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03x24 - Rise And Bloom & Dragon Scouts

Posted: 11/14/22 09:47
by bunniefuu
Singer: ♪ Emmy wished on a dragon's scale ♪

♪ And that's what started "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ Around the room the dragons flew ♪

♪ But Emmy and Max knew what to do ♪

♪ They climbed on the backs of their dragon friends ♪

♪ Now the adventures never end ♪

♪ "Dragon Tales," "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ It's almost time for "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ Come along, take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go to Dragon Land ♪

♪ There's Ord, he's the biggest, not so brave of heart ♪

♪ There's Cassie, so shy, but so very smart ♪

♪ There's Zak and Wheezie and their tales of fun ♪

♪ 'Cause you know two heads are better than one... ♪

♪ "Dragon Tales," "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ It's almost time for "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ Come along, take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go to Dragon Land ♪

[Bird chirping]


Wake up, Enrique!

-Aww. -Time to go see

the bursting blossoms bloom!

I can't believe I'm gonna see

the coolest thing in Dragon Land!

This'll be the first time Max and I get

to see it, too!

I'm sure glad Mom and Dad let you sleep over

because we have to get there superearly.

Max, wake up!

[Max groans]

!AÁndale, Max! It's time to go!

It's only : in the morning.

Bursting blossoms, Max!

You've been waiting all year for this!

Bursting blossoms! Yeah!/|


All: I wish, I wish with all my heart

to fly with dragons in a land apart.

[Max yawns]

[Knocks on door]

Ord: Who is it?

It's us, Ord!

Max, Emmy, Enrique, I'm so glad you're here!

Mmm, mmm!

[Kids giggling]

You're just in time for breakfast.

Mmm, mmm! Heh heh heh.


My mommy got up extra early to make us pancakes

with dragon berries special!

Wheezie: Ooh! Let's dig in!

Zak: Yeah. We have a big trip ahead of us

to Blossom Ridge!

I can't wait to see the bursting blossoms!

Hey. Where's Max?

Max: Over here.

Ord: What you doing over there, Max,

when the pancakes are over here

and they're yummy? Mmm, mmm, mmm.

I'm too sleepy to eat or even think.

Zak: That's why you need to have breakfast.

It's the most important meal of the day.

Wakes your brain right up.

Plus it gets your mouth moving and your tummy grooving!

Ha ha ha!

Well, I do want to wake my brain up.

The rest of me, too...

so I'll be wide awake for the bursting blossoms.

Mmm, mmm.

My brain does feel more awake.

Wheezie: Well, then let's get shaking!


We have to get to Blossom Ridge

just before the sun shines down on it.

Well, then we're right on schedule!

Emmy: Yes, because the sun is just starting to rise.



Maybe I'll just stay here.


And you all can go on without me.

Ord: Max, you don't want to miss the bursting blossoms.

You talk about wanting to see them all the time.

I know, but I'm just so sleepy.

My brain feels more awake from breakfast...


but the rest of me doesn't.

Maybe some exercise will help.

My papa goes jogging every mañana.

He says it gets him going.

Cassie: When I wake up, I like to do stretches.

Ooh, Cassie! Show us your stretchy stretches!

That's a great idea! We can all do them!

Well, OK.

Everybody, reach for the sky!

[Max yawns]

I feel like I'm touching the clouds! Ohh!

Everybody, touch your toes.

Now swing your arms around.


Now jog in place!

Ahh. Good job, everyone. Heh heh.

Hey! My body does feel more awake now!

!¡Que bien!

♪ Love it ♪

Emmy: Bursting blossoms, here we come!

Wheezie: Stickleback Mountains up ahead.

OK. So to get to Blossom Ridge,

we have to fly over Mount Unicorn.

Enrique: ¿Que es eso?

Well, it's a mountain,

and it's kind of shaped like a unicorn on top.

Anybody see it?

I can't see anything because I have

that icky sleepy stuff in my eyes.

When my eyes are all sleepy in the morning,

I splash water on my face,

and then my eyes wake up

and my nose and my mouth and even my ears, too.

Heh heh!

Ha ha! I wish there was some water around

to splash on my face right now.

Well, there's a big rain cloud up ahead.

Bet you it's full of water.

I have an idea, Max.

And I know what it is!

Let's go, Ord!


-That was fun! -Yeah!

And I'm feeling totally awake!


Well, almost totally awake.

Wheezie: Here's Mount Unicorn.

Is that Singing Springs?

Righty-o, Enrique!

You're getting to know Dragon Land really well.

Such nice, soothing music.

Max: Yeah. Too soothing.

The music is making me... sleepy again.


[Ord yawns]

Max, when you yawn, it makes me want to yawn.

Yawns are just so...



If we're all yawning and sleepy,

we won't be able to fly as fast.

And then we won't get to Blossom Ridge in time

to see the bursting blossoms bloom.

What we need is to get some fresh air into our lungs.

That music gives me an idea.

Sometimes right after our mom wakes up in the morning,

she sings along with the radio.

She says it fills her lungs with air

and wakes up her voice

and makes her feel good all over.

Maybe Singing Springs can help us sing una canción.

Ord: That's a great idea! Cassie: Yeah!

Zak: Great idea! That's a good one!

Wheezie: ♪ I love it ♪

Emmy: Definitely!

[Music continues]

Here's a song my papa and I sometimes sing.


♪ Buenos dias, buenos dias ♪

♪ ¿Como estas? ¿Como estas? ♪

Hey! We sing that one in school!

It's "The Good Morning Song."

Sí, Emmy.

I know it, too!

How about if you two sing the first part?

Then I'll sing the answer part.

That way, everybody can learn it.

Enrique and Max: ♪ Buenos dias, buenos dias ♪

♪ ¿Como estas? ¿Como estas? ♪

♪ Muy bien, gracias, muy bien, gracias ♪

♪ ¿Y usted? ¿Y usted? ♪

Well, that's not so hard.

Come on, everyone! Let's all sing it!

All: ♪ Buenos dias, buenos dias ♪

♪ ¿Como estas? ¿Como estas? ♪

♪ Muy bien, gracias, muy bien, gracias ♪

♪ ¿Y usted? ¿Y usted? ♪

Enrique: Ha ha! Gracias, Singing Springs.

[Plays notes]

Muy bien, everyone!

Wow! I feel good all over now!

Huh. Me, too. Plenty of air in my lungs,

and my voice is working...

♪ Just fine ♪

Yes, I noticed.

Hey, look. The sun!

Cassie: It's almost right above blossom ridge.

Well, what are you guys waiting for?

You sleepy or something?


Max: The bursting blossoms aren't bursting!

Come on, bursting blossoms.

Burst open. Pretty please with dragon berries on top.


Max: Hey! Did you all hear that?

[Snoring continues]

The bursting blossoms are... snoring!

They sound kind of like you did last night, Zaky.

I do not snore!

Max: Maybe after sleeping all year,

it's hard for them to wake up, too.

Ord, do you have a watering can?

Hmm. Somewhere.

I think.

Here you go, Max!

I get it. A little water to splash on their faces.

Come on, little guys. Rise and bloom!


Hmm. I think they need a little more help waking up.

♪ Buenos dias, buenos dias ♪

All: ♪ ¿Como estas? ¿Como estas? ♪

♪ Muy bien, gracias, muy bien, gracias ♪

♪ ¿Y usted? ¿Y usted? ♪

The bursting blossoms are beautiful!

Enrique: Ooh! Max: Wow!

Ord: Pretty!

Emmy: Oh, wow! Enrique: So cool!

Cassie: Beautiful!

[Indistinct chatter]

And the best thing is I'm wide awake to see it.

Emmy, Max, and Enrique: I wish, I wish to use this rhyme

to go back home until next time.

Hey. It's still really early.

We have the whole day to play!

Emmy: Long as we're not too loud.

Our mom and dad are still asleep.

Not for long!


Wake up, sleepyheads!


Look, Emmy. I'm a mountain climber.

And I'm a baseball player.

She swings!

Home run!


Max: But wait! The mountain climber's also

the center fielder,

and he's playing way up high,

way up on top of a mountain high,

and me makes the catch!

Emmy: Well, you don't see that play every day.

Don't be disappointed.

It was still a pretty good hit.

Max, the dragons are calling us!

I wish, I wish with all my heart

to fly with dragons in a land apart.

Hi, guys. What's happening?

Cassie, what are you wearing?

It's my Dragon Scouts uniform.

Dragon Scouts? What's Dragon Scouts?

It's a club for dragon girls,

where we make friends, learn new things,

and have fun.

-Oh. -That's why I asked you

to come to Dragon Land.

I want Emmy to come with me to my Dragon Scouts meeting.

Ha ha! Me? But I'm not a member.

You can be my guest!

Today, we're helping an older dragon lady

fix up her garden,

and you can meet all my Dragon Scout friends.

So do you want to come?

-Definitely! -Then we better hurry.

We're already late.


-Bye! -Have fun!

Want to play in my backyard?


Dragon lady: Thank you for helping me

today, children.

I can't do all the things I usted to do

around the cave.

Oh, just look at my poor garden.

Don't worry, ma'am. The Dragon Scouts

are on the job!

We help and have fun and never stop until we're done!

Ha ha hee!

[Telephone ringing]

Dragon lady: Excuse me, girls. That's my telephone.


Everybody, this is Emmy.

She's my best friend,

and she's visiting with us today.

Dragon one: Hi, Emmy! Dragon two: Nice to meet you!

Dragon : Hello!

Dragon lady: Cassie dear, it's your mother on the line.

Heh heh. Um...I really like your Dragon Scout berets.

Thanks. Yours is nice, too.



Nothing's wrong, but I have to go home

for a little while.

My mom needs my help babysitting,

but I'll be back soon.

Oh! Cassie, don't you want me to come, too?

That's OK, Emmy. You'll have more fun here,

and I think the Dragon Scouts can really use your help.

Well, OK, but I'm not sure I want to stay here

without you.

Don't worry. My Dragon Scout friends

are so nice.

You'll see.

Hey! How about we play airplane pilot?

Aye-aye, Captain Max!

Let's fly to London, Ord!

London coming up!



Max: Ha ha ha!

Um, Captain Max, where exactly is London?

I have no idea. Maybe it's that way.

Ord: Hi, everybody! Dragon two: Hi, Ord!

Dragon : Hello! Dragon : Hey, Ord!

Emmy, what's wrong?

You don't look like you're having much fun.

I'm not.

Where's Cassie?

Her mom needed her at home.

Why aren't you over there with the Dragon Scouts?

Well, I want to be friends with them,

but I'm not sure how to do it.

I mean, I'm glad to help out the dragon lady,

but it would be more fun if I could do it

with the other girls.

I wish Cassie were here. She'd rake with me.

Maybe if you're really nice to the Dragon Scouts

they'll ask you to work with them.

Oh! I like that idea. Try it, Emmy.

Emmy: Well, OK.

You guys are the best rakers.

Dragon one: Hi, Emmy. Thanks! You, too.

You sure have a lot of leaves there.

Dragon two: I know.

Well, we'd better put these bags in the trash.

Max: See, Emmy? They said hello!

Emmy: But they didn't invite me to rake with them,

and look.

Now they're done.

I'd invite you, Emmy.

-Thanks, Ord. -Don't worry.

I'll bet they'll ask you to join them

on the next project.

-Good luck! -Bye, Emmy!

Oh, ahh, oh. Oh, my aching trunk!

Blue dragon: Don't worry Mr. Twinkleberry Tree.

The Dragon Scouts are on the job.

Ah. Thanks, girls. I feel better already,

uh, but you missed a spot.

Oh, thank you, dear.

I thought no one would even notice me.

[Emmy sighs]

I know how you feel.

Hey. I have an idea.

Maybe if I work closer to the other girls,

they'll notice me.

Sounds good to me.

Mr. Tree: Oh, yeah. That's it.

Ooh, ooh, yeah!

[Whispering] Did you see that? They noticed me.

-Yes. -Now if I can think

of a cool way to get the berries down,

maybe they'll invite me to be part of the group.

-Cool? -Watch.

Oh, that's wonderful, Emmy, just wonderful!

Look at Emmy!

-Ooh! -Wow!

Wow, Emmy! You're fast.

Really? You think so?

I can be faster if you want. See?


I'm--I'm so sorry.

Ha ha! It's OK, Emmy. It was an accident,

and it was funny. Ha ha ha!

Just be more careful next time, please.

Great! Now we have to pick up all these berries

off the ground.

Emmy: I won't do it again, I promise.

Ha ha ha! I still think it was funny. Ha ha ha!

Dragon two: Poor flowers.

It hasn't rained in a week.

You must be thirsty, huh?

Don't worry. The Dragon Scouts are on the job!



Here. Let me try.

See? The bucket just needs to be held with both hands.

I just need to turn it off.

Ugh. Whoa!



Um, maybe I can turn the faucet while you hold the bucket.

Then you can tell me when it's just right

and not too heavy.

What do you think?

Hmm. That just might work. Let's try it!

That's enough.

Hey. Good idea, Emmy!

Thanks! Next.


Cassie: Wow! You're done already?

The garden looks beautiful!

Thanks to our new friend Emmy.

We couldn't have done the job without her!

Emmy, that sash looks beautiful on you.

Thank you!

We're awfully glad Cassie brought you today.

Me, too!

Hey! Can you come to next week's meeting?



Dragon lady: Girls, what a super job,

and to thank you for working so hard today,

I baked dragon berry muffins!


Ord: Did someone say, "Muffins"?

Dragon lady: Would you like one, too, dear?

I've never seen Ord eat just one muffin.

I did once.

Well, I ate one muffin at a time.



Emmy: These muffins are delicious!

Dragon Scouts: Yum, yum!

Thank you so much!

I wish, I wish to use this rhyme

to go back home until next time.

Emmy: That was hard work.

I'm exhausted.

Now what are you pretending to be?

I'm done pretending.

I'm gonna take a nap!


Ha ha ha!

Singer: ♪ Emmy wished on a dragon's scale ♪

♪ And that's what started "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ They climbed on the backs of their dragon friends ♪

♪ Now the adventures never end ♪

♪ "Dragon Tales," "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ It's almost time for "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ Come along, take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go to Dragon Land ♪