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03x23 - Still Exchanging

Posted: 11/13/22 07:22
by bunniefuu

alright i guess i'll have to call

earlier next year yeah by and news too

late to get Tina into mother Goose

summer camp the fire marshal limits the

amount of children you can fit in this

shoe mother goose camp month ago it was

an Arby's who's gonna watch him in this

summer I'm more disappointed than you I

was going to spend my summer of that RV

great news my teacher says I'm gonna

pass a basic math yeah you see I got a

72 on my midterm and a 68 on my final

which is like an average of here I'm

have some basic now who told you to sit

next to a smart kid thank you Dad can't

believe it no summer school is here free

i'm going to do nothing but lay out by

the lake all summer we will make sure

Tina where's plenty of sunscreen she

burns easily wait i'm watching Tina well

we couldn't find a day camp and your

father and I don't want to have to come

home from work and spend every second of

the summer Sarah Nanette bored pathetic

little honey bad news we can't send you

to day camp this summer we're sorry we

forgot forgot huh but I'm sure plenty of

beer in the fridge


okay what about this camp Tina says you

can learn how to square dance sex I went

there one summer next well you're gonna

have to pick one because we're not

spending a summer together hey how do

you feel about the Turk cool there's a

circus camp will know that the circus is

hiring it says musket and cannon I don't

think that's gonna work Lauren sure well

mom you just creature up your stuff her

in there keep crinkle hey you mind if I

borrow that camping gear again my son I

got that piece leg campout this weekend

oh that annual gay camp out with your

day son and the gay would ya you learn

arts and crafts from that Indian from

the village people surely might get a

little fancy now and then but it's still

a bunch of guys out in the woods

roughing it we going camping again do

you need to borrow my napkin rings no

we're gonna hike to Crate and Barrel the

first day just grab the camping gear

from the basement you know I thought

this was going to be this summer that

you and Brian finally went camping yeah

we'll have to do that one of these

summers come on bill your dad took you

camping oh yeah that was a lot of fun

I'd hide up in a tree while he stumbled

around drunk with his crossbow yelling

get down here you and put the

Apple back on your head that explains

your fear of fruit

hey guys I got accepted into that

foreign exchange program and I'm going

to Italy for the summer congratulations

wow it is so wonderful when two cultures

come together and wait a minute this

doesn't mean we have to take an Italian

kid in do we know it requires no effort

on your part oh just the way we like it

so how'd you swing this dad you're with

me when I applied we we went downtown

with the student Model UN we had our

picture taken with the mayor but you

bought that giant pretzel with the pizza

filling oh yeah relax the vendor Eddie

yeah and without us right that day yeah

I tried squirt and I liked it brian is

going to spend the summer in europe

maybe it was slice is so exciting what

country are you going to Italy oh it's

dad labella countryside the magical

summer I spent there don't wear your

lanterns that Coleman lantern is right

next to the bench I'm talking about your

Chinese lanterns we want a campfire dim

sum I know where they are fits bilking

Meehan oh I'm sorry everybody it was a

sierra mist I never knew you went to

Italy yeah I was there out of college I

think it's so great that you're not

afraid to do something like this why I

think I am a little nervous I've never

been so far away from home for so long

Oh Brian god it's gonna be wonderful

you're gonna have an adventure like my

god I went all through Europe with just

the money in my pocket in the clothes on

my back hmm because my luggage was

stolen at the airport

yeah god it was beautiful I mean it was

Europe one rainy night in France I spend

a night in a 300 year old barn where i

got mine disease someone he's a horrible

the wedding for that I never would have

met Jacques the handsome French doctor

who helped me with my of God how do they

say that in french legion a whirlwind

romance that was he introduced me to the

parisian nightlife then he introduced me

to his wife and they robbed me rocky oh

my god yeah you're up you know so

beautiful wish i could show you the

pictures that i had to film a camera for



Ryan you're late yeah I'm two hours past

my curfew and I will understand if you

want to punish me by making me can so

much for him pin Ryan you're like I know

I know I was close to be home two hours

ago what the hell is going on Brian

you're late and this is the third time

this week tonight if you're gonna stay

obviously you should call us that's it

that that's how you're gonna handle this

it's no biggie you guys I've shown a

wanton disregard for your rules and

regulations again this is very iffy

behavior I'm getting into here it's

normal you're finally catching up with

other boys Yuri I dropped something it's

a pack of cigarettes I am so busted

goodbye Europe not gonna bust you for

holding onto someone else's cigarette

how do you know they're not mine we know

you don't smoke your throat closes up

when we burn toast I don't watch Judy I

don't think he's ready to go to Europe

really no I wouldn't feel right putting

you on a plane not without this brand

new backpack follicle wedding present

there's a pocket for your inhaler and a

zipper compartment for your allergy

medication you can keep your cigarettes

wherever you want great guys after I die

from Lyme disease I can shift my body

back in it thank you she doesn't seem

too happy you think he's having second

thoughts was acting a little weird I bet

he's scared and he's afraid to admit it

because we'll make fun of them like we

always do I calling him crying Brian too

scared of flying that was way too easy

blame them for being scared Italy is

really far away from here you know locks

Arkel roll over there with the different

languages that confusing subways two

euros that's a little r*cist duty bill

euros is what they call their money Oh

stupid foreigners well he doesn't wanna

go I'm not gonna make him go you know

maybe he's just not ready no no Brian's

gotta get out there and spread his wings

otherwise you might end up like tackling

Ted McGee who tackling Ted he played

defense on my junior high football team

we called him tackling Ted because he

liked to tackle people clever nickname

what they call you the nickname giver

which I changed her Nikki g night before

football camp started Ted chickened out

and his parents let him stay home well

maybe that was for the best no it wasn't

Ed's parents coddled him so Ted never

left his parents house never did

anything you know we should go upstairs

and talk to Brian we don't want him to

end up like this yeah poor Ted gave up

football never tackled anyone again well

fill the president came to town then he

made the news

meo recruit or a non-party prego hey

that's the spirit you're practicing

Italian yeah I just don't how to say

here's my wallet please don't sh**t

honey you know it's okay to be a little

scared about going far away from home

who said I'm scared no one and if you

were I tell you not to be you're about

to fly across the ocean to a beautiful

exotic part of the old world floor to

death there you'll change planes and

continue on that away this this away

Brian a lot of times in life a lot of

things are scary but you need to

overcome your fears and just go for it

otherwise you'll end up regretting the

things you could have done but never did

big world out there just look at it and

we're not even seeing the other side

mundus that is the whole world

oh you got some I don't know flat maps

we learned jog raphy the old-fashioned

way on a earth ball better to go out

there and see the world instead of

sleeping underneath it this is some

opportunity your father and I never had

it would be a shame for you to miss out

on it well maybe you're right when it's

kind of like what John Greenleaf

Whittier said of all the words of tongue

or pen the saddest to these might have

been sounds like your friend John was

enjoying a little of a green leaf when I

wrote that it would be good to spend a

summer away from

I'm really looking forward to spending

the summer with you and your family

seniority to do now I've always dreamed

to going to the Opera no my parents

don't really offer people there's two

more soap opera people I do love my

story be on the phone to that Italian

guy again he's been blabbing to him

every day for the past three weeks what

hasn't been every day and with the

language barrier I'm sure they find

Brian fascinating value he's probably

not a nurse okay we'll just give

everyone their my best annuity haha ok

papa okay i neva ditch so how were the

kazoo blows they're great they just

called me from their weekend house on

Lake Como sounds like he does pretty

well on a cobbler salary an employer

single on all week which is why he likes

to get into the country we're going to

go fishing and hiking in the wood well

I'd be careful in my old neighborhood if

you went into the woods with a couple of

Italians he never came out those serum

like that but seriously while you're

over there never start your own car okay

the important thing is is that I'll be

learning about the Italian culture which

you might want to take a crack at all a

family like a really do stuff with you

know Papa's even gonna take me camping

Brian you know you don't have to call

and papa no I kind of like it it makes

me feel like I'm really part of their

family I belong to go see if there's any

football off it's not football season

know that footballs what the Italians

call soccer it's Papa's favorite sport

so I thought I'd learn about I'll tell

you everything you need to know about it

in two words boring I'm sitting at the

time of his life over there yeah yeah

it's gonna come back a different kid not

even a kiss it's gonna come back a man I

guess you're right you know I think I'm

gonna take Brian on that camping trip

what you know the one he and I've been

talking about forever Wow well you

better check that the weather bureau

because I think he'll just froze over

so we'll go to Wisconsin a LeBron oh I

better go air out that 10 isn't fixed

return it clean yeah but it always comes

back smelling like potpourri


hey hey mom I think I finally found a

summer camp 14 books miss Palmer's

etiquette camp come on Tina doesn't need

to go to a little peanut what do we say

when we birth then I was a fun going now

back make it in Earth's fall right on

Brian I don't know where the hell that

kid is we're going to lose our campsite

well it's great you want to take him

camping but brian has a lot to do I mean

he is going to Europe oh my god I can't

believe my baby boys going in Europe

it's really happening you're a bureau

I'm tired of hearing about it he's not

the first one to take a big trip I went

all the way to Indiana to get fireworks

and you didn't see me planning my trip

for a week well maybe you should have

you forgot your money and ran out of gas

hey guys where's Ben your mother's been

climbing the walls isn't that right Judy

no I'm sorry Deb but he kind of threw

this camping thing at me at the last

minute I've got a lot of important stuff

to do before my trip oh well if you've

got important stuff to do I wouldn't

want to waste your time with a stupid

camping trip forget it it's canceled I

said I'm sorry yeah why you so sad

because I planned this trip and I was

looking forward to it since we were you

ever looking forward to this trip every

year you promised to take me and every

year you make some lame excuse not to go

there was always a very good reason I

couldn't go like the time you were too

shook up over princess died Judy she was

England's rose I can't believe you i'm

leaving and now all of a sudden you want

to be super dad well i think it's a

little late that's it you're grounded

from Europe what you heard me I forbid

you to leave this continent you can't do

that watch me this sucks what was

incredibly childish I know do you

believe that kid I have you gone crazy

you can't ground him from Europe what's

really going on he just wanted to go

camping with them a song should want to

go camping with his father

you hated it when you were a kid I did

well then why is this so important to

you well there was this one time when I

was about Brian's age my dad called me

over to the campfire popped open a beer

and told me I could have a sip then we

we SAT that for a while it was nice too

but it was the first time I really felt

like he thought of me as a man yeah you

could still cast that with Brian but you

better hurry up because he's getting on

a plane to Italy forget it forget it

going camping with me obviously isn't

that important to him let him go camping

with Papa he can give him his first sip

of vino Barbarino or whatever


you have your passport yes mom I'm all

said there was no need for you guys to

come with me to the game you're an

unaccompanied minor and my baby boy

you're lucky I'm not folded up in your

suitcase Oh call you mine I might go and

have a wonderful time and remember if

anything happens please please please

not whisper that in my ear while you're

hugging me so hard to let go goodbye

sweetheart fun yeah your son's leaving

for the rest of the summer isn't there

anything you want to say to work so you

kids don't forget the right I'll be

sending you emails but i'll be blogging

every day don't worry you'll get used to

the food well I'll talk to you folks

kind of goodbye with fan I'm not his

mother guys say goodbye differently well

I guess this is goodbye my love is fun I

love you more done ah I love you more

I'll get a room I don't watch the plane

take off for the ladies room order me an

overpriced beer in an undercooked pizza

Brian I need to talk to you what is it

now just take a minute come on I'm gonna

follow me here look I'm sorry I got so

mad at you about the whole campus okay

no no it's not okay I just felt guilty I

haven't made an effort to spend more

time with you when you were growing up

you know you you assume there's gonna be

plenty of time to do things with your

boy and next thing you know you're

watching a man hop on a plane and flying

away we'll have plenty of time to do

stuff when I get back well I want to do

something together before you leave that

the planes board here here

the ax damn shame if your first sip of

beer was with anyone but your old man

are we going to get in trouble Oh

airports like international waters

they're not subject to America really no

just drinking what do you think it's

good you are my son I've never been so

proud of you you know there's a good

chance that next year I'll be

valedictorian great after that dealies

done we'll have another beer man oh yeah

I better get going well have a great

trip son

let it go before your mom gets back

she'll get all worked up you know how

women are what do you slicing onions

back there

I wouldn't have

wait cuz it back