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04x02 - Still Using

Posted: 11/14/22 07:56
by bunniefuu

bathroom don't bed I've got school I got

work I stink you win call plumber to

finish the upstairs bathroom gonna cost

us a fortune and this family has other

needs Judy don't forget the big picture

and by that i mean the TV i want to buy

the showers more important than your new

television i'm only thinking of the kids

and how if we crank up that surround

sound we can forget we even have them

yeah command you guys sorry to barge in

on you like this the whole go put

something on our neighbors are here Judy

they don't want any of this they're gay

yeah that's why we don't want it we are

getting cable installed today so you

please let the guy in we're not going to

be home oh sure no problem so cable huh

so that you guys can watch the l word I

was stands for blass speed but we're

actually getting it for the news did you

hear that bad I got their own news now

actually we like CNN I bet you do I bet

you do


oh hi hi we just came by to get our key

when you guys were at our house did you

happen to use our shower what makes you

think that Oh little clues like wet

towels on the bathroom floor razor

stubble in the sink oh and your pants

with your wallet in life pretty

circumstantial if you ask me you are

unbelievable is that my french perfume I

don't have nice things in our dependence

we did do you a big favor by waiting for

the cable guy he came by nobody answered

if you want to time to try again

tomorrow we'd be happy to see how are

you guys we've been waiting for three

weeks for bill to fix that upstairs

bathroom and as soon as I'm done you two

invited over to shower and maybe a

little CNN

where you been Chris oh I drove Lauren

and her friends to the mall boys you're

lazy or cello lesson the teachers

waiting at the house cello I only do it

for the workout come on Oh Chris don't

forget you're gonna join me in my

friends to six flags tonight I know I

can't wait see you later Lori I'm not

thrilled about this I don't think roller

coasters are safe oh they're fine I

wrote on him during all my pregnancies

um I'll tell you what I'm not thrilled

about our son chauffeuring your daughter

all over count are they dating again or

is Lauren just using him what are you

saying we can raise a user we're good

parents well if she's had and take her

and her friends out for nights this week

she's out for nights this week does she

even have a curfew oh yes of course she

does I think well could you also ask her

where she stands with Chris because he

really likes her we don't want to see

him taken advantage of yes i will get

into that because i don't want anything

to spoil the friendship we have with you

wonderful neighbors it's not my necklace

I have a lunch today

oh my god Becky he's so hot I'm gonna go

on all the rides with them yeah and

chris is going to be there too so you

can older person yeah and then we can we

can do our math homework here right

behind me hey I want to ask what's going

on between you and Chris Oh trust me

nothing and it's not like all those

other times when I said nothing I really

me nothing because it looks to me like

you're leading them on you need to be

straight with Chris okay it's not nice

to use people Lorne fine I'll talk to

him tonight okay be home by eleven

changed my curfew 11 you don't have a



hey cool toy oh this isn't a toy see

Tina was supposed to make an invention

for school so we made this it's called

the answer man I wanted to rock it this

but someone can figure it out you're not

gonna get a good grade on moon yeah yeah

sure just asking a yes-or-no question

okay answer man which one of these

leftover shitty butch yes or no question

really not that hard answer man should i

have that chicken so how much this thing

knows because i want chicken and i'm

having chicken some machinery okay I'm

gonna have to race York on vacation

maybe you should ask you why you don't

understand what a yes or no question hey

mrs. Miller Chris con and you're soaking

wet yeah I was just standing in line for

some green dates I guess that Lauren

asked me to get for her Chris sit down

okay sweetheart and I'm only saying this

because I care about you but you are

being a giant horseback you are a sweet

good-looking guy with a lot to offer but

teenage girls can be kind of from

soul-sucking witches I'm not Lauren this

morning right after the wind blew away

my umbrella I got a call from her on my

cell phone saying don't give up Chris I

really want those tickets

she's a Donald it should be dating

someone a little bit more mature mature

yeah someone who appreciates all the

stuff you have to offer I mean it would

serve one right you know if you found

someone a little older then she'd be

sorry for the way she treated you know

when I'm getting a pretty good picture


what do you mean that part's not in I

got a family waiting for a bathroom to

be finished and they are more important

than anybody in this oh it's just you I

thought it was your mom she's been

busting my hump hey there's more than

one Plumbing Supply Company in this town

you know yeah and I'll tell you another


oh yes I did order that yes that's what

sausage my work here is never done well

it better be done soon or you can kiss

your big screen TV goodbye I'm calling a

plumber if the works not done in 48

hours 48 hours Judy one day is not

enough time to pick the back fine bill

I'll give you two that's all I'm asking

what are you doing hoping your mom carry

groceries why we know Chris saw me pull

up and generously offered to help me

with these heavy bag oh not too heavy

for me thanks to these cello arms you

know well um now that you're here you

can drive me to my desk class but only

if you want to know I'm having a blast

helping Judy a blast Judy I mean this is

Miller unless you don't mind if I call

you Judy we're all adults here I think

mrs. Miller would be more appropriate



don't say anything is practically done

you mean done be in the bathroom you

gave me two days a lot can happen in 72

hours yeah you might even learn how to

tell time look I might have made a

little mistake with Chris I was talking

to him about not letting Lauren push him

around and now I think he kind of has a

crush on me his Laurens pushing an

around waiting their lives within for 19

years funny look I want you to talk to

him set him straight he's downstairs I

think it's better coming from a man than

you know a person he considers a goddess

walk in the early but if you're a

goddess what does that make me the

luckiest son of a [ __ ] on the planet

mr. Miller hey Chris oh can I have a

swig of your beer or actually mrs.

Miller sent it up for you I'm too young

to drink well you're missing out no I

yet I noticed you've been hanging around

my wife a lot lately what no no no I

don't nothing much it's okay it's okay

everybody loves Judi you know people

come from all around to visit and

appreciate her like a national park or a

beautiful rainbow yes she's awesome I

mean ever personality yeah of course of

course but you should know you know mrs.

Miller is a grown woman and damn it mr.

Miller it's none of my business but that

might be easier if you use the split nut

wrench I realized that but where in the

world am I gonna find a slip nut wrench

in your toolbox here let me let me

assure you with this you can get a

really good grip wow you're pretty handy

with this stuff yeah my uncle Jack's the

contractor and he's let me help out on

jobs really but a job like remodeling

this bathroom that it'd probably be out

of your league right no it's easier than

you think i could help you finish in

like two days easy really 72-hour

oh wait mrs. Miller thinks I'm hanging

around too much no no no mrs. Miller

loves have any here she does yeah yeah

she she thinks of you as part of the

family the part he rarely covers up in

front of and if you help me finish this

bathroom she is gonna jump for joy up

and down up and down genius one hand

with all the answers well I did get a

15-4 time is a right answer man should i

buy a new bedroom wait a minute you're

not actually basing life choices on a

plastic toy Aunt Linda this machine is

random okay you've made all your

decisions your entire life about the use

of this machine and look how well you go

with the toy now you know I don't really

have a space for a king-size bed so

would it be crazy to move for a new bed


Carrie and I can't afford one unless I

get a race and I can't get a raise and

unless I trying to quit oh just think

I've tried to quit my job oh my marble

huh only have the one left huh Hey oh

you're wearing that huh don't worry if

we go out later I'll put on my tiara

yes you you you might want to strip off

a few layers I need you to be hot but

the house to be hot dry the ground from

the bathroom I turned the furnace way up

you know there's a little one here oh

that should do the trick you know want

to be great now if you came up and

brought me in Chris's snack or something

chris is here again I thought you were

gonna talk to him about not hanging

around and drooling over me Judy why do

you assume that every man who steps into

this house is here to stare at you like

you're a national park or a rainbow then

what's he doing up there learning some

plumbing for me turns out the kid needs

a father figure he needs a real man in

his life on the get in line behind me ah

playing my song I should be getting home

you can probably do the rest of this

without me what no no no hang on mrs.

Miller's gonna want to come a check on

our work she's just across the hall

trying on bathing suits I'm staying hot

in here okay I've seen you in a while

yeah I've been kind of busy well can I

get you something to drink it it's

really no trouble no I'm fine hey guys I

brought some refreshment Oh lemon they

okay you read my mind

the how's it going missing really got a

little hot yeah totally oh you know in a

toilets done I need to come back and

puke good bill can I talk to you for a

second yeah after I finish my lemonade

let's go okay admit it you didn't talk

to Chris and he's hanging around here

because of me yeah that's right he's

here because he you and you turned up

the heat so I'd strip down that's right

Judy I turned up the heat so you'd strip

down so he does have a crush on me I

know if I am a freakin rainbow when it

comes to plumbing this kid is a genius

but I didn't tell you what I was doing

because I knew you wouldn't want me

using in the whale or and did that I'll

tell him to go home are you insane

bathroom too I'll give him a lap dance

if it gets me an upstairs toilet honey

if you still have that tube top I think

we can get his and her sinks I'm looking

I'm looking

I'll be right back up with your lunch

Chris yes did you make him at lunch yep

right here hey hey well that's what my

special boy and what am I we've been

working on that one for 17 years oh wait

wait wait he likes a pickle with a

sandwich so after lungs she scheduled to

finish working on the bathroom with me

yeah we're gonna have to push that back

till after the weekend we've decided to

install some track lighting in the

bedroom oh he does lighting too why

couldn't lesbians of race Brian why

couldn't anyone have raised me I would

have gone with Wolves oh here's your

sandwich crazy and I'm a pickle why

don't you go into the living room in

blank Thanks you know I was looking in

your bedroom closet and if you want I

can install a revolving shoe carousel

revolving sh**t carousel he makes it

sound like a carnival so if you want you

to go to the dance with me I'll think

about it yeah we could go driving

afterwards just give me hey hey hey hey

is she bothering you

no it's okay hey what's up ladies yeah

we're looking for crazy he's a little

busy right now mom is at you Chris what

are you doing we've hardly seen you the

last few days uh well I've been busy

that's it you've been spending way too

much time over here doing stuff for

Lauren he isn't doing anything from me

and what have you been doing over here

Chris I have your lemonade let's say you

and me go back up to the bedroom

so you've been flirting with our son to

get him to finish your bathroom and the

track lighting and there was talk about

a shoe rack just a little talk at least

they let me do stuff what oh you ever

let me do is read or play the cello the

Millers let me build stuff with my hands

makes me feel like I'm my own man and

there it is what we were trying to do

all along mold a young boy into a man

alright maybe we should loosen the reins

a little bit but that doesn't excuse you

too I mean luring him with your beauty

look at your smoking-hot body you know

you're so fine Harry we gotta sh**t

pretty you can't tell people not to look

good rain but actually I don't have a

crush on you excuse me I'm sorry mrs.

Miller but you said if I found someone

more mature it would make Lauren think

twice and you were right hanging out

with you made her totally jealous you

were using me there are you and come on

mrs. Miller hey you're nice and all but

Lauren 16 and you're like 50

by authority which happens to be the new

party which is really the new 28 yeah

maybe I'd better go find Lauren and tell

her I'll take her to the dance yeah you

better hurry up you're not getting any

older well there goes getting our

bathroom done yeah I guess we're just

gonna have to finish it all by ourselves

you know I once took a class at home

depot and I'm I'm really good with my


you like lemony we're leaving


first you ask you to yes or no question

then you drop the marble down the slot

and then but what are you doing here me

I got fired so um I'm gonna need you to

ask the marble thing if I should beg for

my job back


I would have

any other way cuz it makes me happy

