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04x15 - Still Eighteen

Posted: 11/14/22 08:20
by bunniefuu

good morning oh hey Brian I'm making all

your favorite things for your birthday

dinner this weekend lactose-free lasagna

and chocolate free brownies or as I call

him crap ease I'm actually mama I was

gonna go hang out with my friends don't

you want to spend your birthday with

your family Judy's turning 18 let him

have a wild night out with his buddies

howl at the moon so how are you gonna

spend your first night of manhood at

uncle Phineas is old-timey arcaded ice

cream parlor oh jeez and then after that

we're gonna go check out some close-up

action that's more like he's talking

about a magic show sleight of hand and

sleight of mouth and then we're gonna

cap off my birthday blowout with a late

night show at magnificent milton's

marionette theater wow I did that on my

fifth birthday and it was lame Zen come

on Tina you didn't have to say that

because we were all thinking it I forget

that you and me are going out together

for your birthday wait a minute and not

go see the marionette show yeah the

birthday boy gets us in on stage in the

old cobbler shoe son son son how i wish

i had a son


okay so Clay Aiken is going on stage in

one hour who's ready to soft rock yeah

I'm sorry Aunt Linda I can go to the

concert i have homework you trying to

blow me off you don't do homework I

actually one's gonna try to blow you off

but I really do have homework well uh

okay i can't go to a clay aiken concert

without a teenage girl look like a

weirdo is Brian around yeah but he's

filling out college stuff okay well what

are you working on maybe I can help you

get it done faster have to write this

poem for english i'm working on it all

day okay I love poetry tell me what you

got I like food it is good I don't mean

to be rude but you are screwed they

don't have a different like you damn

well know it's true in high school like

uh well it was quite the poetess mm-hmm

crippling depression is a wonderful muse

why don't we head back to my apartment i

can give you one of mine to turn and of

course you know it is plagiarism yeah I

can't cuz it's supposed to be a poem not

a play don't worry honey I got poems too

how are the applications going they're

taking forever first Miller to go to

college and don't take it lightly

remember who's paying for it means that

people who give out scholarships and


and who's pathetic salary helps you

qualify for those scholarships alone you

know what you're uh you're right dad

you're half a Surrey has really given me

a leg up and it's almost at least I

could do but it is any less let me know

T'Pol I thought you had a meeting

scheduled with the recruiter from

Stanford well you know I'm kind of

leaning towards the Palo now you know

it's close by but you said you like

Stanford psychics program physics well

change your major if you want to but

don't base your decision on which

college is closed sir well if I went to

depaul I could live at home but if you

lived at Stanford I could visit the OC

know your mother gave me a free pass on

Mischa Barton I thought you said LeVar

Burton either way knock yourself out

sounds to me like you're afraid to leave

home you turned in 18 Brian it's time to

start standing on your own two feet

which means choosing the best school

we're talking about your future here of

taking care of me and your mother and

don't we deserve a better life than the

one we gave you all I'm saying is keep

an open mind go to that Stanford

interview I'll think about it worried

about that one it's obvious he's scared

to leave home face it Judy these kids

have it too good here three meals a day

we've overfed him we've let Brian stay

little boy too long with the puppets and

the magic and the action figures when

you take them out tomorrow Tony needs to

be more independent and push this

stamford fit don't worry I got it

covered I'm gonna teach him everything

he needs to know about being a grown-up

man oh I spilled

well you probably to a strip club for my

18th birthday no no this is a

gentleman's club and today you are a

gentleman by the way check any seat

before you sit on it fine you're a grown

man now you're finally old enough to

experience what every grown man

fantasizes about in their every waking

hour and all you can eat hot wing buffet

son this place has to be a secret

between you and me all right I get it

cuz you know what mom dinner oh she

knows who do you think brought me here

when she didn't want to cook one time I

just don't want this place to get too

trendy it'll lose its mom and pop hey I

feel kind of weird about it's nothing

weird going on we're just the father and

son the wings while all around women

take the clothes off for money it was

great you know it's been my birthday all

day but I didn't really feel 18 until

right this minute oh this is what your

mom and I want for you to get out in the

world and spread your wings which is why

we think you should reconsider Stanford

yeah yeah maybe maybe you're right I

should spread my wings yeah spent a

couple of them over here oh you are

gonna love being an adult not having

anyone to answer to being your own man

but that's not great and in honor of

this special moment here's a little

something for me and your mother happy

18th birthday thanks Tandy to have to

get me a car insurance bill you have to

pay that from now on but it's a small

price to pay for being your own man five

hundred dollars thank you oh no no he he

owes five hundred dollars Wow

is there anything I can do for you you

bet we are out of blue cheese


no how'd it go with that poem i gave

your hope it was okay actually it's been

kind of a nightmare really why what

happened he's you're gonna like it no he

loved it in fact I have to read it at

some dumb poetry contest ah the iambic

pentameter just wish mr. Unger hadn't

made such a big deal about it what mr.

Unger I had him he gave me a c-minus on

that poem gave me an A and you're going

to the pentathlon well I never made it

to the pentathlon five minutes hey man I

know what this is about you are pretty

and popular in high school I was

sexually confused and going through a

very awkward stage more awkward than

this conversation you know what I had

half a mind to tell that mr. Unger that

he is a shallow and hypocritical mate I

just want to read this poem pass English

and not have to go to summer school so

nobody is gonna tell mr. Unger anything

okay okay okay good suppose I should

just be happy that my poem is being

recognized and I have such a popular and

pretty nice

way to peak early honey enjoy your 30 I

can't believe what just happened I went

to pick up ryan from his tutoring job

turns out he quit two weeks ago well

that explains everything when I was just

screaming at you to get me a beer you

weren't even in the house I'm sorry

about some of the language I used hey

where have you been I was tutoring don't

lie to me I'm not lying to you yes you

are you quit tutoring when were you

gonna tell us I I didn't realize I had

to you have to when I don't know where

you are every day so where have you been

spending your afternoons you know what

if you don't mind I'd really rather not

get into I do mind you have to tell me

right now hold on hold on a few weeks

ago I got a lecture about how I should

be more independent and make my own

choices remember it was when I got my

birthday present the the car insurance

bill for five hundred dollars yeah but

but say something didn't did you pay

that cuz when I gave it to you was

already passed me yeah dad I did pay it

and the late fee so I believe we're done

here we didn't wait a minute I know this

stamp it's from the strip club with the

wings since when do you go there dad

took me there for my 18th birthday but

that was weeks ago and you're mr. washed

my hands every day there's tons of them

is this where you've been spending your

afternoon well if I had been it's none

of your business Ryan I am so

disappointed in you you spent all

afternoon of that strip clubbing you

don't bring any wings home from me what

is the world out of Styrofoam containers

is it huh answer me young man


Brian I know you're upset but your

mother's just worried about you well

there's nothing to worry about listen

gentlemen's clubs may be great for the

occasional hot wing buffet or a bachelor

party but going every day might be a

little much you know you need to have a

little self-control self-control that

when we were at the club you ate chicken

skin off the floor ah suddenly mr.

everyday strip club guys judging me for

eating a tiny bit of floor skin no dad

you you guys want me to be an adult but

then you want to tell me what to do and

you can't have it both ways so I'm gonna

be going to the strip club whenever I

want and what am I supposed to tell your

mother huh huh no really tell me cuz

you're smarter than I am I'll give you

fifty bucks that'll get you a few dances

how did it go up there Judy I'm his

father how do you think it went oh my

god we've lost him forever this is

partially my fault I told him to be his

own person then I sent him out of his

first night of adulthood with a man with

the brain the size of a Lima Bean which

is the largest of the beans I can't just

sit here and watch my little bribry

throw his life away on some nudie bars

we need a way we can lure him back what

could Brian like more than boobies

Junior so where is master Brian the

shows about to begin right I have a

surprise for you I'm Judy

Oh mr. puppet this is my husband bill

hello hidey-ho bill mr. MacDougall's the

name ah-ha wider grip you've got there

big fella well III did play football in

high school ooh really all stayed

actually three three times bill you're

lying to a puppet can this be the

birthday boy Wow the Magnificent

Milton's what what are you guys doing

here happy birthday brian i figured

since you couldn't see the show on your

birthday I'd bring the show to you come

on this is really nice you but you

should have checked with me first I have

other plans what but this is your

birthday present I know and I appreciate

that but I am an adult now and I keep my

own schedule mr. MacDougall cream puffs

the bear good day you're going to legs

aren't you hmm that strip club it's a

gentlemen's club yeah but still during

the daytime creepy okay I'm leaving

goodbye well official I don't have a

little boy anymore

one step closer and you're going in the

fireplace he can do it he's a how can

you get up he's a puppet help you go

come back you're still here I told you

you could go I figured as long as we

paid for him they could entertain Tina

which they're not oh who are you Sammy

Davis jr. could you guys give us a

minute can the guy who's pulling my

strings of a beer sure I was expecting

Brian home by now he's supposed to meet

with that recruiter from Stanford at six

he didn't mention it bet he's not even

planning on going I don't like this he's

obsessed with that Club it's gonna ruin

his future I'm going down there and make

sure he goes to that interview you're

right Judy this is serious stuff I'll

just go settle up with the puppets

listen guys it was fun but

hey you got a city this they're playing

soccer with a lemon and from the

mountains I do here echo echo echo


that's it that was Ethan Johnson reading

his poem echo our next participant is

Lauren Miller reading her poem searching

for morning searching for morning by

Lauren Miller hi I stronger it's me when

the Michaels class of 82 National Merit

Scholar Doctore I'm sorry I've had a lot

of students since then Judy Michael's

sister all right how is Judy truthfully

not aging well anyway I'm just here to

see my niece Lauren Oh Lord yes she's

quite the poet mm-hmm yes yes she is um

just out of curiosity does her a poem

happened to remind you of a certain

steam- poem that I wrote not that I

recall well why don't you listen to it

see if it sounds familiar searching my

soul unable to find good I went into the

kitchen and I made myself some flood

that's all what are you doing here is

supposed to end through my stuff into

the Ripper died to a block of wood we

didn't want to go out on dinner it's

su1c1de it is I was about what just

completely mangled my walk it's your

what I'm emotionally divorcing myself

from the piece I'm done and the winner

is Lauren Miller

oh my gosh way I did not prepare a

speech I have so many people to think


I don't see him around oh my god what

Brian didn't tell me they have a build

your own burrito night it's the lies on

top of lies excuse me hi we're looking

for a Brian Miller he's 18 brown hair oh

he's in the fantasy room and I wish

you'd get him out of here I don't like

what he's doing with those girls that

Bell he doesn't like what he's doing

with the girls and he's a sleaze bag hey

sleazebag with feelings sorry Judy brace

yourself this is one of those things no

mother should ever have to see I've

never been more turned on in my life now

who can point out the purpose of snow

phrase in that sentence remember what

the hell is going on here

really what the hell is going on in here

mom what is all this well I'm tutoring

the dancers I need the money to pay for

my car insurance and when I was here

with dad I found out that the girls

needed some help getting ready for their

GEDs so sadly it is what it looks like

hey Ryan ain't you gonna introduce us to

your parents excuse me Brandi oh sorry

aren't you going to introduce us to your

parents very good and no mrs. Miller I

just wanted to say that thanks to your

wonderful son I'm on my way to becoming

a real nurse oh that's very nice of you

to say nurse chugs okay girls like I

think we're done for today oh wait Ryan

you forgot to give us a homework oh

right uh read chapter five thanks a lot

to cinnamon I believe you took him down

here oh we didn't want you to miss your

interview with Stanford yeah that was

changed next week if you're gonna but in

my life you should at least get the

facts straight so this is why you quit

your tutoring job at school well the

ladies pay me more than the English

department plus t*nk they give it to me

under the table they pay in cash oh why

didn't you just tell us well I tried but

then he started yelling at me like I was

still a kid you're right we should have

trusted you but you've got to understand

we want you to grow up but then when you

do we worry whether you're gonna make

good choices did you go get a burrito

happy hour ends at six okay I hope this

proves that I can make my own decisions

Ryan I never thought I would say this in

a strip club but I'm very proud of what

I saw you doing here today

oh god I forgot to proofread Brandis

letter to her probation officer I'm

helping her regain custody of her kid

did a good job with that one yeah we did

well here we are in the fantasy room

shame to let it go to waste what what do

you mean you got 20 bucks sure oh well

you got burrito on my shirt arms up oh

yeah no way those are real chance if the

way just comes back get me another beer

I'm gonna go hit the cash machine okay

sister shakin


wait a minute that's my sister



good morning oh hey Brian I'm making all

your favorite things for your birthday

dinner this weekend lactose-free lasagna

and chocolate free brownies or as I call

him crap ease I'm actually mom I was

gonna go hang out with my friends don't

you want to spend your birthday with

your family Judy's turning 18 let him

have a wild night out with his buddies

howl at the moon so how are you gonna

spend your first night of manhood at

uncle Phineas is old-timey arcaded ice

cream parlor oh geez and then after that

we're gonna go check out some close-up

action that's more like he's talking

about a magic show sleight of hand and

slide of man and then we're gonna cap

off my birthday blowout with a late

night show at magnificent Milton's

marionette theater Wow I did that on my

fifth birthday and it was lame Zen come

on Tina you didn't have to say that

because we were all thinking it I and

forget that you and me going out

together for your birthday wait a minute

and not go see the marionette show yeah

the birthday boy gets us in on stage in

the old cobbler shoe son son son how i

wish i had a son



okay so Clay Aiken is going on stage in

one hour whose raid soft rock yeah I'm

sorry Aunt Linda I can go to the concert

I've homework you're trying to blow me

off you don't do homework I actually was

gonna try to blow you off but I really

do have homework oh ok i can't go to a

clay aiken concert without a teenage

girl look like a weirdo is Brian around

yeah but he's filling out college stuff

okay well what are you working on maybe

I can help you get it done faster have

to write this poem for english i'm

working on it all day okay I love poetry

tell me what you got I like food it is

good I don't mean to be rude but you are

screwed they don't have a gift for it

like you day well no it's true in high

school I huh well it was quite the

poetess crippling depression is a

wonderful muse why don't we head back to

my apartment i can give you one of mine

to turn and of course you know it is

plagiarism yeah I can't cuz it's

supposed to be a poem not a play don't

worry honey I got poems too how are the

applications going they're taking

forever first Miller to go to college

and don't take it lightly remember who's

paying for it mean that people who give

out scholarships and loans

and who's pathetic salary helps you

qualify for those scholarships alone you

know what you're you're right dad you're

half a 3 has really given me a leg up

and it's almost the least I could do but

it any less let me know good Paul I

thought you had a meeting scheduled with

the recruiter from Stanford well you

know I'm kind of leaning towards the

Palo now you know it's close by but you

said you like Stanford psychics program

physics well change your major if you

want to but don't base your decision on

which college is closed sir well if I

went to depaul I could live at home but

if you lived at Stanford I could visit

the OC know your mother gave me a free

pass on mischa barton thought you said

levar burton either way knock yourself


sounds to me like you're afraid to leave

home you're turning 18 Brian it's time

to start standing on your own two feet

which means choosing the best school

we're talking about your future here of

taking care of me and your mother and

don't we deserve a better life than the

one we gave you all I'm saying is keep

an open mind go to that Stanford

interview I'll think about it I'm

worried about that one it's obvious he's

scared to leave home face it Judy these

kids have it too good here three meals a

day we've over fed him we've let Brian

stay little boy too long with the

puppets and the magic and the action

figures when you take them out tomorrow

Tony needs to be more independent and

push this stamford fit don't worry I got

it covered I'm gonna teach him

everything he needs to know about being

a grown-up man oh I spilled probably to

a strip club for my 18th birthday no no

this is a gentleman's club and today you

are a gentleman by the way check any

seat before you sit on it fine you're a

grown man now you're finally old enough

to experience what every grown man

fantasizes about in their every waking

hour and all you can eat hot wing buffet

Sam this place has to be a secret

between you and me all right I get it

cuz you know I mom dinner oh she knows

who do you think brought me here when

she didn't want to cook one night I just

don't want this place to get too trendy

it'll lose its mom and pop

hey I feel kind of weird about it's

nothing weird going on we're just the

father and son the wings while all

around women take the clothes off for

money it was great you know it's been my

birthday all day but I didn't really

feel 18 until right this minute oh this

is what your mom and I want for you to

get out in the world and spread your

wings which is why we think you should

reconsider Stanford yeah you know maybe

maybe you're right I should spread my

wings yeah spent a couple of them over

here oh you are gonna love being an

adult not having anyone to answer to

being your own man that that's not great