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03x20 - Itching For A Cure & Cassie Catches Up

Posted: 11/14/22 09:44
by bunniefuu
Singer: ♪ Emmy wished on a dragon's scale ♪

♪ And that's what started "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ Around the room the dragons flew ♪

♪ But Emmy and Max knew what to do ♪

♪ They climbed on the backs of their dragon friends ♪

♪ Now the adventures never end ♪

♪ "Dragon Tales," "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ It's almost time for "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ Come along, take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go to Dragon Land ♪

♪ There's Ord, he's the biggest, not so brave of heart ♪

♪ There's Cassie, so shy, but so very smart ♪

♪ There's Zak and Wheezie and their tales of fun ♪

♪ 'Cause you know two heads are better than one... ♪

♪ "Dragon Tales," "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ It's almost time for "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ Come along, take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go to Dragon Land ♪

Emmy: Careful. Max: I am.


Enrique: Sorry I'm late. Emmy: [Gasps]

Max: Aw!

Lo siento! Sorry.

I didn't mean to knock down your card house.

That's OK, Enrique.

Yeah, we were just practicing for the big house of cards

we're gonna build in Dragon Land.

How big?

Emmy: You'll see when we get there.


All: I wish, I wish with all my heart

to fly with dragons in a land apart.

Enrique: Huh?

Cassie: Hi, Emmy, Max, Enrique.

Ready to build?

Max: Oh, yeah. Emmy: Definitely.

But how do you play with cards so big?

Emmy: Like this.

Enrique: Wow. Can I try?

Wheezie: Sure. Hop on our back.

[Rumbling and scratching] Enrique: Uhh!


Ord: Is that thunder?

Cassie: It sounds like thunder,

but the ground is shaking.

And what's that scratching sound?

Ord: Wow!

That thunder sounded really loud here.

Max: I'm sure it's not thunder, Ord.

See, the sky's blue and bright, and it's not raining.

Ord: Then where is the sound coming from?

Wheezie: There is Mungus the Giant.

Maybe he knows.

Mungus: Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ahh.

Wheezie: Yoo-hoo! Mungie-poo!

Mungus: Oh!

Zak: The shaking stopped.

Cassie: And so did the scratching sound.

What's wrong, Mungus?

Mungus: Oh, I have a terrible itch

I've been trying to scratch.

And ohh!


Oh, oh, oh! Yah!

Yah! Oh, oh.

Aquí, aquí.

This is where the shaking and scratching is coming from.

All: Mungus!

Emmy: Poor Mungus.

We have to help him.

Ord: Try my back scratcher.

Mungus: Oh, thanks, Ord.

Ord: Ha. I guess it's kind of small.


Wheezie: We've got to find another way to help him.

He's our friend.

Cassie: Maybe Dr. Booboogone can cure his itch.

Zak: Good idea. Wheezie: That could work.

Come on, Mungus, we're gonna try to help you feel better.


Cassie: Dr. Booboogone, thank goodness you're in.

Mungus has an itch, and he can't stop scratching,

so everything is shaking,

so we can't build our house of cards.

[Rumbling] Mungus: Oh, oh, oh!

Oh, oh!

Well, well, let's take a look-see.

Where does it itch, Mungus?

Mungus: All over.

I guess you have a little rash.

Nothing to worry about.

This itch-be-gone cream should help.


A little bit of my back did stop itching,

but what about the rest of me?

Dr. Booboogone: Well, that's a problem.

You see, I've used up all the cream I have,

and you're so big, Mungus,

that we'll need a lot more.

Mungus: So what do I do?

Dr. Booboogone: Well, I can make some more cream,

but I'll need you all to help me.

Ord: Just tell us what to do. Cassie: Sure!

Zak: We can do it!

Ahh, yes.

Here's the recipe.

To make more itch-be-gone cream,

we'll need chili peppers,

lime juice, and honey.

Cassie: We can find all of that nearby.

Emmy: Let's split up to get everything faster.

Ord: We'll be back soon, Mungus.

Oh, the sooner, the better.

Oh, oh, oh!

Zak: Now, where could we find honey?

Well, honey, is made by abejas, bees.

Wheezie: Hmm, where can we find some bees?

Abejas love las floras, flowers.

Zak: So we just have to look for flowers.

Wheezie: Jingle flowers, over there.

Zak: Huh?

There's a grumbly bee.

Let's ask him.

Enrique: Pardon, señor abeja.

We are looking for honey.

Can you help us? Do you have some?

Bee: Yeah, well, sure I have some, I'm a bee,

and it's all mine.

Zak: But couldn't you share some of it with us?

It's for Mungus.

Wheezie: Yeah, he's a big giant with a big itch,

and we need some honey to make him a big batch

of itch-be-gone cream.

I'm not sharing my honey.

I'm in a bad mood.

Not right now.

Well, what if we could put you in a good mood?

Would you share some honey with us then?

I don't know.


Wheezie: How about a joke?

We know lots of good jokes.

[All whispering]

Zak: OK, OK.

What is a dragon's favorite piece of music?

What is a...

Happy Birthday?

Zak: Scales! Get it?

Dragon scales! Ha ha ha!

Yeah, well, not funny. No honey.

Wheezie: Wait, wait, wait. I got another one.

Which side of a dragon has the most scales?


The left side.

Wheezie: Nope. The outside.

Ha ha ha! [Snorts]

[Mumbles] Not funny. No honey.

OK, maybe you don't like dragon jokes.

How about a bee joke?

Which bees are the smartest?

Hmm, I don't know.

All: Spelling bees!


Ha ha ha! Now that's funny.

Ha ha ha!

Funny enough for honey?

Ha ha ha!

I guess so.

Zak: Ohh. Bee: Is that enough?

Wheezie: Whoa!

Max: Hi, Chilly.

Chilly: Hi, Max. Ord.

Have you come for some sledding or maybe ice skating?

Max: I wish we could, but we're here to help Mungus.

Ord: We have to find some chilies, Chilly.

Chili peppers?

Ahh, that's not chilly as in cold,

but chili as in the plant.

Ord: Ohh. I guess we came to the wrong place.

Max: Do you know where we can find some chilies, Chilly?

Chilly: Down in Chili Valley.

Chilies are round and red and tastes very hot and spicy,

so be careful if you eat one.

Max: OK, thanks, Chilly.

We'll go look in Chili Valley.

Ord: Look, these are round and red just like Chilly said.

A bug!

They are probably hundreds, thousands of them.

I don't know if I can do this, Max.

We have to, for Mungus.

And we can't build our house of cards

if the ground is shaking.


Round, red.

It must be a chili.

It looks just like a dragon berry.

Max: But it doesn't taste like one, remember?

Chilly said chilies are hot and spicy.

Ord: Oh, right, maybe we better just collect them

for the itch-be-gone cream.

Max: We're gonna need a lot of them.

Ord: Fill 'er up.

Cassie: Do you see any lime trees, Emmy?

Emmy: That might be one.

Hmm. Maybe I was wrong.

I don't see any limes.

Bird: Slime, climb, lime.

Cassie: A rhyme-rick.

Excuse me, but can you tell us if this is a lime tree?

Slime, climb, lime.

Cassie: I'll just fly over and pick some.

These leaves are so thick,

I can't see any limes.

Bird: Slime, climb, lime.

Why does he keep saying that?


There's slime all around the tree.

Maybe he's saying first we have to go through the slime

and climb the tree to get the lime.

Is that right?

Slime, climb, lime.

Cassie: Whoa!

I don't want to get all slimy.

Emmy: Me, neither.

But if it'll help Mungus.

Cassie: Ohh!


Emmy: Ew.



Both: Whoa!

Emmy: We can't give up.

Let's try again.

Cassie: It's dark in here.

I think I feel a lime.

Emmy: Got one! Cassie: Me, too!

Emmy: Let's throw them over there,

away from the slime,

then we can gather them up

and take them to Dr. Booboogone.

Mungus: Ahh!

Dr. Booboogone: Since Mungus needs a giant-sized amount

of itch-be-gone cream,

I thought we'd better make it here

in his giant-sized kitchen.

Don't worry, Mungus, you're gonna feel better soon.

OK, first thing we need is the honey.

Now the chilies.

And the lime.


Grab a mop, everybody.

Mungus: Ahh.

You've all helped me feel so much better.

How can I ever thank you?

I have an idea.

[All cheering]

Kids: I wish, I wish to use this rhyme

to go back home until next time.

Enrique: Let's build our card house again.

Max: Yeah.

Only let's build it really tall this time.

Emmy: These cards are so small

we can pretend we're giants like Mungus.

Just don't start scratching.


Emmy: See, this one's a dog,

and this one's a rabbit.

Can you guess what this one is?

Um, a bat?

Emmy: Right.

And he's coming to get you.

Max: Ha ha ha!

Cool! My turn.

Guess what this is.

Give up? It's a duck.

Emmy: Well, Max, it looks pretty foul to me.



Hey, the dragons are calling for us.

Both: I wish, I wish with all my heart

to fly with dragons in a land apart.

[Dragons laughing]

Max: Wow, it sounds like a great party.

It smells like one, too.

Mmm. Cotton candy, popcorn, hot dogs.

Max: Hi, everybody, what's going on?

Ord: Max, Emmy!

Today's the Dragon Land fair,

and there's all kinds of great stuff to eat

and things to do,

and it only stops here once a year.

And that's where we're going right now.

Zak: Come on, guys, I don't want to miss anything.

Wheezie: Yeah, Zakie, let's lead the way.

Wow, this is cool.

Ord: And look over there.

Those are the prizes you can win

by playing the carnival games.

Emmy: Pinwheels!

Look, Cassie.

Aren't they beautiful?

Cassie: Yes. If you want, maybe we can win one together.

Emmy: Definitely.

Quetzal: All right, my friends.

For everyone who wants to play,

here are some rules.

First of all, I want each of you to choose a partner.

Emmy: We're a team.

Ord: Max, will you be my partner?

Max: Mm-hmm.

Zak: So, what do you say, Wheezie?

Wheezie: Wouldn't have it any other way, Zakie.

There will be games.

In each game, the winning team will get two pinwheels.

So line up and let the games begin.

Emmy: Come on. I just know we can win those pinwheels.

Cassie: Yeah. Me, too.

Quetzal: In this race, one team member

runs to the tree, then runs back

and tags his or her partner.

Then that partner runs to the tree and back again.

And whoever crosses the finish line first wins.

Emmy: Oh, boy, I love running.

Cassie: Same here.

Quetzal: Are you ready?

On your marks,

get set,

and go!

Emmy: [Panting] Run, Cassie!


Max: Yeah!

Zak: Ahh!

Whoa, Wheezie, easy on that turn.

Come on, Cassie.

You can do it!

Go, Cassie!

Wheezie: We did it!

Ahh! We won the race!

Zak: Ha ha ha! Way to go, sis.

Ord: You were this close.

Great try.

Thanks, Ord.

Cassie: [Sighs]

Quetzal: To the winners, Zak and Wheezie.

Good teamwork, you two.

Emmy: Don't worry. We just have to try a little harder

and maybe we'll win the next game.

Quetzal: All right, everybody, the next game is ball toss.

The first team member throw the ball as far as you can.

Then your partner picks up the ball

and throws it again.

Whichever team throws the farthest distance

wins a pair of pinwheels.

Emmy: We both know how to throw.

This should be easy.

Cassie: I hope.


Ord: Come on, Max.

You can do it.

And Max decides to throw his famous fastball.

Hee hee. Yay!

Max: Uhh!

Yay! Go, Max!

Wheezie: One, two, three!

Zak: Whoa, nice try, Wheezie.




Cassie: Wow, Emmy. That was great.

Very good.

Now, teammates, pick up your balls.

All right.

Everyone ready?

Go, Cassie!

You can do it!

Cassie: Uhh!

Great throw.

I know we're gonna win.


Zak: Here goes nothing.

Wheezie: Yay, Zakie! Go, go, go!

Ord: OK, Max.

I'll do my best.

Stand back.


Wow, look at it go.

[All cheering]

Cassie: What happened? Did we win?

Wheezie: Nope, Max and Ord did.

Ohh, I was afraid of that.

Quetzal: Congratulations, Max and Ord.

Ord: Thanks.

Boy, all this exercise is making me hungry.

Emmy: OK, so we didn't win,

but I know we'll win bobbing for apples.

There are two pinwheels left, right?

We just have to really, really try our hardest.

And then...

Cassie, where'd you go?


I feel so bad I let Emmy down.

Not just once, but twice.

She was counting on me to help her win those pinwheels.

And I wanted to win one, too.

Quetzal: Cassie, I thought I heard you.

Is something the matter?

Cassie: Ohh.

I can't seem to do anything right today.

Maybe Emmy should find a different partner.

I don't think Emmy wants a different partner, Cassie.

She chose you because you're her friend.

And don't forget, there are many things

you're good at, aren't there?

I am good at lots of things.

I know how to make people feel better,

and I know how to figure things out.

But how will that help Emmy and me win our pinwheels?

Quetzal: Attention contestants,

it is time for the final event.

OK, I don't know what I'm going to do,

but I know I'm gonna try.

Hey, wait, for me.

Emmy: Cassie?


Has anyone seen Cassie?

Oh, there you are.

They're about to start the last contest.

Cassie: OK, let's figure out how to win those pinwheels.

Quetzal: All right, the final game is bobbing for apples.

Each team must lift this apple out of the tub,

but you may not use your hands.

Can we use our teeth?

You can use anything you want except your hands.

Ord: Boy, it's just like eating.

This should be easy.

Quetzal: Max and Ord, would you like to go first?

Max and Ord: Yeah!

All right, then when all the sand goes to the bottom,

your time is up.

On your marks, get set,


That's it.

Time's up.

Max: I almost had it,

then it popped out of my mouth.

Ord: Yeah, I don't like my food swimming away from me.

Wheezie: OK, Zakie, it's our turn.

Are you ready?

Zak: Ugh. Well, as long as I don't have to get my face wet.

Ready, set, go.

Wheezie: Come on in, Zakie.

The water's fine.

Hee hee hee. Ha ha ha!

Quetzal: That's it. Time's up.

Zak: Wow, that sure is a slippery apple.

Wheezie: I'll say. It's impossible.

Quetzal: Cassie, Emmy, are you ready to try?

Emmy: Definitely.

Cassie, we can do this together.

Cassie: Excuse me, Quetzal,

but what are the rules again?

You must lift the apple out of the tub.

The only rule is you can't use your hands.

Got it.

Emmy, if we can't use our hands,

how about we use our feet?

Ha ha ha!

Max: Hey, what are you doing?

Emmy: Just watch.

Ready, set, go.


Cassie: And a-one, and a-two, and a-three.

Zak: Hooray for Cassie and Emmy.

They're the winners.

Gee, Cassie, that was so smart.

Wheezie: Look.

Oh, wow, Cassie, look at that.

Max: Wow.

Quetzal: I see your badge is glowing.


You must be proud that you thought of a way

for you and Emmy to win the contest.

Here you go.

Emmy: Thanks for being such a good partner

and a great friend.

You're the best.

Cassie: [Sighs]

You too, Emmy.

Emmy: Ha ha ha!

Emmy and Max: I wish, I wish to use this rhyme

to go back home until next time.

Emmy: Hey, what are you doing?

I want to start practicing,

that way I can win even more stuff next year.

Do you think we could have our own fair in the meantime?

Why not?

Max: We could have a jumping contest

and a spin it with your eyes shut contest.

Mom: Max, Emmy, time for lunch.

Emmy: How about a contest

to see who can eat the most spaghetti?

Max: I'd with that.

Emmy: Not if I get the spaghetti first.

Max: Ha ha ha! Wait up!

Singer: ♪ Emmy wished on a dragon's scale ♪

♪ And that's what started "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ They climbed on the backs of their dragon friends ♪

♪ Now the adventures never end ♪

♪ "Dragon Tales," "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ It's almost time for "Dragon Tales" ♪

♪ Come along, take my hand ♪

♪ Let's all go to Dragon Land ♪