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03x19 - Still the Boss

Posted: 11/13/22 07:12
by bunniefuu

Tina why are you pouring two bowls of

cereal once for Tracy who's Tracy it's a

stupid imaginary friend the little

looser made up so she'd have someone to

talk to Tracy doesn't like that kind of

talk at all in Lauren at all that was

chilling Judy what he is doing is

perfectly normal for her age she's just

trying to fill a void in her life when I

was little I had an imaginary friend too

oh yeah as opposed to all the real ones

you have now you want to see I don't

know why I come over here and take this

kind of abuse oh my laundry stuff Tina

while I'm up cuz your little friend

wants them hello Tracy that was me

wasn't racing cap was loose whatever

helps you sleep at Judy this isn't gonna

be enough what are you talking about is

plenty for me but what about Carlos



Oh Bill Miller has just successfully

flip 270 seventh consecutive car tying a

record long believed to be unbreakable

fits sorry intense pressure on the

eight-year record on record held by me

ah hey uh does anybody actually work

here I mean I've been standing here for

five minutes and nobody's noticed me I'm

sorry sir hey everybody check out the

hottie you happy now very funny you know

I learned at Harvard Business School

that a customer whose approach within

the first 30 seconds is eighty percent

more likely to make a purchase I'll tell

you what college boy want you report us

to our new department manager he's

supposed to be starting today and he

just started didn't it yeah I'm mr.

casella your new manager we were just

demonstrating how the super capacity

mega tag 3000 here can handle a deck and

a half of cards in one flush uh-huh well

that'll be good to know if cards ever

start dropping out of my butt well the

stockroom seems to be in order and Oh a

customer welcome to Berenson sir how can

I help you

you see now that's customer service

what's your name Maxwell McDaniel Seth

Casilla I'm your new boss well you know

you guys can learn a thing or two from

this man how'd you know I was napping in

the tub over


best Tracy seat she'll be back in a

minute Tina I'm not playing your stupid

Tracy game oh you know my sunglasses how

did these get here Tracy must have put

him there to save her see Tina she's not

even real isn't she God that kid is

creepy stupid Fosse Harvard son of a guy

whose cousin those Danson's got a

problem Muttley ever since that stupid

kid Seth took over my whole day's been

helping customers doing inventories plus

it feels like I'm coming down with

something oh honey that's just your body

rejecting actual work I just I just hate

taking orders from some stupid spoiled

college kid who never sold a damn thing

well you said yourself he's new in town

and he doesn't have a lot of friends why

don't you invite him over for poker

night maybe that way he'll warm up to

you because when I'm drinking beer and

talking about how much I hate him might

hurt his feelings remember how you

didn't like your old boss and we had him

over and then everything was great after

that that's because I led him to believe

he might have a shot with you you know

oh it's because I led him to believe he

might have a shot hey you got a raise

didn't you


okay let's see what you got boys anybody

beat three tens oh I got the pair of

two's huh and another pair of two's in

what a night I'm having gosh bill with a

great idea inviting your boss over to

play cards I can't take all the credit

we have Judy to thing by the way she

thinks you're cute yeah middle-aged

women love me well here you go guys my

famous six layer dip would have been

seven except bill had a can of corn for

lunch hey five-card stud nothing wild

all right say thanks again for inviting

me over guys it's great to just throw

off the name tags and treat each other

as friends right chubby guy who came in

late yesterday looks I'm just teasing

you fritz that's Fitz Oh could we go

with Fritz it's easier to remember yeah

sure so that's how you enjoying your job

down at the store um it's okay for my

first stop out of college I mean it's

certainly not the kind of place I want

to see myself at 40 but that's why I

avoid mirrors well I mean it's okay for

you guys what's that for us to me oh I'm

not trying to insult you i'm just saying

you like simple things you know you're

good simple people simple people that's

not a bad thing in fact hanging out with

you guys there's a lot more relaxing

than hanging out with my college buddies

it's nice not to have to think so much

yeah round here we don't cotton to

thinking no I do have a little thought

rattling around in my big empty head

right now

I'll do what we do in this house honey

screaming into a pillow Tara Jax huh

three lovely ladies I wind again that's

so great the rich get richer I'm late I

got a little held up at model you in but

there were no actual models their lunch

of geeks I was in model un really uh

what country were you lafia unlocked via

two small world you know why that's

funny uh-uh say is that the new version

of Dragon boss oh yeah I was just

playing at my friend a team's house I'm

hopelessly stuck in the forest of

fairies don't anybody say award that's

cuz you need the druid sword my friend

let me show you how to get it yeah

that'd be great then again I I hate to

bail on you guys Oh guys go fairy it up

well that was fun lost all my money to a

rich kid are you complaining about I

lost my name

what are you still doing here what's

going on Seth and I are just playing

dragon bot I've just been knighted by

the Supreme Council of warlords well

tell the w*rlord's your mom says it's

bedtime I'm afraid you have to go what's

going on your son and I we're having fun

your wife made us stop Judy let him play

bill it's a school night and I realized

that this your boss well you're his boss

you know Miller it is late and uh your

wife makes a good point if i were to

keep playing probably wouldn't make it

in on time to work tomorrow which means

i wouldn't be there to know who else

didn't make it in on time like you Oh so

we good hold on I just said that you

have to leave and he has to go to bed

but one late night won't hurt him Judy

Brian's doing great in school yeah he's

a real smart kid a real chip off the old

what grandmother grandfather it could

have come from us I mean he did he came

from Oz i'm going to bed and so are you

two judy judy let him finish the game

with my boss fine finish the game SAS in

case I don't see you again well you guys

have fun all right thanks dad so Seth

when you said I could come in late you

talking 11 sure 30 sure five no

hey it's okay have a nice lunch hours

the rest of us wooden back for some time

now come on Fitz don't be mad at me just

cassettes let me take a little longer

for lunch you don't want to put on any

weight because then you won't be able to

fit up his ass man you got it easy with

this guy you've come in late you don't

have to do inventory I'm surprised he

hasn't given you the key the executive

bathroom you bastard okay so I've

enjoyed a few perks since Bryan and Seth

buddied up there was your kid you'd do

the same thing don't insult me I can't

think of another human being on the

entire planet would use his own son just

to get ahead with a boss hey fellows

what's up hey Matt who's this oh this is

my little brother he's into computer

stuff and nerdy things Seth around you

are unbelievable you're trying to horn

in on my action so you brought your

brother to work I'm not his brother Shh

what my little homie is trying to say is

that technically we may not be blood

brothers per se but we're actually

participants in a Big Brother program

and when did you sign up for that

yesterday I resent the implication I'm

trying to give a little back to society

kids like Howard need a role model when

your application I said you were a

surgeon I was told you couldn't read hey

Sal want you to meet my little brother

Howard nice to meet you McDaniel's

family visits Arnel I'll accept on break

you heard the man get yourself no idiot

Miller listen I'm gonna be leaving in a

few minutes to meet Brian at the

cybercafe oh okay that's cool I'm just

telling you because it's a little slow

today and we're only gonna need two

people to watch the floor that means the

third guy can go home for the day hey

that's you



Shh mom's asleep it's about time you got

home I'm sorry dad me and set them to

this cool documentary the imax well if

your mother finds out you've been out

this late she'll be furious get up to

your room would be quiet okay thanks dad

what are you doing get up there before

you are in a sack of trouble where have

you been I was at the imax was Seth you

went downtown on a school night dad

signed off on it oh my god he's smoking

dr*gs you told him he could stay out

this late to be fair that was before I

knew he'd get caught yeah I got caught

going to see a documentary unlearning we

don't like that around here okay that is

it you are grounded in no more Seth he's

a bad influence on you sets a bad

influence what you mean the guy with the

Ivy League education I should be hanging

out with more people like him I mean

he's only 23 he's already more

successful than anyone in this house oh

oh oh you better get your butt upstairs

before she runs out of oohs yeah don't

talk to your mother like that if I don't

get to you don't get just don't think

sucks oh I haven't begun to make your

life suck mr. and she knows how to make

a life suck

I'm just backing you up babe we need to

tell Seth that he needs to stay away

from Brian but Judy this has been a

sweet deal thanks to Seth and my life

work schedule I've been able to wear the

same shirt for days in a row less

laundry Judy win-win yeah we all win

when you wear the same shirt for days in

a row first thing in the morning you are

gonna go to work and stand up to that

little jerk can I wait till 11 sure 30

sure fine no it's a color with it was

Tracy but well maybe I can punch you

when you can pass it on huh ah no need

for punching Tina is the reason Tracy's

acting out around here because she feels

like nobody's paying attention to her I

guess Tracy

Tracy we love having you in this family

but you can't act out around here just

because you're lonely and at an awkward

age she says you're lonely old don't

really think tracy said dad no she did

she says that's why you're over here so

much you are over here a lot I'm trying

to help what'd she say I can't say it's

to me okay I can't believe they're going

into overtime I can't believe I'm gonna

miss it it's just not fair that sets

making you work as Saturday shift and

during porcelain days that's just cool I

mean it's an outrage you shouldn't even

go in I mean you can stay and watch the

rest of the game that's all it is this

was that bill just leaving oh yeah you

just left for he doesn't work on

Saturdays well that Seth kids been

riding them ever since you stopped

letting Brian hang out with them yeah

it's been given a bad shifts grunt work

the toilet returns window will never

said a word I'm going down to that store

and give that little Ivy League punk a

piece of my mind Oh Judy I I don't think

villain appreciate you going down to the

work place you can stay in what's recipe

that's all I'm asking

oh okay sir I'll be with you as soon as

i'm done with this customer just take a

seat with the others Hey Judy what are

you doing here it's porcelain days how'd

you even get a parking spot well once

they depleted the giant gorilla a lot of

spaces open down why don't you tell me

Seth was being such a hard-ass because

it's my problem and I'm dealing with it

yeah but I'm the one who told you to

stand up to him I'm gonna go give him a

piece of mind no no no no stay out of it

it's not that big of a deal you work for

a living you take a certain amount of

crap okay if that's how you want to

handle it but he doesn't deserve an

employee like you all right if that's

what it takes to get some service around

here I'll lay one on you ok right you

with a guy who wanted to model that

could handle high volume uh yeah the

flume this

well look who's here Bill's real boss

you ground anybody today nothing against

you it's just that Brian was staying out

a little too late no hard feelings I'll

see you around oh you know what sorry I

took your son to a documentary when he

probably could have been at home with

your husband learning how to arm fart

Seth Seth may I tell you something that

might be helpful for you to know sure

you're Jack not excuse me how dare you

extra work on my husband when all he was

trying to do was be a good father listen

up Skippy bill may not have gone to some

fancy college or any college or most of

his high school classes senior year but

he is a hard-working working man you

shouldn't have to take your crap you're

nothing but a bully and bullies are just

scared little boys so even though I

everyone around here calls you sir or

boss or mr. casella they're all thinking

the same thing Jack nah i see well i'm

sorry either that or chasing him through

electronics and kicking them into small

appliances well I guess I'd better go in

there and try and fix this remember Judy

it's not cheating if I'm doing it to get

my job Oh Brian what are you doing here

I I snuck over to play dragon bought

with Seth and I heard everything you

said to him Brian I told you not allowed

to hang out with Seth anymore I know I

know but I'm dead why didn't you tell me

he was being such a jerk to you and why

did you put up with it because I'm not

one of these guys whose father's cousin

owns Berenson's I gotta work for a

living I just want you to know that I'm

dropping sent as a friend and I don't

care how smart he is I I don't want to

be like that although I am gonna keep

this jacket if that gives me shoulders

just like none of us is gonna seem

giselle you know they always joke down

at the Cinnabon that I might as well

work there I I'll go pick up an

application and a free sample dad I I

don't think you're fired really uh yeah

that's pretty shook up and he said

actually you could take the rest of the

day off as long as you take mom home

with you he's that it's very afraid of

her he's afraid of her he should fear

the man brave enough to marry her you're

pretty oh hello Tina suppose uh Tracy's

here to say some more horrible stuff

about me no Tracy's not my friend

anymore really you realized she was mean

and told her to take a hike no I have a

new friend Jeanie oh I see I suppose

this Genie girl is just as mean as Tracy

I'm sure genie is a nasty awful snotty

little smack face brat who deserves


make me


Tina why are you pouring two bowls of

cereal once for Tracy who's Tracy it's a

stupid imaginary friend the little

looser made up so she'd have someone to

talk to Tracy doesn't like that kind of

talk at all in Lauren at all that was

chilling Judy what Tina is doing is

perfectly normal for her age she's just

trying to fill a void in her life when I

was little I had an imaginary friend too

oh yeah as opposed to all the real ones

you have now honestly I don't know why I

come over here and take this kind of

abuse oh my laundry stuff Tina while I'm

up does your little friend once hello

Tracy that was me wasn't racing cap was

loose whatever helps you sleep at Judy

this isn't gonna be enough what are you

talking about us plenty for me but what

about Carlos


Oh Bill Miller has just successfully

flipped a 70 seventh consecutive car

tying a record long believed to be

unbreakable fits sorry intense pressure

on the eight-year record on the record

held by me hey does anybody actually

work here I mean I've been standing here

for five minutes and nobody's noticed me

I'm sorry sir hey everybody check out

the hottie you happy now very funny you

know I learned at Harvard Business

School that a customer whose approach

within the first 30 seconds is eighty

percent more likely to make a purchase

I'll tell you what college boy will you

report us to our new department manager

he's supposed to be starting today and

he just started didn't it yeah I'm mr.

casella your new manager we were just

demonstrating how the super capacity

mega tag 3000 here can handle a deck and

a half of cards in one flush uh-huh well

that'll be good to know if cards ever

start dropping out of my butt well the

stockroom seems to be in order and Oh a

customer welcome to Berenson sir how can

I help you

you see now that's customer service

what's your name Maxwell McDaniel Seth

Casilla I'm your new boss well you know

you guys can learn a thing or two from

this man how'd you know I was napping in

the tub over there best Tracy seat

she'll be back in a minute Tina I'm not

playing your stupid Tracy game Oh Tina

my sunglasses how did these get here

Tracy must have put in there to save her

seat Tina she's not even real isn't she

God that kid is creepy stupid Fosse

Harvard son of it guy whose cousin those

Danson's got a problem Muttley ever

since that stupid kid Seth took over my

whole day's been helping customers doing

inventory plus it feels like I'm coming

down with something oh honey that's just

your body rejecting actual work I just I

just hate taking orders from some stupid

spoiled college kid who never sold a

damn thing well you said yourself he's

new in town and he doesn't have a lot of

friends why don't you invite him over

for poker night maybe that way he'll

warm up to you because when I'm drinking

beer and talking about how much I hate

him might hurt his feelings remember how

you didn't like your old boss and we had

him over and then everything was great

after that that's because I led him to

believe he might have a shot with you

know who it's because I led him to

believe he might have a shot hey you got

a raise didn't you


okay let's see what you got boys anybody

beat three tents oh I got the pair of

twos up and another pair of two's in

what a night I'm having gosh bill with a

great idea inviting your boss over to

play cards I can't take all the credit

we have Judy to thing by the way she

thinks you're cute yeah middle-aged

women love me well here you go guys my

famous six layer dip would have been

seven except bill had a can of corn for

lunch hey five-card stud nothing wild

all right say thanks again for inviting

me over guys it's great to just throw

off the name tags and treat each other

as friends right chubby guy who came in

late yesterday looks I'm just teasing

your fritz that's Fitz Oh could we go

with Fritz it's easier to remember yeah

sure so Seth how you enjoying your job

down at the store um it's okay for my

first stop out of college I mean it's

certainly not the kind of place I want

to see myself at 40 but that's why I

avoid mirrors well I mean it's okay for

you guys what's that for us to me oh I'm

not trying to insult you i'm just saying

you like simple things you know