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06x09 - Damage Assessment

Posted: 11/14/22 17:14
by bunniefuu
Previously on SEAL Team...


Sir, our enemy is one man...

Iranian General Afshin Rajavi.

General Rajavi personally
directed the attack

on the USS Crampton.

General Rajavi. You know when and where

we can find him outside Iran.

I may have heard that Mr. Rajavi

will be traveling three days from now.

- Where?
- Blasim Airfield, Mosul, Iraq.

- Just put the f*cking g*n down.
- Go!

CLAY: This isn't the answer.
Just give me the g*n.

- Thanks.
- Easy day.

MAN: Security!



All I'm saying, one more night in Amman

- would not have k*lled us, Jace.
- Ah.

Air conditioning, iced coffees,
zarb like my mom made...

it had all the comforts of home.

We're one step closer to nailing
this General Rajavi.

We'll be home soon enough, boys.

Despite all the curveballs
thrown our way,

it did feel like some
vintage Bravo in Jordan.

Yeah, although, uh, next
time Jason decides to play

helicopter chicken in the pitch black,

- I'll stay on the ground, thanks.

JASON: I don't know what
you're bitching about, Trent.

You got a story for the ages, huh?

SONNY: Hey, that interdiction
was so ninja,

I actually texted Clay about it.

- Yeah?
- I bet he was a little jealous.

Uh, you know what, I actually
haven't heard from the guy.

RAY: The intel that Khoi
passed along is being vetted.

If it bears fruit,
we should be expecting

a target package from Command very soon.

And in the meantime,
we could revel over the fact

that Bravo's firing
on all cylinders, boys.

- SONNY: That's right, yeah.
- There it is!

Ah, did you see that?

Yeah, it's about time you boys
stepped up to my level.

- Come on.


Oh, it's Naima. Excuse me, boys.


Hey, Jace, if that is Command calling,

you gotta let 'em know
I need about ten minutes

before we spin up, because that mansaf

is still working its way through me.

The ride home made us all aware, Sonny.

- Hayes.

Hear what, sir?

Right, yeah.

I'll tell 'em.

What's going on, Jace?


What's going on, Jace?

It's Clay.

What about Clay?



He's dead.


♪ ♪



Naima said Clay was shot
by a security guard.

Security guard? Doing what?

Sounds like he was involved
in an attempted break-in

at the Air Force recruitment center.

Clay involved in a break-in?
There's no f*cking way.

Look, he's had his bumps
on the road, okay,

but he has his stuff squared away.

This doesn't make any sense, guys.

Naima's gonna keep me updated.

They've got the wrong guy!

Do you understand? It is the wrong guy.

I'm gonna call Clay right now
and I'm gonna clear this all up.

Really simple.

Hey, Stella, it's, uh, it's Sonny.


I, uh... I heard that
some stuff happened.

Uh... some really bad stuff,

and, uh, I tried calling Clay.


[CHOKING UP]: I just...

I need you to tell me
he's gonna be okay.

He's... he's gotta be okay.



You've reached Clay.
You know what to do.






You've reached Mandy. Leave a message.





♪ ♪

DAVIS: If you've come
to rub my face in it

after Bravo achieved
mission success, I deserve it.

I wish this was about Bravo.

What's wrong?

Clay was shot and k*lled last night.


No, that... that can't be.

He's here, he's home with his family.

Details are sketchy at the moment.

This is going to destroy Sonny.

Please, please, God.
Pick up the phone, pick up.

- Pick up, buddy.

You've reached Clay.
You know what to do.



- Davis.
- I am so sorry Sonny.


No, don't say sorry about no rumors.

- I wish this was a rumor.
- Yeah.

You know, uh, he's supposed

to be safe at home

with his baby boy.

If you'd been a little more interested

in getting justice for Clay
instead of sending our asses

back to Syria, I would be at home

keeping him safe, do you understand?!

Look, I know you're upset, Sonny, okay?

Upset? Upset?

My heart is mudsucked right now.

I keep thinking about
Stella and Brian, you know?


What, you haven't... you
haven't seen them yet?

CACO has been with Stella
since before I heard.

They need to be with their family.

Her parents are on their way.

Their Bravo family.

And I should be there.

We don't get ambushed in Mali,
this doesn't happen.

Do you understand?!


You still think finding the person

with Clay's blood on their hand
isn't worth your time?

I gotta go.



JASON: I don't know, man.

Losing a brother is always tragic.

But, uh...


... you know, everything that
Clay went through, it's just...

This one's f*cking mean, man.

Blindside hits always hurt the most.

[SCOFFS] Bravo is lucky

you're commanding the ship
at times like this.

Come on, man, you really
sure about that, huh?

I put Clay in the ground.

If I'd taken care of my TBI
like I should have,

he'd still be alive.

Jace, if any fingers need pointing,

they should be in my direction.

Clay was with a kid from my vet center

when he was k*lled.

You try to create a beacon
of hope, and this...

... this damn w*r just puts it out.

It's a hell of way to repay Clay

for saving my career
after he took the heat

on the Marsden letter.

Man, I don't even want to think
about where I would be...

... if it wasn't for him...

... helping me get my head fixed.

OMAR: Look, I'm sorry to interrupt.

Command's on the horn.

Uh, it sounds like
the target package is ready.

You gotta be f*cking sh1tting me.

Oh, Command's timing's horrible as ever.


Um, I didn't have the privilege

of operating with Clay, but, um...

... sounds like you molded him
into one hell of a frogman.

Actually, he's the one who had
more of an impact on me.

Look, boss, Bravo's rightfully a mess.

If Command's sending us marching orders,

are we fit to follow 'em?

Our whole team can "fall ill",

say we're not battle-ready,
and sit this one out.

But if you say we should roll,
I trust your judgment.

My judgment has caused
a lot of pain recently.

It's on Bravo to decide.


- Hey.
- Hey.


This is so awful.


I'm, uh... still numb.

Have you seen Stella?

I've been dealing with the fallout here.

I-I tried calling her,
but I got her voice mail,

which I guess is to be expected.

Not yet. I...

I wanted to, but...

But what?

The op where Clay lost his leg,

I had my reservations,
but I didn't say anything.

If only I had spoken up.

Clay was with one of our residents

when he was k*lled.

And as much as I want
to be there for Stella,

I can't imagine she'd want me around.



Stella. [SIGHS]

NAIMA: I'm so sorry.

- What are you doing here?
- I, uh...



You find this person
who makes you feel things

that you never knew existed
before they came into your life,

and then, yet, when they're...
when they're gone,

everyone is just so...

... preoccupied with these

pragmatic concerns, like, like...

... life insurance, and, uh,
and funeral arrangements.

You know, it's just...

I'm just trying to feel connected

to my husband, you know? [SOBBING]

So, I...

Oh, God. I thought maybe it would help

to retrace his final steps.

Ray and I are devastated

that someone from the clinic was...

No, no, no, don't do that.


This place made... made
Clay feel whole again.

Gave him purpose.

I got my husband back
when he started coming here.

Thank you.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

You know, Clay loved telling the story

about how you handed him
his ass in the C- ,

when he was just a strap with Bravo.

He loved you, Lisa.

He loved you.



Intel has vetted what
we got off Khoi in Jordan.

General Rajavi will be
traveling from Tehran

to Mosul, Iraq, in two days.

The brass believe he's in play there.


Look, taking him out,
it's an important op.

But maybe this one is not for Bravo.

We gotta decide whether or not that, uh,

we want to stand down and go home.

The only op that I'm interested in doing

is the one that Clay tasked us with.

That is being there for Brian...

... and being there for Stella.

I mean, we got the ball
to the goal line.

There is no shame in letting
someone else spike the football.

Family first.

Then it's decided.

I'll get on the horn with Command.


How you holding up?

I saw Stella.

Made me feel better. And worse.

Bravo's put a request in to return home.

Say they're not battle-ready.

Can you blame 'em?

Given their current headspace

and the geopolitical
stakes of this action

against General Rajavi,
I can't say that I disagree.

I feel a "but" coming.

The Agency's taken over
Khoi's digital media

and put out a disinformation story

about why he never made it to Shanghai,

but it'll only hold for a few days.

And when Rajavi catches wind
that we're onto him,

he's gonna park his ass in Tehran

where we can't reach him.

Meaning there's no time
to spin another team up.

Might be on Bravo's heavy
shoulders to pull this off.

I'm more worried about their
heads than their shoulders.

Clay's loss has gotta be
stirring things up,

especially for Jason and Ray.

Is there something I'm not aware of?

No, sir.

I just mean it all adds up.

So, you're ordering Bravo to
move forward with the mission?

[SIGHS] Well, stakes like these,

call's coming from above Command.

Which is a good thing, too.

I am so torn up about Clay,

I have no clue what's best right now.


Look, our request to make it home

has been denied.

You've gotta be sh1tting me.

With the tight timeline
and no other assets

in the region, the op falls on us.


w*r fighters over w*r fighting.

Okay, but our brother just died, Jace.

We gotta get home to his wife
and his little boy.

Don't you think I f*cking
know that, Sonny?

But orders are orders.

Well, fine, I'll just book us
a commercial flight home, then.

You really think Clay would want us all

to pull a career-ender?

Hey, sooner we knock this out,

the sooner we get to go home, all right?

Ray, what do we got?

Yeah, okay.

Two afternoons from now,

General Rajavi is set to meet
with a commander of Al-Hashd

in the Bab-al-Saray market in Mosul.

So, broad daylight in
militia-controlled territory.

- What's not to like?
- JASON: It gets better.

One of his undisclosed
drone bases is in the area.

RAY: We take out the general
and his ISR capability,

we set back Iran's intention
in the region.

- Done.
- A lot of moving parts.

Yeah, two targets,
two different locations.

Which leaves us with one choice.

Abandon our posts, Bowe Berghdahl-style.

Simultaneous drone strikes.

Call in our drones
to do the heavy lifting,

we come off the sidelines
for battle damage assessment.

We confirm that this dirtbag
of a general's been hit,

f*cking eats a hellfire,
we get to go home.

Now, look, Sonny's
on full tilt about Clay.

Maybe I should roll with him,
balance him out?

Yeah, we can't have any
wild cards out there, Jace.

Okay, you, Sonny, and Brock,
you watch the drone fields.

The rest of us will keep
an eye on the general.

We are, uh... we're gonna toast.

Hey. You don't have to do that.

Oh, yes, I do.



To Clay Spenser, our, uh...

... our teammate and...

... our brother.

The best of us don't come home.

Corner's not reserved
for the star pupil, Lieutenant.

[CHUCKLES] Just, um,
feeling outranked, ma'am.

If this op succeeds, your
days of feeling that way

will be numbered.

Admiral Rivas,
you remember Lieutenant Davis.

How could I forget
the officer who told me

inaction against General Rajavi
would invite the next Ukraine?

Well, I admit my messaging
was a little blunt, sir.

Well, it worked.

Thanks to you, we're about
to derail Iran's ambitions

- in the Middle East.
- Let's hope.

I feel like all eyes
in this room are on me.

That's because they are.

All wondering how you were
able to read the tea leaves

when they could not, and
connect General Rajavi

to the Crampton attack.

Enjoy the moment, Lieutenant.

You're the reason we're all here.

Havoc, this is , I pass Pat's.

ERIC: I copy Pat's, . Over.

Clay's funeral is in two days.

We do this right, we'll be back in time.

It all feels so fast.

It'll have been five days by then;

Stella deserves closure.

What the f*ck is closure, huh?

Let's get front-sight
focused, all right?

Let Clay go until we get through the op.

OMAR: First deployment, ,

lost our IC in a midnight raid,

got sent on a follow-on
a couple hours later.

Yeah, we've all been
through that bullshit.

This is just different.

BROCK: At least this op makes an impact.

OMAR: That's right.

Wipe the general off the map,
people's lives are better.

The only lives I'm interested
in making better at this moment

are Stella and Brian's.

You need to clear your head, Sonny.

Can't roll into an op with a lit fuse.

Tell you what, this op goes sideways,

you're gonna want me to go boom.

Entering Mosul proper
in about ten klicks.

Heads on a swivel, boys.

General's plane lands in about an hour.

And it's hellfire shortly after that.

ERIC: Bravo One, this is Havoc.

Your airstrike has been canked.

Say again, your airstrike
has been called off.

Hold what you got and stand by
for further instructions.

What the f*ck now?

I was afraid the Iraqis
would get cold feet.

Citing our history of drone strikes

causing civilian casualty

feels like an outdated excuse.

Iraq is effectively
a vassal state of Iran.

Authorizing a hit on Rajavi
would stir the pot.

So the general skates.

And he will soon connect the dots

and realize that we're onto him.

This was our last shot at Rajavi.

Just because the drone strikes
weren't authorized

doesn't mean we can't
still affect the situation.

We have assets on the ground.

Bravo is there for battle
damage assessment.

They're not prepared
for a kinetic operation.

It's their call, but if you don't think

your former team is up to the task,

now's the time to speak up, Lieutenant.

If anyone can pull it off,
Bravo can, sir.

OMAR: Where does this put us, boss?

On a flight home, do not pass "go",

do not pick up dead general.


Look, the brass doesn't want to give up

on taking out Rajavi.

If we come up with a plan,
we're clear to Charlie Mike.

Shit, but good idea fairies want a plan,

let's just say we don't got one.

SONNY: That means we'll be home in time

for when they put Clay in the ground.

Uh, if I, if I miss that,

I don't think I'd ever forgive myself.

JASON: You know, Clay told me,
"If anything goes wrong,

the worst happens,
I want you to be there

for Stella and my kid".

And you know what, I wasn't,
and that f*cking kills me.

But, uh, you know,
missing out on things,

that's part of the job, right?
That's what we do.

Sacrifice to save lives and... [SIGHS]

Look, if we don't take this shot,

more people are gonna die.

SONNY: What shot, Jace?

We're geared up to be spectators, okay?

Not to get in the damn ring
and throw haymakers.

We may not be rolling heavy, Sonny,

but it's not our equipment
that makes us elite.

JASON: Look, man.

The families of those
dead American sailors

are hurting just like us.

Maybe, you know, a little vengeance...

... just might give 'em
a little comfort.

Yeah, I was with Clay when
we heard about the Crampton.

He thought the world
should know what happens

when you poke the bear.

So f*ck it. I'm in, brother.

Yeah, all right, listen,
when the general lands,

we're gonna interdict the convoy.

We're gonna hit 'em hard
and we're gonna hit 'em fast.

He'll be keeping a low profile

with a limited security footprint.

All right, it's a fair fight
on the ground.

But they get those drones
up in the sky...

Stand by to die.

So, we hit the aerial assets,
too, like we planned.

Intel on drone site said
there's minimal security, right?

Sonny and I will improvise
a way to take them out

while the rest of the team hunts Rajavi.

Four r*fles against the general

and his security team
is a fight I'll take.

If you take out the drones
before we get to Rajavi,

and, uh, he'll know we're
making a play on him.

Simultaneous hits. Easy day.

[CHUCKLES] Anybody thinks
this is just batshit crazy,

you better speak up now.

Clay can fall in a hole
like Baby Jessica did,

surrounded by the enemy
with just a p*stol on his side,

and survive...


We got this, boys.

JASON: Let's do this
one for Clay, all right?



Normal pregame nerves,
or something deeper going on?


You seem less pleased than
the rest of the room

that Bravo Team believes
they can salvage the op.

The Predator strikes had
a more preferable risk factor.

And yet, when you pushed this op

through the gears
of the mighty w*r machine,

you had no sense
a drone strike was in order.

I know, ma'am. But is it wrong to worry

that I may have pushed so hard
I've endangered Bravo?

I'd be worried if you weren't.

Burden of leadership.

Prioritizing the greater good
never feels very good.



SONNY:: Well, look at that.

Damn near biblical out here.

Good, 'cause, uh, we're
gonna need a miracle.

We only got two r*fles,
a few frags and smokes

to demo three UAVs?

SONNY: That's your plan.

This, uh...

first-gen immigrant "can do" attitude

has become a real pain
in the ass, I gotta tell you.

Whoa, whoa, right there, look at that.

You see that fuel truck? That's
giving me some bad ideas.

OMAR: t*nk full of JP- ,
it'd boost our arsenal.

I'm in a "torch it all"
kind of mood right now.


OMAR: Bravo , this is .

We, uh, got a plan out here,
gonna need a few minutes

to get it done. Just let us
know when to execute.

JASON: Copy, , stand by.

Havoc, this is . We pass Geno's.

Bravo is set. Over.

ERIC: Copy, Bravo One.

Bravo , this is . Get set.

Do not clack off until I call it.

Copy, . Wait for execute authority.

Bravo out.

- RAY: Jace?
- JASON: Yeah?

Those are up-armored vehicles

Rajavi's security are rolling in.

That eliminates vehicle interdiction.

Here we go.

RAY: Not too late to turn back.

Bingo. That's our guy.

Yep. Let's move.

♪ ♪

Hey, maintain the two car
lengths between us, all right?

- Close, but not too close.
- TRENT: Copy.

Drive casual.

Those aren't Iraqi flags.

Al-Hashd militia. The map
may call this Iraq,

but Iran calls the sh*ts,
and Al-Hashd is the army.

They're running checkpoints
on anyone heading out.

We take our shot at Rajavi,
they'll lock the city down.

- Trap us in the hornets' nest.
- JASON: Havoc, this is .

Militia's running checkpoints outbound,

there ain't no driving out of here.

We need exfil options. How copy?

Check, we're on it. Havoc out.

All right, listen up.

Bravo needs to tag in
a secondary extract.

Let's get that in motion.

You get the truck,
and I'll hose 'em down.


Oh, shit.

These guys know we're here?

Yeah, they will once these
drones spontaneously combust.

RAY: Meeting the militia leader
in a public market

swarming full of locals
shows how much control

the Iranians have here.

You sure we want to step into this?

Only time he's gonna be out in the open

before he vanishes back to Iran, okay?

Ray, stay with the convoy.
Trent, Brock... on me.



f*ck, we stick out
like a dog's balls here.

Yeah, and we're losing him, right?

Fan out, get eyes on.

That way.

Bravo , this is .

We got four Tangos approaching our pos.

If we engage, we're gonna have to roll

right into demoing the drones,
won't be able to wait.

- Over.
- Copy, . Do it.

Copy, . Over.

Turn this smoke into the spark we need.

, this is .

HVT's near the tea shop
west of your position.

Roger that. Collapse on HVT.

Be on us in a second.
Gonna wait for them to find us?

f*ck no.

Keep 'em there!

We gotta torch 'em, let's go!

Come on. Come on.



OMAR: There's more Tangos inbound.

Then this firewall better hold 'em off.

Bravo , this is .

We're burned. Clacking it off now.

Copy, . Send it.



Bravo , HVT's landed and
I need you down here now.

Copy, moving.

We're three g*ns against six,

and that's if the VIPs aren't packing.

Pick our targets, we'll hit 'em

from three different positions at once.

Big fish is yours.

Come on, Brock.

They must have found out
about the f*cking drones.

All right, we gotta execute
now, I got the HVT

- and the two guys behind him.
- Roger.


Move it!

BROCK: Rajavi's not here, Jace.

Had our shot and we f*cking missed.


All these people, we need to beat feet.

Rajavi's on foot now,
without security. Spread out.

I got him. On me.

Mako , HVT squirted.
Pursuing on the north side

- of the marketplace.
- Good copy, .


A dozen snake holes
Rajavi could have went down

- in the neighborhood.
- Yeah.

And he's got way more
friends here than we do.

Brock, stay here and overwatch.

Trent, on me. let's go.

Bravo , check the stairs
at your ten o'clock.


Blue, blue!




♪ ♪

Havoc, this is . Jackpot.

I pass One Tango Helo.

- SONNY: Yes!
- Yeah!

Hook 'em, baby! Yes!

All Bravo elements, we're
moving to Rally Point One.

Mako , come pick us up.

Two mikes out.

Lieutenant Davis,

yours is the first hand I want to shake.

This would not have happened

without your ferocious determination.

Thank you, sir.

I hope you realize the impact

your work just had on global security.

I didn't do any of this

by myself, ma'am, but thank you.

I think a celebration is in order.

Don't you agree, Lieutenant?

Oh, we're still waiting for word

on Bravo Team's exfil, aren't we, sir?

DEVGRU's Tactical Operation
Center will handle that.

Our objective is complete.

I'd be honored to join, sir.

We're still on Iranian turf.
Word's gonna get out.

OMAR: , this is . Just
pulled up on your six.

Bravo , Havoc has a helo exfil

coming in for us ten
klicks north of here.

I'll send you the coordinates,
we'll lead the way. Over.

OMAR: Roger that. Ten klicks north

is still militia territory.

Extract site is in an unpopulated area.

- It should be safe.

Didn't know they had that word in Mosul.


That truck behind him
has been on our ass

for the last two f*cking turns.

Bravo , this is . May have a tail.

- Drive in a box to confirm.
- Roger.

Bravo , starting the box right here

to see if he's behind us.

f*ck, he's still there.

Yeah, but he's onto us,
why is he not engaging?

Keep pushing to the extract point, man.



- JASON: Trent, Brock, move!
- Moving!

BROCK: Moving!

- Coming through, coming through.
- Move!

Let's go, let's go!

Other vehicle, move!



- Go, go!
- Come on! Come on!

JASON: You in?

Engine's barely holding on.

ERIC: Bravo , this is Havoc.

Your exfil platform is ten mikes out.

Yeah, I copy. Ten mikes out.

Helo might make it there before we do.

If we do.

Mosul word for "safe" means
already bombed the hell out.

Militia could be here, too.


Here comes our ride.


- Holy...
- What the f*ck?

JASON: Damn it.

That's got to be
a company worth of guys,

and they know we're here.