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04x18 - Still Bad

Posted: 11/14/22 08:25
by bunniefuu

d*ck's gonna make me turn to say what I

would like you to tell me exactly what

that was she knows big fight came from

West Side Story well looked to me like

he was fighting musical theater a

musical theater I appreciate you helping

me with my choreography for the school

play but do you have to be so demeaning

what's the matter is it too much for

baby baby can't come to do baby want a

quick huh no damn it baby can do it five

yeah going to the movies with no tray

you've never met him wait a minute I've

never met him hmm if there was only some

opening in the wall through which he

could enter and introduce him know what

we could

Trey get your ass in here your reek okay

mom hear me out okay trace a little bit

older oh my gah bees in college no I

know I'm not allowed to take college

guys but don't worry you dropped out hey

Trey are you sure you're not trace

father and it just found out I'm not

Tyler's father either DNA rocks Wow have

a good time at the movies talking him

you're not going anywhere with that guy

at work wow this is so unfair Lord that

guy reeks of loser he is not a loser hey

we have to leave right now Lauren if

we're gonna sneak into the 730 show has

to save his money he's putting himself

to bartending school more and we need to

have higher standards when it comes to

boys otherwise you'll end up with some

lowlife look what I taught Tina to do


this one really is mine


we're really gonna miss you around here

I can't wait to have a child I know the

great want three more hey dr. Hollman

found your replacement yeah no you

should talk to him about it he paints a

lot more than the other dentists in the

apples and I only have a four day

workweek love that what he gave me big

bucks for channel yeah for Christmas

it's cashmere good night Jamie thanks

again for this oh it was worth it seeing

the look on your face when I gave it to

you yeah Oh dr. Hollman I hear you

haven't found a replacement for cami

yeah but it's hard to find someone who

has their priorities straight when it

comes to home versus the office oh I

hear you for me work always comes first

my family could take a flying leap

actually I'm talking about a

well-rounded person who likes to spend

time with their family that's exactly

what I meant about taking a flying leap

we skydive together well that's great

because my motto has always been family

only the most important meal of thing

motto 20 want to know that's how you

feel would you consider me for the job

be great to work with someone who loves

their family since I treasure mine so

much excuse me

hell you two boobs doing hearing never

bother me at work I chipped a tooth

during a knife fight God you were

midnight imagine the gayest knife fight

you have a saw and then AB dancing don't

sign them in I'll see if dr. Gerber has

an opening are you okay yeah ID chip a

tooth I got kicked in the mouth what

happened a knife fight gone bad Wow okay

what's with the shark um it's my g*ng

tattoo I'm Chino I don't have guys like

you at st. Mary oh um listen I think

you've misunderstood since he i'm in

west side shocks that's the name of his

g*ng west I child and I'm about at the

end of my rope with his punk Gino can I

yeah I talk to you for a second yeah

what are you doing saving you from nerd

aside you actually have a shot that's a

little out of my league that is not true

she's totally out of your league but she

likes you because she thinks your

chipped a tooth in a g*ng fight not a

ballet accident lie about Who I am and

of course you can I lie about who you

are all the time I'm not gonna lie to

eat it I'm glad you're still here I

wanted to give you my email address oh

um listen before you do I think you

should know that I had to catch you I'd

love to show you and I shank the guy in

prison yeah I took no pleasure and I put

it had to be done


again you talk to Amy made plans for us

tetra Tech had a boy going right for the

test on the first day koto where does

she know the g*ng member take a lady to

impress her to the sci-fi film fest

there screaming battle for the planet of

the apes Brian she thinks you were tough

sexy guy where you let a jacket and take

it to a club oh ok well I suppose I

could Google leather club and sexy guys

and see if I can find a place great idea

wait but she was upset I'd attract

everybody all right here's the deal i am

up for a big job promotion that would be

a dream come true for everyone in this

family so that means i could quit my job

and become a trophy husband you're not

as much arm candy as you are filled with

care anyway it would mean a lot more

money for everyone in this house and we

all know that money is happiness we are

invited to dinner at dr. Hollman house

and I need everyone to be on their best

behavior Oh see that's exactly what I'm

talking about you have to pretend to be

a polite little girl and you need to

pretend that you are a model father who

cares about his children

all three of them and you know more

loser bartender boyfriend for your

information trey is no longer a

bartender did he get fired maybe

Steelman I can't comment on a case

that's ongoing look I am serious I need

everyone to be on their best behavior

Saturday night Saturday night I have a

party and I have a date a really hot

date I'd seen if she's real not like

that Lara Croft we thought he was going

with well you all have to reschedule

been really want this job so we are

going to go to dr. Hollman to be a happy

loving families so shut your fat mouth

I'll s*ab everyone in your place I love

you guys such a colossal waste hey we'll

have none of that attitude Lauren

Kathleen Miller age 9 you're like cotton

candy barbie dolls and roller skating oh

well well now it's her you like hip-hop

driving and bartender you idiots to pull

it together for one night and now we can

go back to hating each other as much as

we want g*ng's all here hey Mel our

family come on in thank you because my

husband bell in our kids Brian Tina

Morris quiz me on any of that middle

names I know them all this is my wife

Denise my middle name is Noreen great

now I just forgot them home

you can see we left lunch okay hopefully

together as a family laughs and families

let me thank you hey are you a math

elite no no no not to be little Tina yep

Tina Noreen Miller Brian captain of a

scene yeah we have call us off the

Mathemagician oh we were the algebra hey

maybe you could give my daughter a hand

she's been up in her room struggling

with her calculus homework her guests

are here Brian would be glad to help

wouldn't you Brian yeah sure I'll hope

he's not a friggin with calculus I'm

your man steady it's nice to meet you

here for the first time amy is it yes

thank you for the first time to ryan

look at our two families getting along

family a long soak up the Grand Tour

follow me hey hey hey hey what a cool

lamp I think was a color scheme any

matches dad what am I going to do I

can't act hook for Amy mom wants me to

be an ER for a boss Amy thinks you're

only acting like a nerd cuz you're with

your family it's simple you're a nerd

pretending to be a thug pretending to be

a nurse I wish my drama coach eschewed

the toughest role ever

I be in your father for the love of Luke

Skywalker that's right you're looking at

the fifth largest collection of sci-fi

memorabilia in the Greater Chicago area

we don't take vacations but we have a

time machine that doesn't go anywhere

it's the time helmet and you can travel

anywhere in your imagination great Brian

you love this stuff you know me I love

this stuff whatever and now for the

piece de resistance my proudest

possession in the galaxy this is an

elite replica costume worn by general

Ursus and Planet of the Apes oh this

baby cost me quite a bundle but she's

worth it and i'm driving a 12 year old

car wow that's amazing how's Brian I'm

trying to make you soup no no no no it's

only been worn by the actor who

originated the role and me I could show

you the Christmas card now Judy and I

have a costume collection too isn't that

right foul line

let's see the rest of the house my dad

loser yeah what a loser look you've got

xenon ensign on right beside each other

everybody knows their archenemy yeah can

you believe all this crap i am this

close to taking a sledgehammer to all

this junk especially that stupid monkey

suit you can't do that I mean I mean I

smash it up cuz I'm scary like that yo

but you got to live with the guys huh

please I have my parents full just like

you do my dad thinks I'm miss kitty lee

locations are still collect stamps

you're a philatelist I went damn sock

rare and precious as they may be well

how about I show you something even more

precious wait Amy um I I think there's

something you should know but first one

more wow that's good anyway I have to

tell you why don't you tell me in my

room no no I need your room wait five

minutes and no no don't let anyone see

you like I don't like how do I got a

minute so beautiful soft hair

unforgettable face you will be mine

general nursing you will be mad so every

night at bedtime i read to tina for at

least a half hour you do of course you

just fall asleep because books are so

boring you guys are such good people and

so much fun you know I don't like to let

business and sh**t on family time but

I'm going to talk to dr. Gerber on

Monday morning about you coming to work

for me oh thank you so much dr. that'd

be great I'll go check on dinner we did



don't worry mommy's not gonna embarrass

us if there's a lauren miller in there i

want to love her up sorry what the hell

are you doing here what I've been trying

to call you all doing why haven't you

been answering your phone because I took

it she's not allowed to see you how did

you find me i telled you minivan and

then I hid in the bushes when you went

inside talking that is totally crazy I'm

totally free oh hi who's this oh hey

Trey I'm Lauren's boy husband her boy

cousin is that right carry it all be

anything if you let me stay very close

huh I hope it's okay that I invited him

not a problem welcome hey can I get you

something to drink how about I get you

something who's up for Alabama slammer

me ready he's gone is anyone seen Amy

and bryan oh bryan must be in the other

room bill why don't you go get him the

only George human is that that Truman

I'm going out on a limb here Brian hey

dad what are you doing I'm sorry I

couldn't resist it too once in a

lifetime chance so zany where is she

upstairs waiting for me and you're down

here in a bear costume like I'm an ape a

damn dirty ape well you get upstairs to

that girl I'll tell everyone you're

helping them with homework and don't you

dare alpha with homework

Oh dad dad won't come on okay just let

me give it a good tug going on in here

you got that teen wolf costume before

dr. Hollman catches your eye calm down

I'll handle hey all right on the count

of three one two three oh god what are

you doing violating my costume and look

at my collection it was an accident how

dare you people destroy my husband's

precious collection I know how to fix

this I'm going back in time one hour oh

how do I go back in time to just before

this happened oh my god don't you trash

the place in you actually did it wait

you two know each other that's very sad

she knows my boyfriend Oh ain't even a

game wait a minute this is the girl

you've been see Judy you knew about this

yeah but I you need to go all of you I'm

sorry but I don't think working for me

is such a good idea and you you hoodlum

stay away from my collection dad my

daughter mainly I him you can't love him

I will not allow it and I are you my god

let me explain Amy I lied to you I was

never in juvie I don't drive a hog and

I'm embarrassed to say that I don't deal

crystal meth why would you tell me all

that because I wanted to impress you and

the truth is I didn't smash up your

dad's collection because I hate sci-fi

it I did it because I couldn't resist

because I love sci-fi please you're just

saying that to get your mom's job bad no

it's the truth wasn't effective I'm a

bigger size i continue right you don't

even know the first law of robotics a

robot may not harm a human being or

through inaction allow a human being to

come to harm everybody knows that all

right then how many Star Trek episodes

feature tribbles to the trouble with

tribbles and more turbos more troubles

what was the name of luke skywalker's

gunner on the ice planet hoth deck duh

name all 11 Doctor Who's I can't aha

because it's a trick question there are

only ten doctor who you are a nerd GPS

charge Jesus so uh are we good here am I

still your new assistant how could I say

no one you have a kid like this I'll see

you Monday to do and you can see this

fine young man whenever you want sweetie

yeah I don't think so

well let's put all this behind us and

have a nice dinner I wonder where Lauren

is with her cousin looks like second

base nice that was a great dinner

anymore of that roast left I'm not a

scrap we ate every bit of it I think I

left something here well Denise made a

delicious pot roast work no you idiot

thing is time travel let's go

I wouldn't have it any other way cause

you make me
