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03x22 - Still Getting Married

Posted: 11/13/22 07:18
by bunniefuu
oh sorry Aaron my sister wants to use

the phone now so I'm going to have to

run into the other room lighten up she's

talking to her boyfriend I think it's

kind of cute she has a boyfriend does he

know about her booger wall yeah I think

eight-year-old boys kind of dicta hey

i'ma try to call sky Seleka now or

doesn't anyone pick up call waiting it's

rude okay I'm absolutely amazing news

Terry and I are finally getting married

good for you no for real this time we

set a date and everything yep put a

deposit down on a halt oh my god got you

a huge ring look at this beautiful vices

you say diamond you know Simon

so what happened I thought puree was on

tour no I've got cancelled the promoter

decided he didn't want a Foghat cover

bands so they went with someone else to

Neil Diamond




Linda I don't know are you sure you want

to get within a veterans hall I make

sense Judy your sister in this place an

open their door so a lot of grizzled old

sailors I know it's kind of dumpy but

it's available which I believe is what

Judy said about you on her wedding day

what it'll work out fine we'll put the

altar up there may be a trellis sorry

did you know a trellis Aparri has some

thoughts about the ceremony I mean his

band ready to bunch of stuff for the

tour that was canceled so now we're

going to like you know incorporate it

into the wedding tastefully of course of

course will starting utter blackness the

bum the empty altar appears in haunting

silhouette of revolving beams of life

for Ellis you are so uncool suddenly

synthesizer boo boo boo boo boom a

football of silver flash rains down and

in it appeared the bride the back door

flies open my band an idea I'll go into

a Hendricks a guitarist they ain't

meanie comes down the aisle to greet

Linda we stand before us who will she

choose can the bridesmaids take a vote

how many i forgot the bridesmaids yeah

that might require a bit of choreography

I suspect absolutely filters try

something with me yeah

hi thousand beams of light fall afresh

the cheaper for you to eloped and the

rest of us just drops me I really like

it if you'd stop making these unkind

remarks is this really the wedding you

on marrying Perry's all I want okay

that's all that's important so please

stop putting him down if I have inner

needs all the glitter and the flash it's

actually going to be a very traditional

wedding surrounded by friends and family

excuse me I'm looking for some sorry son

of a [ __ ] is getting married here next

week I didn't expect you to be honest

for hurting what do you mean I haven't

been to bed yet I want you to meet rug

she's a man Darius bro she's gonna marry

ah Reverend roach nice to meet you he's

also going to be my best man and why

because in my mind broke it's me

compadre he's my brother from another

mother are you sure you're a fully

licensed minister yes and I take it very

seriously so which way we go with the

ceremony naked or uptight bummer

well I just talked to Linda and the fire

marshal says that all of our dresses

have to be flame retardant bill what are

we gonna do about this wedding same as

we do it every wedding drink a lot eat a

lot and take our card to somebody else's

gift couldn't she have ended up with

that stockbroker guy she dated Glen

Pearson he asked about her all the time

when he comes into my office to get his

teeth clean high-pitched whining of the

drilled intense pain I'm not surprised

he thinks about Linda to find a nice

solid guy like Glen how's Perry ever

gonna support a family well he's got

that steady gig in reno reno his band's

booked for two years in a casino lounge

I thought you knew two years that whack

job is dragging my sister to rhina I

prefer to think of him as that beautiful

beautiful man who's dragging your wack

job sister to read he doesn't even want

to go to Reno I bet he's pushing her

into it just like he's pushing her into

this crazy wedding judy judy they're

happy about this I'm happy everybody's

happy about a move into reno with the

possible exception of the people of Reno

to be fine she'll visit us will visit

her oh we could go for Carnevale that's

real not Reno you jackass

I think you might be wrong on man


oh this is nice what's the occasion

why'd you have to get all dressed up

well I just thought we'd go out for a

nice dinner and talk about what kind of

bachelorette party you'd like guess I'm

too old for strippers and drinking no

you're not oh good let's do that oh my

god is that one person glen linda so

nice to see you hey long time no see huh

what a funny coincidence you being here

well you mentioned that you I eat often

in this restaurant of my offices right

upstairs and I see Glenn all the time

he's a patient of dr. Kerr Brooks great

teeth just sit down right here thank you

Hey look at you to add a baby and a

golden retriever and you'd make a

beautiful Christmas car ah so plan have

you been good you know the usual please

if you call the usual being called an

up-and-comer in the May third 2004 issue

of The Wall Street Journal for that

stock merger singing what's google

sounds like kids game you know I'm going

on here Judy well Judy called and she

mentioned that you guys were oh oh why

did Gwen here oh yes you're trying to

undermine my wedding wow you're getting

married Oh try to fix me up with my

ex-boyfriend three days before my

wedding to me that's worse than mean

that's just horrible

it's like you finish each other's song

look Linda I'm not trying to fix you up

with Glen he's just an example there's a

million other ones just wake him out

there some even have a personality no I

was voted one of Chicago's top ten most

eligible bachelors see there's at least

nine awesome I can't believe you would

be so sneaky you mean like sneaking off

to Reno without even telling me I'm

sorry I guess I thought you might know

whatever her overreact you gonna do

Linda huh quit a perfectly good job and

run off with an overgrown childhood

thinks he's a rock star you know what

that's how you feel about my marriage

and my future husband then don't bother

coming to the way I was number four did

you hear that Tina's taking some boy

runt to the wedding as her little runt

date yeah actually that they're doubling

with me in my day you uh you're still

Davis I mean you couldn't get one right

hey you know I just thought of something

now that aunt linda's getting married

you're kind of a new Aunt Linda would

you take that back down what's your

father uh he's upstairs trying on

clothes to the wedding oh why we can say

wedding I know there's a wedding I know

I just wanted to hit him oh oh hey meat

loaf I don't think you're supposed to

wear an undershirt with that

no I'm not sure mmm sexy mmm man sucks

my sister's finally getting married and

I'm not even gonna be this come on you

can't miss this there's an open bar and

a glitter Cannon you know something

Goods gonna happen no Linda doesn't want

me there feeling the way I do about this

marriage and I can't change the way I

feel I think she's throwing her life

away don't be so negative when you think

about your sister's life what's she

really throwing away hello bill looking

sharp like the undie there you can tear

that off and throw it the ladies right

before you bang the wedding god I get to

bang the wedding dong Linda thinks it's

her special dinner yet Oh Perry woo Joo

Dee um just stopped by to drop off the

bridal party gifts Linda and Perry

screaming into forever tour I got a lot

of stuff to do good luck with every

silly wait can we have a talk please um

listen I know you don't like me

particularly true took my fiance on a

blind date the other night I just don't

know if you're the right man for my

sister Judy Linda's my life and I would

give up anything to keep her including

my music and my hair that's what you

wanted although I've never met a woman

who could keep her hands off you're

staring don't touch it now why I'm

staring how could you drag Linda torino

away from everyone she knows and loves

sure does she wanted to go she she knows

you got bill in the kids and she loves

you but she wants a family of her own

and all my family now Judy I love her

but if you think I could I could ever

imagine asking her to start a life with

me without you by his side then you've

got no idea how much you mean to

please come to the wedding don't you

break her heart I know you don't know me

very well but understand this Judy I do

not make t-shirts that like thanks for

coming to my party patty I'd take it

easy aim for so glad that we made up but

love so much so sorry I was so judgy

about your marriage no you were not

judge judy yes I was judging Judy I see

a homeless man on a given in the key not

only to beware sister you can't ever

lose me hey where'd you drop my scarf

you got it

oh man you don't like a drought hey hey

love patty left half of Rio's connect

wink you enough for driving bill nope oh

you cannot simply I'm finally getting

married whew huh Perry so great and he

really makes me laugh usually I'm just

laughing at him how do you mean oh come

on let's face it he's kind of a clown I

like to think of him as a diamond in the

rough well I mean sure I probably be

there off marrying like a lawyer or a

doctor or even that time but what the

hell Lisa got married before I was 40

right that's what's important but that's

not the only reason you did Annie I did

it i made it under the wire Oh shutting

with grease tired did you really mean

that Linda are getting married before

you 40


hey hey so have you seen Linda yeah

she's in the bridal room how did you see

me is she okay better than nation I'd

dance them down the aisle either you

buddy I just want to thank you all for

being here on the blessed day the love

of my life and I say I do i do I do okay

more reverb found your minister in the

bathroom made a big mess I'm good I'm

good hi let's get the show on the road

no no no no oh that's right we're doing

the uptight version what a bummer so

you're not worried about Linda anymore

no it's her life I'm not crazy about the

fact that she's going to reno but she's

doing and she wants and perry really

does love yeah I know he loves her you

know until I gotta learn these moves I

gotta go find Lauren


wait when do you smoke Oh Justin II hope

you get over the initial nausea it's

actually very calming are you doing good

stuff starting feel pretty real here you

know screaming it up grandma you seem a

little nervous yeah well I am appearing

in a ball of flash and I got a lot of

hairspray on listen yeah last night last

night in the car you said some things

that kind of stuck with me some things

about Perry how would it fit well you

called him a clown oh come on if nothing

compared to what Judy calls you jackass

super jackass he jackass jackass who

doesn't listen all right you made it

seem like it didn't matter who you were

marrying as long as you got married

before you were 40 wow I did that huh

you know marriage can be hard and you

don't want to dive into it just because

of some deadlines in your head Linda I

know we haven't always got along but

you're you you deserve to be happy you

forgot your glow stick boo cleaner

you might want to run a razor over those

knuckles before the wedding night angel

do that right now honey you know I

walked in here today with a prettiest

girlfriend in the world I'll be walking

out with the most beautiful wife and I

mean you did you hear the hatchet but I

love him so much there's not a doubt in

my mind good for you you better get out


I look great sure thank you for

everything my lucky you know yeah

you know to go you should Aloha how is

Cleveland it's wonderful I'm now

officially in the rock and roll hall of

fame yeah he wrote his name on the

bathroom wall I'm in the Baseball Hall

of Fame so I the big thing is we have

some news yeah when I go to Reno Linda's

gonna stay here in Chicago really why I

mean I am some vacation time at periods

every third week off and we realize

we'll see each other as much do you know

yeah but it's not gonna be the same Oh

worry we'll make you one oh it's bad so


you know I have to say a big part of our

decision was finding out that somebody

here loves me can't walk away from that

could you at least move further down the



I wouldn't have it

way come a glee

