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01x11 - Franken-Ghost Part 1

Posted: 11/17/22 14:36
by bunniefuu

All the infections that the sun sucks up

from bogs, fens, flats,

[SIGHS] on Prosper fall and

make him by inch-meal a disease!

Hey, Ruben. Wait up.

Not now, Donna. I have to change.

This costume's really itchy.

Well, I did suggest cotton.

How did I do?

Not bad for a dress rehearsal.

But I still think

you're not scary enough.

Really? I tried to tap

into my inner rage.

That was rage? Okay.

Maybe try a little harder.

I gotta go.

Don't forget, we're meeting

up at the bookstore at 3:40.

3:40? That's oddly specific.

Chevon's schedule is

hard to work around.

Why are we meeting again?

To discuss whether or

not we tell your grandpa

your grandma lied about

the money for the bookstore.

You know where I stand on that.

Grandpa doesn't need to know.

That's why it's up for discussion.

Okay. I'll see you at 3:40.



Hey. You didn't come to

Morgan's party yesterday.

- What's up with that?

- I wasn't feeling well.

You look fine to me.


I'm not the one you have to convince.

Morgan was seriously upset

that you didn't come yesterday.

And Katie said that you

blew off a movie last week.

It's not a big deal,

Ellie. I paid her back.

I've just been really

busy with a mystery.

With what?

- The mysteries of life.

- Right. Life.

Whatever. Just stop

ditching us all the time.

One time.

You better not forget

my sleepover on Friday.

Why would I forget that?

What is that thing

you're always carrying?

It's just a book.

Gotta go.



[MAN] You're making

a big mistake, Ernie.

Why do you wanna buy this place anyway?

To tear it down and build

another ugly coffee shop?

- No, thanks.

- Think about it.

McNulty down the street, he's

very happy retiring to Florida.

He even has a boat.

Well, if you change your mind,

you know where to find me.


Ruben's not here.

That's fine. We'll wait

for him in the back.

Everything okay?

Yep. No complaints.

3:47. Ruben's seven minutes late.

Eight. I hope he has a good excuse.

He probably realized these

meetings are a waste of time.

Which is what I've

been trying to tell you.

[CHEVON] Sorry, Donna,

but I'm with Curtis.

We literally have

nothing new to discuss.

If the ghost wants our help, she's

gonna have to throw us a bone.

I'm gonna call Ruben.

Hey, it's Ruben. Leave

a message after the beep.

Voice mail.

[CHEVON] Maybe he's still at school.

Didn't you have a dress rehearsal today?

Yeah. So?

Don't they usually have

meetings after rehearsal?

They do.

You're probably

supposed to be there too.

You're probably right. I can't

believe I let this slip. Bye.

So, since we're already here,

do you want to work on our assignment?

I feel like I'm stranded on

Treasure Island. But sure.









I don't know who you are

or why you brought me here,

but we can discuss this.

Be calm.

I entreat you to hear me before

you give vent to your hatred.




What? Why do you keep looking at me?

Nothing. It's nothing.

It's not nothing.

You're still mad because

you think I'm not working hard

enough on this assignment.

I'm not mad. I'm worried.

Your grade's gonna be fine.

Not about my grade.

I have something to tell you.

When Raine was here there was

a sparkle on your homework.

And I guess I watched it.

[SIGHS] You have no

boundaries. You know that?

I'm sorry.

I thought you lied about how

much work you put into this.

But then I saw how hard you were trying.

I just wanna help.

Wow. When did you become

the school counselor?

- Curtis, I think


What, Donna?

Ruben's not here. All his things

are here. I don't know where he is.

Okay. Calm down. We'll be right over.

Hey, Ruben! Donna!

I can't find him anywhere.

There must be a logical explanation.

And I'm sure you have it?


It's about time.

Good to see you, Ghost Writer.

"O, C, H, N, Ca, P, K, S,

Na, Cl, Mg".

"Ocnacaps" I can't even say it.

Maybe it's another language.

Or maybe we need to

rearrange the letters.

"Posak clonch"?

Those aren't even words.

Wait. These aren't letters.

They're elements.

You're right. We studied

this in chemistry.

O is for "oxygen" and C is for "carbon".

Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen,

calcium, phosphorous, potassium,

sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium.


I got it. These are the elements

that make up the human body.

Maybe it's just a coincidence?

This is the ghost. No such

thing as a coincidence.

She's trying to tell us something.

Maybe she's trying to tell us

that she wants us to

combine the elements.

What? It's not like we're really

gonna be able to create a human body.

[CHEVON] I'm guessing he's

not our new science teacher.

Who are you children?

This is not a safe place.

You must leave.

It's school. What's not safe about it?

Also, who are you?

I'm Victor Frankenstein.

Did you say "Frankenstein"?

As in "Dr. Frankenstein"?

Wait. I thought

Frankenstein was a monster.

You've seen him too?

- Wait. Are you talking about

- My monster. No one is safe.

Okay, calm down.

He must be from a book.

Just figure it out.

So, do you have a name?

I'm Ruben.

My creator abandoned me unnamed.

It was only one of his many errors.

Well, why don't you tell

me about where you're from?

It is with considerable difficulty

that I remember the

original era of my being.

All of the events of that period

are confused and indistinct.

I think what you're saying is

you don't remember being born.

I have searched far

and wide for my creator.

I wish for him to bestow upon me

the same kindness he bestows

upon his mortal friends.

This creator guy. What's his name?

His name is Frankenstein.


Now it all makes sense.

Has your creator also abandoned you?

Uh, no.

I'm pretty sure my creator's

making dinner at home right now.

I'm also pretty sure she's gonna

start to wonder where I am.

I've never dreamed that I would

encounter a monster like yourself.

What do you mean?

Your hideousness mirrors my own.

It is the first time in my existence

that I have encountered

a being such as I.


You think I'm a monster like you.

I'm playing Caliban in the school play.

He's the monster from The Tempest.

You lie.

Oh, no. Look. It's all fake. See?

It cannot be. It must not be.

I have no mask to remove.

I am fated to be alone and

miserable for the rest of my life!

Uh, Doctor? What you doing there?

I wanted to create a

solution to calm the Monster.

But it's useless. This

laboratory is for children.

I'm still confused.

You're Frankenstein,

but he's not a monster.

Everyone thinks

Frankenstein is the Monster,

but it's actually the doctor

who made the Monster.

That's all I know. We

should read the book.

What we do know is that

there's a monster on the loose,

which, not gonna lie, freaks me out.

It's scary but also super exciting.

A monster could storm in here at

any second. Talk about tension.

Children, I beseech you. Get

yourselves away from this place.

The Monster's not a congenial being.

Already he has taken one child.


What did this child look like?

He was of your age but outfitted

in a thespian's garments.

- Thespian?

- An actor.

His Caliban costume.

It's definitely Ruben.

We need to find him.

I'm afraid to say it, but the

creature was fleeing with him.

Fleeing? Where to?

He was descending the stairs.

I gave chase, but, alas,

my fears overtook me.

"Descending the stairs".

Basement. Let's go.

It's from his costume.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

I am destined to a life of loneliness.

You don't know that.

Your efforts to comfort me are futile.


Stay here. I shall return momentarily.

Ruben, are you okay?

Come on. Hurry. Curtis

is creating a diversion.

Thank you. You children have amazed me.

How courageous of you

to rescue your friend.

I don't scare easily,

but that monster

- You messed up, man.

- I know.

It was foolish of me to think it

was in my power to create life.

I regret it every moment.

Just try not to be so hard on yourself.

We'll come and check on you tomorrow.

Thank you.

Yep. Blank.

Why would your grandma

release a monster?

I'm sure she has her reasons.

Maybe she just enjoys scaring people.

Well, we need to read the book

and pick this up tomorrow.

I don't know how I feel

about going to school

with a monster on the loose.

It's okay. Just remember, he's a

fictional character from a book.

Yeah. I really think my grandma

wouldn't release him if

he was gonna hurt us.

I hope you're right.

Chevon. Working through lunch again.

Oh, it's okay, Mr. Mendoza.

I ate already.

You seem to be really getting into

this Treasure Island assignment.

Where's your partner?

Oh, Curtis is done with his half.

Looks like you're doing

a lot of rewriting.

Just touching it up.

I hope you're not doing

Curtis's work for him.

This is a partnership.

It's not like that.

Curtis has some great ideas.

He's really been trying.


Mr. Mendoza, I think something's

going on with Curtis.

What's this?

Just a little surprise.


For the sleepover.

We're all gonna wear them in the

morning when we go for pancakes.

And Katie's bringing over

some scary movies.

Hope you can handle monsters.

Oh, right. The sleepover.

There's still a lot to plan.

Sounds like you have it under control.

Are you kidding me? What about the menu?

You promised you'd handle that.

When did I promise that?

This was your idea, remember?

You said, "Let's have a

sleepover for your birthday

with matching pajamas, and

scary movies and a special menu".

That does sound like me.

Okay. I'm gonna go get some water,

and we'll discuss the menu.

Hey. That's private.

Are you and Curtis in

some kind of secret

mystery club with Chevon and Ruben?

No, of course not.

Really? 'Cause on page

one it literally says

the four of you were chosen

for a secret mystery.

It's nothing. Seriously.

We never used to keep

secrets from each other.

I don't understand what's such a

big deal that you can't tell me.

I thought we were best friends.

I just can't.

You know what? Fine. I don't care.

Don't worry about

coming to the sleepover.

I know you have more

important things to do.

Only real friends wear matching pajamas.

Ellie, wait.

Okay, I'll tell you. But

it's kind of a crazy story.

I don't know why I'm here. We

already talked about everything.

I just thought it would

be a good idea to check in.

Unfortunately, your grades are

showing very little improvement.

It's been a tough year.

I guess I'm pretty beat up

about the whole divorce and everything.

Honey, is that true?

We thought you were

doing okay with things.

There must be something more going on.

Mr. Mendoza told me

you're having a hard time

with your latest assignment.

What did he say?

We know how hard you're working on it.

It's very possible that the reason

you're struggling at school

isn't completely because

of the changes at home.

We'd like to set up a meeting

with the school's psychologist.

- What?

- Curtis, I know you're upset.

But Ms. Fletcher's only trying to help.

We just wanna get a better sense on

how you learn so we can help you shine.

I don't understand.

The school psychologist wants

to see how you read and write.

You know, stuff like that.

It's okay to need extra help.


How many times has Jim Sullivan

been in here trying to buy the store?

[CHUCKLES] I lost track.

The guy's relentless.

Why does he want it so badly?

He's been buying up properties

all over the neighborhood.

Wants to build new

stores and restaurants.

Well, he must be able to pay a lot.

I mean, if Mr. McNulty

sold the dry cleaners

for enough money to

buy a boat in Florida,

maybe you should at

least hear his offer.

Ha! You sound as bad as him.

Dad, business is slow.

At least think about it.

You could buy a boat.

I have no interest in moving to Florida.

I'm not gonna sell out and

watch him ruin this neighborhood.

- Your mom and I built this place together.

- But

I'm sorry. But I have values.

I couldn't live with myself.

I know. You're a very proud man.

But you can't pay the bills with values.



- Hey, Mom. Grandpa.

- Hey, kids.

Uh, Grandpa and I are

running out to the store.

Do you guys need anything?

- Uh no. We're good.

- Maybe some plums.

What? I'm here all the time.

I get hungry. And she asked.

We'll be back in a bit with plums.

- Should we wait on Curtis?

- I wouldn't.

My parents wanna have

a big talk with him.

Who knows how long it'll take?

So, I tried to read the

book, but it's super hard.

It's written like how they speak.

Well, I read it.

And I have a theory on why

Ghost Writer sent them here.

Okay. So in the book, before Dr.

Frankenstein makes the Monster,

he talks about ghosts. I marked it.

"The raising of ghosts was a promise

liberally accorded by

my favorite authors.

The fulfillment of which

I most eagerly sought".

See why I couldn't get through it?

The point is, he knows about ghosts.

Maybe he can help us

speak to your grandma.

Let's go talk to him.

Did you tell Mr. Mendoza

I messed up our assignment?

I didn't tell on you.

I was covering for you.

Mr. Mendoza thought you

weren't doing the work.

You have to stick your nose

in everyone's business.

- Yo, what's going on with you two?

- [TOGETHER] Nothing.

What did Mom and Dad

wanna talk to you about?

[SIGHS] Nothing.

Okay, then. Why don't we talk about

something we all can agree on?

Like Frankenstein.

So, Dr. Frankenstein, we're wondering:

Do you have any experience with ghosts?

Ah! A favorite subject of mine.

You see, as a scientist, I've

long searched for a theory

to explain the mysteries

of the supernatural world.

- So, do you have one?

- I have many.

You see, once I brought that

hideous creature to life,

it has consumed me completely.

All of my other studies and

experiments have been sacrificed.

Okay, so you don't

know much about ghosts.

What about lying grandmothers?

Do you know anything about that?

We don't know she was lying.

Your concerns are

misguided, my young friends.

Rather than chasing ghosts,

we should be formulating a

plan to destroy the Monster.

Well, we haven't seen him

all day. Maybe he's gone.




[MONSTER] Creator!

It is he. We must leave.

My creator, I have found you.

Hideous creature, leave me

in peace. Leave me. I beg you!


My creator! You must not abandon

me. I only wish to speak to you.

I will not hear it.

I will not speak with you!



I don't think this is

gonna have a happy ending.