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01x04 - The Good Boy Box

Posted: 11/16/22 13:03
by bunniefuu
Found something, sir.

I believe this is part of a femur.

So, the remains they found

in your dad's backyard, they

corroborate your story

about that first victim.

The hitchhiker?

That's right.

And, uh, why did you

scatter the bones around?

Was it just to get rid of the evidence?



I just kinda panicked at that point.

I, uh

I tried smashin' the bones,

but the insides, uh, were

wet, you know.

Couldn't, uh, smash 'em into a powder.

So I, uh

Then I decided to put 'em in the oven,

to, uh, you know,

dry 'em out and, uh, that did the trick.

Then I could smash 'em into bits.

But why scatter the bones

around the entire yard?

I think I just

wanted him to still be around.

Like the idea of

little pieces of him

being everywhere, you know?

Surrounding me.

I know that sounds horrible.

Well, Jeff, it actually

doesn't matter what we think.

But I do think I was born like this.

Like, I don't think there was something

that happened that made me like this.

'Cause this was always just

how I was.

'Cause, uh

after the hitchhiker

I didn't wanna do it again for a while.

Or I wanted to.

I thought about doing it, a lot sometimes,

but, uh, I was able to push it down.

And it didn't happen again for, um

nine years.

It's interesting.

That psychologist, or psychiatrist,

you guys got me talkin' to,

he said something

that really stuck with me.

So as you

were cutting your victims up,

was it sexually arousing for you?

Oh, yeah.

- Very much so.

- Yeah.

I, uh

I liked how

the organs looked when I held them.

They had a, uh, a shine to 'em.

There's a term for what you're describing.

It's called splanchnophilia.

When someone finds viscera,

internal organs, sexually arousing.

And this shininess you describe enjoying

is one of its main components.

Human beings, and men in particular,

we tend to like our objects shiny.

And there's a sexual aspect to it as well.

You open a swimsuit issue,

the women are all wet.

It's like we're drawn to it.

It could be that wetness,

with regards to the vag*na,

is a signal

of a woman's readiness for sex.

We could very well be hardwired for it.


But if this

was something you were born with,

this compulsion

that you struggled with all the time,

how did you wait

those nine years in between?

Or why?

Oh, I was trying to be a good boy.

Okay, now. Front row,

Tina, Andrew, Mark Norton,

Sasha, Andrea, Mark D'Angelo, Dan.

Okay, let's all squeeze in.

Congratulations, everybody, by the way.

You're the cream of the crop, huh?


Everyone smile and

Great. Let's get one more.

- Very good, guys. Thank you.

- Okay.

Tina, you stay. Ecology Club is next.

Oh my God, they're beautiful.

They look amazing. Congrats, Derek.


Such great work, everybody.

- Layout looks great, Dan.

- Thanks.

Hold on. Wait a sec.

Turn to page 36, the Honor Society photo.

- What the f*ck? How did he get in there?

- I don't know.

Dan, how did you not catch this?

I'm sorry.

I didn't see him in the photo.

That's your g*dd*mn job, Dan.

Jeff Dahmer

has like a two GPA, Dan!


She's not gonna blow her top.

Yes, she will.

I'm just apologizing in advance

for dragging you into family stuff,

you know.

Well, what's she got to be upset about?

You were miserable,

you got divorced, you're moving on.

She should be happy for you.

She should be moving on.

That's the thing, Shari,

she doesn't want me to be happy.

And, uh, when I bring

a hot babe into the house,

she's gonna lose it, believe me.

Well, so what if she does?

I can handle it.

I'll just blow my top right back at her.

I'm a tough cookie,

in case you hadn't noticed.

Mmm. I had noticed.

And I found a better life

Than what we had ♪

Would you keep your eyes on the road?



This house looks like a tornado hit it.

Didn't know

you guys were comin'.

What the heck's going on here?

What's with all the alcohol, Jeff?

Just threw a party.

Well, look around, why don't you?

This place is a mess!

So is this her?


This is Jeff. Jeez, Jeff.

Hi, Jeff.

- Hi.

- Where's your mom at?

I don't know. She left.

Well, where'd she go?

I don't know.

Well, when did she leave?

Like three months ago.

I'm sorry, what?

It's always the same with her.

The only person

she's thought of is herself.

And here, she's leaving

an 18-year-old boy alone in the house.

Nobody to cook for him or anything.

God knows what you've been eating.

Honestly, it's criminal.

That she would do that

- Goddammit. Excuse me.

- Dad.

I'm okay.

No, Jeff, you're not okay.

You've been drinking.

I saw the empty cans,

and I smell it on you.

You're not okay.

Come on, I want you to drink that.

I don't like coffee.

Yeah, well, I need you to sober up

because this is important.

We have to figure out how

we're gonna get your life in order, okay?



That's an awful lot of sugar, Jeff.

What do you care? You're not my mom.

- I just met you.

- Jeff.

- No, Lionel, it's okay. It's okay.

- I don't know what to say.

You're right, Jeff. I'm not your mom.

But I love your father,

which means I love you.


Sometimes that's gonna come

in the form of tough love.

Well, you managed to graduate.

That's, um, that's an accomplishment.

Barely. But yeah.

You apply to any colleges?


You know, Jeff I mean, what the heck?

What have you been doing?

- It's probably too late now.

- That's why I didn't apply.


You know, you were always

so good at science. It's

I don't, I don't know.

I know most of the guys who are going

to college for science, and they get

they get good grades and stuff.

My grades are shit.

Well, what about community college?

Community college, that's, like,

for failures.

Well, I mean,

that might be where we're at.


But, like, uh

That's what I am.

Why am I trying to pretend

to be something I'm not?

You know?


not a good kid.

Dad, I'm not a normal guy.

I don't fit in. I'm weird. I don't

I'm different from everybody else.

- There's something wrong with me, I think.

- Jeff, Jeff, Jeff, just come on.

- Don't. This is

- No, I'm serious, Dad.

There's things that I want to do, and

And there's stuff

that I've done that I, uh

I don't know.

I think I should tell you about

About, uh

About some of the fantasies that I've had.

Okay, so, wait a minute.

Is this sex stuff

you're talkin' about here?

Yeah. That's part of it.

You know what? Hey, I'm sorry.

- I just got an idea. Just

- What?


- Ohio State.

- Oh.

We're gonna get him into Ohio State.

We are. Gonna get you into Ohio State.

Huh? Yeah, I'll even

pay for the first semester.


Got a great science program.

What do you think?


I think

I think that sounds good.


It's decided then.

That's what we're gonna do.

- Okay.

- What do you think?

I think it's a great idea.

Are you kidding?


You better be having

the time of your life.

It sounds like you are,

for goodness' sakes.

All the money we gave you to come here,

and now I get a call from the dean.

Okay, I'm just gonna cut to the chase.

Is Jeff going to class?


It's all these morning classes.

I can't wake up for 'em.

What's your GPA?

Jeff's GPA is a 0.45.

Oh, Jesus.



We're gonna get those grades up.

Mr. Dahmer, you don't understand.

Jeff has been expelled.

Dad. Wait up. You're walking too fast.

You're going in the f*cking Army.

There he is.

Oh, well, look at that.

Look at him.

Who is that?

Hey, guys.

- Hi, Dad.

- So handsome.

- Shari. How are you?

- Oh my gosh.

- Hi, Jeff.

- Good to see you.


Jeff, gosh. You just You look just great.

- Thanks.

- Yeah.

It's good to be home.

Come on. Come on in.

So, how you liking it?

Uh, yeah, I like it all right.

- Glad basic training's over.

- Oh.

So what do they got you doing?

Well, I I trained

to be a medical specialist.

So I'll be probably doing,

like, combat medic stuff.

- Medical specialist. You hear that?

- Ah!

- A combat medic!

- Jeff.

These are hypnotic medications

that ensure adequate rest and recovery.

Yes, Dahmer.

Which one was that again?

What was the name?


We get great results. Very effective.

You see, son, I told you.

All that science stuff

you've been interested in your whole life,

I knew it was gonna pay off for you.

Well, you were right.

Come on, let's eat.

So you fitting in? Making friends?

Oh, yeah.

Hey, Tanner.

Wanna party?

The guys are real nice. Making friends.

They're shipping me off

to, uh, West Germany next week.

Like, someplace

called Baumholder or something.

You hear that, Shar?

- Man, Jeff!

- Ha!


Maybe you'll run into

some of your relatives,

you know, from the old country.

- Oh, yeah.

- Yeah.

- Gotta look 'em up.

- Yep.



Can you believe it?

Hey! Get your ass out of the car. Now!

Okay, before we go in,

I just want to make myself very clear.

You understand?

This ain't easy street.

You're 21 years old.

You flunked out

and got kicked out of the Army.

There's no more free rides.

There's no drinking.

You're gonna get yourself a full-time job

and you're gonna help your grandma

around the house.

You got that?!

Yes, sir.

Grandma, what's in this box?

Oh, those are photos of your father.

You want to take a look?


Just turn this key right here.

It's a nice click.


Here's your father.

I can't remember

what birthday that was. Maybe five?

Oh. Look at him. Such a dear, dear boy.

Now, here, that's the science fair.

He's holding up a ribbon,

so he must have won a prize.

Here, he's much older.

This is a family reunion

at your Great-Uncle Roland's house

in Stevens Point.

He was a good boy,

your father, his whole life.

Wish I had a box like that.

Well, you could have this one, I suppose.

What do you need a box for?

No, I mean,

I don't even have any memories

like that to put in a box.

I haven't won a ribbon

for anything my whole life.

Like a a bad egg.

I got a screw loose up here or something.

Jeff Dahmer, you look at me.

There isn't a thing wrong with you

that we can't fix.

I think you just need

to find a nice girl, that's all.

And also, there's the drinking.

Now, that is a problem.

I've hardly been drinking at all, Grandma.

I still think you could do better,

wouldn't you say?

And I know I'm just

a worn-out, broken record here, but

I think you should start

coming back to church again.



Because the things you do

that set you off course,

the alcohol,

the keeping to yourself

and stewing in your own thoughts,

those are temptations, Jeff.

And I think if you came back to church,

it would help you understand

and resist those temptations.

What do you think's tempting me?

The devil?

Yeah. Absolutely, I do.

You're a good boy, Jeff.

You're every bit as good as your father.

You just have different challenges

than he did.

Everybody's got something different

they're fighting with.

You're good deep down, Jeff.

You may not believe it, but I sure do.

Thanks, Grandma.

So, you work in deli before?

Yeah, in Miami.

Just making sandwiches and stuff.

Okay, you're making sandwiches too,

but this is Polish deli,

so you're doing sausages

and preparing the meats.

It's an art to be a butcher.

Never thought about it like that.

Of course it's an art.

I am butcher.

I am learning in Poland from my father.

His father was butcher.

It's bloody work. It's dangerous.

Last guy, he was dumb. Not pay attention.

Guy cut off his thumb.

So I need someone who's serious.

Steady hand, not going to f*ck around.

Yeah, I got a real steady hand

with that kind of stuff.

I pay minimum wage,

no overtime, and you gotta look nice.

Even you in back,

you in nice clothes, okay?


Come. I show you freezer.


Aw. Thanks, Grandma.

Could you just

leave the sheets outside my door?

Kinda like to make my own bed.

Thanks, Grandma.

Hey, Grandma. I'm home.


- Grandma, where's my thing?

- What?

You know, my mannequin.

What do you have that for?

Where'd you get that?

I'm not telling

till you tell me where it is.

What do you have that for, Jeff?

Jeff, I want to tell you something.

I love you no matter what.

Do you have, you know, feelings for

No, I don't want to talk about that.

We could go to church and pray about it

because Jesus Christ can do amazing

Where is my f*cking mannequin?

I told you not to go in there!

It is my room, it is my stuff,

so f*cking tell me where it is!

I don't think it's healthy!

I I threw it away.

You threw it away?

Yes. The garbage man

took it this afternoon.

Goddammit! God-f*cking-dammit!

Two X's,

two O's on the board, $900 in the pot.

Let's shuffle the categories.

I'll take "Jim and James" to block.

Yeah. You need

to block Bob with this answer.

Author James Clavell

wrote a very successful novel,

which became one of the big hits

of the 1980 television scene.

The story deals with a shipwrecked

English navigator in 17th-century Japan.


Correct! Shōgun.

really sorry, Grandma.

I shouldn't have yelled like that.

And I'm sorry I broke your butter dish.

It's not

like you said I am.

I would never bring shame

on the family like that.

I think I just

want a friend.

Well, I accept your apology.

But I don't like the cursing.

I know.

Take a look at this picture, Miriam.

This river flows through one of Europe's

most picturesque capital cities.

You know what?

The state fair is coming up.

You used to love it when you were a kid.

And it's not like it used to be,

all farm animals

and rolling cheese wheels down the hill.

Uh, they got a beer tent and everything.

There's a beer tent?

Hi, Jeff.

You're alive.


Nope, uh-uh! Get out!

I got my shift.

No. Jeff, I heard what happened

at the state fair.

I can't have you in here. No, get out!

So that was your job in the Army?

Uh, yes, a, uh, combat medic.

Or medical specialist, they call it.

Oh wow, okay.

You're probably a perfect fit then.

I see you were honorably discharged.

Can I ask why?


Well, to be honest

I had a little trouble with alcohol.

But, uh, I'm sober now.

I see. Good for you.


Going to meetings and stuff.

Just one day at a time.

That's really great. Congratulations.


You might actually be

a little overqualified for this position.

Doug, uh, Brozovsky.

That's me.

Make a fist.

Good veins.


Can you relax?

I used to do this all the time.

Get my blood drawn.

I donated it.

It's how I got my beer money.

Did it so much,

they told me I couldn't do it anymore.


I am so proud of you.

You quit drinking,

and this new job is working out.

Medical! Ha!

Have you talked to your father?


He thinks I'm a shithead.

Sorry to curse.

Oh, no he doesn't.

I mean, he's angry

about you getting arrested.

A misdemeanor. Seventy-dollar fine.

It's my fault too

for telling you about the beer tent,

but that's behind you now,

is all I'm saying.

What's going on?

You're not even eating

your little brownie.

That's the best part of a Swanson's.

Oh, I'm just not that hungry tonight.

Think I'm gonna go upstairs, Grandma.

I'm beat.

Sorry for wasting.

Good luck.


I said "good luck."

It's impossible to get his attention.

You want a beer?

It's for my buddy, but he might have left.

Think he found a friend.

It's yours if you want it.

Yeah. Thanks.



sh**t' off energy ♪

Well, Jeff, they're closing.

Well, let's let's go do something.

You and me. Whatever you want.

I was gonna go out.

You wanna come with?

- Hey, Ricky. Large room.

- Hey.

Can I?


I just don't have

a lot of experience at this.

That's okay. That's sexy.


Do you mind if we just, uh

lay down there on the bed?

And I can hold you.

Of course.

We can start there.

That's nice.


Where you going?

It's 7:30. I gotta work.

Can't you just stay a little bit?

I was really enjoying this.

No. I gotta work.

In heaven's name

Why are you walking away? ♪

Hang on to your love ♪

In heaven's name

Why do you play these games? ♪

Hang on to your love ♪

Hey, Ricky.

- Hi, Jeff.

- One room.

You're becoming a regular.

What do you wanna do?

Take your shirt off.

- You look nice.

- So do you.

Wait. Stay here.

I'll get us some drinks first.

Hey, Jeff.

- Two whisky Cokes, please.

- Coming right up.

Be brave when the journey is rough ♪

It's not easy when you're in love ♪

It's not easy don't give up ♪

If you want it to get stronger

You'd better not let go ♪

You gotta hold on longer ♪


Gotta stick together

Hand in glove ♪

Hold tight, don't fight

Hang on to your love ♪

- This way.

- All right.

This guy comes in here.

It's the second time he's done it.

He slips them a mickey,

and he just leaves them here.

The last time, we got the guy up,

but this kid's unresponsive.

- Let's get him.

- Okay.

Thank you.

- Hey, Ricky.

- Get the f*ck outta here.

You should run away from this guy now.

He brings guys in here, and he dr*gs them.

And don't think you

can go to Empire or Roman Bath.

I told 'em about you.

You're blacklisted.

Get the f*ck outta my bathhouse.

Hey. Hey, wait.

I said get the f*ck outta here.

I didn't do anything.

- Get the f*ck outta here!

- I didn't do anything!

Get your f*cking hands off me!

You want me to call the cops?

Excuse me. Card, please.

I'm going to church now.


I'd like you to come with me, Jeff.

I know you got fired,

and that's real disappointing.

And you've been drinking again.

Don't say you haven't.

Your father's thrown up his hands,

and that's real hard for you.

But you know, there's another father

who will never let you down.

The Heavenly Father.


I don't believe in God.

You take that back.

I won't.

Two sh*ts of Jack, please?

My emotions run so deep ♪

You vowed to love me ♪


Is that a vow you'd keep? ♪

Your smile is so tender ♪

You've got me sighing

A sweet surrender ♪

Your touch is so pleasing ♪

It's for you.

You're the hottest guy here.

You got k*ller dances moves.

Wish I could dance like you.

Well, show me what you got.

No, I really couldn't.

Come on, you got it. Come on.

Hold on, hold on

You're gonna hurt someone.

Just start right here.

Yeah. Feel the music.

You know how hard I try ♪

Silent morning ♪

Hey, Jeff,

I don't think I can afford this.

Well, no, it's my treat.

Why don't we just stay in a bathhouse?

Nah, those places are dirty.

Last time I went, I got athlete's foot.

Hold onto my love ♪

Catch me, I'm falling ♪

This room is incredible!

How much was this?

Catch me, I'm falling ♪

Catch me now, I'm falling

Falling in love ♪

What are you doing?

Let's get the party started!

Just a sec!

- Oh, shit.

- What are you doing?


Your sweet love and devotion

Baby, it's magic ♪

A magical thing ♪

Catch me, I'm falling ♪

Catch me now, I'm falling

Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪

Catch me, I'm falling ♪

Catch me now, I'm falling

Falling in love ♪

Come here.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Take a drink.

Drink it.

Hey, let me make you another.

I can't drink too much.

I gotta book dance jobs. Can't have a gut.

Don't be a p*ssy. It's Diet Rite.

I am descending

From heaven above ♪

So catch me, I'm falling, baby

Hold onto my love ♪

Catch me, I'm falling ♪

Wake up!

Wake up!

Catch me, I'm falling ♪

Catch me now, I'm falling ♪

Catch me now, I'm falling ♪

Catch me now, I'm falling

Falling in love ♪

Ooh I'm falling ♪

Ooh I'm falling ♪

Ooh I'm falling

Yes, I'm falling in love ♪

Come on.




Oh my God.

Oh my God.

Oh my God.

No. No.

Come on.


Wake up.

Come on.

Come on. Come on. Come on.


Come on.

You going to church tomorrow?

You asked me that already, Jeff.

Why? You want to come?


Just want to know what the schedule is.

Dad says I'm the man of the house.

I got a right to know.

All right, all right, let's not argue.