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03x07 - Still Going First

Posted: 11/13/22 06:51
by bunniefuu

hey honey how's your side still hurt you

no no I'm fine why are you taking off

your jacket so slow slow or sexy oh

honey we helped me get down the food

processor unless it's gonna hurt you too

much please I laugh in the face of pain

okay I have an appointment with dr.

Holden on friday i'll see if you can

pitch in too okay honey if it makes you

feel better I'll go but there's nothing

wrong with in that we can take her to

the doctor too




they'd watch check Ithaca oh he was very

thorough fact I'm pretty sure I cheated

on you sometimes people are misled by my

gentle hand as far as your lateral pain

it looks like it's just probably a

pulled muscle you're gonna have to take

it easy for a few days that might be a

problem doctor I don't think he really

could take it any easier I'm talking

about build lying down whenever he can

no carrying groceries no taking out the

trash no physical exercise how am I

Thank You Lila take less we're all

results Remillard bills hmm according to

these numbers you've got el sob syndrome

I'll SLV what's hot man with your eating

habits and cholesterol this good it

means you want lucky sob like that one

not you young lady your cholesterol

through the roof what my cholesterol

higher than his but I exercise all the

time and the way he sees more pizza than

husband I'm sorry a lot of its heredity

haha one another prostate exam maybe


believe you're the one stuck in a heart

smart diet health food blows look at

this soy bacon Lloyd chips soy cheese oh

god it smells like somebody threw up eat

I mean young lord did you grab me

another medicine from the fridge and

bring one for fits too icky make mine a

man imported medicine so did I tell you

that my fiance has a new pet name for me

he calls me Mindy bear it's impossible

that he just can't remember your last

name I'm in love you can't hurt me there

is there's something about Perry that's

been nagging me a bit fact that he talks

with the fake English accent and sings

in a Foghat cover band no I only worries

that Perry's never really spent time

around kids mmm that's a shame too

because kids love Foghat are you done I

just want him to be comfortable around

children so he's open to the idea of us

having kids three girls tiffany amber

and Helen to strippers and roll lady I'm

gonna take a borrow one of your kids so

Perry could spend some time with them

well all hang out with you guys I think

it's bands pretty cool yeah I love you

honey but i was thinking of tina you

know more on that cute and cuddly less

on the freaky teenage problems yeah I'm

the one with the freaky problems and

here's your fresh garden salad what oh

look you can move here's your burger

I'll be napping later come down in an

hour and turn me the 11 that magic blood

mr. hey you know what you're looking at

fits the perfect machine worry about

Judy dough that cholesterol is a big

health risk probably mean she's gonna go

before you hey don't talk like that yeah

I'm just torn up about this as you are

Judy was gonna be the first person I was

gonna hit on after my wife kicks don't

worry my plan you're dead too oh good

otherwise that'd be really insensitive

bill can you get the food processor down

can I have a condition yeah you know

what you're full of baloney and I mean

that literal now get up you been milking

this for a week well it was a good run

so Judy I heard the news I got to say

nobody's sorry as I am we would have

been great together how many bottles of

medicine have you had today I'm just

worried about you in that cholesterol

you're ticking time b*mb yes I gotta

watch what I eat I'm not gonna die yeah

that's a brave girl you know just we're

really sorry for bill here though if you

go first and poor bastard will be

helpless without you he couldn't find

his ass with both hands and an ass map I

don't think you're giving bill enough

credit Judy why am I in the kitchen my

processor not here just your head up I

don't see it open the cabinet Oh

you know the great thing about work they

give you a check every week and all they

get back is a tiny little piece of your

soul had something to me yesterday and

it got me kind of ran oh don't worry i

know he's planning to date you but by

then your looks will be gone and nobody

will want okay but i was talking about

if I you know God forbid went first and

it was bugging me all morning so I came

back right after lunch and don't you

dare my darling bill what is this well

in case something should happen to me I

wanted you to know you know everything

about the kids the house where we keep

the important papers and then as I was

writing I started to think about our

life together and I had so much that I

wanted to tell you if God forbid what

solid here thanks good sir well don't

you want to say anything to me about

right meant ladder nice job I was kind

of hoping that you'd write me a letter

back you're not wearing a watch okay mom

this is important to me okay I'll give

it a shot I'm to Coast Paris well so

much for telling him on the idea of

having kids why would happen pretty

ribbon sabrok and she's been abroad for

two solid broken out

where's parent well he was parking the

car but he might be in the garage

looking for wire cutter so we can give

himself my little frog ribbit ribbit

ribbit there you don't have to humor her

anymore Linda bear has been brilliant

spending the day with Tina I mean

usually I'm round a kid i'm studying her

face and praying should i look like me

nods nods i know i was just I was just

telling duty how adorable she was no you

said you hated why didn't you go on

upstairs and play sweetie how we should

go did you give up on the ladder Oh all

done Wow only took you like three

minutes you know you could take a longer

time if you want to mine took all

afternoon ah no I'm good we're not

supposed to look at those now no I just

want to take a peek you come with the

mind if you want Wow I still got half

the jumble your Judy's snow shovels

behind the garage XO dead bill PS boo no

no it's set mmm that's it you're dead

I'm all alone and all you have to say is

blue I mean movies and Halloween

decorations of Todd is that that's all

the debt can say do you have nothing to

say about the life we shared together

we're just kind of what hanging out on

this couch to one of us draw I didn't

know I was supposed to write some big

statement about our life you just told

me to write what I do i do the shoveling

when it snows that's all I do know what

I don't know which makes me sad or this

letter or the fact that that's all you


hey don't forget the work I do in the

boudoir bill I poured my heart into that

letter so I could control you and leave

you with something that you'd always

have I went on the paper belt oh I get

it weeping okay let me take another

whack at this if you write who after the

boo then I'm gonna find a new place to

put the snow shovel and I'm gonna need

more time you working on the ladder yep

how's it going fine you not hover not

hovering bill not hard to stop the

things you'll miss about our life

together when I won't miss you hovering

laughs I love you

hey Carrie and I are out shopping and we

took kaptein of something oh we got her

a frog go little hat Foghat I get it

wrong cat like you're being forgot frog

hat and not occurred to me that's good

i'm feeling a bear ober got someone to

meet you froggy meet my friend Tina bit

thanks Terry poverty nipper yeah that's

funny because I'm Linda bear hey it's

funny I'm funny today hear that hold

bear thing yeah wish I hadn't Judy I

would sit there until you know who came

along is seriously competing with the

seven-year-old I didn't choose this

battle Judy are you working on my a

letter to Judy for after I'm dead that's

an awesome title let's do Judy for after

I'm dead something something shaggy

hookers instead Thank actual letter

which so far only has today's date it's

like some advice from a songwriter I

thought you in a cover man still go

write the songs down hey Perry the Brian

see bill you should do i do carry a

notebook that way when the news comes

knocking you can start rocking been

working on your wedding vows have a

listen your love is a sunshine that

kisses my cheek or laughter is my music

and when I lie in your arms I find rest

from this weary world oh that's amazing

she's just like writing a song but you

know I'm a songwriter too so you're

preaching to the choir oh yeah what sort

of stuff to write musicals mostly here

we go

I'm really inspired by sondheim hmm

sometime I know that bloke really yeah

he's that dirtbag backup drummer for

cheap trick owes me five out of dollars

no no you don't understand this is a

completely different guy yeah whatever

you say the rehabs not magic little man

I never remember i told you i was buggy

bills write that letter well they

finally didn't it's beautiful Judy your

love is the sunshine that kisses my

cheek your laughter is my music and when

I lie in your arms I find a rest from

this weary one I think Bill was capable

of this you know what I'm not surprised

I know this side of bill so I married

hey you beautiful man next time you go

warehouse shopping I need another big

bag of socks anything you want read your

letter all the letter O how did you find

that you put it on my pillow it okay oh

it's perfect your possible oh honey only

God's perfect some of us are damn close

listen Linda's in the kitchen what do

you say i get rid of her and we

discussed this upstairs oh you mean

naked talking because there's something

I'd like to get off your chest no better

it's so amazing listen to this imagery

your love it's a sunshine but kisses my

cheek bill uh actually it's Perry what

yeah that's from Terry's wedding vows to

Aunt Linda he showed me in daddy's

notebook you mean Carrie breakfast for

me and bill copied it back bill can't

believe you copy Perry's vows well I

mean not exactly see how he changed on

this day we are Wed to on this day I am


excuse me I can't believe I was so

worried about stupid pet name I can't

believe those beautiful words he wrote

for me Harry left me how much not

sharing him with children yeah but I

thought you really wanted children

O'Brien Perry finds rest in my arms I'm

not putting a baby in there well I think

that's for the best I was just putting

on some lotion see one top or bottom

m'lady neither oh and it's not even my

birthday he copied Perry's vows did you

really get away with it obviously didn't

you think I'd recognize them at Linda

and Terry's wedding Judy come on it's

your sister there's not gonna be a

wedding no I just hope that if you sat

down and looked at our life you'd have

something to say to me about it I love

you I'll miss you nice rack something

first of all I can't stop talking about

you Rach ask anybody at work and as far

as loving you goes let's just say many a

mare tried to lure this stallion from

the meadow Judy many ma so what I wrote

that letter I wanted to tell you things

things that we never say to each other

so that you'd know what all this meant

to me and I know that it might sound a

little crazy but I wanted a little

something like that back for me well I

don't want to and I'm tired of talking

about it and you can't even try no why

not see if I answer you I'd be talking

about it and if you can't understand

that but I don't know what more I can


yeah lotion you know I've had some good

success not expecting much from you and

this life I'll just carry that on over

and to death that's the spirit we built

you didn't even care enough to read this



how's the movie fine good what's this

hard to school I made it for you you

know so you can get the food processor

off the shelf and you don't have to get

off the couch yeah I guess by the way

the coping saw was exactly where you

said it was in your letter you read my

letter yeah and and I made you a stool

by the way the band aids were also where

you said they'd why'd you make me stool

because I don't want you falling or

dropping something you know if I'm not

here can we can we not talk about this

well that's what I don't get why can't

we talk about this because because look

do you want the stool or not I love the

stool I just wish you could tell me what

it's feeling but Judy I don't even want

to think about it because you know this

is everything and if you're not here or

you know I'm not here anyway I made this

for me yeah you made it because you want

to take care of me even after you yeah

yeah yeah you know I could always put

the food processor on the bottom shelf I

used the bottom shelf to make the stool

well i gotta admit harry wrote some

beautiful vows yeah you know he seems

kind of dip but he really started your

loves the sunshine that gifts my cheek

your laughter is my music and when I lie

in your arms I find rest from this weary


poetry is nice but it's no cure for

erectile dysfunction
