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03x11 - Still Fast

Posted: 11/13/22 06:58
by bunniefuu

football I love football it's my

favorite kind of all people I love

cheese balls my second favorite Bowl

going on um she's fixing my kite

aerodynamics and that are all wrong and

I've only got two months to fix it

before kite Club season there's a kite

club yeah I'm vice president so if the

president can't fulfill his duties you

get beat up by the football team hey I

was gonna watch the game but Kristen I

just started watching our movie I miss

Miller all right Chris you're really

over here a lot aren't you I like here

hey you should have seen it back before

there were so many people on the couch

dancer guys go watch the movie over

chris's house we don't own the TV what

are you doing your living room sit

around reading paper and what are you

doing your bathroom yeah cute please go

watch the game upstairs please online

children I hate children my least

favorite kind of people




Laurens food do not eat those house do

not care mr. Miller what are you doing

coming down from Lauren's room after

midnight we were just studying with all

sleep accidentally oh well you're gonna

fall down the basement stairs

accidentally I just fell asleep I swear

we did you come any closer I might throw

up it's going Magee I found him sneaking

out of Laurens room we didn't do

anything I swear we just fell asleep I

guess it was that big turkey sandwich I

had you ain't my turkey too that's it

you're going down Chris why didn't you

go on home mr. Miller and I need to talk

what are you doing our daughter my

turkey I can't throw the neighbor boy

down the stairs yes that neighbor boy

was in our daughter's room trying to

become the neighbor man don't go crazy

chris is a nice boy I totally trust him

with Lauren do I have to remind you his

parents or lesbians have to do what that

is then I'm just saying the boy might be

more experienced than you think I mean

who knows what this kids see hot tub

parties naked camping trips pillow fight

to get out of hand

they're lesbian stuff to make them sexy

I've seen plenty of cinemax movies that

beg to differ plenty fact since I'm up



Shelley Terry we just love having

neighbors like you guys women brave

American mix the neighborhood feel hip

it funky kind of like Greenwich Village

well we do what we can we loved having

Chris around all the time he's polite

mature and looking for a place to park

his boy parts listen he told us he and

lauren fell asleep studying any promises

it will never happen again Yeah right

I'll never steal beer out of your garage

again what I point is that men like

apparently that we need a lock in our

garage look Lauren told us the same

story and maybe they did just fall

asleep but we were kind of hoping you

guys would help us keep an eye on things

unless you want us to be family someday

nobody wants that you create your

concern but we have talked Kris to be

respectful with girls and we think

Lauren is safe with him but he is a

teenage boy and as we know the male

species not your specialty know plenty

about Mendel were close with our dads we

have brothers we've even had boyfriends

really yeah in fact in college we dated

the same guy for a while you did

actually we met each other through him

he's gone oh well thank you for letting

us come over actually that reminds me of

a movie I saw the other night you guys

have a go camping

you believe those two that kid Adair's

has I'm so full they really do seem to

trust and respect their son that's gonna

fight him on the air well I don't trust

him he's a weird kid whose parents are

freaks because okay no because they

don't have a TV that is unnatural and

the next time he comes over here i'm

just gonna happen to be cleaning my

r*fle you don't have a ride okay then my

bellybutton areas that may sound you

might want to try getting to know him

that way he's more likely to respect you

and less likely to disrespect her

daughter not a bad idea take the kid out

somewhere to bond where Brian how would

you feel about a day with me at the

batting cages really that'd be great dad

I'd love that perfect that's where I'm

taking the neighbor boy Ryan yeah dad

can you move your mom's car

there we are masseur I thought you were

giving me a ride home from school just

gonna hit a few balls you know have a

few laughs are you still mad at me no no

no no no no I think you're a great kid

fact I want you to think of me as a

friend buddy just one of the guys all

right you know you could learn a lot

from a guy like me I know a thing or two

about a thing or two I drunk from life's

cups nor have you been drinking from

lunch cup today no no no I like to keep

shocked when I have business with mr.

Spalding that had some smoke on it maybe

we should find a slower cage I think

this is the slowest there's a picture of

a turtle on it maybe just cuz you're

standing all wrong oh yeah who taught

you how did that my mom's they played

varsity softball Ohio State they did

yeah they even went to the All girl

world finals in Sweden uh-huh uh-huh

keep going I had nothing nothing here

let me show you we have liftoff remember

to vote upon your back foot shift your

weight Oh somebody get him a blanket

he's on fire smooth were you serious

when you said we could talk about

anything anything one for the guy in the


there's friend of mine Oh more tokens

anyway there's this friend of mine who's

been dating this girl and even though

it's usually the guy that's moving too

fast in this case in my friends case

it's the girl that wants to do stuff if

you know what I mean so the girls moving

too fast and he doesn't like it sounds

like someone's not interested in girls

honesty girls I know so it's you were

talking about wait a minute if we're

talking about you that means the fast

girl is Lord and I've got a hell of a

nerve calling my daughter personally I

don't want to hear another word out of

you oh say you were staying a place i

know i'm standing on the plate what do

you think I'm stupid


hey Brian where you off to oh the winds

picking up so I'm taking around on a

trial run oh it's at your little pelican

akai this little kite can withstand a

scale five when strength okay and it's a

pterodactyl it looks just like the

placemats of the hungry pelican you know

what maybe I can't i String class so we

could have ourselves a little race this

is here something there's like five

reasons why that's aerodynamically

impossible oh honey you know what else

is impossible getting a girlfriend while

you're carrying around that kind hey

girl hobby out and go with Chris at the

batting cage very educational I found

out my swing is too fast and so is our

daughter chris said that Lauren's the

one looking to move too fast i'm gonna

go tuck her into bed with a staple g*n I

think I can handle this so really I mean

you're prepared to talk to your daughter

about sex sex bill don't be afraid of

the word you might have to use it up

there and penis and vag*na I won't have

to use the P&V words I I can just say

Patrick and Virginia okay I don't think

you're ready to have them to talk with

our daughter why not because you're a

big Virginia I'd you're a little

agitated right now if you go up there

like this it's gonna turn into a

shouting match Olga okay but it's not

because I couldn't handle it

do that bracelet looks really great idea

hey hi mom hi mrs. Miller hey Becca wait

so you know to drug him getting high on

life that's how can I talk to Lauren for

a second yes ma'am she would call me me

because she's scared of you good I like

Becca honey I'm time for you and I to

have a little mother-daughter chat you

know Bryan's running around with a kite

maybe you should have a mother-daughter

chat with him where to begin uh your

father spent the afternoon with Chris

what my boyfriend Chris snow big deal he

was just bonding with my boyfriend they

were just having a talk but during the

course of the conversation it came up

that apparently Chris feels that

romantically you're moving a little too

fast for him oh my god honey i use

because it's none of your business

actually it is you're 15 years old and

you don't want to get a you know

reputation I cannot believe that you're

talking to me about a reputation was

that supposed to mean you're the one who

is easy in high school where did you

hear that from you dad and Aunt Linda

and our crossing guard I can't think of

anyone I haven't heard it from oh I did

not we're not talking about me here

we're talking about you yeah well I'm

not you and just because you fooled

around with everyone in high school

doesn't mean I'm going to you can't talk

to me like this why it's true honey room

i'm in my room don't you tell me what it

down that's where you're wrong little

lady let's think about that for a while

and you're out forever well so happy

you're damn city to say that I had no

room to talk because I was a slot in

high school what

now I can't believe I lost it like that

up there okay look we can fix this

Lauren can you come down here for a

minute honey what are you doing did you

just let yourself get a little too

emotional what we need is a rational

third party that can deal with you

subjectively hey now I know you're a

little angry with your mother and your

father because they don't know how to

stay out of my business you are our

business and it's our business to keep

everyone else's business out of your

business we don't know what their Lauren

and Chris are engaging in any

inappropriate intimacy or swimming a lot

here maybe we should give Lauren the

benefit of the doubt thank you okay I'll

just sit down and discuss this

rationally hey now this is yours esli

daughter and she has given you no reason

to believe that she's anything but a

sweet and innocent it's a little nut

nothing is that a hickey okay is that a

hickey I bumped into a door it's my neck

ouch that must hurt saying it with a

straight face would you always stay out

of my wife okay good start these open

seeds are so right now what we do is we

let it settle for a while and then we

invite her back down again and play

something called emotional charades I'll

start two words both one syllable means

go home alright then good luck with your


well well well look at what we have here

isn't this a pretty picture quite a stew

oh yeah it's a real pickle I'm kettle of

fish indeed okay you gonna say something

makes sense anytime soon or try not to

point fingers that boy is an animal what

did I do yes what did she do okay first

off he acted all innocent the other day

when I took him to the batting cage you

took our son to the batting cages he

wanted to go any was giving me a ride

home from school you kiddin ask our son

don't get all excited I just thought he

might like to talk to an older man about

sex and you're well hope dare you we

were just concerned about our daughter

because your son isn't as innocent as

you think what does that mean he gave

Lauren a hickey on her neck a hickey

that's what we had to rush over here

about it's not like you're missing a TV

show besides it's not about it hehe it's

about the fact that he lied to my face

about not doing anything with my

daughter born has a hickey Oh like you

had nothing to do with it does that mean

she is another boyfriend look at this

performance is like watching the great

Patrick Swayze what's going on Chris

what are you doing here why are you

cheating on me no Chris it's not like

that okay then who gave you a hickey I

don't want to talk about it well you're

gonna tell us who gave you the hickey

yeah who I gave it to work

we gave them to each other you gave each

other hickeys why would you do something

like that oh I can think of a reason

look we gave them to each other but but

what's a vacuum cleaner vacuum cleaner

probably something they saw on TV why

would you do that because i wouldn't

give her one it's just stupid bracelet

thing at school what bracelet thing

don't tell them anything Chris tell us

oh don't I know that look he's gonna

barf we better get him out of here 323

three becka what's goin on that guys I

have to tell her your mom is very scary

yes I am okay at school there are

different color bracelets you wear that

show different things you've done with a

guy and Lauren and I didn't have any so

some of the other girls dared us to see

how many we could get you gave each

other hickey so that you could wear a

bracelet yeah a red went okay big deal

it's not like we tried to get all the

other colors what other colors the other

colors you get for doing other things

okay are you happy god this is so

embarrassing can I go to my room too

ma'am pullin on at that school Brian we

just heard about this whole bracelet

information system do you know anything

about it yeah sure I have one I never

take it off really what does your say

you'll do um it says I'll die if someone

gives me penicillin


well I'm happy to learn you know where

we keep the vacuum cleaner glad you find

this funny it's not funny it's

frightening you thinking you have to do

things with boys to prove yourself to

other girls it's only one bracelet mom I

mean my life at school easier okay

Lauren that's crazy well you're not

their mom okay I just feel like

everybody at school up something like

I'm a baby but you're rather they look

at you because you can baby I'm not

gonna get pregnant mom I'm not gonna

have sex all I need to know I mean I

know you're gonna end up doing things

with boys sooner than I'd like you to

but when you do it we should be for the

right reason I know because I'm in love

and we're married or at least it's

really really hot for the guy I just

mean that I want you to do it when you

want to do it and not because of some

stupid bracelet oh ok so sometimes it's

hard to know what to do I want you to

know that you can always come and talk

to me about this stuff okay you promise

not to freak out on me okay sighs I

could be helpful you know like you said

I have some experience in this field

tonight might be able to give you a

little guidance you know I thought it

was gross when you try to teach me to

sew teach you how to do anything you're

gonna have to learn that on the streets

like everybody else thank God father and

I love you very much and we're just

trying to help you through all this I

know hey you want to have some fun ask

your father who Virginia


hey here hold this for me I've never got

my kite this high before I go get my

camera the guys in KY club are gonna

believe this whatever my kite it moved

on and so should you

