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03x03 - Ghost of Oz, Part 3

Posted: 11/17/22 07:15
by bunniefuu
Tin Girl, please. I need that drive.

And I need the truth.

You want this back so badly?

Fine. I'll give it to you as soon as

you take us to the wizard. The real one.

Good thinking.

That's called using your brain.

Uh, can we not fight?
I'm not good with conflict.

Okay, fine. We'll
take you to the wizard.


I need to contact him, though.

Stay here and don't move. We'll be back.

What are you doing?

- Listen, in the movie...
- This isn't the movie.

I know, but that doesn't actually matter
in this situation.

In the movie,
the wizard is just some dude, right?

- He doesn't have any real powers.
- So?

So, we just need to trick them into

thinking they're talking to the wizard.

I like it.

But, I mean, where are we gonna find

someone to impersonate the wizard?

[SAMIR] Here comes a kick from Samir.

And a great save by Idris!
[LAUGHS] Whoo-hoo! Yeah.

[SIGHS] What now?

- We need your help.
- I'm sorry. I can't.

The Tin Girl took Oliver's USB drive.

- Hold on. What USB drive?
- [NIA] It's a long story.

Yeah. So the ghost picked up a pen
and wrote, "Get justice."

And there was these cool
scales of justice on Oliver's desk,

- and we had to use the chess pieces...
- Charli.

Right. "Long story" meant
don't tell the long story. Got it.

Anyways, uh... Will you help?

Samir, play with me.

I'd like to,
but I'm spending time with my brother.

He comes first.

I'm sorry, I just... I
don't have the time.

You can make the time.

We'll help you with Idris
or any other chores you have.

Whatever you need.

[SIGHS] That's very kind of you,
but why would you do that?

Because you're a big part of this.

She's right. The three of us are the

only people who can
see these characters.

Oliver clearly wants
us to work as a team.

He must have picked us for a reason.

Come on, Samir.

Whatever's on that USB drive
has got to be important.

How do you know
we can even trust this ghost?

Samir, sh**t. I'm getting bored.

Okay, buddy. You ready? Here we go!

I think that's Oliver's way of saying
you can trust him.


All right, Oliver. I'm sold.
What's the plan?

[CHARLI] Well, Samir, you're going

to be starring in a little production.

All we need is a quiet room somewhere,

some lights, a disco ball, Nia's laptop,
and a microphone.

[NIA] And we're also going to need
a brain, a heart,

and something that looks like courage.



What do you think?

What's courageous about a horse trophy?

It can be a dangerous sport.

My sister had so many trophies,
I didn't know which one to pick.

- You have any better ideas?
- I'll make it work, I guess.

Great. And Samir can hide
behind this curtain with my computer.

But we still need a cool way
to hand over all this stuff.

Something dramatic, you know?


I think we're ready.

I'll go get 'em. Good luck!

[DISTORTED] Welcome. I am the wizard.


I've come for a brain, your Highness.

- He's not a king. He's a wizard.
- See? That's why I need a brain.

And, um, if it isn't too much to ask...
[CHUCKLES] ...I need courage.

I know what you need. I am the wizard.

I know all.

Oh... Of course. I'm sorry,
I didn't mean to insult you. [CHUCKLES]

- Oh, great. Now look what I've done.
- Silence!

I will grant your wishes.

Lion, keep this trophy of
courage with you at all times.

It certifies that you are brave
in the face of danger.


Uh... It is very brave to ride a horse.

Huh, you're right,
especially if you're a lion.

- Exactly.

Scarecrow, here is a brain.

[SCARECROW] Thank you.

I think you misspelled hippocampus.

[STUTTERS] Oh. Right, uh...

See? That was my intention,
to prove that you are smart.

You caught the mistake.

And for you, Tin Girl,
your very own heart.

Do you like it?

Oh, it's not for me.

I don't want or need a heart.
My friend does.

But thank you.
I can't wait to give it to her.

[MALCOLM] Coming! I'll be right there.

Who is that back there?

Just some guy.

No, it isn't. That's Samir.

[NORMAL VOICE] Who is Samir?

[ELECTRONIC VOICE] I mean, who is Samir?

Okay. Now you know the truth.

Samir is the wizard,
but you can't tell anyone.

Nice try.

Nia, why?

You don't understand.

We're not trying to be mean.
We just really need that USB drive.

You know what I think?

You're working with the witch.


Wait, where could she be?

Tin Girl! Wait!

Wait for what?
For you to lie to me some more?



[TIN GIRL] Help me!

You happy now?

No, of course not.

We have to get her back.

Okay. No more lying.

There is no wizard.


But that can't be.

Are you telling me I'm gonna be scared

of my own shadow
for the rest of my life?


Look, we shouldn't have lied to you.

That was wrong.

But please believe us.
We want to help you.

We think that USB drive has the

information to help you get back to Oz

and solve this mystery.

[NIA] So what do you say?

We just need to work together
to save Tin Girl. Are you in?

I guess we don't have much of a choice.

Okay. What do you need?

Why don't the two of you
go back to the university

and look around for
signs of the monkeys?

- Maybe that's where they took her.
- Sure. Worth a shot. [CHUCKLES]

Wish us luck.

What are we supposed to do?

Something we should've done a while ago.

Read the book.

She really made the witch mad, eh?

Ooh, this is gonna
be good. I can't wait!

[LAUGHS] Totally.

I'm not just going to stand around here.

Feel free to dive in and rust.

[LAUGHS] Oh, I'm writing that one down.
That was great.

I've never read a
book so fast in my life.

It's a real page-turner.

It's so good.

I'd be enjoying it more if I wasn't

actually worried about the Tin Girl.

I don't believe it. The Tin Girl
has been hiding stuff from us.

What do you mean?

The Tin Girl and the witch
used to be friends

until they had some sort of big fight.

W-What was the fight about?

I don't know. I'm not at that part yet.

- We... We saw the monkeys!

Uh... [PANTING] We were at the...

Ooh! [GRUNTS] My back. [GROANS]


[PANTS] Okay. Let's go, Lion.

Where exactly did you see the monkeys?

Over there!

The aquatic center.

Maybe the witch took the Tin Girl
to the indoor pool.

But she'll rust.

Exactly. Maybe that's what she wants.

Come on.

There she is!



Look who it is.

What do you want?

What do you think I want?

I want you to pay for
what you did to me.

What did the Tin Girl do to the witch?

I don't know. I'm still reading.

[TIN GIRL] Me? You're the
one who started everything.

You're wicked.
You know what you need? A heart.


I am going to love throwing you
in that water and watching you rust.

Go ahead. It won't change the fact
that this is all your fault.

What is her fault? [STAMMERS]
Samir, hurry up!

I could go faster
if you'd stop yelling at me!

[CHUCKLES] Here it comes.

- Throw her in! Throw her in!

I gotta do something.
I need to be brave.

Lion, you're a king. You're a king.
You're... [GROWLS]

Hey! Leave her alone!

The golden beanie! That's how
the witch controls the monkeys.

- Wow. We're free.
- This job was the worst.

Give that back.
You are going in that water.

If I go, so do you.

The witch can't get wet either.
She'll melt.


Look out!





I can't believe how scary that was.

I finished reading the book.

I know what's going on.


I don't believe this whole thing started
over a party.

What happened?

Well, there was a big party
at Emerald Lake,

and everyone was invited except me,
because you didn't invite me.

I didn't invite you
because you melt in water.

Huh, well that makes sense.

So, to get even,
you turned her into the Tin Girl?

Oh, that makes sense too.

Well, I was gonna turn her back
when she learned her lesson,

but then she told everyone I was evil.

They started calling me
"the Wicked Witch of the West."

It's bad enough people automatically

assume I'm mean just 'cause I'm a witch,

and she made it worse.

People do make assumptions.

Trust me, I know.

I wasn't trying to hurt you.
I guess I was just hurting myself.

I should have invited you to the lake.

We could have sat on the beach
away from the water.

And calling you "wicked" was mean.

So was turning you into a Tin Girl.

I wish I'd handled my feelings better.

I'm really sorry.

I'm sorry too.

I guess
I don't need to see the wizard anymore.

So that's why you wanted to see him?
To get a heart for the witch?

I thought if she had a heart,
she wouldn't be so mad at me anymore.

I'm not mad.



[CHARLI] That's probably
the best trick I've ever seen.

Any chance you could teach me
how to do that? [CHUCKLES]

The Tin Girl may not need to see

the wizard, but I still want a brain.

You don't need a brain, Scarecrow.

You have one. You've always had one.

If I did, I wouldn't have made everyone

take that wrong turn
into the poppy field.

The poppy incident was my fault.

I'm to blame, not the scarecrow.

What are you saying?

I'd been warned about
the dangers of poppy fields for years,

but when we got the
fork in the road, the

only other way to
go was over a big hill.

- And you're afraid of heights.
- [LION] Mm-hmm.

So I didn't say anything,

and when the scarecrow suggested the

poppy field, I just went along with it.

That's why I wanted to see the wizard,
to get some courage.

You don't need courage, Lion.

Look at what you did.

Yeah, you saved me on the diving board.
That was really brave.

And it took you a lot of courage just

now to come clean
about the poppy fields.

So you're saying I am brave?

Don't you get it?

None of you need to see the wizard.

Yeah. Scarecrow,
there are many ways to be smart.

You're incredibly observant.

You see things that others don't,

like the chess pieces in the video
that gave us the break we needed.

You stand around in a field all day

scaring crows, you
learn to notice things.

- Tin Girl?
- Call me Melanie. It's my real name.

Melanie, you clearly have a huge heart.

You did all this
because you missed your friend.

Oh, and, uh...

Here you go.

Although I'm not sure what it's for if

it isn't for the wizard. [CHUCKLES]

- Me either, but we'll find out.
- Yeah.

So, um, now what?

Now it's time for you to go back to Oz.

How do we do that?

The monkeys can take the scarecrow
and the lion home.

Melanie can ride with me.
It'll give us a chance to catch up.

- [MELANIE] Thank you.
- We'll miss you.

- I'll miss you.


Remember, Nia, it
takes courage to open up

and share your feelings,
but it's worth it.

I feel so much better now that I

told everyone about the poppy fields.

Talk to your mom.

Thanks, Lion.

- [NIA] Bye.
- [SAMIR] Bye.


Whoo. Whoa! [LAUGHS] Whoa! Whoa!

[SAMIR] Whoa.

Where did they go?

[NIA] They went back into the book.

Don't ask me how, but they're gone.

We did it.

I don't believe it.

We're not done just yet.


[NIA] Here goes nothing.

Literally nothing. [SCOFFS]

The Eloquent Peasant. That's the

artifact my mom's returning to Egypt.

It was also in the video
that Oliver sent us.


What language is that?

I think it's hieroglyphic script,
like from old Egyptian times.

Makes sense. Oliver was an Egyptologist,

and apparently a little paranoid.

Between hiding the chess pieces
around the school

and writing everything
in a language barely anyone knows,

I'd say he didn't want this
to fall into the wrong hands.

Yeah, but why?

[SAMIR] No idea.

I'll take some pictures
so we can study more at home.

But we need to find
a way to translate the writing.

A book on translating hieroglyphs.

That'll do. I'll get started tonight.

So, clearly this mystery has something

to do with the Eloquent Peasant.

And i-if we solve the mystery,

will we get justice?

- Mom?
- Mm-hmm?


I-I need to tell you something.

What is it?

Are you okay?


I told her I was helping a friend
unload his truck,

but she didn't believe me
and started to call the police.


I don't know what would've happened
if Charli's dad hadn't come back.

So sorry you had to
endure that, sweetie.

Thank you for telling me.

I wasn't going to because I knew
you'd be mad I took the subway.

We'll deal with that later.

I'm not mad at you.

I am mad at that lady though.

I know there are
r*cist people out there.

You talked to me
about it and everything,


I guess it never
actually happened to me,

not like this.

I know how awful it feels.

And I'd like to tell you that it won't

happen again, but I can't lie to you.

There will be people
who make assumptions about you

just because of the color of your skin.

I should have spoken up...

[BREATHES SHAKILY] ...or yelled at her,

or called for help, but...

[BREATHES SHAKILY] I was frozen.

Hey. Listen to me.

You did nothing wrong. You hear me?

And you have absolutely nothing
to feel bad about.

That woman made up her mind about

you the second she saw you were Black.


What am I supposed to do now?

How do I keep this from happening again?

It's hard.

Racism has been going on since
before the founding of this country.

But it's brave young people like

you who have led the fight against it.

Just keep being you, Nia.

You are smart and wise

and a good person.

I know you'll make the world
a better place.

I love you.

Thanks, Mom.


Here you go.

I'm sorry again.

I know it's not easy having me home.

You've been waiting for years
to get this room.

I guess I'll just have to wait
a little longer.

It was a good couple months though.


Hey, show me one of your tricks.


Oh, you know, but I don't really have
much prepared now, do I?

- That was good.

Why are you laughing?
[GIGGLES] It was good.

All right, you got me.

I'm gonna amaze you with this one,
I promise. Now, I have the coin,

but I can make it disappear.



It's just a dream. I'm right here.



I don't believe it.

[NIA] What if you're wrong?
How do we explain all this?

Let's hope I'm not wrong.

It's gone.

Excuse me, where's the Eloquent Peasant?

It's always in that glass display.

It's being returned
to a museum in Cairo.

- That's today?
- It's being packed up as we speak.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- It's okay. That's my mom.

- Nia? What are you doing here?
- Hey, Nia.

You're the kids from Oliver's office,

The Young Archaeologist Club?

You're in an archaeology club?

Yes, Mom.
Listen, you need to stop everything.

We need to see the Eloquent Peasant.

Now you're interested?
I've been talking about it for months.

Please. You have to stop.

- Excuse me?
- Nia? What's going on?

We have information
about the Eloquent Peasant.

Just listen to us.


Here are two photos.

One is the official photo
of the Eloquent Peasant

taken from the university website.

The other is a photo
of the Eloquent Peasant

taken more recently
from inside the library.

As you can see,

they don't match up.

I don't understand.

What are you saying?

I know this is gonna sound crazy,

but that Eloquent Peasant is a fake.