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03x08 - Still Cruising

Posted: 11/13/22 06:53
by bunniefuu
well like you the clown just canceled on

Tina's party I blame myself should seen

that one coming what about that clown

there was at the Murphy's party in the

park that was a homeless person if

you're looking to pay someone to

entertain at tina's birthday party

Miller the Magnificent is wide open on

Saturday because often Millie to

dateless I can start with close-up magic

and then we can move on to an illusion

in this state I'll get it I'm expecting

a call from the Sun I always wanted well

Tina's okay with it i'll pay you a

hundred bucks great wait you're paying

him 100 bucks I want a piece of that I

got something um middle of a magnificent

is a solo act I'm afraid of honey my mom

what she has to say she's still saying

it okay bill you can't just ignore your

mother care until I run out of pillows

look her boyfriend Johnny's out of town

for two months since he left she's been

all over me I'm gonna tell you how to

handle this tomorrow you should invite

her to lunch she'll spend one hour with

you she'll be so thrilled to be off your

best two weeks oh you don't understand

my mom she's a bloodsucker I opened the

door a crack next thing I know I'm

driving her to Wisconsin to get the good

cheese you gotta handle your parents

like I handle my parents if they get too

clingy I stand my ground I don't give an

inch polite but firm okay I'm going in

hi mom yeah I just walked in

I was I was wondering if you wanted to

go for lunch tomorrow great okay so I'll

see you what a quilt show afterward no

no I can't no no I really okay hi Louise

it's Judy yeah bill and I would love to

take you to lunch tomorrow but then he

is busy for the rest of the day okay

we'll see you then bye ha how'd you do

that bill it's just a matter of being

calm and direct you can't spend your

whole life hiding from your family I

volunteer for my magic at



and of course you remember Edna Hackman

no sure you do from down the street oh

yeah yeah nice old mrs. Hackman how is

she dead I didn't find her for a month

that's what happens when your children

don't bother to come by enough what are

you doing tomorrow

but it's settled we're going to

Wisconsin that way we can finally get

the good we don't really doesn't

have time tomorrow oh ok well how about

Wednesday busy then too Saturday not

good scheana's birthday party on

Saturday and we're hoping to see you

there from two to four well good then I

can come early to help you set up no no

not necessary you're our guest will see

you at two ok i love you i love you too

I left my lipstick in the car which

it'll get it Judy I'm just going to sit

here with Billy and chat bill why don't

you go you always like to take a knife

to a walk after you eat that I do so

Judy had this lovely I'm so glad that

you wanted to join Billy and me today

horse Louise your family and I really

want us to have a great relationship

really yeah really you know I want that

too in fact want to do something nice

for you Johnny and I bought tickets for

Caribbean cruise but he had to go out of

town oh and I know that you and Billy

have always talked about going on a

cruise so I thought that you might want

to go our treat really what we do have

some vacation time saved up and I

suppose my sister could help with the

kids great then it's settled thank you

so much Louise this is incredibly

generous of you what is yes what Billy

Judy and I are going on a cruise


either I'm going on a train with my

beautiful daughter in law I need to buy

a new baby suit ha what the hell just

happened I'm here and she stuck to it I

thought you were sending you and me on

the cruises sneaky way she worded it I

didn't know what I was agreeing to my

dad claims that's how they got married

oh wait a minute I know what this is

about she really wants you to go on the

cruise with her she just hooked me it

hopes that I'd make you go instead but

we're not gonna fall for that so we are

not I am taking control of this we are

not going to let that woman manipulate

us into doing something we don't want to

do good you bring me back one of those

little shell necklaces


okay see the handkerchiefs now watch

closely and presto change-o where's the

hankie in the egg Tina I'm sure there's

more of the trick than that no actually

that's it dan Bravo where have you been

you're supposed to be my sister uh about

that I kind of been thinking I want all

the money so i looked at my own magic

act you have a magic act you're not even

a member of the Blackstone society yeah

watch this trick greatest dance tips

tada and nail polish okay just cuz you

say tada doesn't make it a trick no I

just thought that instead of Brian's

Wayne magic ask that scheana would

rather have a party where we dance we do

my nails yeah I want that you and COO

picked on okay now it sounds like it's

gonna be a fun party not that I'm not a

plan it out this isn't over Lauren hey

Brian that was the magic act it sucks

finally figured that out Judy I just saw

my mom pull up oh good cuz I know

exactly what I'm gonna tell her that

neither one of us is going on their

cruise I'm going to be polite that I'm

staying in control I only have my new

cross buddy

I just had to come right over and show

you in my new swimsuit it's a three

piece that's up the third piece is

blindfold We Need to Talk okay um is

something wrong well here's the thing uh

there's been a misunderstanding when I

agreed to go on the cruise I thought you

were sending me and Bill no I thought

you would want to go with me because you

said you wanted us to be buddies what I

said is I want us to have a good

relationship exactly I see this Cruise

is a chance for us to get closer you

know for so long I didn't really know

you I mean first you were on the dr*gs

then you were doing your best to raise

kids and not with your childbearing

years far behind you we can be more like

sisters sweet as that thought maybe a

seven day cruise might be too intense

right off the back I think we should

start more slowly like with a 1-day

Cruise or seafood dinner well maybe

you're right it's just well it's a

little embarrassing you see I've already

bragged to all my friends in the Red Hat

Society that you're going with me Red

Hat Society oh it's a social club for

women of a certain age and when we get

together we all wear red hats and purple

outfits driving slow and talking loud

doesn't get you enough attention no

silly it's so we can make a bold

statement when we're on an outing

together well it sounds like you guys

have fun oh you know Judy you should

come with me to the next mixer tomorrow

tomorrow yeah that way I could still

show you off to my friends well that is

unless spending two hours with me would

be how did you put it too intense oh no

I think that would be okay two hours

seems reason oh good well you can pick

me up at noon men

now where are my grandchildren that's


night that she warns them so they have

time to squeeze under their bed right

this way girl how two rooms right

through there me first fiddle time you

girls go ft and I'm doing old Philip hey

what's with the pink hat the old biddies

made me wear it I'm a bit Ian training

you're an itty bitty bitty well you been

gone all day she sucked me in that's

what bloodsuckers do it should just be a

mixer but somehow Louise forgot that

they were going to the theater today to

see menopause the musical that's a

that's a real show no but that didn't

stop him from putting it on anyway after

that we had to go for coffee and cake

and three hours later after we paid our

11 separate check I was going to take

them all home but iris forgot her purse

so we had to go all the way back but

turns out she was sitting on it the


or did we lack thing is I wasn't there

well batters bill i won I got through

the mixer and I don't have to go on the

cruise Oh cutie there you are we've got

some good news we just elected you to

organize next weekend's mixer

congratulate I don't know Louise oh it's

really an honor for a first-timer I just

put you down no no don't put me down

it's just kind of a one-time thing for

me I just put you down for now we'll see

how it goes no please don't put me down

just for now I'm going to put you down I

don't want to be put down okay I'm

putting you down down your bloodsucker

no QV where would you get that I had to

do was say no who tried to Louise no my

face is running


to bqe if the scissors or she's coming

back my nail polish that he isn't for

the party oh it's great I just have some

like this like this what did you get see

found them attention all party human

prepare to get down I am the funk

machine I like the dork machine I like

the dark machine is the more dork do you

want the funk machine to come to your

party Tina yeah wait a minute you cannot

come in here and steal my honey I think

the decision was Tina and she chose me

yeah well she chose me first I really

need one hundred dollars so do I uh hold

on you know what this is up to Tina do

you want a nail party or groove Threepio

here's I want two hundred dollars you

can't just take the hundred dollars why

not well then you won't have any

entertainment for your party so i'll

holla hundred dollars works for me yeah

i'm finally rich sucks yeah but at least

i didn't go to the trouble of making a

superb robot costume and painting myself

silver oh hahaha i made this a couple of

weeks ago just for myself for fun your

trust the joke's on me bill there's a

card here from your mom yeah aren't you

gonna open it why because she won't

return my calls since I called her blood

sucker Judy it's been wonderful without

her the skies bluer food tastes better

I don't love my mom she's just better in

theory okay so she's not coming to

tennis party can't let her take this out

on Tina I gotta go over there make this

right or and hear me out we ignore her

letter we don't go over there and we

never stop dancing if you have to do

this I completely understand but let me

just tell you one thing in all honesty

about my mother okay she is a succubus

who suck the marrow out of your bones

like your bone marrow I think you do

bill don't worry I got a tan oh hello

Billy Judy hi Louise can we come in I

guess so aren't you here to call me more

mean things I just roughed me up a

little listen Louise I feel terrible for

what I said it's just that I was so

frustrated when you tried to force me to

join your Red Hat Society but that's no

excuse for how I reacted and I'm truly

truly sorry well okay and I'd really

appreciate it if you came to Tina the

party fine I'll be there great we'll see

you tomorrow mom once again the parties

from two to four the two could be 230

but the forest firm 330 okay then good

bye wow you were great you got in there

you got what you wanted and you got our

beautiful work I came all the way over

here with heartfelt apology and all she

could say is ok she is purposely not

accepting my apology to hold it over me

I'm going back in Judy this is what

happens in monster movie they almost get

away that somebody turns back in the

horrible hi hi mom

please can we have another minute yes so

that's a hard minute okay 60 seconds

starting now please you never actually

said that you accepted my apology and

that things were all right between us

sure I did no no you just said okay oh

well then I accept your apology and

everything is all right between us all

right then see you mom ah no no so you

can't do that you can't say everything's

alright and then act all mopey I need to

feel that this is behind us that it's

official well if you want me to sign

something Irving down the hall is a

notary public Louise this is important

if we're ever going to have a good

relationship and I want their you

haven't made this easy I mean first you

were being all nice then you called me a

blood sucker nice again it's been a bit

of a roller coaster I am sorry for that

but we're family and it's important that

we get along like friends well get along

Oh like people do you're my

mother-in-law and I really care about

you Judy that is so sweet you know I

really care about you to me glad we

cleared this up before we went on the

cruise let me just put you down I'm not

going oh you can just buy later but i'll

just put you down for now will we don't

put me down

sorry just that you can't trick me I

want to go okay if you're my friend you

will respect that okay it's just that

I've been so lonely we're well into

minute to hear i'm off it Louise you're

not lonely got your red hat society and

Johnny will be back before you know it

well do you see that's just it Johnny

isn't just out of town he left me honey

I am so sorry why didn't you tell us I

was too ashamed to tell anyone why well

those Billy's father left me not Johnny

it's a little bit embarrassing being

rejected like that I i know i have my

quirks but i have a lot of love to give

and yet no one seems to wanna fix bon



it's a nice shap Judy I not be that bad

Louise and I have to share a bed hope

she's gone back to wearing my cows thank

God there are six bars on this vote

hello bunk mate you ready to go if F

hear it now call free cruise oh you want

to say goodbye to the kids I'll be here

when I get back I hope you have fun

Louise and the important thing is it

takes your mind off Johnny Oh didn't I

tell you Johnny and I made up last night

big time you made up why isn't Johnny

going with you oh he had don't enter

squeezing around with a bunch of old

broads a bunch of old brought of course

it's a red hat society cruise



I wouldn't have it any other way cuz you

back me
