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01x03 - Ephesians 6:11

Posted: 11/16/22 14:12
by bunniefuu
- [LILITH] She was dead.


[LILITH] So she'd go back to being dead?

[BEATRICE] There's no way of knowing.

[AVA'S VOICE] I can't move.

Well, that was no fun while it lasted.

- [BEATRICE] The Halo chose her.

- It doesn't belong to her.

I say we take it out.

- [BEATRICE] And if she dies?


That's up to God.





- You ever see Shannon do that?

- No.

- What's happening?



I understand that you're scared,

but you need to calm down.



It's reacting to your emotions.

What's reacting to my emotions?

- The Halo.

- What Halo?

What the hell is going on?

This is gonna be a long day.






Are you okay?

What do you say we try this again?






[VINCENT] Areala of Cordoba

was one of the fiercest warriors

the world has ever known,

but her beginnings were far more humble

She wasn't born a believer.

When her family's land

was seized by invaders,

Areala was orphaned.

She spent years wandering

lost, without purpose.

Until she found Him.

Liam Neeson?

I've seen this one.

He exacts revenge on

everyone who wronged her.

Not Liam Neeson.

The Rock?

- God.

- Oh.

She found God.



Yeah, I hate to

disappoint, but I don't

Here's the translation.

"Areala spent the rest of

her life fighting in His name".



[AVA] "By 1095, when Pope Urban

II ordered the First Crusade"

I'm sorry. Can we maybe jump to the part

where any of this has

anything to do with me?

You're getting there.


"Areala was fearless"


[AVA] "willing to give everything

- including her life".


[AVA] "Eventually, Areala

would give her life.

But it wasn't on this day.

A messenger from God, the

angel Adriel had other plans.

He couldn't let her die.

Her journey wasn't finished.

But there was only one way to save her.

So Adriel made the greatest sacrifice.

He gave up a part of himself".


Are you saying that thing is in me now?

Obviously, that was not our plan.

Fate intervened, just

as it did with Areala.

Our plan?

We belong to the Order

of the Cruciform Sword.

Devout women who've dedicated

their lives to fighting an ancient evil.


Devout women and you.

I've been tasked with

tending to their needs.

[AVA'S VOICE] Well, not every need.

You've seen it. The beast.

It's called a Tarask.

Because of the energy it

takes to slip their bonds,

they can only exist in our

world for a short time.

And their world is



And the other ones,

the ones that are here, but not here?

Wraith demons.

They feed on the natural

darkness in people's souls,

influencing them to do their bidding.

They can't do any damage themselves,

because they still have one foot in



- The thing on my back.

- Mm-hmm.

That's why I can see them?

The Halo affords you the gift of sight.

The ability not just to hunt

them, but to k*ll them.

[SCOFFS] Okay. I hate to break

it to you, but I'm no hunter.

I'm not even a gatherer. A

week ago, I couldn't even walk.

I know, and I'm sorry for

what you've been through.

But perhaps God has spared you

in that accident for a reason.

A greater purpose.

No. No, no, no. You know what?

Maybe I don't know who I am

or what I'm supposed to do,

but I'm pretty sure that

fighting demons ain't it, okay?

Whoever bears the Halo

is the new champion.


The Warrior Nun.

That's the way it's

been for 1,000 years.

We've sworn our lives

to keep this evil at bay.

No. No, you've sworn your lives.

I just got mine back.

I'm not looking for a

commitment right now.

This is hard to process.

I get that.

You know what?

Maybe maybe we take the weekend.


You know? Think think it over.

I'll come back on Monday,

and we can talk more.

[VINCENT] Until you learn

to control the Halo's powers,

you're a danger to yourself

and everyone around you.

I can't let you leave here.


So I'm a prisoner, then.

The other option is less desirable.

[AVA] Well, you can't keep me

locked up in here. It's a legal thing.


You're safe here.

Out there, we can't protect you.

My friends will come looking for me.

The same friends who left

you behind at the party?

How long do you think

you'll survive out there?

[SCOFFS] I have superpowers.

That you have no idea how to use.

Every time you do, you're

putting yourself at risk.

Make no mistake, the

Tarask will find you.

Wait. That thing is after me?

It's after the Halo.

You're just in the way.

The Tarask is attracted to the

energy the Halo gives off.

Like a hound that catches a scent,

it knows where you've been.

But he can't smell me

with this on, right?

The vest is lined with osmium, like

the walls of the protective room.

It acts as an energy dampener.

That's why the beast wasn't

summoned by this morning's incident.

You mean my freak-out.

We can teach you focus and control

so that doesn't happen again.

We can show you what the Halo

can do so you can defend yourself.


Here, I thought you were

taking me to Make-Out Point.

This is funny to you?

A nun with a shotgun to my head?


Oh, so lapsed, then.

My friend is dead, and her

blood is on your hands.

You'll have to be more specific.

The docks. The expl*si*n.

- I don't know anything about that.

- No, of course not.

My team was hired to transport

a shipment. That's all.

Do you know where it came from?

All I know is everything was copacetic

until my men were

ambushed by a bunch of

well-trained female operatives.

Yeah. Who you knew were coming,

and you rigged the crate to explode.

[MACREADY] You think I'd

jeopardize the lives of my men?

Reputation is all there

is in my line of work.

[MARY] So you were moving it

without knowing what was in it?

[MACREADY] As long as I get

paid, I don't care what's in it.

And you did get paid by Arq-Tech.


They're not behind what happened.

And how do you know?

[MACREADY] Because whatever

was supposed to be in that crate,

they wanted it, bad.

[MARY] And they tell you that?

Price on delivery told me that.

How many casualties were on

your side, apart from your friend?

Just her.

Then whoever rigged the crate

is either shite at their job

or they're a real pro who got

exactly what they were after.

Shannon was the target.

Well, I'm so glad I could help. But

if you don't mind, my time is

kind of valuable.

And you think I'm just

gonna let you walk away?

Your men still att*cked us.

And you're still a nun.

Thou shall not k*ll and all that.

The cliff was a nice touch

but the show's over.

[g*nsh*t ECHOING]

What the hell was that?

Your guess is as good as ours.

But before it cut out,

I I thought I saw something.

The camera didn't pick

up a heat signature.

Might be some sort of

cloaking technology.

So, Klingons

[SCOFFS] Harry Potter.

Cameras or no, we still have a lead.


This was Cardinal Duretti's handiwork.

That's not where I was going.

[LAUGHS] Come on.

You think it was those kids who

infiltrated my show-and-tell?

Those kids didn't con their way in

so they could tear up the place.

They were in it for for the free

drinks and the shrimp cocktail.

Maybe their agenda changed

once they got inside.


They were certainly

curious about everything.

Well, it seems they're more

curious about each other.


Kristian, I understand your hesitance

to believe the Church is behind this.

When you leave the Church,

you never really leave.

- I I get that.

- Trust me,

there is no love lost between

the Cardinal and myself.

I know very well what

the Vatican is capable of.

I've seen it from the inside.


I don't subscribe to the idea that

science and faith can't coexist.

What we're doing here, we're

going to prove that they do.

Whoa. What


You see that?

[KRISTIAN] I think she's doing it.

How's that possible?

I've run dozens of tests.

I've never seen it do that.

The artifacts only respond that way

when connected to a

significant energy source.

Macready mentioned something about nuns.

- Nuns?

- In the archives,

there's mention of a sect of women

led by one who wields great power.


The Order of the Cruciform Sword.

I always assumed it was merely a legend.

Well, I'm sure you thought that

way about the artifacts once.

If the OCS is real,

it would be a secret kept for centuries,

even from those on the inside.


It's not like the Church

to keep secrets.

We need to find that girl.

[VINCENT] Divinium?

[DURETTI] They are using it

to build some sort of machine.

Do they know its origins?

We were betrayed by a man

that used to work for the Vatican

and now works for Arq-Tech.

We must assume they know everything.

Our mission is difficult enough.

If we can avoid conflict

If Sister Shannon's

blood is on their hands,

the conflict is already upon us.

What of that girl?

She's here.

Undergoing training.

And Lilith, is she ready?

Yes, but the circumstances

surrounding the girl,

removing it may k*ll her.

Is she a believer?

Is it not His belief in

her that matters most?

The ancient texts suggest that

the Halo has agency of its own.

What if it chose her?

What if He chose her?

One chance.

For both of you.


[WOMAN] Two!

[AVA'S VOICE] First thing

they do is give you a stick.

I'm sure this will end well.



[AVA'S VOICE] Grizzled.

Mean scar. Grand entrance.

Boss bitch is here.

I'm Mother Superion.

Of course you are.

[AVA'S VOICE] Shit. That was out loud.

Lilith tells me you've noticed

an improvement in strength.

I threw a guy across a room.

So, that was new.

The Halo acts as an amplifier.

It will enhance whatever natural

abilities you already possess.

[AVA] Well, I drew the

short end on a lot of things,

so don't get your hopes up. [CHUCKLES]

[SUPERION] Then you'll

have to work harder.

What else have you experienced?

[AVA] Um, I heal really fast.

I have that creepy demon sight thing.

I can pass through things.



[LILITH] It's true.

Saw that one with my own eyes.

Is that not normal?

Normal is relative.

Some abilities will be unique to you,

just as previous Warrior Nuns

had abilities unique to them.

Warrior Nun.

Makes it sound like I won a

fight or something. [CHUCKLES]

Except top prize is getting a hunk

of magic metal embedded in your back.

[SUPERION] The Halo is a gift.

You are God's champion.

You fight in His name.

About that. I'm not exactly

what you would call "religious".

Also, I just got these back,

so I'm not sure how the whole

fighting thing is gonna work.

You know what, maybe we can focus on

making things go boom,

like this morning.

Oh, shit, I forgot that one.


- [GRUNTS] What the f*ck was that for?


[LILITH] Language!

We're in a house of worship.

Where you train K*llers.

Something tells me profanity

is low on Hail Mary's to-do list.

You'll learn about the Halo's

more significant virtues in time.

First, we need to assess your

physical and emotional conditioning.

[AVA] Emotional conditioning?

Mental fortitude is key.

With the Halo, the psychological

and physical are intertwined.

You can't master one without the other.

- All right. Okay. So how do we




No one said you couldn't fight back.




Well, at least teach me

how to use this thing.

It's a stick.


Whoa! Okay, okay, listen, I'm

all for friendly flagellation,

but maybe we prioritize

a little bit here, huh?

Father Vincent said

the OCS was a family,

but I'm getting a distinct

wicked stepmother vibe, right?



[LAUGHING] Did you see

that? How am I doing it?



[AVA'S VOICE] Did that actually

hurt, or just seem like it should?


You know what? This is probably

just my synapses being super confused

and totally not a comment

on your strength and skill.


[AVA] So, what do you think?




[AVA'S VOICE] No smile,

unreadable expression,

not actively hostile.

I can work with that.

Never went to middle school,

but I feel like I just lived

it in a matter of seconds.

Life is coming at all of us

pretty hard right now.

It might help things along

if you didn't treat

everything like a joke.

Yeah, I can't help it.

It's my default.

The Halo wasn't just hanging

around, waiting for you to show up.

It belonged to someone.

I know.

I'm sorry.

What was she like?

She was intense.

Cold, at first.

Wouldn't let any of us in.

But when she finally opened up

Shannon was a great friend,

especially to the new recruits.

Loved pranks.

[LAUGHS] She really got some of us.

In the last few months, though,

something changed.

It was like she knew.

I'm not her, you know.

No one expects you to be.

I tried telling him.

I'm not a warrior and I'm

definitely not a nun.

This whole place, everything

just isn't me.

It wasn't me either.

Not at first.

We all have a past, Ava.

Secrets that are ours alone.

But none of that

matters once you realize

that not everything is about you.

[SUPERION] You can't force this.

She's not prepared.

- She's not

- She's not worthy?

I read her file, same as you.

She doesn't have it in her.

That's not your decision to make.

These are my girls.

I've been entrusted

with their preparedness.

And I've been entrusted

with their lives.

Including hers.

Even if the Halo doesn't

reject her, she'll reject it.

We'll see.

[SUPERION] I won't go easy on her.

[VINCENT] I'm not asking you to.

But I do expect a certain sensitivity

for her situation.

"Areala would never forget her defeat

at the hands of the barbarians,

but she was destined

for a greater purpose.

At the Lord's urging, she would raise

a band of warriors to

share in the burden.

No one would know their

faces or their names.

They would only be known

by a collective symbol:

a silver cross made

from the hilt of a sword.

And so it came to pass

that the Order of the

Cruciform Sword was born".

A bit wordy, isn't it?

Keep going.

"The Sister Warriors,

as they became known,

thrived under Areala's tutelage".


[AVA] "For evil had taken on

a new and monstrous form.


risen from Hell.

The nuns sought out

these forces of darkness,

releasing lost souls pressed

into the service of demons".

[VINCENT] Mm-hmm.

I don't know about you, but I

thought that was really enlightening.

It's a historical record,

meant to offer context.

It's not a spell book.


Well, a spell book would

be a bit more useful.


Nice job, patriarchy.

All the heroes are women, but

the cake-topper is a dude.

Let me guess: he was the first you.

Where's the Areala statue, huh?

I was hoping you would see a

bit of yourself in Areala's story.

You two aren't that dissimilar.

It may not have been the

path you expected, but

you were both chosen

for a greater purpose.


If by "chosen", you mean

someone shoved something into our bodies

without permission and then was like,

"Oh, by the way, this

is your life now"

Then for all we know,

Areala never wanted this.

Maybe she wanted to die

on the b*ttlefield that day.

Maybe she thought she earned it.

Ava, you've been gifted

something very special.

And I want to give you the space

to discover that for yourself.

But there are some people here

who don't feel the same way.

Hmm. More than some.

I need you to take this seriously

or the calls to replace you will be.

Well, then why do you even

care what happens to me?

Why not just take this thing

out of me and be done with it?

Whether you believe it or not,

God gave you a second chance.

I need you to trust me.

I know that's not easy for you.

It's not easy for me either

but we're both flying a bit blind here.

So, please

maybe we can show a little patience?



You have conditions.


Is there any way we can

make this place, like,

a little less insane asylum?

The vest is for your protection.

No, not the vest.

The babysitter.

[LOUDLY] You know,

the one you don't think

I notice following me around everywhere?

I promise to take all my meds, Doc.



[AVA'S VOICE] Until literally any

other option presents itself


It's gorgeous.

It'll do.

It's ours.

- At least for the next few weeks.




- [ZORI] Holy shit.

- What took you guys so long?

- [CHANEL] Get your hands off me.

How'd you find us?

It's a clever racket you've got there.

Hacking calendars of

the rich, and then

crashing at their pads

when they're out of town.

If you wanted us arrested,

you would have sent police.

But that's not what I want.

Frankly, I admire your spirit.

So what do you want?

[JILLIAN] Your friend.

The girl you were with the

other night. Where is she?

You're looking for Ava?



Ava. Thank you, Chanel.

We don't know where she

is, okay? We got separated.

Yeah. She's not even part of our group.

Well, how do I get in touch with her?

Look, honestly, we don't know her.

We just met her a few nights ago.

She was just a hanger-on.

If she contacts you,

I expect to be notified.


[JILLIAN] That's my private number.

Please do keep in touch.

[IN SPANISH] Have a pleasant stay.

Oh, f*ck.



Am I doing that?

When in close proximity to

the Halo, Divinium activates.

Weapons become more destructive;

armor hardens against attack.

It's some kind of metal

They say it's organic.

So, like a free-range metal.



How can Sister Warriors

use these weapons

if they can't see what they're fighting?

No, but that's a good one.

The Halo-Bearer identifies their

position and coordinates the attack.

Unless the wraiths have

taken possession of a human.

- When

- Oh, my God.

I just realized The Exorcist is real.

It's not.

But demon possession is

real, so Father Karras

Can we get back to this, please?


The most important thing to remember

is that the same properties

that make the demons

susceptible to Divinium

also make the Warrior Nun susceptible.


What was that for?

Hey, I thought we were bonding!

[LILITH] You need to

know you're not invincible.

Divinium can k*ll you.

It's also the only substance

you can't phase through, so


Is that you?


[LILITH] The vibration.



[LILITH] Settle your thoughts.

Settle my thoughts? You just stabbed me!

- [LILITH] Settle your thoughts!


Something's here.


[LILITH] Pick it up!

I thought this room was safe.


- What do you see?

- What

- How many?

- [WHIMPERING] I don't know.











It was a test.



Well, are you going to help

me or just stand there?

[SUPERION] She got herself into this,

let her get herself out.

[SIGHS] I I don't know how.

You did fine just a minute

ago when you thought

you were leaving me to die.

A moment, please.



So, the, uh

walls are really [TAPS WALL]

thick here, huh? [CHUCKLES]

Okay, in my defense, I used my

abilities almost successfully, so

In this house, trust is everything.

You have to know your fellow

Sister Warriors have your back.

Lives depend on it.


She deceived me first.

Trust goes both ways, sister.


Why did you run?

Aside from thinking a giant monster

was about to break down the door?

It makes no sense, knowing

what I know about you.

You've known me for two days.

Father Vincent brought your

file back from the orphanage.

He didn't tell you?


Well, I wouldn't trust what you read.

Those nuns had it out for me.

Facts don't lie, Ava.

What's that supposed to mean?

I know you k*lled yourself.


Overdosed on pain medication.

No, no, that's not what happened.

How could I? I couldn't even move.

You moved well enough to greet your

caretakers with obscene gestures.

I read that in your file, too.

You don't understand.

Paralyzed in an accident.

Abandoned by your family.

It must have been a nightmare for you.

I didn't k*ll myself.

Sister Frances said

you'd been depressed.

You were about to age

out of the orphanage.

She said that you knew you

could not survive on your own,

- and you felt helpless.

- That's not true. She's lying!

If I wanted to die, I wouldn't

have just run away.

Of course you ran away.

You're a coward.

Always looking for the easy way out.

Fighting for a cause?

That's not you, is it?

You don't know me.

Make up your mind, Ava.

Do you want to live,

or do you want to die?


Stop this.





Be respectful of her situation.

That's what I said.

If she doesn't confront

this now, when will she?

When she's out on a mission, and

the lives of her Sisters are at stake?

She's a b*mb waiting to go off.

So you ignite the fuse?

We have no time for

hand-holding, Father.

You know that as well as I do.

You're trying to push her away.

She's not one of us.

She's a sinner.

She k*lled herself.

Yet, she's not dead.

Is that not a miracle

of the highest order?

[SUPERION] You see God's influence.

I see an aberration.

She doesn't deserve this.

None of us deserve His grace.

It's not earned, it's given.

Is that what this is about,

what you think you deserved?

My responsibility is to these girls.

To the ones who have

given their lives

and the ones who are still here,

ready and willing to do the same.

That girl?

She's a cancer.

She will bring us down with her.

I didn't k*ll myself.


I'm serious.

Do you remember what happened

that night, before you woke up?

I was just watching TV

and then fell asleep, but

to me, it was just any other night.

She said they found dr*gs in my system.

I spent 12 years not feeling

anything below my chest.

Why the hell would I need pain meds?

Perhaps the medical report was wrong.

What does it matter?

No one believes me anyway.

Don't let her get to you.

She's messing with your head.

It's what she does.

So it's not just me.

The other Sisters call

her Cruella de Jesus.

I may have started it.


But you believe me.

I think you're thoughtless

and self-centered.

But dishonest?

Thank you.


I'm just trying to figure

out whether you're

more or less nun-like than the others.

I'm guessing you've had less than ideal

experiences with those

who've taken vows.



[BEATRICE] I took my vows

earlier than most, if that helps.

You'd think it would.

My parents are in politics.

Diplomats back in England.


And concerned about appearances.

I wasn't falling into line,

so they shipped me off to

Catholic boarding school.

I guess it kind of stuck.

There's more to it than you're telling.

[BEATRICE] There's always more.


Ah, Camila.

This is Ava.

[CAMILA] Hi, Ava.


How's it going with the new girl?


Fitting right in.

That well, huh?

I could have used your help earlier.

Where have you been?

You walk your own path, that's fine.

But where it intersects with mine,

I expect at least a little transparency.

Careful what you wish for.

You can make yourself at home in here.

[AVA] Looks like someone

already moved in.

These were Sister Shannon's quarters.

[AVA] She looks so young here.

How long ago was this?

Last year, I think.

Last year?

[CAMILA] Tomorrow's training schedule.

I'll find someone to clear

all this out for you.



[VINCENT] An assassination?

Are you sure?

[MARY] Yes. It's the only

thing that makes sense.

To what end?

Were they after the Halo?

I don't know.

And that's the problem.


Sorry, am I interrupting?

Oh, Ava. Good. Come on in.

Let me introduce you to Sister

Shotgun Mary.

Cool name.

Why do they call you that?

I drink a lot.


[MARY] I'll leave you guys to it.

If you hear anything else

- Of course.

- [VINCENT] Mm-hmm.

[VINCENT] I wanted

to apologize for before.

Mother Superion crossed a line.


- Your past is your business.

It's up to you to decide what you'd

like to share with the rest of us.

I appreciate that.

[VINCENT] What do you say?

Shall we dig back in?


"In the ensuing years, the demons

grew in strength and numbers,

and the Order of the Cruciform

Sword was confronted by a new evil,

the Tarask of Golden Legend,

the beast said to have risen

from the deepest depths of Hell.

It was this creature who would end

the reign of the First Halo-Bearer.

Mortally wounded, her

loyal Sister Warriors

rushed Areala back to their sanctuary.

But it was too late.

Nothing could be done.

'It's time', whispered Areala.

'I'm ready to die'.

Her fate sealed, she called

for the Next in Line.

'Is she here?

Don't be scared, Sister.

We are never ready,

only prepared'".


[WOMAN] Father Vincent?



Bane of my existence.

Excuse me a moment.


Only wanting to be held ♪

[WOMAN] Thank you, Father.

Still kept in the blind ♪

In the morning cold and rain ♪

When everything is still untouched ♪

Courage, don't fail me ♪

For now I'm learning ♪

Courage, don't leave me now ♪

Reveal it ♪

Our place untold ♪

Just breathing ♪

So uncontrolled ♪

Reveal it ♪

Just breathing ♪

Colors, don't leave me now ♪

And now I'm living ♪