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04x08 - Still the Fun One

Posted: 11/14/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
Jo honey here's your beer aw thanks

Marion I was thinking since you're all

bears fans maybe I'll root for the other

team just to be fair what's their name

The Buccaneer mirror you know

what a Buccaneer in too much to pay for

corn we didn't true anymore actually a

dollar is pretty reasonable great

finally doing something as couples yeah

fun it has the best Oh Judy your

guacamole sure is interesting I have a

recipe for one that has flavor let me

give it to you that'd be great okay

you're 16 ripe avocado you know what

would be even better if you went me out

the room and you wrote it down for me

I've got a pad right here in my purse


unbelievable damn it so my core and see

the tomatoes before he does oh sh**t I

just remembered I have to pick up the

kids I'm sorry guy well I don't want to

be the only end in the rooster house

I'll see you at home Daniel yeah dalda


I Marion thanks for coming clear out of

kids Nathan frosty you know I I know

Marion can be kind of annoying some time

but she does have her good points you

know like she can get tiger in bed no

wait what's that animal at pleased a

opossum yeah she's a pass you can read

me like an open book



in love with you to say coming


you guys done well Brian and I got

matching cell phones at the mall and I

just programmed all my friends into my

phone book wow that thing can hold three

whole numbers hey let's use the boy

style works call loser hey what do you

know it works punch dork oh I work to

know the clarks will be here any minute

don't you two get ready for dinner ready

why do we have to go out with these

people just because our stupid kids

friends with their stupid kid come on

bill you've lots of fun friends and I

always get stuck with their lame old

wife's would it be great to have one

couple where we could stand to hang out

with both of us that never happened it's

always a dud like Fitz and Mary and

every couple has a Marion sorry I get it

that's why I married her she makes me

look jazzy

hey somewhere we can finally get

together this is my husband Bill in this

is our friend 60 I'm Bob's my wife Nancy

there's are a little boy Tommy Timmy 1

i'm pretty sure it's Tommy if I say it's

Tommy where you stop doing this joke

whatever you say Paulo hey telly one of

those in a shock my Halloween candy sure

don't get excited kid there's not a lot

left in there don't worry i left a decoy

bag out traps we're good is there

anything that Timmy's allergic to beats

me but if anything happens we got

another kid at home you guys hate your

kids we feed our kids Joe kind of like

my kids don't worry he's not having

dinner with no where are we anyway r it

sees pig out home of the super slab oh

I've heard about the super slab they use

the longest pigs in the world Oh unless

you guys don't like ribs the only ribs I

don't like a my own because they don't

expand to allow room for more ready

montine and her friend are in my room

and I'm on the phone do something we are

gonna do something about that right now


okay I gotta say I had a great time

tonight yeah I wouldn't mind saying Bob

and Nancy again oh I'm seeing Nancy on

Saturday what I mean Bob all Bob's

working you want a cop's we're seeing a

movie about a woman rediscovering love

it made life with courage and dignity is

Rob Schneider in that no then I'll pass

we should all do something together soon

you know we finally found a couple where

one of them is in the Mary come on guys

Marian isn't that bad and why are you

here you mind your own damn business hey

honey how is a movie gripping Doris

Roberts had a very erotic love don't

ruin it for me we're gonna see that

movie I met my appetite

Bob seemed to like it wait bob was there

yeah he blew off his meeting at the last

minute I was gonna call you but they

said not to bother what's weird it's

almost like they planned it so they

could hang out with me and not you

really that is weird why would anybody

ever want to do that oh it's not

completely crazy oh no it's crazy I mean

you without me what's that it's like

just you me why is it so hard to believe

that the clarks might prefer my company

over yours come on everyone knows I'm

the fun one what the fun one I am of

course you are you're delightful in your

way but now you're kind of my warm-up

act my appetizer I'm the rib eye you're

the popcorn shrimp people love popcorn

but once you have like four bowls you

kind of want to stay well guess what the

clarks invited me for dinner Friday

night but only after I specifically told

them you were busy huh I guess that

makes me the fun one and you the dud AKA

Sumerian that is absolutely ridiculous

AKA there's no idea what a k-means do

you AKA i don't care there's no way I'm

going there's gotta be another call way

I get it so obvious what Alec locks are

looking for little group activity now

where the kisses at hers and hers and

his Three's Company teen I see so the

only thing that Clark's could possibly

find interesting about me is my body so

what keeps me coming back

I'm starting to wonder what keeps me

coming back isn't it possible that the

Clarks are drawn to my personality or my

charm or my wit yeah well I was going to

cancel but now I am definitely going for

dinner Friday night because unlike you i

am not marrying be sure to wear clean

underwear for the orgy i always wear

clean underwear bill another way I'm

unlike you well I'm going with the

Clarks for dinner have fun bowling have

fun boring okay you're all set delicious

activated all the extra features on your

phone oh that is so great thank you

Douglas is kind of be a stud of the

tektronix club so the girls mclubbe

figure hana oh there are no girls but we

did build a female a robot named Vicky

how do you know it's female you know

what don't need to bet see ya hey check

this bad you want to see something cool

I shot a video on my phone it stars me

it's called warlock of the basement the

year is 942 ad in a time of darkness

there arose a teenage sorcerer

that's not you like god that's my Aunt

Linda in a cheerleading outfit and pom

poms and a cowboy hat pick a theme for

God's sake look why is she spanking

herself maybe she's been naughty I wrote

the cheerleading out okay huh that's

some disgusting video that she made for

her husband get what we must have

switched phones we have to get this

phone back to her and never let her know

that we saw no wait hang on I saw

something that looks ah yes the cowboy

hat we discussed it no no see that mole

above her but it was suspicious know if

asymmetrical and it has an irregular

border she should definitely have a

doctor look at that how are we going to

tell her to get it checked without

lettering and know that we saw this my

dad's a dermatologist we could email it

to him and he can check it out fine

whatever you know hopefully it's nothing

she'll never have to know we'll never

have to see or do anything like this

ever again okay forgot my keys lost

looks must have leaned up against my

color I'm all dirty Oh

o Christmas morning I realized I hadn't

bought enough presents for Tina so what

she unwrapped to get take it into the

kitchen I wrap it back up and I shot

underneath it Oh kids are so stupid it's

a good thing they're cute not ours but

the ones on TV I know we've been doing a

lot of kidding but I would like to

propose a toast the one thing worse

coming home to attend Tuesday TV hey it

was everybody laughing about did you d

tell you something funny i said bill

what are you doing here yeah we thought

you were visited nice not to be bowling

I got there was canceled actually it's a

funny story you're gonna love this the

seat taken yes thanks lady can excuse

huh unbelievable Horning in like this

you can't stand the fact that they like

me better than you okay maybe I was off

the other night made you look good but

I've worked up some funny stories and

they're gonna love me tonight you know

what they're really gonna lost my story

about how we got drunk at brians eighth

grade graduation Thomas you can't tell

that that's my story i'm the one who

threw up on the valedictorian yeah but

I'm the one they called kappa Oh fine

you tell the store so this one time we

were Brian's graduation we were

tailgating in the parking lot because I

was there too and the really funny thing

I was on my ten-speed I had a profit

over I throw up I threw up


hey Bob and Nancy it's Judy calling

again haven't talked to guys since we

had dinner last week if you're worried

about calling the house because of you

know who you cannot call me on my work

number okay bye I gonna call anyone

they'll call me at one eight hundred su

n n n n and gems like that it's wonder

they're not calling back no they're not

calling cuz you went on and on with your

boring story about your fender bender

what's Michael Jordan he flew me home in

his helicopter he invited me to

Nantucket what's crazy I'm going over

there to find out why they are not

calling us that wouldn't it be better if

I went since you're the reason but if I

go they'll open the door to say beaded

boring where'd you find husbands this is

crazy look at us or fight and like

idiots and for what we don't need Bob

and Nancy who cares which one of us they

like that wrong you're right we're the

coolest people we know oh honey I get

you another beer sure so we're taking

the one cone

I blow up the image as big as I could

but my dad's to leave the better picture

maybe he could use the one that stuck

inside my head because I'd love to give

that one away okay what are you supposed

to do just say hey Aunt Linda can you

show us your butt so we can get a better

picture Oh check let's do this oh whoops

sorry I Monday okay I got it

oh my god did you see that kitten go up

the chimney just now but one of Tina's

friends got a little kid over and it got

Lucy different up the chimney you can I



oh well better her than me thank you

wait wait going on here okay i know that

this looks bad we were simply trying to

get a picture of your butt for my father

hey remember when we got our phones

mixed up we might have accidentally saw

the video you made for Perry oh my god

rum did you see me we saw everything

including the cowboy hat which is a

whole other conversation but Douglas

don't say a suspicious mole and his

dad's a dermatologist but we needed a

better photo so wait wait wait with mole

he talked about this this is a tattoo

tattoo well started one it was going to

be the Chinese symbol for courage but

the minute he stuff that needles in

nitric oh well that's a relief i guess

but we are really sorry about this whole

thing okay okay brighter I know you met

one honey Narayan I didn't realize the

dermatologist could make a diagnosis

from a camera phone video oh sure um

where he works they have all the latest

equipment and technology Oh what

hospitals that uh it's st. same

I lie two drives a bus i find you highly


wait crazy why we just calmly ring the

bell and act like rational you dropped

your hat Blues on him Oh fine how about

Oh highs in the neighborhoods and I drop

by let me do hey Bill Judy would what

are you doing here well you guys haven't

called us back in like weeks so we're

wondering if it was something bill said

or something bill did to make you want

to avoid this we haven't been avoiding

bill ha we haven't been avoiding anybody

huh we just haven't really been in the

mood to socialize you see it's just well

it's been a horrible week for us day

after we had dinner with you guys Nancy

lost her job yeah and on Friday Bob's

doctor found a spot on his chest x-ray

will get the results till Monday good so

it wasn't me you are so terrible was


I feel awful why did we miss the Dairy

Queen i can double back the wonder we

don't have any couple friends they've

been going through something horrible

and all we can do is think about

ourselves you're right we should go back

there and ask them if there's anything

we can do to help them through this

difficult time and I know just the thing

little chairman reason for getting ice

cream so we could bring some for them oh

yeah oh so inconsiderate just throw it

in the bushes no hang on hang on I can

finish me Oh brain freeze hang on our

work through it oh my god Judy you're

not gonna believe this


hey guys it's Marion what a surprise to

find you here oh hi film better Bob

actually I am every day's a gift crap

you're not the least bit sick and I bet

Nancy here didn't even lose her job did

you know but I got a promotion that

wasn't as good as the one I wanted do

you ditched us for Fitz and Marion there

a better fit for us they loved my

buccaneer jokes it is a lot two favorite

corner yeah just so rare when you find a

couple where you like both people both

people which one of us don't you like

bill stop both of you huh which makes

you both the Marion what it's all right

it's a good thing it's just that when we

all went out together you made us feel

really uncomfortable huge ooh you're

very competitive you know what you're

right but which one of us is the least

competitive me isn't it please go