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04x05 - Still Irresponsible

Posted: 11/14/22 08:02
by bunniefuu
I was amazing best paintball w*r ever

yeah yeah it was fun but it brought back

some painful flashbacks from 91 you

really go for no no Judy made me paint

the house a little part of me died that

day shores huh what are they good for

absolutely nothing Kyle you're a good

friend before you move next door I

really didn't know what friendship could

be in fact I'd say you're the best

friend I ever had go oh that this what

are you doing here invited me over to

watch the game remember I made a

frittata father it's ice cold yeah Judy

around no but she was looking for you I

guess you forgot to pick up the dry

cleaner oh yeah that was my one

assignment for today she's gonna be

pissed Judy should lighten up you work

hard you deserve to blow off some steam

on the weekend yeah you're right so what

if I didn't pick up the dry cleaning

it's not gonna k*ll her


oh good you got it



thanks for takin the game for me Fitz

you sure you don't mind watching it

again no it's a great game I don't mind

watching it twice I'm just glad we're

hanging out again Oh interception go go

go get too excited and fumbles are you

gonna keep telling me what's going to

happen because it's gonna ruin the game

to me kind of like like frittata was

ruined it lose 14 pen if the mail come

yet no one stopped asking i told you i

call you the minute it comes in dad

you're sitting on it hands here i'm

supposed to hear back on one of my

college applications nothing just drunk

mailing bills did the bill say final

notice no and it's all junk mail alright

i'm leaving for the office don't forget

mill i need to take the car and get the

muffler fixed so after you do the yard

work and help Tina builder princess

castle you got to pick me up at three

yard work castle three I got it written

right here baby okay bill that's not a

very good system what if you wash her

now you're good sup goose top cut it you

call that a hand slap come on Wild Bill

up higher vintage anyway i just bought

the craziest thing ever yes come over

and check it out a cow Dylan I decided

to kind of just kick it here we haven't

kind of announced today I'll get us a

couple beers why don't have your day

over my place I got the 70 inch wide

string 70 inches hey can I come check it

out it's glacier week on the science

channel sure come on over that sounds

good to me thanks for inviting my son

along glacier week do not embarrass me

do not

hey buddy I got a super unbelievable

where's my dad it's supposed to put

together my princess castle today tell

you what kiddo I hope you build it you

know what it's like to get the brush-off

hey you coming or what I'm invited

really all right Castle oh not apart sir

a lot of parts

come on in guys wait till you see this

it's the size of that trade please tell

me that came from Hickory Farms oh

that's amazing looks like it should be

in a museum and it would be but i outbid

them suck wind royal london museum a boo

hoo hoo this 15th century wore armor the

same kind worn by the Duke of Burgundy

during the w*r of the roses and the same

kind worn by jethro in that episode of

Beverly Hillbillies Oh what are you do

with the Kyle like stick in the corner

somewhere no no no you need to encased

it in a climate-controlled Plexiglas box

with diffused halogen lighting yes Brian

that would be the responsible thing to

do that all you got polski my ass aren't

made of candy turn you'll enjoy kissing

it all the more guys be careful that

surprises example oh dear God please no

why I want to absolute Ravis tea I know

supposed to give us to turn herself


feel the wrath of my battle-ax I am your

Lord and Master I fear no one Judy I can

do the yard work I didn't do anything

where's my left where's my list

oh say he Judy sorry I forgot to pick

the opposite is it three already I

wouldn't know someone stole my watch on

the bus and evidently slipped me some

acid all right I out here doing some

yard work I have to cover up because I

burn easily let me guess you're the one

without the heart and you must be the

one without the brain hey that makes you

the wickedly hot looking pox

unbelievable I've worked my tail off on

a Saturday while you're playing with

your stupid friend did you even help

change put her castle together no he did


so I did all the grown-up things around

here all day long and you did absolutely

nothing take a lewd Jude give me take a

loot what are you getting so upset about

works just as well oh you don't talk to

me about fun I no fun I've always been

fun and there's a member of the Marshall

Tucker Band who can attest to that

lately I haven't been able to have any

fun because someone around here has to

be the grown-up before you came along I

had a husband who is at least as good as

a trained monkey I could give him a few

simple tasks and reward him with treats

oh by the way we're out of mini corn

dogs never never mind while you're

yelling at me because you are a bad

influence Kyle you're the most

irresponsible man child I've ever met

and that is saying a lot because I

married this I want to take this I'm out

of here you want a duel later bill come

on over and don't forget your battle at

OS open your mouth open your mouth


next 25 Everybody Loves Raymond okay all

done here's your magic princess castle

it doesn't look like the one in the box

well you don't look like the kid on the

box but you don't hear me oh hey Judy

I'm all finished with the castle I'm

gonna go over me no Kyle think it's

time you to take a little breather one

why because he's an irresponsible idiot

and I don't need a matching set Linda

and I are going to work out this

afternoon so you get to be an adult and

take Tina to her dance clean Tina quit

her dance class you like it well you

should it's lame it's not lame it's

boring and you're taking us should go

you done call and built stupid yet I've

never done but I'm gonna take a break

Kelly out can you lend me a jacket sure

any word from Tristan University yet

still looking Oh Brian come on relax

your shoe and one do you think back and

wonder why you were so worried yeah

maybe you're right it is only three

weeks late still nothing what is the

deal my friend at King got his letter a

week ago big fat reject oh I know he is

honey what is cool your friend no mom

the letter was to reject and I'll tell

the team you think so highly of

poor kid what is that stupid University

going to get back to him already well

Judy since its applications right here

in your jacket I'm gonna go ahead and

say never no I mr. putting in their two

male and then I got to suit you and you

know what go to the neighbors and see if

any of them got our mail accidentally

what nothing are you upset a little well

don't worry I'm not gonna say anything

to hit keen uh oh I should god I can't

believe what i did i'm a bigger screw-up

and kyle and bill put together Judy

don't be so hard on yourself my god

that's not even of postage on this we

got to get this down there and see if

they'll still accept this application

you want to do that Linda I am very good

with people i work with people at my job

all day long I know exactly how to

handle that so you see it was my mistake

and it would be a shame for my son to

have to pay the price for that I don't

want to cause any trouble you seem like

a really good person I was just thinking

that maybe there was some way you can

help us out well there might be

something I can do for you thank you so

much I so appreciate that I can tell

just by looking at you that you are a

lovely understanding woman I'm a man

what not a woman a man and what a man I

mean if I may say so on I'm second

thought I am Not sure there is anything

i can do people I'm terribly sorry and

after you've been so kind it's just that

we're talking about my boys future here

you know it's been his dream to go to

this school look I see you have kids to

imagine if your son here with the knife

something this important that's my

daughter hey what a looker come up

through here no no we can't be there

must be someone else we could talk to

your only chance is to take it up with

the Dean of Admissions down in polsky

hall where would we wait polski hall

that's like the beer family because she

lives right next door to Kyle polski did

he graduate from this place all pulse

keys graduate his parents just had to

pay for a few more buildings okay do you

think if we ask Kyle polski to put in a

good word it might help us out mark I

can't go crawling back to Kylie he hates

me what a shock

cutie i really only give a choice well

thank you so much and i'm terribly sorry

for insulting you and your daughter by

the way you have a beautiful wife that's

my twin brother hmm another one at home

like you


hmm so good to see you relaxing you are

such a good man and a wonderful provider

for this family oh my god you've done

something horrible I'm not a wonderful

provider and you know it i provide

nothing we I screwed up I forgot to send

Brian's application into triptan and I

may have blown his entire future no no

no you haven't blown his future you've

blown our Lord we can't live on tips

great don't you know we're not gonna

make good poor people Judy we don't have

indomitable spirits fix this turns out

the Polsky family gives a lot of money

to Tristan they may still accept his

application if we get kyles called the

Dean on Brian's behalf so you want me to

ask kyle for a favor or we could put all

our chips on Tina we're going to end up

eating garbage in this I'll talk to her

okay but we gotta fix it fast before

Brian finds out how much of that did you

hear everything oh my god is a huge I

don't want you to say one word of this

to your brother you understand me oh no

I have waited my entire life for this

moment I call the sh*ts here for once I

went close I want my own room I want

your bro

and I want to filled with stuff valuable

valuable stuff I'll give you twenty

bucks suckered I want to settle for kid

I'm telling you Judy I should talk to

Kyle alone I am here to keep you on task

you go in there he turns on cartoons

I've lost you for the entire afternoon

oh that's right I'm a huge screw-up wait

wait why are we here again which one of

us destroying our son's future oh that's

right it begins with the letter of you

hello there what are you doing here just

so you know hanging relaxin one cuz im

gone one day and you swoop in and

Barnacle yourself on the Kyle's ass bill

we're not really here too hey don't

blame me because Judy put you on a

timeout there's a new boost flying wing

man and it's me except I'm not gonna die

for some maverick to team up with Viper

in the final contest against Iceman I

love Top g*n can't really hold on yeah

Oh Judy wait you you both got armor yeah

I bought that for Fitz we've been

jousted on our mini bike woman I'm gone

one day now everyone has armor but me

and many bikes yes we're here for a

reason yeah yeah yeah we we need a favor

apparently driftin university never got

brian's application so you know we were

hoping you could pull a few strings it

would mean a lot especially the duties

and she's the one of them up let's not

dwell on the details

oh this is too good a little bit perfect

screwed up now needs the most

irresponsible man in the world to bail

her out that about sum it up yeah is

that about sum it up in high school I

let you cop a pity feel I don't even

know if you should be over here talking

to me Judy I have to ahlam such a bad

influence okay you got me I have no

right to call anyone irresponsible and

I'm sorry for what I said honestly but

could you please be a good guy and call

that Dame for us I don't know Judy words

hurt sorry isn't just a panacea over the

word I learned at rift in university I

don't know if you're worthy of my

forgiveness well what can I do to prove

to you that I am worthy you're gonna

make that call Mike Tyson there in the

knees she's got a trick knee sorry she's

a blue armor eating garbage duty eating

garbage you're going down lady looks

like somebody son go to Community

College that's the one thing straight

don't even gonna SWAT high

temperatures me and my husband

Wow seriously wow do you second pretty

hard welcome for a girl oh my girl days

are long behind me and there's a Rodian

cheap trick who can attest to that now

you are going to call that Dean all

right all right I'm gonna call them

anyway I just busting your stones I

don't have any stunts but little warning

the lady in the admissions office done

do you ever know anybody in the stones

spell your wife is awesome you're a

lucky man to have a woman who can lay a

beat down like that and broke fits his

arm in high school one came back second

Finch I gotta admit it's nice to know

you're a monster screw up like the rest

of us all much worse what kind of mother

would forget to mail in her child's

college application you what it's okay

mommy laid a beat down on the neighbor

and now everything's gonna be just fine

which college oh thank god wait I

thought you wanted to go there well not

since I found out about the University

of Chicago statistics department it's

the best in the country plus when I

found out that Kyle here which tripped

and I kind of you know cooled on the

place no okay I thought about it and

twenty bucks is not gonna cut it so

unless you want you know who to find out

about you know what he already knows yes

00 myself short little cuz you're my

daughter sweetie

Wow to see how dignified it looks when

you put it on properly skilled

metalsmiths oil to make it not only

impenetrable but to provide a complete

range of motion it's not a toy dad it is

a piece of history and it deserves to be

treated with respect it was intended for

w*r for your entertainment hello that

was pretty entertaining hi dad dad dad
