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04x16 - Still Saying I Love You

Posted: 11/14/22 08:21
by bunniefuu

hey loser get out meteorology Club has

very important matters to decide I think

you should decide I'm stronger deodorant

because my sister Lauren she'll be

taking your order in about 10 years get

out I'm not going anywhere I got here

first we have a big meteorology Club

meeting we have a budget surplus of four

thousand dollars this year we're

deciding how to use it you nerds at four

grand that's right David 4G and I'm

guessing none of those G's or

girlfriends do chocolate can I have one

clean up because i love you i'm going to

warn you you're about to lose that hand

just back away please these are mommy's

expensive candy that daddy gets her once

a year they're very special they're only

for mommy you don't want anything this

fancy yes I do dad dropped some Eminem's

on the floor of his car I'm on it so

who's ready to go see oh I can't believe

I'm going to finally see her in person I

am wearing the makeup she says to wear

the colors she says to wear and the bra

she says to her

thanks to oprah I'm my own woman finally

going to experience the big ol only been

a while for you herlinda yeah like Judy

who gets the big oh that's it I've got

this whole oprah saying all these women

who can't get to a day without her it's

like some sad addiction why are you

drinking two beers at nine o'clock in

the morning I'm spending the day with my

mom and we don't have three wow it's

great to see you let's hit the road

there's a big sale on foundation

garments we need to get there before the

drag queen I'm almost numb I mean greddy

hey Louie there's my beautiful daughter

in law I love you and I love that purse

oh well i got it at outlet store why

don't you come shopping with us and i'll

show you where oh I wish I could but

Linda and I have other plans were going

to see Oprah a day Oprah Winfrey good

guess oh my i just love Oprah I would

just die if I got to see her show just


that sounds great Judy wanted to take

her we only have two tickets

unfortunately oh so it just ordered to

what we ordered him six years ago you

didn't even live here back then if we

had an extra ticket you'd get it you're

just saying that you wouldn't must spend

the whole day with your annoying old

mother-in-law I'll just silly Louise

that couldn't be further from the truth

if I could take you I definitely want in

it you're not gonna believe this office

worker I can't go to Oprah you're gonna

have to get my ticket to somebody else

you two have fun



Oh Judy this is so exciting thank you

for taking me so I guess you didn't want

to spring for the good seats Louise the

seats are first come first serve and

we're back here because we had to stop

four times on the way over so that you

could pee sorry I'm medication next time

I'll hold it in risk consumption that's

all I'm asking look freezing in here

who's overs yesterday a side of beef I

told you to bring your sweater well I

didn't know they were going to take my

coat away like I'm a t*rror1st sooner

would you be a dear please and run to

the car get me my sweater nothing but

we's me to self here I want to go all

the way back to the car fine but if

we're going to brave these tender light

conditions you better share each other's

bartley warmth also discipline of them

geez I'm see oh I'm sorry today I can't

let you in so that red light goes off

okay when does it go off right after the

show's over what no no did you have to

let me in there I've waited six years

for this ultra always me I write books

because of her hit books without picture

and I don't like to read keep people out

when the red light is on listen so

you're not the only one who goes home

and see handed I'd like to give you this

complimentary mug

that's very sweet of you what do you

mean so I'm not the only one who goes

home empty-handed okay if everyone is

the audience a new car


we crazy you can't possibly think this

car is yours well Judy Oprah gave it to

me Oprah did not give it to you she gave

one to everyone in the audience where I

would have been if it weren't for you

and your damn sweater this car is mine

Judy be rational what if Oprah came over

and didn't see the car in my driveway

what would I say to her Oprah is not

showing up at your door a week ago you

wouldn't of thought Oprah was gonna give

me a car watch didn't she does have a

point Judi which i think is wrong mom

Judy this is my car Oprah wanted me to

have it although Johnny did buy me a new

car we could go so right on the worm in

a park it wait this is your second car

in a month yes when you give to the

world it gives back okay hold on hold on

this is fixable okay what we have here

is one car and two people who want it

the obvious way to settle this a

bake-off ladies t Robins you have one


look Louise I know that deep down inside

you are a decent person and maybe I

overreacted but I'm asking you to look

inside your heart and listen carefully

to what it tells you to do it tells me

to keep the car okay before you go all

crazy take a breath and think about the

best way to handle this you are

absolutely right i am going to k*ll your

mother and then i'm going to drive that

car to her funeral

then you go to prison and while that's

hot I don't know where anything is

around here you need to fix this this is

ridiculous she doesn't even need it she

is two brand-new cars and I have one

crappy minivan that's on his last leg

have you calmed her down Billy what you

need to do maybe 20 she has got a lot of

anger issues maybe she should have

gotten tickets to dr. Phil mom she does

have a point those were her tickets she

was nice enough to share him with you hi

true and you have a better life than her

I mean you know you have Johnny and the

dogs and all she has is me and the kids

besides you know you really love Judi

you're right I do I suppose she does

have some claim to that car of course I

think I can find it in my heart to give

it to her of course on one condition of

course I want to hear from Judy that she

loves that's it that's it she just has

to tell you that she loves you and you

give her a car I just want to hear those

words I said it to you when you were in

the hospital and I got squat I recovered

that was my gift to you yeah thanks for

that I'll be right back this is good

this is very good the car is mine very

close you just have to tell her you love

her if she hears that from you she'll

give you the color it is really pathetic

forcing me to say I love her come on

Judy it's just words you can say i love

you without meaning it I do it all the


not with you with the kids just I love

you that's it well I guess I could

manage that I mean I I do feel love for

her you know sometimes maybe not now but

it's some point well it's like you said

you know I could take it center yes so

he has some things you'd like to save

you really something you want to hear

from the heart schutte it means so much

to me yeah Louise I say these words

you're finally admitting that you'd

never appreciated anything I've done for

you ok so anyway and I not just that you

are so ungrateful but you can also be

very cold but I've learned to accept

that that's just who you are we could

you just let the guy know excited that

you finally could admit a horrible the

person you've been to me all these years

how mean and selfish and dismiss it Oh

in that temper we're gonna shut off

thirdly lead it into a coffee yeah but

it's a living who I hate you because I

hate you I show exact opposite of I love

you ok right now you're crazy Oh Lady



she she has a hard time expressing

emotion no narrow down the choices on

how to spend the four thousand dollars

in the meteorology Club fund they are a

barometer for the clock tower or a

state-of-the-art weather balloon we

totally ruled out cool leather jackets

it's a meteorology Club I've created

several possible locals hey boys sorry

we're late late late for what I'm

meeting we decided to join the

meteorology Club hold on since when do

you guys care about meteorology I love

meteors and this study of Neurology

meteorology is not about meteors it's

about whether nice trying you guys seem

to be the experts baby could teach us

about it we were just in the middle of

deciding what to do with our money it's

between a barometer and a weather

balloon how about a ski trip ski trip

sounds good oh I'm hearing a lot of

support for this ski trip new you're up

to something and we are not wasting our

code money on a ski trip will also use

some of the money to buy bathing suits

for the resort hot tub sorry Brian all

right I'm sorry but if your present i'm

afraid i can't stand for this [ __ ]

who's the club funds i'm going to have

to invoke park to impeach president

brian miller all in favor aye

Kim dude that is against the rules I

must have changed the rules all in favor

ah dr. Whitely my favorite him going

quietly I like to hear a little more

about these bathing suits so there's no

way you can give this another shot it's

just I love you no such it's not about

that she wants me to take the blame for

all the bad feelings between us over the

past 19 years she wants to put my soul

in a little jar on our mantel no next to

mine deep down you really do love her I

know I'd love to see her torn apart by

bears actually that's not a bad idea say

the word and I'll reserve the campsite

no I know you'd love to see her torn

apart by bears but only say the words I

love and you out loud so she thinks you

really love her but in your heart you

know hers is being eaten by a grizzly

huh a nice hot enough well I'm not gonna

stoop to her level with some under

handed trick I don't need to stupid car

oh she can't win she cannot win you

oh hello my little billy willy Judy yeah

Louie so I'm told you have something to

say to me I hope it's not another rotten

hell you crazy old lady right and she'll

know and I want to apologize for that

but the reason I asked you over here

today is because I want to tell you

something that I should have said to you

the other day Louise I love you to see

me torn apart by the hair how'd you know

I spent the hot I am taking a look

trading class at the Learning Annex so I

know what the ladies is a nail salon or

whispering about me

just the kind of mean trick that proves

my point I'm afraid now that there is no

way I could ever give you my car release

the last thing I would want you to think

that I was playing some kind of mean

trick people I'm not going anywhere hey

there am I hope you don't have to peel

the lady if I do we're in this together

15-minute ride to Oprah you gotta pee

four times six hours in the car today

dry as a bone I'm doing my Kegel

exercises it helps keep me from coming

up you have anything for puke this is

crazy I insist the two of you stop being

so selfish and come inside and make me

dinner Ricky yourself there's some hard

candy Billy that might have worked when

I was little that Oh butterscotch have

had this since I was little it just

breaks my heart this all could have been

avoided if only you were willing to be

nice to a lady that doesn't have that

many years left okay you know what

Louise enough with the martyring it's

not an act it hurts me to know that

you'd rather we both rot in this car

then you tell me you love me you didn't

want me just to say i love you you

wanted me to beg and grovel that doesn't

seem like love to me okay maybe I was a

little bit Teddy but I say I love you

all the time and you respond with thanks

or hello or most recently I hey you you

can't blame me for wanting to hear you

say those words but if you have to force

it out of people it is meaningless is

that what you want Louise to hold people

hostage until they say what you want to

hear just to shut you up right just take

the car


please it's not that I don't love you

but there's other ways that i express

myself without actually saying the world

name one you're still alive aren't you

Judy the morning of the Oprah taping I

was so happy when he said that she would

invite me is the only you had an extra

ticket and then when a ticket became

available saw the look on your face

you're stuck with me really hard I need

to apologize for that Louise but

sometimes you really know how to push my

buttons you can be controlling and movie

and manipulative nice apology what's

next to punch in the face but underneath

it all you're my family you're the

mother of my husband and I love you that

is so nice it's so much now could do

something really nice for you something

I haven't done for anyone not even my

own kids these are my very special

chocolate that I never share with how

I'll happen to my chocolate oh I had to

feel that's the other day yo there's one

left with a bite out of it I don't like

maple cream I yeah I love me and you

can't take it back
