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01x07 - Ephesians 4:22-24

Posted: 11/16/22 14:16
by bunniefuu
[NUNS] Our sister on Earth.

Our sister in Heaven.

Never alone.

Never forgotten.

Ever in our spirits.

[BEATRICE] In this life or the next.

[NUNS] In this life or the next.

[CAMILA] Mary.

Is she in Heaven?

Because if the Tarask took her,

could could she be in Hell?

I mean, is that even a thing?

Can she be dragged to Hell?

I don't know.

She must have been so scared.


[MARY] Sh.

It's been a while.

If Ava was going to come

back to the Cat's Cradle,

she would be here by now.

Ava will show.

And if she doesn't?

She'll be here sooner or later.


You've got to be kidding me.

Who are they?



it's good to see you again.

We've come to pay our respects.

I'm hoping for sooner.


How can I help you?

Hi. Uh, I'd like to speak

to Jillian Salvius.

I'm sorry. She's not available.

[LAUGHS] Okay, uh, you don't

understand. She wants to see me.


T tell her it's Ava.


Miss, I need you to put that down.

And then you'll take me to Jillian?

Just put it down.


- [MAN] Hey!

- [WOMAN] Stop!






[AVA] You want some?

[JILLIAN] You certainly know

how to make an entrance.


It needed a remodel, anyway.

What brought you here?

[AVA] You were looking for me.


I'm a curious person.

And, well, you're a curiosity.

[AVA] You want to know what I am.

[JILLIAN] The research

we do here is cutting edge.

But you are something

altogether different.

I would love to learn what

you're capable of and why.

[AVA] Seems we have

something in common then.

I want you to science me.

Science you?

I wanna know everything.

So I can figure out for

myself what to do about it.

Sounds like we can help each other.

You get your answers. I get mine.

And then afterwards, you leave me alone.


That's the deal.

Are you in or out?











like the girls are getting acquainted.

[IN ITALIAN] These women

don't belong in this place.

[IN ITALIAN] You saw

potential in them last year.

[IN ITALIAN] And I dismissed

them after a thorough evaluation.




[IN ITALIAN] You may

have been too hasty.

Sister Crimson is an impressive warrior.


aggressive, undisciplined

[IN ITALIAN] Sounds like

someone I used to know.


possibly sociopathic.


[IN ITALIAN] You were the one who

said I hadn't taken enough interest

in the Order.

So I'm trying.

[IN ITALIAN] This isn't

what I had in mind.

[IN ITALIAN] When Sister Shannon died,

new challenges emerged for the Order.

New measures are needed to combat them.

I haven't gotten to where I am

by hoping the same old methods

will solve new problems.

- [GRUNTS] Oh!





loyalty, and service.

One can't exist without the other.

I need you to deliver these.

[IN ITALIAN] What are they?

[IN ITALIAN] Solutions to problems.

I wouldn't say I'm superhuman,

but I'm definitely strong.

I can phase through solid objects.

I can do energy-pulse-type things.

Well, that's still a work in progress.

And I can heal.

sh**t me, s*ab me Call me

Jesus, 'cause I'm coming back.

Can you heal others?

[AVA] So far, it only works on me.

So, any chance we can

be done with this thing?

It's kind of claustrophobic and creepy.

That's a tall assessment for

someone who can see demons.

You know about the demons?

I've heard stories.

How? The OCS is supposed

to be a giant secret.

I have a reliable source.


This is Kristian Schaefer.

He used to be an

archivist for the Vatican.

And now he works for you?

I said science me, not church me.

I'm here because you're not them.

I left the Church in pursuit of truth.

In that respect, you and

I are very much alike.

[JILLIAN] He's here to provide counsel.

There are ethical considerations

to some of my work.

[KRISTIAN] I'm here to balance

the equation, so to speak.

And to assure the outside

world that the work we do here

takes all sides into account.

Hmm. So you're here just for show.

How long until we see results?

It's nearly there.


What is it?


it's definitely an energy

source of some kind.

It doesn't adhere to

traditional laws of physics.

Perhaps because it

exists outside of them.

It could be a foreign body.



Like not of this earth.

A new metal. Different from Divinium.

Could be an asteroid or a

So you're saying I have an

alien battery in my back?

That's weird.

Well weirder than an angel's halo?

If it's a power source,

can I adjust it?

Crank it up and down?

- I'm not sure.

- Or maybe transfer it to another person

and then they can deal with the demons,

and I can deal with the everything else?

I don't know what's possible yet.

So run more tests.

Figure it out.

Vincent. Good.

What is this?

I've been reassigned.

To a convent in Malaysia.

The OCS has no chapter there.

She's not the only one.

Florida, th that's

[SUPERION] A gift.

The Cardinal could've had you

excommunicated for insubordination.

He chose a more compassionate solution.

Cutting us off from everything

we love and care about?

He's giving you a second chance.

By kicking us out of the OCS.

I know you don't support this.

There are many ways to serve God.

Do you think what he's doing

is what's best for this sect?

The Cardinal has the final decision,

and I will not go against him.

[VINCENT] He's using

your history against you.

He may have helped you find a home here,

but you made it your

own a long time ago.

Mother, please.

The OCS is my home too.

There are plane tickets and

cash in those envelopes.

I think it best if you

leave immediately.

To spare the other Sisters the turmoil.

The Sisters or you?

If you want to modulate your power,

we have to identify the energy.

See if we can measure

it, channel it, control it.




Is that an option?


[JILLIAN] All right.

I hope that you're right about her.

It's her. It has to be.

She's the power source,

and this test will prove it.

We should tell her what

this is really about.

[SCOFFS] You saw what

she did to the lobby.

We can't keep her here against her will.


All right, Ava.

I need you to power up,

whatever you do to access

the energy within the device.


Here goes something.




Did that do anything?

That's perfect.






[JILLIAN] This is a quantum

expression of Newtonian force.

This type of energy shouldn't exist.


- Keep going, Ava.


- [ZAPS]


Shit! Sorry. Sorry.


Is it stabilizing?

Getting there.






What are you doing?

Enhancing the conductivity. Maybe

we have to help her get there.




[AVA] What are you doing?

Keep going, Ava. Keep going.



- It won't work.

- It has to work!





What the actual f*ck was that?

I'm I'm sorry, Ava.

I was wrong about you.

[AVA] No. No.

No, we're not done here!


Where do these lead?


- Wait!



You weren't testing me at all, were you?

You had me hooked up to

this thing the entire time.

You were using me.

You're not what I thought you were.

[AVA] What the hell

are you talking about?

I'll show you.




This is Michael.

My son.




[CAMILA] I'm sorry.

Don't apologize for doing your job.

I went over the security protocols,

and I have a list of

everyone's assignments

and necessary weapons from the armory.


It sounds like you have

everything under control.

Not really.

I secretly kind of wish

they'd kick me out, too.

Why would you wish that?

I don't know.

It's just that

everything's changing,

and I'm not sure I can

handle it without you guys.

You can, Camila.

I know you can.


A lot of people can smile

when things go wrong,

but it takes a special person to

make everyone else smile with them.

God sends messages to guide us.

Heed them, and you'll be fine.





I need to speak with you.

Well, sorry to disappoint. Father

Vincent already beat you to it.

But I am curious how you

would have done it, though.

Dig the knife in quick and clean?

Or would you do something

a little more nuanced,

seeing I've known you the longest?

I think we both appreciate

the direct approach.

No disagreement there.

I haven't been in Sister

Shannon's room in a while.

It's not really hers anymore, is it?

You were close to her, I know.

Maybe it's a curse.

Bad things happen to

everyone I care about.

When you first arrived here

well, I never expected you to

amount to much, if I'm being honest.

A fair assessment,

all things considered.

Orphaned children tend to have

a difficult time connecting.

My mother isn't dead.

[SUPERION] Still, you grew up alone.

But when you came

here, something clicked.

You connected with these young women.

Protected them.

And you kept your distance.

Never allowing anyone to get too close.

The Sisters think it's

because you don't care,

but I know it's because

you care too much.

I have seen you stand up to the

most powerful forces in the world.

Human and otherwise.

But now

now you're betraying everything you are.

Everything you taught us. For what?

I serve the Church.

Duretti isn't the Church.

He's a man.

One who puts himself before

anyone, including God.

I'm sorry.

I've seen the inside of a prison,

but after each visit, I get to walk out.

It seems to me you're stuck here.



You're not supposed to be here.

Yeah, that makes two of us.



[JILLIAN] The Divinium

particulates are keeping him alive.


I was never supposed to have a child.

The doctors told me I couldn't.

I tried everything, and nothing worked.


So I threw myself into medical science.

Genetic engineering. DNA

modification. All of it.

I tested it on myself.

Eventually, it worked.

My pregnancy was a medical marvel.

He's been sick a long time.

A blood disorder, one unlike

anyone has seen before.

Without the Divinium

coursing through him,

there's no cure.

Then what does that machine do?

The ark isn't designed

to treat his disease.

It's about the next step.

A bridge to somewhere

that will allow him

to continue.

There is something out there.

It's right here, next to us,

existing on a parallel plane.

Where we can be together.

Where there's no more pain.

[AVA] You're serious.

Well, I haven't been able to stabilize

the energy field long enough

to keep the door open, but

I can tell you it's very real.

Every experiment we've run confirms it.

It's a dimension where there's

no disease and no death.

You're trying to create eternity.

It already exists.

I'm only opening the door.

That's why I I tested you back

there. That's what all of this was.

I thought your Halo would be

strong enough to power the Ark.


[MICHAEL] I like her.

I glow when she's around.


I'm sorry.

I'm not the one.

I wish I could help.

And I'm sorry I don't have the

answers you're looking for.


[MARY] We wait till dusk. Move in teams.

Beatrice and I will take

out the security out back.

Father Vincent will move the van.

[BEATRICE] In this

scenario, you have a van?

[MARY] It's a work in progress.

Now we get into Shannon's

room. We blow out the wall.

[VINCENT] Now there's expl*sives.

[MARY] Well, if either of you have

a more discreet plan, chime in.

[BEATRICE] There's

no version of any plan

that doesn't get us all excommunicated.

We have lost everything

we've ever fought for.

- There's nothing more to lose.

- [BEATRICE] Maybe not for you.

But I joined the Church

to save my eternal soul.

[MARY] Oh, is that the version

of the story you're telling?

There are worse things than Hell.

Like letting Duretti

get away with m*rder.

Or letting him k*ll Ava as soon as

she walks through those doors.

[BEATRICE] m*rder?

That is a dangerous

accusation. He's a Cardinal.

You don't think I know that?

I wouldn't be saying it if wasn't true.

[BEATRICE] You have evidence?

In Shannon's room. I know it is.

You want us to break into Cat's Cradle,

fight our Sister Warriors

because of a hunch?

It is more than a hunch.

Think about it.

We know that Shannon's

death wasn't an ambush.

It was an assassination.

An inside job.

What would the Cardinal

gain by k*lling her?

Duretti is ambitious.

He's a climber.

If the Pope was dying, he'd

be vying to fill that position.

Maybe Shannon was standing in his way.

Maybe there's more to the

Pope's health than we know.

- Mary

- Shannon was m*rder*d, Beatrice.

And I am gonna take down who

did it, even if I have to go it alone.


If it was me, I would use the small

door in the back of the crypt.

No one even remembers it.

I'd still go the long way around,

through the east wing,

just to avoid any latecomers.

So you're coming.

I can't.

But I'll be praying for you.

[KRISTIAN] Are you all right?

[AVA] I can heal, remember?

[KRISTIAN] Yes, of course.

What will you do now?

Keep looking for answers, I guess.

Me too.

[AVA] Hmm.

May I ask:

Why did you really leave the Church?

Did you see something that put you off?

No, no, no.

It was more what I didn't see.

Growing up,

I was an altar boy.

And I prayed every day.

I did everything right.

When my mother got sick,

I asked for a miracle.

It didn't come.


I thought it was my fault.

Maybe God didn't think I deserved one,

so I threw myself into

the Church even deeper.

At the Vatican, I watched thousands

of people coming and going every day,

all wanting their own miracles

and never getting them.

I started to question

the point of prayer

if there was no

evidence it did anything.

You were looking for your

miracle in the wrong place.

Exactly why I had to leave.

[AVA] So you came here.

[KRISTIAN] I needed

proof, one way or another.

Is there anything real, above

and beyond ourselves?

If I've realized anything,

it's that we can't find

clarity in the intangible.

It is better to put

our faith in ourselves

and our trust in those who've earned it.


[MARY] We have fought demons,

mercenaries, devil worshipers,

but suddenly a piece of

paper is what destroys us?

You've always trusted me.

Why won't you trust me now?

Are you that afraid to

stand up to Duretti?

- I'm not afraid.

- No? Because that's what it seems like.

You've turned your back on us.

You've turned your back on Shannon.

I might as well have

pulled the trigger myself.

What are you talking about?

Shannon came to me weeks ago.

She was troubled.

I don't know why, but she was convinced

the Church was hiding something.

That there was something in the

Vatican they were keeping from us.

I told her if she wanted answers,

she should talk to the Cardinal.

If there was anyone who'd know

If she went to him, and he k*lled her

she's dead because of me.

[MARY] Duretti did this.

And I'm going to bring

Hell down on him for it.

My first week, I messed up a lot.

So I get not knowing

all the rules right away.

But one big one is that the

armory cannot be accessed

without permission from Mother Superion.

I take my orders from

the Cardinal directly.

And his instructions were:

if any dismissed personnel return,

they're to be removed immediately.

Surely he didn't mean with v*olence.

By any means necessary.

His words, not mine.



Mary! What the f*ck?

[MARY] Shit.

You gotta watch yourself.

No, seriously. What the f*ck?

While you were gone, Duretti

brought in replacements.

Father Vincent, Beatrice, and I,

we've all been reassigned.

And you're here because

You knew I'd come back.

You didn't want me walking into a trap.

We can get into it later.

You like me.


You're gonna need this.


It looks good on you.

- I know. [LAUGHS]


So, what? We bust through

the front door, kick some ass,

get what we need, and blow this joint?

That is definitely not the plan.

Come on.


[MARY] This way.

Whoa. Where does that go?

The crypt.

The door we bring in dead bodies.

Well, in the movies, they

call this foreshadowing.

We're never gonna get this done if

everything comes with commentary.


Question: You think there's another room

on the other side of this wall?

Or you know there is? Because

if it's just more wall

I'm positive.



Good enough.




[AVA'S VOICE] "Sister

Margarite. Sister Kim Ji-Yoo"

It's the Warrior Nuns. All of them.

Come on, Ava.

Let's get a move on it.








You know you didn't join

the Church of Satan, right?


[AVA WHISPERS] There's a secret.




- Mary!


Seriously? On the nose much?


- Oh, that is not what I meant.



You need a lesson in camaraderie.

[CRIMSON] And you're

gonna teach it to me?

I've already beaten you once.

Sometimes you need to

lose a battle to win a w*r.


Left hook.

Right-handed choke hold.



Beatrice is a badass.

- Bit of an opening on your left.



- My right.

Just say when.

[COCKS g*n]

- When.





Ava! Ava!


- [BEATRICE] You okay?

- [AVA] Something's wrong.

I can't move.


Can you feel my hand?


Maybe you just overexerted

yourself. Probably just temporary.


[MARY] C'mon. We've got to

get out of here. Come on.


[MARY] Come on.


Wait, the book. The book. The book.

[g*ns COCKING]

- [AVA] Wait.


I got this.

We're not your enemy.

But if you try to stop us, then

you'll leave me no choice.

I will kick the ever-loving

shit out of you

because I am the g*dd*mn Warrior Nu






[g*ns COCK]

[a*t*matic g*nf*re RATTLING]


I really hope I got God's message right.


- [BEATRICE] She's been shot.


[MARY] Hold on.

[BEATRICE] Pull over here.

We need to stop the bleeding.



You're gonna be okay.

How's she doing?

Well, she's smiling.

I'll take that as a good sign.

Shannon's part is at the end.


"There is a secret buried

at the heart of the Vatican.

A power that anchors

demons to our world,

but they keep it a secret

for their own benefit.

Telling him was a mistake.

He wants to use it for himself".



I'm sorry, sweetheart.

I failed you.

Where's Ava?

She can't help us.

She's the key that opens the door.


No, Michael, she isn't.

We tried.

We tried, but the door wouldn't open.

[MICHAEL] Not that door, Mummy.

The one on the ground.




[IN ITALIAN] Your Holiness,

I appreciate you seeing

[IN ITALIAN] Pray with me, Mother.

The Pope is dead.


[IN ITALIAN] It is a strange

but pleasant surprise

to see you on such a dark day.

I hope you aren't here because

of trouble at the Order.


[IN ITALIAN] I came for guidance.


[IN ITALIAN] Well, it's time to go.

The Vatican will be closed soon for

the Conclave, and there is much to do.

God be with you, Mother.

[IN ITALIAN] And with us all.