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02x01 - Galatians 6:4-5

Posted: 11/17/22 13:21
by bunniefuu
[creatures snarling and screeching]

[Ava] I know.

You want to know what happened.

Tell you the truth,

I'm still figuring it out myself.

[peaceful music playing]

[Ava] First, I was dead. Swear to God.

Then I was alive.

Then I got tricked.

And then the devil kicked my ass.

I told JC that I would learn to swim,

and I did.

Still, there's a thousand items left

on my life to-do list,

but you can't check them off

if you're dead.

[phone chimes]

[kids chattering and laughing]

[phone chimes]

- [Ava] Ugh. Buzzkill.

- [phone chimes]

[phone chimes]

Duty calls.

["Supergirl" by Stereo Total playing]

Hey, supergirl ♪

Supergirl ♪

[singers continue in French]

- [bicycle bell dings]

- [car horn honks]

Hey, supergirl ♪

Supergirl ♪

[singers continue in French]

[man 1] I could definitely drink more

than the Pope. He's, like, 200 years old.

[in German] You're late.

[in German] Yeah. My roommate

forgot to set the alarm.

Ja, okay.

[Ava in English] Probably not what you

were thinking when I said, "Duty calls."

Whatever. It's honest work.

I need to lay low for obvious reasons.

And I happen to make

a spectacular Cuba libre.

[man 1] All I know is they say

this Adriel character's responsible.

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,

the bullshite you'll buy!

Enza's the one

who called it a miracle, Leesa.

I'm staying clear of

any theological arguments.

- It's a fact.

- What are you guys talking about?

Angels. Not unlike yourself, darlin'.

- [Ava chuckles]

- Leave her be, you grim lech.

[tsks] Adriel. It's all over social media.


And, uh, what are they saying?

The Vatican expl*si*n. It's a cover-up.

They say an angel came bursting up

out the basement.

[Leesa] Does the Vatican

even have a basement?

[man 1] It's more of a

cellar-type deal, I think.

I'm going with catacomb.

[man 1 chuckles]

Laugh all you like. Adriel's got a few

thousand followers already, and growing.

Are you talking about those zealots

handing out leaflets on the street?

- [Enza] Those "zealots," as you say

- Shit.

- [Enza] They all experienced a miracle.

- Sorry.

Ten thousand people across Europe

contract this virus,

this rotting of the face,

and this Adriel makes it go away

on the exact same day,

same hour, for every single person.

[man 2] I seriously doubt that.

Ladies. Fergus.


The usual, please.

- [Enza] Which part, Miguel?

- Which part what?

You doubt they are Adriel's followers,

or you doubt that he cured them?

It was a virus. It ran its course.

He just took credit for it and inherited

an army of deluded angel groupies.

[Enza chuckles]

[Miguel] Just watch.

The next thing this con artist does

is start a church-slash-cult,

then comes the fascism.

[Enza laughs] Whoa! That was a fast trip.

[Fergus] Yeah, aren't you a barrel of fun?

Let's go, Enza.

We've got better places

to be called fascists. [scoffs]

Hey. Would you pay the lady, will ya?

Come on, Leesa.

Cheap bastardi.

- Ciao, Ava.

- Ciao.


What do you think? About the angel?

I, uh I haven't given it much thought.

You should.

These are dangerous days.

Yeah, well, I [hesitates]

I would like to do more.

[bartender] Ava?

[in German] The boss wants a word.


[Ava sighs] What's up, boss?

We're getting busy out there.

Yes. Could you try to spend

more time pouring drinks

and less time chatting up customers?

Well, chatting equals good bartending,

you know.

[Beatrice] Not when it's about Adriel.

What can I do?

Everyone's talking about it. It's viral.

We need to stay discreet.

He has spies everywhere.

- The whole point of being incognito is to

- [footsteps]

[Beatrice] Push the specials.

You need to be upselling the specials.

Yeah. Got it. Specials.

[departing footsteps]

What was that?

- Hm? What was what?

- That glance.

There was a glance?

- Yes. You and Hans shared a glance.

- That was more of a look.


[Ava chuckles]

What do you expect?

Hans has been here for three years.

We've been here a month,

and you already got promoted to manager.

Well, it's not my fault

that I'm exceptionally well organized.

Ah. As a matter of fact, it is.

[clicks tongue]

Discreet, remember?

You don't have to be

so perfect all the time.

Well, I'm heading back to the apartment.

Camila will be checking in soon.

Yeah. Um, don't forget to ask about


I will. I always do.

You don't stay out too late.

We train tomorrow.

Yes, Mother. [chuckles]

[kisses] I'm messing with you.

See you at home.


- Have you read the good news?

- Pass.

Non-believers will suffer

the light of burning truth!

[in German] I was cursed with boils.

Adriel saved me.

[in German] Piss off, man.

- You can't run from his judgment.

- I'm not running.

Everyone will follow his light or perish.

[in English] He's not the only one

bringing light, fuckface!

[feedback whining]

- [onlookers exclaiming]

- [Ava] Shit.

That was not discreet.

[onlookers chattering in German]

[theme music playing]

[wind blowing]

["The Magic b*mb" by Hoàng Read playing]

[nuns chattering indistinctly in Spanish]

[chattering continues]

[Camila] Um

And that's how you make a TikTok.

[chattering resumes]

Have fun.

[chattering continues]

[string music playing]

[nuns whispering]

[liturgical choir music playing]

[clacking on keyboard]

I think we may have to go to London.

The OCS chapter is convinced

one of the cabinet ministers

is possessed by a wraith demon,

and they need our expertise.

I'll prepare my things.

[Camila sighs softly]

What else, Camila?

Well, it's just

I had a dream last night

that we were reunited with Mary.

And I know

dreams shouldn't be taken literally,

but it made me think

that we might get some information

about what happened to her.

Camila, there is a chance

Mary may still be out there.


But we must prepare ourselves

for the possibility that she's not.

Can you show me how?


[car horn honking]

- [car horn honks]

- [women chattering]

[bicycle bell rings]

[ominous music playing]


[energy whooshes]

- [Vincent groans]

- Ugh!

You're drunk.

I was celebrating.

I'm glad, given what

I'm about to do to you.

[Vincent groaning]

- [Vincent gasps]

- [energy crackles]

Any last words?

[Vincent panting]


She's alive.

You lie. I saw her fall.

[inhales sharply, pants]

She lives. I swear it.

If you k*ll me, you'll never find her.

- Where?

- [Vincent gasps]


At Toledo.

At the desert.

With him?

Fortress. All guarded.

Show me.

[Vincent grunts, thuds]

[eerie music playing]

[church bell tolling]

[choral music playing faintly]

[tolling continues]

[door opens]

Ms. Amunet. Please sit.

Thank you.

Please call me Yasmine, Your Holiness.

[door closes]

[Yasmine] Thank you

for granting me this audience.

[priest exhales]

Um, may I record this interview?

[Duretti] Of course.

Your reputation precedes you, Ms. Yasmine.

The bishop of the See of St. Mark

speaks highly of you and your family.

Well, the bishop is too kind. [chuckles]

Your Holiness, I am preparing

an article for The Economist

on lost Christian artifacts,

and tracing their passage through history.

[Duretti] A noble pursuit.

And a difficult one. [laughs]

I must say, it's so good to see

things returning to normal at the Vatican.

Is there Is there any truth

to the rumors that the Vatican attack

was connected to the emergent sect founded

by the self-proclaimed prophet, Adriel?

I'm not sure

this relates to lost artifacts.

Well, in the course

of my research, I have

But let me just say, Ms. Yasmine,

that, yes, I've heard those rumors,

and I can tell you categorically there is

no connection between these events.

Just enthusiastic speculation

to drive recruitment to this bizarre cult

and sell less than reputable newspapers.

But in the course of my research,

I discovered a previously unknown

Christian sect dating back to the Crusades

made up entirely of women,

and they called it, um

[pages turning]

the Order of the Cruciform Sword.

[tense music playing]

I don't believe I'm familiar.

Upon further investigation,

I discovered that

the creation of this ancient female order

was linked to the appearance of an angel

who gave up his halo

to their founding member

roughly a thousand years ago.

The angel in question

was named Adriel.

Ms. Amunet, I feel we've gotten off track.

Well, you must see the connection

between this ancient female order

and a man named Adriel engaging in combat

with a group of armed nuns

right here in the Vatican.


I'm not sure I want to comment

on something so ridiculous.

I have cell phone camera footage

I'm afraid I'm late

for my next appointment. Good day.

Don't you find it coincidental that

Security will see you out.

Thank you for your time.

[beeping faintly]


Thank you.

- [mysterious music playing]

- [faint birdsong]

[device pulses]

[Kristian] Did I really just see that?

It started happening a few days ago.


At first.

But now it seems to be

following a pattern.

The Arc activates briefly every six hours.

I assume you tried to pass through?

Of course I tried.

[sighs] But the field won't solidify.

The portal never completely opens.

[exhales] Any attempt to cross over is

very painful.

[Kristian] Jillian.

[Jillian] I've sent in drones.

Some make it through.

Some are destroyed

on contact with the field,

and even the ones that make it through

never return.

All they transmit is static.


Do you want me to have

some of our people look into it?

I'm sure if I can't crack it,

none of your people could.

Oh, um

[hesitates] I'm sorry.

I I haven't been sleeping.

The The prospect of

finding Michael gives me hope.

At the same time,

it sharpens the agony of losing him.

[Kristian] No need to apologize.

I didn't mean to intrude.

[Jillian] What brings you out here?

Documents. For your signature.

The lawyers won't accept

electronic versions of these forms.

[Jillian] Sounds important.

It concerns the final renovation phase

and updated costs

of the building you bought.

[eerie music playing]

Are you sure these are

the best bids available?

Well, you're always welcome

to come into the office

and go over the proposals with me.

Dare I suggest,

it might be good for you to return

to Arq-Tech again in person.

I'm sorry, Kristian. [chuckles]

I ask you to take over

day-to-day business,

and then I second-guess your decisions.

It's rude.

Rude, perhaps,

but it's still your company.

You've seen me through my darkest hour.

I trust you completely.


do keep me posted

on developments with the machine.

[Jillian sighs]

I'm very curious to see where this leads.

As am I.


[leaves rustling]


[Beatrice in earpiece] Okay, Ava.

Halo pulse, the rock.

[energy builds, pulses]

[Beatrice] Hard left.

Over water.

[dramatic music playing]

[energy blasts]


- [Beatrice] Concentrate.

- No, no, no, no!

[music fades]

[Beatrice] You all right?

[Ava sighs]

I'm tired.

I can cut your hours at the bar.


Tired of sitting on the sidelines.

Hiding up here

while Adriel gets stronger every day.

We're not hiding.

We're preparing you to face him.

You're so close, Ava.

Just a little more patience.

It's not impatience. It

All right.

Tell me.

All of this is my fault.

Adriel freed.

The FBC gaining ground.

Mary lost.

Vincent used me.

He manipulated me because I was naive,

because I was stupid.

- No.

- Yes.

Yes, I was stupid.

I need to make this right.

[choral music playing]

[church bell tolling]

[tolling continues]

Holy Father.

That's not necessary, Kristian.

We are old friends, are we not?

Gentlemen, a little privacy, please.

What can I do for you?

[Kristian] I've come to offer my services.

[Duretti] How so?

[Kristian] I think you'll agree

that our disciplines

have a strong potential to overlap.

That is to say, Arq-Tech's discovery

of a multidimensional universe

could dovetail

with existing Catholic goals.

[Duretti] Could they indeed?

I thought you had

overthrown your faith for science.

And so I had.

But now an angel walks the earth.

I see.

So Arq-Tech has formed an alliance

with this so-called angel, has it?

Exclusive rights, merchandising,

little angel dog toys perhaps?


Very amusing, Holy Father.

Your Holiness

Adriel personifies

the bridge between faith and science.

Just think of it.

Billions of skeptics out there.

All they need is one small dose

of evidence to bring them into your fold.

So suddenly Jillian Salvius thinks

she can co-opt the Catholic Church

to her own ends?

Jillian is on sabbatical

following the tragic death of her son.

She has handed oversight

of Arq-Tech to me.

And you have bold new plans.

I come to you as a pilgrim.

A believer reborn.

A divine being walks the earth.

And I believe it is your fate

to join forces with him.

[ominous music playing]

You know what I believe?

I believe that Adriel has blinded you

as he has blinded so many.

And your blindness has somehow led you

to believe that I would put the fate

of the most powerful religious institution

in the world

into the hands of a lying madman.

No, Holy Father.

Adriel has opened my heart

How dare you defile this house of God

with the name of that devil?

You imperil your eternal soul.

I am sorry you feel that way,

Your Holiness.

I would advise you to reconsider

before it is too late.

[Duretti] Kristian.

[Kristian scoffs]

I would advise you the same.

[Miguel] The usual, please, Ava.

One water for the wild man.

I drink water

because I like to keep a clear head.

Yeah. No judgment here.

- [Miguel] Mmm.

- [Ava laughs]

[faint chatter in background]

[faucet runs, stops]

You know, the other day you were, um,

talking about people doing their part

in stopping Adriel and his cult.

You said you wanted to do more.

I think I could help you.

I have, um,

similar concerns about these zealots

and this so-called angel.

From personal experience?

I didn't say that. No

I mean, yeah. You know, Adriel, he just

He f*cking sucks.

[glasses clinking in background]


I'm trying to determine

whether or not you can be trusted with

sensitive information.

Yes. I mean


Trust me. I I want to help.

[Miguel] I believe you.

You're the kind of person

the Samaritans need more of.

- Samaritans?

- You haven't heard of us?

You will. Factions are popping up

all over Europe in response to the FBC.

Firstborn Children.

Adriel's creepy, leaflet-wielding zealots.

I'm familiar.

Samaritans are the answer.

[Ava] And this is your doing?


I'm just a volunteer. Same as everyone.

We're a decentralized cadre

of like-minded people

working toward the abolition of Adriel's

crypto-fascist religious formation

through disruption and intimidation.

So like a book club?

[Miguel snickers] Yes.

A book club

that will fight to stop Adriel's rise.


I'll drink to that.

[ominous music playing]

[Duretti] Suzanne.

[Superion in Italian] Holy Father,

have I caught you at a bad time?

[Duretti in Italian] It's always

a bad time in this job.

I can't, for the life of me,

recall why I wanted it so badly.

What's troubling you?

Adriel is rallying his forces.

I fear something terrible is coming.

I'm all too aware.

Then I must know

what we're doing about this situation.

Where does the Church stand?

We need direction.

We plan to release a statement

denying that Adriel

is what he claims to be.

That is our official position.

[Superion chuckles] A statement?

Your Eminence,

the Vatican has delayed

its response to Adriel for too long.

It has allowed him

to galvanize Catholics into his fold.

I realize that.

But until Adriel takes direct action,

this remains a political situation.

Should he advance to physical att*cks,

I will unleash the full power of the OCS.

I only hope it is not too late.

Trust in God, Mother Superion. Good night.

[phone clicks]


[Duretti on recording]

Trust in God, Mother Superion. Good night.

[computer trilling]

[in English] Gotcha.

[dramatic music playing]

- Are you all right?

- Mm-hmm.

- But you're troubled.

- [Superion sighs]

Sometimes I think the old teachings

may not be serving me.

I need a more modern approach to this job.

I find you very modern.

Has Lilith reported in?

No, not for days.

[Superion sighs]

We're both working too hard.

Yeah. We should eat.

It's dinnertime in the convent.

[cane tapping]

[Lilith] Signal them,

put a foot out of place, and I'll

You'll k*ll me. I know.

I won't k*ll you.

I'd never take that pleasure

away from Mary.

[Vincent exhales]

[suspenseful music playing]

- [guard] Your Eminence.

- [Vincent] Evening, gentlemen.

I have brought home a friend.

[Lilith chuckles softly]

[bar patrons chattering]

[Beatrice] I'm tired, Ava. Let's go home.

We need to talk about what Miguel told me.

- [Beatrice] You got charmed by some blond.

- It's more complicated.

Have a drink with me.

- Fine. I'll have a water.

- Nope. No water, not tonight.

Oh, but You know that I've

I don't I've never

- What?

- No.

What, you've never had a drink?

No, not with alcohol. No.

What about Communion wine?

I just take tiny sips.

Oh my God. [chuckles]

Okay, this is gonna be great. [laughs]

What is?

I get to be the one

that gets you drunk for the first time!

Drunk? No, no,

I thought it was just one drink.

No. Uh-uh. Not anymore, sister.

Oh, I am not letting

this opportunity pass. Hans!

- [in German] Start lining them up.

- Oi.

[eerie music playing]

These are s*ab wounds.

[Superion prays softly]

Look for the others. Quietly.


[eerie music swells]

- [upbeat pop music playing]

- [Hans] Boom!

Whoo! Danke sehr.

Shouldn't I start with something

like wine or some

Nope. Nope, nope.

Say your prayers and bottoms up. Come on.

It smells lemony.

Yeah. That's why it's called a lemon drop.

[Ava chuckles]

Come on. Cheers.

[gasps] Whoo!

Ooh, it's It's sweet.


That's not entirely unpleasant.

[both laugh]

You know, that is, uh,

one small sip for nuns,

one giant drink

- For nun-kind.

- for nun-kind. Yes!

Zwei mehr!

["Bambola" by Betta Lemme playing]

- [Beatrice] I did not say that!

- [Ava] Yes, you did.

- No, I did not.

- You did! [laughs]

I am absolutely not royalty.

You said it.

I am a freewheeling,

secret, ass-kicking nun.

Wha [laughs]

["Bambola" continues]

[both yelp]

Yep, yep, yep!

- Ah!

- [Beatrice coughs]

["Bambola" continues]

[music fades out]

But if he is an angel, then does it mean

that all angels are just dirtbags?

[Ava groans]


Not an angel.

Well, he's not human.

For sure.

Then what is he?

Hey. It's Miguel.

What is he up to?

- Come on. Let's catch up to him.

- No, no, no.

You go ahead.

- But he's

- I'll see you at home.

It looks like he's up to something.

Are you sure?


[dog barking in distance]

- [fighting grunts]

- [dramatic music playing]

[Miguel grunts]

[Ava] Miguel?

[fighting grunts continue]

[Ava yells, grunts]

Hey! Do you want me

to kick the shit out of you again?

[grunts] Stop that!

[Ava exhales]

- Ava!

- [zealot grunts]

[metal bar clangs]

[music intensifies]

[Beatrice yells]

[fighting grunts continue]

- [zealot groans]

- [Beatrice grunts]

[Ava grunting]

[Beatrice screams]

[zealots grunting]


[zealot wails] Help me!

[movements echoing]

- [Ava grunts]

- [Beatrice grunts]


[zealot groans]

- [Ava] It's time to go.

- Ava.

- Say goodbye.

- [Beatrice panting] Goodbye!

Not a chance.

[distant siren wailing]

[distant dogs barking]


Can I at least thank you

for helping me back there?

Fine. You're welcome.

- But we really need to go.

- Uh, Beatrice

Meet Miguel.


[Miguel] You really kicked ass back there.

You're clearly not all talk.


- Samaritans could use your help.

- The Samaritans?

- We're a decentralized cadre of

- They're fighting Adriel.

- Oh?

- [Miguel] Not just in the streets.

We've got plans

to take down more of these zealots.

Tonight. You should come with me.

I I'm down for some plans tonight.

Well, let's hear these plans

before we make commitments we can't honor.

We've got word

of a secret gathering tonight.

We're gonna survey the whole thing

and gather evidence

to expose the Firstborn Children

and this scam religion.

Like spies?

- Like revolutionaries.

- Let's do it.

Hold on.

I don't think this is a good idea.

Bea, you know I've been wanting

to get more involved in this fight.

Yes. This is not what we talked about.

- Look, I don't want to cause any friction.

- It's fine. Just listen.

We could gather some damaging information

on Adriel with minimal exposure.

Fine. Fine.

It sounds like an interesting opportunity.

- Great.

- But I'm coming with you.

Even better.

[Beatrice] That's brilliant.

We must warn the other outposts

in case this was not the only OCS target.

Camila, get me the codes

for the other locations.

[keys clacking]


Mother Superion.

Something's happening.

- [Superion sighs]

- [beeping continues]

[Superion] They're either abandoning

their outposts or being taken out.

I don't know which.

The OCS is suffering

a coordinated global attack.


[Miguel] This is where they meet.

We'll wait for them to clear out,

and go in.

[Beatrice] So we just want to break in

and risk getting the authorities involved?

It's not breaking in

if they gave us a key.

Where did you get that?

That fight in the street was

my clumsy attempt at pickpocketing.

- Not so clumsy it seems.

- [van doors closing]

Eyes up.

[van engine turns over]

[Ava] Okay, coast is clear.

- Let's go.

- Wait.

Follow them.

You want to know what they're up to?

They're clearly about to go and do it.

So this way we don't get arrested.

Good point.

[ignition clicking]

Not too close. It'll tip them off.

[Miguel] You've done this before?

She watches a lot of movies.

So where are you from, Miguel?

I hear an English accent,

and somewhere else also.

Keen ear.

I moved around a lot.

Places you've never heard of.

I wouldn't count on that with Beatrice.

- You're obviously educated.

- Is that a crime?

No, it's just,

this town,

doesn't quite seem like you.

Leave him alone.

He's not under indictment.

No. She's right.

Truth is, I came to the mountains

looking for someone.

Somebody connected to my past.

Look. They're turning off the main road.

This is it.

This is where we get the upper hand.

You're Samaritans now.

[ominous music playing]

Any survivors have gone to ground

and will wait for further instructions.

This is my fault.

My failure.

How can you say that? There was no way

to know this would happen.

But I knew it could.

We need to abandon this place,

go underground.

Camila, we have to face the possibility

that the OCS may no longer exist.

As long as there are two of us,

the OCS exists.

Let's gather our things.

[ominous music builds]

[Camila] Mother Superion.

The Madrid chapter.

Someone is alive.

[ominous music fades out]

You can't possibly understand the rapture

of knowing a truly divine being.

Was it worth k*lling Shannon?

Divine truth cannot be judged

so simplistically.

That's her cell, on the right.


[lock clangs]

[Lilith] Where is she?

[Vincent] She did not survive, Lilith.

[Lilith] Mary, don't!

[sobbing] I'm so sorry!

[Vincent] Mary is no longer in this life.

She's in the next.

What is this?

An opportunity.

[eerie music playing]

[Vincent] Adriel knows what you are.

He can help you.

I urge you, Lilith,

to offer yourself to Adriel.

This is your true worship.


Traitor. m*rder*r.

[Vincent] In his name, take her!

[Lilith groans]

[zealot screams]

- [g*nshots]

- [energy whooshing]

[Lilith grunts]



[running footsteps]

[weapons cocking]


- [energy whooshing]

- [screams in pain]

- [g*nshots]

- [energy whooshing]

[zealot groans]


- [g*nshots]

- [zealots grunting]

[energy whooshing]



[energy whooshing]

[zealot chokes]

- [g*nshots]

- [energy whooshing]

[Lilith grunts]

[zealots groan]

- [fighting grunts]

- [energy whooshing]


- [g*nshots]

- [Lilith groans]

- [p*stol clicking]

- [Lilith sighs]

[clicking continues]

[zealot gasps, pants]

[Lilith yells]

[breathing heavily]


[theme music playing]