hollow - after k*lling the Masons.


To k*ll you.

And understanding why - is key to learning his weakness.

Crane, we both know how interrogations work.

You don't face your adversary when you're raw That is how you lose control.

I am in control! Abbie? Crane? It's Irving.

We came as soon as we could.

We? We searched all the Hessians.

None of them have the Thracian Phiale.

You brought her down? I'm helping out the captain.

I said tell her about it, not introduce them.

You understand this is her first day out.

Do I.

If none of them have the Thracian Phiale, where is it? We're searching their homes, properties, any connection we can think of.

Nothing so far.

How does this thing work, exactly? Jenny.


Um They'd have to break into the cell and perform a Druidic incantation.

That will lift the hex, and all kinds of bad could get down here with him.

I'm calling for backup.


She's right.

That may be exactly what the Hessians want.

We already know of one dirty cop.

We have no idea who we can trust letting anyone into the tunnels with us could be the death of us.

I'm afraid they may be right.

This is a secret w*r.

We must be cautious whom we invite into it.


I'll station an armed TAC team at every access point.

Nobody's getting down here.

The Horseman's not going anywhere, Lieutenant.

Not whilst I'm still alive.

All right, if it's just us down here, we're gonna need heavier a*tillery.

I'm not leaving the prisoner unmanned.

Then you can stay behind.

Hold the fort.

But you two can help me carry the weapons.

Sir - It's all right.

The cell is still protected by the hex.

I don't like leaving you with him, Crane.

I see no alternative.

I'm not leaving him alone.

Sooner we leave, sooner we're back.

We'll stay in the tunnels.

You go to the precinct.

I'll connect with the TAC team at the top of the grate.



Crane, I'm staying back here with you.

I'm fine, Lieutenant.

Thank you.

Just don't lose your cool.


I shall never "lose my cool.

" If Brooks gives you any flack, take his head, too.

He is damn scary.


And you saw him locked up.

Imagine him on a horse, pointing an M4 at your ass.

He did that? I've seen a lot of things in the last few weeks.

Well, maybe if we do this right, those things'll stop coming.

__ __ __ __ __ What the hell was that? Jenny! So, the secret w*r has begun anew.

You were sent on a mission to k*ll the Masons.

You succeeded.

But then you disobeyed your master because you had your own mission.

What caused you to risk eternal imprisonment? What is your unfinished business with me? Now, Ichabod, you shall learn.



What have you done? I had no choice! It wasn't my decision! Abraham.

How can this be? Abraham? This is impossible.

You watched Abraham die.

That was only the beginning.

Then he came to me.

You made a deal with the Devil.

He gave me what I always wanted.


My prize is not revenge.

It is Katrina.

Katrina? I believe I know why I am here.

She's held c*ptive for you.

Her soul will be mine once more.


__ __ Stop! You can't k*ll him! The master forbids it! Tell Abbie I'm sorry.

You didn't cause Abraham to become the Horseman.

Yes, I did.

I violated his honor.

That is so 18th century.

People make their own decisions.

You are not responsible for his actions.

No? I was so blinded by my love for Katrina I created my own nemesis.

That is your arrogance talking.

What? I always found Abraham arrogant.

But perhaps he was just a mirror to myself.


Truth be told, I prefer candlelight.

It sets a certain mood.

Bram could've quenched his desire to k*ll me, but Brooks and Moloch's minions stopped him.

I can't explain why Moloch spared me from the Horseman.

Other than maybe you are not his to k*ll.

If I'm not meant for the Horseman of Death, then who? The Horseman said that Katrina's soul will be his.

"Will" being the crucial word.

So perhaps perhaps she's being held until he rides with the other Horsemen.

Thus beginning the end of days.

We're dealing with forces so beyond our control.

Beyond beyond.

And yet Yes? If Katrina is being held for the Horseman as his prize and Abraham was willing to go rogue and k*ll you, sell his soul to trap her Then we've found the Horseman's weakness.

My wife.

That's the key, Lieutenant.

Now, more than ever we need Katrina.