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04x03 - Still Selling Out

Posted: 11/14/22 07:58
by bunniefuu

hey what's with the robe it's two in the

afternoon Judy you forget starting today

I'm on vacation up here I'm on a

beautiful tropical island and you're the

native innkeeper has your underwear

going on vacation to the airline lost my

bag oh it's pretty much right there

don't get too comfortable I need you to

pick up the dry cleaning I can barely

understand your broken english but yes a

massage after lunch should be just awful

Lauren got a mini me look at this we

went shopping for new school clothes and

she bought the exact same stuff I did

that's because I like us to near my hero

no you're just doing it to bug me and

it's working the colorful chatter of the

local origins come back later and I'll

let one of you beat my hair


with you today



what are you doing called Rican keyboard

yeah well let's see i got the windows to

wash the hedges to trim for lowes

laundry so when do you think he'll be

making lunch I should go introduce

yourself to the guy who's moving in next

door new people will meet him eventually

when he finds out where you been dumping

your motor oil that's not hope you're

right leaves are boring we got me

firecrackers that's it wow oh you there

anybody there what hi can you come over

we live say hello Shirley right over

what kind of losers home in the middle

of the day hello hi we want to welcome

you to the neighborhood i'm judy miller

and this is Bill Miller oh hi I'm Kyle

polski oh look bill Kyle's wearing a

cubs hat I bet he likes baseball you

like baseball too I like baseball

so uh polski that like post kabir yeah

that's my family's business my

grandfather was Adolphus polski wow

really you're a polski beer polski do

you do you run the company no I let my

brother's do that but I have a very

important duty hey what's that staying

home and not causing another

shareholders revolt so you don't work at

all nope and I get all my beer for free

cool I love beer and I hate to work to

school you want to come over I'm

building a wiffle ball court wiffle ball

I love beer can I go Jimmy please not be

home before the street lights come on

Judy I'm not a kid hey ya later


freaking break good morning go change

I'm tired of you copying me I'm not

calling you look I'm wearing a scarf

though yeah well that's stupid actually

that's kind of in right now I saw on in

this one's vogue vogue what sometimes

they were see-through stuff in those

studios can be very cold if you guys

don't know anything about fashion Oh

Tina cute outfit love the scarf Bell it

is what the really hot models are

wearing on the runways in the lawn well

that reminds me Brian I want my vote

back or do I yeah I can do that look I

have that same scarf you had hi boy hey

what's the hurry Oh me and tile were

playing and the wiffle ball got stuck up

in a tree I gotta use this football to

get it back down I'm really happy for

you that you made a new friend but can

you talk to me for like two minutes okay

Oh what else do you do with Kyle's house

decide to play wiffle ball Oh his house

is awesome does this great bar on the

patio with a couple of big screen TVs as

a pool table in the living room sounds

cool you wouldn't like it but any hay

loft the new fashion monthlies in chain

Tyson and peasant blouses are back oh oh

that's him chirping me right now

football ever walkie-talkies Kyle's idea

you know for emergencies got the

football right here over great did you

ask you like about Vegas what about

Vegas ah

I'll asked me if I wanted to go to Vegas

with him he's getting a suite at the

bellagio but I told him you probably

wouldn't let me see yours don't make me

sound like the enemy of fun oh so i can

go it's only for two weeks you can't go

but don't make me the heavy it's because

you have to work on Monday I hate work

why did I marry for looks instead of

money why did I marry for neither all

the school boards off no it's amazing

isn't it the original score board from

polski feel was just sitting in a

warehouse at the brewery I think just

move the whole brewery back there too oh

god judy has a great idea over look I'm

not trying to be unreasonable here okay

the guy can have a scoreboard but

doesn't have to be big enough to bungy

off of you can't bungee you know maybe

it is a little so can you please ask him

to take it down I would do it myself but

you already made him think I'm the Sun

crusher you're not the fun crusher I'll

tell him although the news men go down

easier if we're sipping drinks poolside

at the Bellagio all I could just tell

him now

big really big over wow it's easy

gigantic severe over yeah we should

really talk about that over something

wrong bill over 50 / / I'll Judy and I

were talking and well me and Bill were

hoping you could get maybe a smaller

scoreboard well that's weird cuz me and

Bill were really excited about it right


yeah but now that we're out here looking

at it it's pretty overwhelming right

bill what's great about it yeah that is

what's great about it come on it's

baseball it's apple pies America you

love America don't you Judy of course

she loves America and I love all eyes

well we're good I'm good it was more

Judy's dang hey I got so my mateys let's

blow up some wiffle ball hi Judy okay

fine thanks for handling that Bell

marriage is a partnership


are you still mad at me yes would you be

a little less mad at me if you knew I

washed all the dishes and put them away

no senem glad I didn't do that totally

sold me out to Kyle today bill it was

humiliating I was just being friendly

you're the one who wanted me to make

friends with Kyle I want you to make

friends with them not fall in love with

them we're not in the love why did he

did he say something I see you got man

crush Kyle and I may be good friends but

I'd hardly say I have a man crush well

Oh Kyle printed these up and the high

ironed amount of t-shirts you ironed for


around anything for me would it make you

less angry at tomorrow I did all the

ironing oh crap what you're right i'm

sorry i just got a little carried away

but you're still more important to me

than anybody in this whole world I

appreciate that bill if something like

this comes up again I need to know that

you're gonna be on my side I will I will

I'm a little ashamed of myself and now

if you're up for it I'd like to be a lot

of shame to myself maybe more finally I

thought morning would never come the

blinding light coming from the

neighbor's yard oh my god is that stupid

scoreboard my god bill he's not going to

start having night games that's crazy i

always thought ever sleep you're right i

love the guy but this has gone too far i

gotta work in the morning i'm gonna go

over there and tell him to turn that

damn thing off you're my man is that or

they're flying saucer oh I knew it I

knew this they were coming you all

laughed at me just give him a minute he

has a pack of inhaler

it's not a flying saucer it's just the

lights from mr. pulse keys yard how are

we supposed to sleep the lights would be

turned off in a minute honey your

father's over there right now he was

gonna kind of looking for some fashion

advice we bought my place oh god no

where's Tina I think she already left

for school you're actually taking

fashion advice from Tina yeah I mean

believe it or not that little torch is

an amazing sense of style yeah I started

copying her and then all my friends

started copying me it's what makes me

unique listen to yourself you've got

your own wonderful sense of style you

get that for me always dress exactly the

way I've wanted to and I've never cared

what people thought obviously that's me

nothing it's just it kind of looks like

you're wearing grandma's best friend I

knew it was too busy anyway salesman and

marshes deal slide the game hate me I

think I'm going to drop by Tina's school

and so much easier huh okay I drop you

and stop by the mall and you'd be evil

eye for a certain q*eer guy sorry did I

wake you oh hey yeah yeah no I just left

on the couch the game went late and I

didn't want to disturb you honey the

only thing that disturbs me is that I'm

still in this marriage

I asked you to go over there to turn the

lights off and you ended up playing two

what two in the morning oh honey honey

I'm sorry I didn't you know what bill I

am NOT angry okay I don't want to hear

it I'm just resigned to the fact that I

cannot compete with your man love for

Gaia well don't say that you're still in

the game we just might have to work a

little harder that's all for instance

you did mention something about this

morning sure bill let's go maybe later

yeah all the slides are off tried to

turn me on the walkie-talkie to tell you

uh yeah I guess I forgot to turn it on

well what if it was an emergency okay

I'm gonna have to get us both flare g*ns

trouble Oh almost forgot this is your

invitation to the VIP brewery tour

tomorrow night we're introducing a new

beer Torah the brewery and I got a

golden ticket but there's no way I can

use it Judy still mad at me for last

night you know she she saw the things I

like you more than her what you talking

about not like we're boyfriends

just like come over and play with my

junk yeah well it was my fault I haven't

really backed her up on the whole

scoreboard thing she wanted me to get

you to take it down uh when I was coming

down anyway I some guy from the city

came by this morning and ordered me to

get rid of it something about the glare

messing with the planes coming in to

here ah so anyway some guys are coming

tomorrow to take it down I wish I'd

known I could have taken credit for it

hey you still can come over tomorrow

with Judy and demand that I take it down

and I'll say no way chump and you'll say

you better cuz lady don't like it

neither did the man and that who's the

man you you're at the other man oh cool

are you sure this is what you're going

to wear to school today sure I'm

positive okay I can't wait to see what

my friends are going to see oh that's

right your school's having wacky clothes

and hair day you're gonna get a lot of

laughs i'm not the only one

I'm tired of it holds be I demand that

you take this scoreboard down no way

show who the hell you calling it shop

that ugly thing down cuz the lady don't

like it and neither does the man and

you're the man yeah um yeah I'm the man

what's going on out here Oh Judy I'm

sorry I have to hear this i'm just

telling kyle exactly what he can do with

that stupid scoreboard what are you

gonna do to me if I don't you're gonna

get up in my grill pretty bad aren't you

yeah well let me tell you something

Miller that scoreboards not going

anywhere you can scream till you're blue

in the face it's not budging one inch

okay what your wife says not just my

wife it's both of us we're a team and I

don't care if you don't want to be

friends with me anymore I like playing

with my wife's junk a lot more than I

like playing with your jack and if you

saw her junk you'd know exactly what I

mean scoreboards gone that's right honey

it's as good as gone no it's gone that's

more like it polski yeah obvious it was

already coming down sorry buddy when

they say they're gonna be here between

nine and one who expects them at nine so

they don't fight with some show for my

benefit what is this some big joke why

do you think it's funny your toe suck

well you got your hands full with that

one glad I'm not married to her hey it's

not Judy's fault oh I'm saying that she

seems like a lot of work no no I'm a lot

of work she's a saint want to get hotter

Saints built inside of you want look

Kyle you and I are friends and I

couldn't be happier that you moved in

next door but don't ever think you can

talk about my wife like that she's the

most important thing in the world to me

okay I get it I crossed the line I

apologize yeah still cover with me to

the brewery tonight you know what I

really think I'd rather spend an evening

at home with my wife and kids

no just a wife lucky you have someone

you feel that way about I just hope that

one day I'll be mature enough to have a

relationship like that think i'm a hot

saint huh you heard that every word

thank you it's beautiful especially the

part about how you want to spend time

with me and not the kids and I meant

thank you I just feel terrible we had

our first big fight I mean we've had

hundreds of spike talking about me and



are you there yeah yes yes I'm here and

I'm friendly I'll be there in 10 minutes

you ready to go okay I just have to say

goodbye to the family and pack my



I wouldn't have it any

way cause you mags me
