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03x20 - Still Holding

Posted: 11/13/22 07:14
by bunniefuu

look I have to sell my car want this ad

could be perfect what do you think of

this 1997 four-door sedan slightly

damaged rear end full-size spare tire a

lot of miles but serviced regularly all

right you placing a personal ass well

she's selling her car right yes she's

going to give me a percentage if I help

her sell it I couldn't do it on my own

it's very hard for me to part with mr.

puffin Chuck hmm name I gave my car mr.

puffin chef you named your car doesn't

crazy people name their favorite things

I guess you're right I've been known to

do that in that right Thelma and Louise

gross they weren't thrust when you were

four I know that mom is that like for

good separation




hey how did Jesus checkup go find she'll

be out in a minute turns out it wasn't

an infection okay what I'm n is it over

and can we go to the Mona I'm sorry are

your friends waiting for you it's mom

yeah I mean I'm I said okay what I meant

was shut off the patina likes this

doctors the first one in years she has

imbued you have got one feisty little

daughter mrs. Miller oh my god she

didn't take a snap at you did she know

why is she a biter oh I just stay away

from this general area Oh have you met

my other daughter Lauren hi Tina says

the nicest things about you really know

she wants you to run away so she can

take all your stuff this guy's great by

the way if you have any old toys lying

around I have this donation box here

we're having a rummage sale to raise

money to keep kids off dr*gs I'm all for

that unless it's the kind of dr*gs that

make them sleep on an airplane so you do

a lot of charity work it's rewarding I

am stressed kind of thin in fact I have

a fundraiser tomorrow and nobody to

babysit my granddaughter and I need

someone really responsible hey Laura

maybe sit her I do no no not with your

plate being so full with school and

dance and school dance and dance school

dr. your wife is on the phone oh excuse

me dancing school no I just don't want

you babysitting for the doctor well why

not when we finally found a doctor that

Tina like I don't want you screwing that

up by being a responsible I am NOT

you're responsible hey how about the

time you babies after the Sullivans and

they gave you their cell phone for

emergencies and you used it all night

long ok Tiffany spread a rumor that I

have to shave my chin

and if that's not an emergency i don't

know with it so how about the

babysitting yeah I'm sorry I can't did I

mention it pays fifteen dollars an hour

oh I'm sorry I can't


hey I'm going to take these board games

for dr. blooms toy drive babysitting for

him again tonight that's the third time

this week when did we buy those board

games that once the TV was broken oh

yeah black April those things that just

remember Lauren I know Mom be

responsible yeah we don't want to repeat

it when you babysat for the Davises and

you loaned out there Porsche for a

joyride okay how is that my fault that's

the one who asked to borrow it because I

was testing you and you failed Lauren

you fail who is a great car sailor I'm a

great commander I'm not great for

Stanley all right he's found someone to

buy mr. Popkin chuckle rich name is

crunk and he'll be over in about two

hours crunk it's that short for crazy

drunk he's a great guy you know he hangs

out at the arcade if you give him a

dollar you can hit him as hard as you

want gonna let some guy means crunk by

my car why not he's got the money and he

wants to buy it so what's the problem is

the answer you're just gonna have to

keep looking okay I don't want mr.

puffin job and driven around by some

crazy weirdo you don't have to say it

out loud we're all thinking it hey hope

you ready for a big surprise that you're

not coming in unless you promise me

you're wearing pants and this time swear

that's a ridiculous bill it's a summer


he drink hey butch is a retired police

thought how are you sure he's retired

maybe the Sarge took his badge because

he's a loose cannon who plays by his own

set of rules oh he's on the fourth for

eight years sniffing out dr*gs you

remember that big heroin bust at that

farm up in Cumberland County he actually

found a needle in a haystack oh you've

seen him in action yet no but I've been

dying to yeah I let them search my son's

room nothing what's up with kids

nowadays yeah hey you remember that

stuff bear we kept our stash in back in

high school smokey smokey hello stone

park higher than the average bear yeah

we what my stash in a book but then we

thought people get suspicious if we had

a book I think Smokies down in the

basement let's see the dog can sniff em

out Oh where's your body such as it's

your job yeah that's which he's an old

retired police dog Judy do we still have

that teddy bear from high school you

know the one wearing the tie dye trip oh

yeah I thought just the other day Lauren

pulled it out with the other toys to

donate to dr. bloom that was smoky are

you crazy this monkey remember the bear

with the potbelly god that was smoking I

think covered him years ago I was going

to but that night Yellow Submarine came

on and then I guess I just forgot

what red panda Tommy wasn't holding week

I don't remember how come you don't

remember it was years ago and I had a

teddy bear full of pot what's the big

deal I'm you just call this doctor and

say you want it back because it had

sentimental value or a street value

because if you already found the bear

and what's inside of it he'll know were

the idiots that donated a pot bear to

his anti-drug charity so let's go down

to his office and steal it that you want

to take butch he's trained for this sort

of thing I'm not gonna bring an old

incontinent dog to dr. blooms office hey

he might be old but he's not you got

paper tall

no one's your starchic mrs. Miller oh

we're just donating some toys why is he

thinking you know I work in a medical

office to wow we have a sliding zumdahl

also feel for you up I don't see smoke

keep digging Oh Oh dr. bloom this is my

husband huh oh nice to meet you thanks

for the contributions no problem only

non-receipt police my taxes maybe if my

wife calls would you tell her I'll meet

her at the theater sure well I can't

believe you're donating more toys

especially with the two boxes with

Lauren already dropped off at my house

was it your house too yes there are oh

you folks are very generous well we had

a big stash at home a toy well doc we

better go and do more good deep you guys

are unbelievable we've heard that before

lay it out and find the bear before it

falls into the wrong hands well good

people put the toy car back how do I

never get any hey what are you guys

doing now nothing oh my god you're here

to check up on me aren't you that's

right young lady where the dr*gs but it

why would there be dr*gs here it could

happen through a crazy series of events

I don't suppose you brought over from

our house yes dr. Gwynn's taking them to

its fundraiser tomorrow what are you

guys doing there's an old toy in here we

need back dad I already told you you

can't play with it anymore two of the

hungry hippos are broken where is that

they're not cute crap you said a bad

word oh my god bill look at that cute

little toy that l ahead Oh sweetie can

we see your bear no he's mine who I gave

him to me she was not fair come on honey

let me take a look just for a minute

I'll trade you for this nice car believe

can we just see it for a second no come

on kid don't Bogart the bear

oh so you guys are branching out now

you're ruining other people's children

too okay I finally got her to calm down

that I couldn't get the bear away but we

need to bear why what's the big deal all

right look there's a small chance that

bear may have something hidden inside of

it it's like what dr*gs oh cool this a

long time ago your father and I did a

little experimenting with some marijuana

not much mind you just enough to get us

through a few Jethro Tull cons guys I'm

not stupid I mean dad still wears a

t-shirt that says doobie University

rolling team hey Jubie university is a

fully accredited give it up bill look we

admit we made some bad choices back in

high school Jethro Tull but it was a

different time back then we were

protesting a w*r what w*r grenada I was

on edge all that week look because we

did some really stupid stuff when we

were younger doesn't mean that you

should ever don't worry mom you and dad

are all the reason I need not to do

dr*gs thank you hey but I can't believe

it he would think that I would mess up

this job and you guys messed it up for

me I mean the blooms were even thinking

about taking me on their family vacation

to Cancun we had idea that barrel never

cleared customs

you want the bear you can take it once

Ella falls asleep what's this oh you may

not recognize it it's called a baby

monitor responsible parents use them to

make sure their kids are okay hey this

didn't have these when you were young oh

that's right they didn't have baby

monitors car seats fresh Bruce socks

you're alive aren't you




so what do you think I like it so did

the last eight people who took a test

drive why didn't any of em by it well

I'm I'm just waiting for the right

person you can understand that can't you

andy hall yeah this car is a beauty she

drives real smooth and she's got a nice

quiet engine he I'm sorry ki karda he

his name is mr. Popkin Chuck here we go

sounds kind of naughty but I named him

no it's adorable my last car was named

go Barry hello mr. pentell Gavin's two

of them looks like mr. Postum Jack might

have a nice living home in your garage

he sure will except I don't have a

garage I went park on the street no in

the rain and the bird number two yeah

we're done here we are not done um would

you consider buying a car cover those

are kind of a hassle okay Jacob oh no

did you just you just pull over for a

second I need to talk to my business

associate here what's wrong with you

she's perfect she drives ten miles an

hour and likes crazy car names mr.

Pupkin drug wouldn't even know you're

gone Oh leave mr. second shot outside in

the cool in the rain all night long it's

a car not a person okay if you're gonna

start talking crazy I can't deal with

you I'm sorry all I'm saying is mr.

puffin chug is stronger than you think

and you spent nine years raising them

right but it is time to let go I know

you're right she seems like a nice

person I'm sure she'll take good care of

them it's time for us to say goodbye wow

it does have a quiet engine

I don't know like 200 bears in no way to

tickle time we've left let's find us


oh good god honey here was just a bad

dream hey great news that no continent

hi what the hell's going on here I don't

know but I would call the cops


so you broke into my sleeping

granddaughters room with a drug-sniffing

dog to find a bear that you stopped with

reaper put it like that it sounds

criminal it is criminal come on tosh the

bear was empty so 20 years ago Bill and

Judy had a little potty it's not like

they were in here smoking a bong thank

you for what's a bong yes thank you fit

I think it's bedtime Ella I'm still

going to kingkahn right I'll take a pay

cut I'll go free how wait in the car

this whole thing just fun way out of

control we made a mistake but we didn't

want to ruin our relationship with you

as opposed to breaking into my

granddaughter's room and terrorizing her

whoops get down from there so sorry we

will replacement hello uh well its

medicinal and I I sometimes use in my

practice I am where do you go to medical

school doobie University not cutting

some slack I deal with screaming snotty

kids all day and I will not apologize

for the occasional recreational use of

how is that belong to it's theirs

I think you should leave and find

yourself another doctor way hideous

seems to like your bag to get that mutt

out of here dr. bloom what are you doing

here well I came by because I wanted to

tell you that I'm sorry about everything

that happened and but I just like to ask

you two questions sure well the first is

would you ever consider taking me back

as Tina's doctor what's the second

question do you have any hohos how about

a can of frosting given peanut butter an

old 20 maybe


way cause you make me
