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01x04 - Bitter Almonds

Posted: 11/16/22 12:33
by bunniefuu
Wait, wait, Lino, Lino,
you have to tell them about the baker.

I agreed to bring
a gift to a fellow Sicilian.

A Sicilian we don't know,
who lives who knows where in Los Angeles.

I don't understand
why this is such a big thing.

So, I walk up, and the guy
is already wrapping this cake.

- A cake?
- A cake.

That Lino promised he was gonna carry
all the way from Sicily to Los Angeles

for this guy's cousin.
But no address, okay?

Just "Hollywood."

And the guy's name, Antonio Russo.

- You're never gonna find that guy.
- No, I don't know.

Honey, what was the name
of that agency we used

when our tenants
skipped out on three months' rent?

Hmm, uh, LAPD.

Ooh! Shit, Amy. You better get
y'all's checks into these guys on time,

'cause you definitely
ain't moving back in with me.

Lino, what are these?

Uh... ah... arancini.

Sì. And I made them
with saffron rice this time.

I'm... I'm trying
to have them added at the menu at work

because it's been so slow.

- Mm-hmm.
- Hmm.

David and Preston said that we could
start a garden here. Isn't that cool?

If we keep eating like this, sure.

It's like having a trattoria
in our own backyard.

You'll be
the best tenants we've ever had.

Well, the hope is to have
my own real restaurant someday.

- Ah.
- Yes.

Ken, do you cook?

Well, mostly 'que.

- That's a serious topic in our family.
- Mine too.

My father's brisket
gives anyone a run for their money.

Don't tell Daddy I said it,
but that is the stone-cold truth.

You met his dad?

Last week.

He's the best.
A super dedicated father, loves his...

Oh. I'm sorry, Lino.

No, no, it's, um... it's fine.
Uh, it's okay.

- I can't believe you met his dad already.
- I think this is real, Amy.

I like him, Z.

Me too.

Oh, my God, look at you.

He already has you pregnant
and raising a little quarterback.


Though we would make some pretty babies.


I just... I've never seen you like this.

Aren't you and Lino on the baby train?
New place, married now?

No, no. Zora, you have a career.
One that you love too.

I feel like that part of my life
is just getting started.

You know? I mean,
I love the gallery, don't get me wrong,

and the money's really good.

I just don't have time to make my art.

A kid right now just feels like

I would never get started,
you know, and Lino knows I'm not ready.

Plus, we just got married,
so we have time.

I want him to meet Mom.

I know, but he won't know
what he's really getting into if I don't.

Okay, well, then,
my advice is to do it in a group setting

'cause she's forced
to be on her best behavior.

- Mm.
- Yeah?

- Mm-hmm.
- Okay.

- Let's just eat this cake.
- No!

No. Lino promised to give it
to that baker's cousin. No.

After you find the butcher
and the candlestick maker's cousin too?

Come on. Open that shit up. Open that.

- Fine. The things you make me to do.
- Open it.


Close that shit back up.
They don't make red velvet in Italy?

It was good
to get a taste of home, Mama.

Your sister had to go all the way
to Cefalù to send you those tomatoes.

Wow, really?
They will make a delicious Sicilian pesto.

How is Rosalina? And Biagia?

Rosalina looks just like you at that age.

Let's hope she grows out of it.

You should see your father with Rosalina.

And how would I do that?

Did you ever tell him we met in Cefalù?

That I held my niece?

What he doesn't know won't hurt him.

Thought so.

Mama, I have to go. Bye.

Can't you see? It's not ready.

That's what you said last time
we moved your exhibit date.

I love it, but it's virtually the same.

It's totally different.

If I may, I-I see the layers
that you added there and there.

It's subtle, but the texture's richer.

Kiana, I understand you wanting
to hold onto something until it's perfect,

but this is ready to be seen.

Fine, but there better be
tequila at the opening.

If I see one glass of rosé,
I swear to God, Chloe.

There's a way you have to talk
to the artist to honor their process.

Could have used you last week.
Laila Mahdi's contract is up for renewal.

She gets the cover of Art News and
suddenly she thinks she's Cindy Sherman.

This is the pricing data
Chloe wants you to go over.

- Oh.
- And I almost forgot.

This took me a minute, but I think I found
the Antonio Russo you were looking for.

Thank you.

Advertise your product or brand here
contact today

I cannot thank you
both enough, huh?

Thank you.

Had we not been
to Sicily or met your cousin,

we would've never known that this...

this incredible place is
right here in our backyard.


You know,
Simon Rodia made all this by hand.

Without any architectural background.

Without scaffolding.
Just vision and heart.

It took him 33 years.


"I had in my mind to do something big,

and I did."

Mr. Russo,
can I show her something?

- Yes.
- Come see my drawing.

I'm sorry, Amy.

I'm the facilities manager,
but we're down an employee,

so I'm running the kids' program today.

I would love to.

I'll be right there, Gina.

You did this? I love it.

Now you draw something.



Your wife is good with children.

Yeah, apparently so.

If you'd ever like to volunteer here,
Amy, we'd love to have you.

Did you know
that art is not about perfection?


And that
it can be made from anything in life?

Like the stuff from the Watts Towers.

Those things are called "found objects,"

and Simon Rodia used what was at hand.

- Do you guys wanna make your own towers?
- Yes!

Let me see
what you guys brought from home.

What stories
would your towers tell about you?


- Chloe. Yeah, hi. I can't talk right now.
- You need to get to the gallery.

A reporter from the New York Times
Magazine is on his way to interview Laila.

She's threatening
to tell him that she's leaving us.

Chloe, but remember,
I'm volunteering at the...

Remember the pay bump
you got earlier this year?

Get Laila to renew her contract now.

You're not showing for another month here.

Now you wanna pretend like
you're taking your work off our walls?

Look, it's active.
It's a great way to open the profile.

"Laila moves with grace
and purpose throughout the gallery."

It makes a point.

Or an announcement.

Maybe. Chloe's deal is unfair.

I mean, 50% of my sales? I want 75.

No, no, no. All galleries take half.
That's industry standard, Laila.

Tell that to Garboushian.

What are you doing?


The person I met
two years ago was an artist

who only cared about the work.

Not the New York Times,
not the money, the work.

You're so focused
on how you want the world to see you

that you've lost sight of why
you wanted to make art in the first place.

What would you know about the work?

No, let me ask you
what you've made since we first met

and you talked
about wanting to be an artist.

10, 11, 12, 13...
13 dollars for f*ck's sake.

Silvio, sorry I got you a job here.

It's fine.

- It's been dead.
- It's the food.

I know. I know.
I tried to get my pesto on the menu.

- But there's no way.
- I told you. It's a waste of time.

Listen up, everybody.
We've held out as long as we could,

but there's not enough business
to keep us going.

I'm closing it down.

See me for your paychecks.

Damn it!

Hey, um, uh,
is there another restaurant coming in?

I wish. I'm stuck with the lease,

but I don't wanna lose
any more money on this.

The place'll just have to sit empty.

So what happens
to all the stuff in the kitchen?

She obviously cares more about the money,
and I know how important she was to you.

- I'm sorry, Chloe. You can fire me now...
- Oh, f*ck her.


I wish you could see
the look on your face now.

Take a sip.

And a breath.

Dealing with artists
can be the worst part of this job,

but you're really f*cking good at it.

You're willing to have
the difficult conversations. That's rare.

Garboushian can have Laila.

I'd so much rather have you.

I wanna offer you a promotion
to artist relations.

Insalata di arance e olive,
purea di fave e pane fritto,


baccelli di fave alla brace,

arancine con riso verde e piselli.

And spaghetti col pesto alla trapanese.

- That's a Sicilian pesto?
- Yes.

- Mangia.
- Okay.


It's f*cking delicious.


I hear chefs open trial restaurants here
to experiment with something new.

It's called a pop-up.

I want to lease Mangia Mia
and their equipment.

If I had one night
to show them what I can do,

I think the old owners might reinvest.

And even if they don't, it's a way
to start making a name for myself here.

We can't afford it.

I want to use our savings for the pop-up.

I want to bet on myself.

Everything we want is a gamble.

And I think that we can do this together.


But if you don't agree
with this...

Is there any food like this in LA?

Well, there will be now.

This is so good.

I know that.

One second. One second.

Mamma, I got it. I add the tomatoes,
then I add the water and the vinegar.

And then?

And this is the classroom.

Here, Mom, I want you to meet
our facilities manager Antonio Russo.

- Hi.
- This cannot be your mother.

You better stop.

It is. Uh, and this is my sister Zora.

- Hi.
- Hi.

It is so nice to meet you both.

Uh, Amy has been doing the most
amazing work with the children here.

Simon Rodia would be proud, Amy.
And so am I.

So, I spoke to the board,

and they would like
to offer you a full-time position here.

We can't compete with gallery money, but...

- She'd love to do it.
- Mom.

Antonio, I'm really moved
by your offer, but I... I don't...

Wait, wait, you're not turning him down.

Your mother is obviously
a woman of great wisdom.

You should listen to her.
Please say yes, Amy.

Excuse me.

- I don't know what's worse.
- Mm.

You accepting a job on my behalf
or cruising at a kids' art show.

B. Definitely B.

I do not seek the male gaze.

Tell that to your dress.

Amy, you should take the job. It's art.

You are giving back to the community.
It's the way we raised you.

I know, Mom, but I have a job.

A job I need, especially
with all of our savings in the pop-up.

I need gallery money.

- But you've never seemed happier.
- Sorry, but she's right.

- Yeah, I'll do it tomorrow.
- Uh-huh. Okay.

Hello. Hey, baby girl.

- How you doing?
- I'm okay.

Then why do you sound like
somebody just shot your dog?

- Chloe offered me a promotion.
- That doesn't sound like bad news.

And I got a job offer
from Watts Towers Art Center.

But for way less money, which we need.

I've been here at the gallery
longer than I thought I'd be,

and I don't know.
It's just... it's starting to feel safe.

Safe is good.

Mom says I should take the Towers job.

Telling you what to do.
Yeah, that sounds about right.

It's just that if I take the promotion...

it helps give Lino what he wants.

And if I take the Towers job,

it gives me what I want.

Those kids inspire me.

And Watts, the towers,

I mean, it's...
it's making art for art's sake.


And a job there
would give me more of that in my life.

What should I do?

- Have you talked to Lino about this?
- No.

Well, then you dialed the wrong number.
This is between you and your husband.


You're not gonna have an opinion
about this?

It doesn't matter if I do.

You and Lino are your own family now.

You need to work this out
between yourselves.

Dad, I gotta go.
I have a lot of work to do before tonight.

All right.

You're gonna make me spill.

I could eat you...

Not sure
the Health Department is okay

with what you're about to do.

- Your shoe is undone.
- Oh.

Thanks very much.
Very nice of you.

Okay, okay.

- Ow!
- You okay?

We are about to open, so need...

You see,
that's why a chef belongs in the kitchen.


- Wish me good luck.
- Good luck.

You want a drink?


Hey, gorgeous.

Lino did good!

- This is great.
- Right?

- Hi. Welcome, guys.
- Yes. Hi.

Yes, could you take this to the kitchen
and have Lino plate this for me?

You brought food
to Lino's restaurant opening?

I'm here, Amy, supporting Lino.
I wouldn't have missed the chance.

To watch other people eat his food?

Okay. Do not worry.
I'll take it, and I'll plate it myself.

- Thank you, baby.
- Of course.

Ooh, hello, Antonio. Pardon me.


- Has she been drinking?
- Mm-hmm.

Hey, I'm doing it tonight.
I took your advice.

- Mm-hmm.
- And I invited Ken.

I never said anything
about introducing him to Mom tonight.

Group settings, remember?

But I need you to back me up
if Mom starts acting all, you know,

- Mom.
- Zora...

With you and me double-teaming her,
it'll be a piece of cake.

And I brought you hungry football players.


Okay. God bless you.

- Hey.
- Hey, Ken.

- How are you?
- Good. How are you?

Yes. Come in, you guys. Come in.


- Jonathan, hi.
- Good to see you.

Good to see you too. Welcome to L'Isola.

We're very happy that you
and your guests were able to make it.

And we have a special table for you.

- Wonderful.
- Follow me.

Pass me the one.

♪ We go together... ♪

♪ We go together ♪

♪ We go together, baby ♪

♪ Like castles and you ♪

♪ Doo-doo-doo ♪

♪ Birds of a feather ♪

♪ Doo-doo-doo ♪

♪ To robins and spring ♪

♪ Doo-doo-doo ♪

♪ We like the same things ♪

♪ Doo-doo-doo ♪

♪ That makes living sweet ♪

♪ Doo-doo-doo ♪

♪ We go together ♪

♪ Why not come over? ♪

♪ We go together... ♪

So, I guess you weren't
savvy enough to get a better career.

- I just think between the head injuries...
- What?

- ...and the r*cist way they treat players...
- Help.

- ...the NFL is in need for...
- Ken's a teacher, not in the NFL.


Any STDs?

- Mother.
- No, ma'am.

How many kids you got?

None, ma'am.

Oh, so you the one player
that ain't a player, huh?

Mm-hmm. So, how much
of that ball money you saved?

Because teaching doesn't pay much.

Again, you do remember
I'm a teacher, right, Mom?

I'm on your side.

I played my money right. I guess
you could say I'm a fiscal conservative.

Don't worry,
it's not like he's a Republican.

Actually, I don't vote at all.

Yeah, we need to talk about that later.

Zora, baby,
you ain't had a man in a minute.

I am just trying
to make sure he is good enough for you.

Now sit back and let Mama do her work.

Do you need anything? More wine?

I was talking to Chloe of your wonderful
work at the Watts Towers Art Center.

Apparently, you've been making
great strides over there as well.

- Yeah, I...
- Hey.

One moment. What?

Ken and I are leaving.

Why? I thought you guys would stay longer.

Congratulate Lino for me.

No, wait. Zora, Ken.

♪ Sometime, somewhere ♪

♪ Someday, somebody ♪

- ♪ Gonna take me there ♪
- ♪ Gonna take me there ♪

- ♪ You know life ain't fair ♪
- ♪ Life ain't fair ♪

I don't know for how long,
but tonight, your husband is a success.


I cannot describe the feeling.

You know, we can keep it going.

Chloe wants to give me a promotion.
It's a new title and probably more money.

- Really?
- Yes.

She says that I'm good
at artist relations.

Is that something you don't want?

I don't wanna manage careers.
I want my own.

But it's good to be in demand,
and Antonio offered me a job, so there's...

Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait. Antonio?

Yeah, yeah, he offered me a job.

- Then you have to take it.
- No. Lino, I can't.

I wanted to bring it up
to you the other day,

but it just didn't seem like
there was enough room for your dream

and for mine.

- Oh, no.
- Yeah.


No, I-I love you for being willing
to stay at the gallery,

but... but we'll manage without it.

- Are you sure?
- Sure.

Uh, it's a pay cut versus a promotion.

Yeah. No, to me, this is so simple.

These are our dreams. These are our lives,
and we must go reach for them.

If not now, when?

And besides, amore,
I cannot be happy unless you are.



Well, like we say in Texas,
go big or go home.


And with you by my side,
no dream is too big.

Yeah, say that
when we can't afford the heating bill.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

We never had
a problem with generating heat.

- Yes.
- Okay, guess what I'm about to do tonight.

"Hi, you busy?
Is this a good time for you, Zora?"

- Is this a good time?
- No, I'm working.

What's wrong? You sound mad.

And you really have no idea why.

Okay, Zora, whatever it is, can we just
talk about it so that I can tell you...

I'll talk when I'm ready to talk.

Wait. Hello.

What the...?

- It's Zora. Leave a message.
- He...

Z, I don't know what's up, but I love you.

I love you.
Can you just call me, please? Okay, bye.

Why would anybody leave a gallery
at the center of the LA art scene

to teach kids finger painting?

I'm not gonna leave you in the lurch.

I'm gonna stay here
until you're able to find a replacement.

I'll handle things.

I just wish you'd been honest with me.

I thought of you as a protégée.

- Oh, hello, hello. L'Isola, 20% off.
- Sorry.

- No, we're good.
- The best Italian food.

Best... best food ever! Okay, I told you.

Hey, it's Zora.
Leave a message.

Zora, can you just call me back?
It's been too long.

You have a visitor.

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ I oughta go home, home ♪

♪ You see, I've been here too long ♪

♪ Oh, Lord, yes, I have ♪

♪ I say I ♪

♪ I feel a sin ♪

- ♪ I say I feel a sin right now ♪
- ♪ Oh... ♪

- Hey, how was your day?
- Hey. Amore...


I did it.

I'm going into partnership
with the old owners.

They read the reviews,
and they want to make L'Isola permanent.

This is amazing! Yes!

Yes, I'd jump up to kiss you,
but I really need to ice my knee.

It still hurts?

- Yes.
- Can I see?

It's hot.

Yeah, that's why I'm icing it.

- Yeah, you have to see a doctor.
- No, amor... amore, it's nothing.

You don't call first?

I did, but you didn't pick up.

Look, I got you tomatoes
from the farmers market.

What do you want?

Lino's knee is bugging him. I think
he's gonna have to go see an orthopedist.

We were wondering maybe
Ken can recommend somebody.

- You know what's annoying?
- What?

After everything, you only came
over here because you needed something.

You haven't changed since the third grade.

What are you talking about?

You would come to me crying
'cause you lost your lunch money,

several times a week, Amy,
and I would give you lunch money,

but you, a grown-ass woman,
can't even help me

the one time I ask
for you to have my back.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What are you talking about?

I kept Mom off your back

through her second divorce while
you were off in Italy, falling in love.

I let you and Lino,
a man I didn't even know,

stay in my apartment
while you started your lives together.

I have never not looked out for you,

but I ask for you
to help with Ken and Mom?

Okay. Uh,

I'm sorry that I lost my lunch money.

And I really appreciate
everything that you do for me.

I mean it.

But, honestly, you could have
introduced them over a nice brunch,

like normal people,
instead of doing it on Lino's big night.

It was a big night for me too, Amy.

I may not have lofty dreams
of being an artist, but I have dreams.

I want my Lino.

I thought of all the people,
you would understand that.

Those days I gave you lunch money,

I didn't eat.

So while I was taking care of you,
who was taking care of me?

I sent the doctor's name.

You got what you came for.

You should go.

Zora, wait.

Can we...

Zora, let's talk about this.


Ken says that Mac is the best.

So, you all know Ken.
He was a hell of a player.

- You must be Lino.
- Yeah, nice to meet you, Doctor.

This is Amy, my wife.

Without me, Ken would have been
out of the game two years earlier.

It's a Baker's cyst, huh?

I haven't seen one of these in a while.

I'm gonna refer you to an oncologist.

Un oncologo?

You have a rare soft tissue cancer
called leiomyosarcoma.

It's an aggressive cancer
that requires aggressive treatment.

We will carefully monitor your chemo

so the body
doesn't break down in the process,

working to first shrink the tumor
before surgery to remove it.

Do you have kids?


Chemotherapy damages sperm
for years to come.

If you're even thinking to start a family,
you need to bank Lino's sperm now.

Oh, my God.

He needs to start treatment this week.

What about my restaurant?

We want as little pressure
on the tumor in the knee as possible.

I need to work, Doctor.

Right now,
your knee is like Swiss cheese,

and if you shatter that bone, it will send
the cancer through your whole body.

Cryovial Sperm Bank.
How may I direct your call?

I love you too, Mama.


How did she take it?

I didn't tell her.

- There's nothing she can do about it.
- Lino.

And it would just cause her pain.

I'll wait until we are through this.

I'm young.
We'll do the chemo, then the surgery.

And once this thing is out of me,

then people can know.

What about my family?

Let's keep this between you and me.

Okay. Okay.

Lino Ortolano.

We have some forms
we need you to fill out.


- How long is the treatment?
- About four hours.


- Amore.
- Mm-hmm.

You don't have to stay.

I can help you
with the paperwork. Come on.

I'll be just fine.


Okay. Um,


Okay. So, I'll see you later.

I'll stay close by.

Your port
was implanted earlier this week?



Lino Ortolano.

Okay. Date of birth?

September the 25th, 1973.

And occupation?

I'm a chef.

Okay, if you could open your shirt.



Here you go.

All right, you can sit back.

- Just in case, okay?
- Yeah.

What the f*ck are you doing?

You were late. I took a cab.

You told me to leave.

I had coffee. I-I went to just
sit somewhere for a moment.

When I went back
and they told me you had left, Lino...

I was terrified.

I even called David
to see if you had gone home.

You're not even supposed to be moving.
You're not supposed to be standing.

You're not...

Two weeks ago I stood all night,
and you didn't say a word.

Two weeks ago you didn't have cancer.

You okay?

- Hey...
- Don't touch me. Don't touch me.

Hey, oh, my God! Okay, look at me.

- You okay?
- Yeah.

Take my knives.


We have to close.

I thought maybe
I can consult or, um,

or come back part-time.

Anything to be able
to, uh, keep our insurance right now.


What's going on?

Our coverage
hasn't kicked in yet, and, um...

we really need
to have the insurance right now.

What, are you pregnant or something?

I just really need
our insurance right now.


We will find you a way
to keep your insurance.

Thank you.

Hey, baby girl. Haven't heard
from you for a while. How you doing?

We love you, Amy.

And what I said before.

Didn't mean I'm not here for you
if you need anything.

I'm still your daddy.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.


- Uh...
- I-I can't talk right now.

I know things have been weird between us,
but I just passed the restaurant.

Did Lino's partners pull out?

What's going on?


Lino! Lino! Call... call... call somebody!

Lino is okay.

I just spoke with Dr. Atluri.

And you did
the right thing bringing Lino in.

He'll need to build back his strength
before surgery in a few weeks.

Amahle. Amahle.

I'm here. We're here.

I'm here, baby. I'm here.

I'm... I'm here.


You scared me.

Amore, we have to tell your family.

It's time.

I know.

Let me make the call.