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03x04 - Still Winning

Posted: 11/13/22 06:46
by bunniefuu

great hanging out with you Linda but it

was a little rude of you to be on the

phone with your boyfriend the entire

time I know and I mean it will really

hurt my feelings no I should get going

Perry yeah judy has that look on her

face well here I'll show you sorry

there's so much to talk about when you

have a fiance you know I yeah and a ring

as soon as he sells his car Oh reminds

me I can't go to the movies with you

tomorrow oh really now I know Perry and

I are picking out wedding invitations

I'm picking out wedding invitations

because I up a fight but I am so happy

that you finally found someone but don't

forget the rest your family's been kind

of blow me off a lot lately yeah I hear

you well good because I'm glad no no the

reception is good

Perry you know what this is this is kind

of rude we should probably cut this

short thank you



sorry it took me so long my son keeps

changing the place where he hides his

money there you go buddy yeah maybe next

time you'll find out where he hides his

tips honey my hands are folks you flip

off the pizza guy for me that's weird

last time I checked Brian's lock box

there was a couple of hundred bucks in

here weren't you have any idea which

brother's been doing with alts money

apparently not hiding him as well I hide

mine don't have money no done to her

mattress no hi guys Mary our brain won't

even Jesus all your money I think a

better question would be what are you

doing with all I know come on there was

more than 200 bucks in here the other

day I earned that money I can spin it

any way I want it Brian this is for your

college fund you can't be irresponsible

you know your father and I haven't saved

a cent well if you must know I kind of

have a new hobby I just didn't want to

tell you guys because I thought you'd

make fun of it they'll let him say what

it is first it's called wizards the

beckoning it's a strategy game where you

assume the roles of wizards and warlocks

and engage in fantasy duels armed only

with the deck of Enchanted battle carbs

ah you guys just don't understand it

Brian Frank come back here we don't mean

to make fun of it it's just 200 bucks is

a lot of money to throw away on some

silly car I didn't throw it away mom I

mean sure I spent two hundred dollars

but by now my collections got to be

worth at least a thousand a thousand

dollars that real money are like wizard

bucks real money and every time I play I

just win more cards so you won like 800

bucks yeah but it's not about winning

dad it's about the spiritual journey

testing yourself and finding your own

strengths and limitations so you've won

like 800 yeah I guess but in order to

get that money I'd have to sell my card

I am not selling my car Brian you have

to be responsible with your money you

know you need to sell these cards now

otherwise when do you wake up the fat

will be over and they'll be worth

nothing that's why we sold your beanie

babies oh my beanie baby you have a

computer we're selling the car this is

so unfair you guys can't control me

Brian wait come back here no forget it

you know what go ahead no wait guess we

can still control

hey Linda where are you we wait for you

no no it's fine I got plenty of other

people I can hang out with actually I

see someone right now what do you mean

who I got friends her name is Rhys I'll

be right with You Theresa for you awful

cabeza funny Theresa I gotta go bye ok

Gina looks like mommy's all yours we can

do whatever you want we can sit here and

talk yeah and the ball hi oh look at

that guy over there too much t*nk and

not enough top food lunch break mm-hmm

oh this park is a great place to grab a

bite I come here all the time it's my

little girl oh yeah which one is she

she's hanging from the monkey bars in

the ripped undies is not an upside-down

outfit hi I'm Judy Mme your daughter is

adorable all thing who's little girl

she's playing with I have no idea they

just met and boom they're best friends

kids are amazing that way mmm the shame

adults can't be more like that we build

these giant walls around us and we never

let anyone in exactly like there's no

reason that you and I can't be friends

what like we were just saying you know

we seem to get along maybe we could have

coffee sometime what do you say oh no

well no offense but I just met you oh

you don't need to worry I'm not a freak

it's just that I don't have any friends

okay well it was nice to meet you oh I

didn't mean to come on too strong it's

just that my sister got engaged and I

don't ok I'll see your own apartment you

don't have to run


alright where do we unload these things

can't believe you're making me sell my

card I can't believe there are this many

geeks in Chicago what do you breed

underground this isn't a joke dad people

take these tournaments very seriously I

can see why it's like stepping back into

the Middle Ages in a conference room in

a hotel at the airport Miller the

merciless you're here your arrival was

foretold by the owl of prophecy he sees

all no I've seen it all that's my dad

Miller the elder you must be proud brian

is the warrior to whom we all bow last

week he made Goren the invincible cry I

had a sinus infection so you're you're

kind of a big shot here and yeah I got a

bit of a rep well if it isn't Miller the

merciless aren't you a sight for sore

eyes hello or Haiti so Miller finally

here to drink from the bitter cup of

defeat no I'm not really here to play

it's like Miller the merciless has

become the chicken of New ered I think

you can take this guy yeah but what

difference does it make we're just here

to sell the cards in the immortal words

of Lucius of candour quote and you want

to take out my boy you got it really

going to let me play look it's one thing

if you're bullied by real bullies I will

not have you bullied by people who get

bullied by bullies

hey sweetie woodchuck to nothin what do

you say you and I hang out tonight am I

in trouble oh I just wanna do something

with you be a friend I'm not going to

tell you where I hide my money Hey Judy

is doing no he's out oh man we were

supposed to hang out sure Oh what am I

gonna do I told my wife and intricate

web of lies to get out of the house a

shame to waste that I would go shopping

with Linda but she blew me off again you

wanna go you and me sounds bill that's

very European well I didn't shave my

legs so it's even more European than you

think where's go anyway oh he's helping

brian sell his geek cards we're teaching

him a lesson about responsibility yes in

your face Lord Hades in that I haven't

won yet I'm sorry now I want yes in your

face Lord Amy good it's really great

warrior even greater than the horn Cobra

of cell lock audacity not so much bowing

is bending over loser this is you go

sell these cards now not when you're on

a roll my boy you're kicking ass and

takin stupid made-up names okay who's

next you you in the pac-man bedsheets

prepared a w*apon


well thanks for turning me out of the

outlet mall you know that soap store was

fantastic yeah I can't believe you've

never been to the lavender basket I

can't believe I spent forty dollars

there are you sure don't be okay with

all this Oh what well you know you and

me spending time together and it could

look like we're having an affair no

would have been enough oh you're home

someone smells nice that would be him

now they're called essential oils and

frankly I don't know how I live without

them well I'm gonna go put my cards away

sure buddy you had a good day hit the

showers phil Bryant still has his cards

I thought he was selling up honey I've

been thinking about it and I really like

to handle this on my own no bail we made

a decision I need to know what's going

on all right we were gonna sell the

cards they're gone the invincible but

then Lord Hades gets all up in Brian's

face and causing the chicken Anor oh

yeah you know what helps all yours okay

just promise me that it's all gonna turn

out okay come on Judy do I look like the

owl of prophecy

there he is huzzah and you did great

today son thanks dad it was fun spending

a whole day with you who have to do it

again sometime how about saturday from

noon till 4i interview in the golden

goblet tournament holding goblin I don't

know dad I mean that's the big leagues

all the best players are going to be

there that the Visigoths sir fireworm

you could totally take those losers yes

sir sure that I am Brian Brian when I

was your age I didn't want to go out for

varsity football but my dad made me now

I'm glad he did so I'm gonna do the same

favor for you okay but you know in big

tournaments costumes are mandatory for

both of us perfect i have a royal

headpiece i acquired yesterday on my

lunch break no no dead you can't go is

the king of burgers you have to go at

the mythical creature oh I'll go is

something no one and that tournaments

ever seen before a girlfriend

Jamie there you go I knew I shouldn't

have worn my nice pants to the farmers

market can we go maybe you'll pay the

dollar admission instead of climbing

over the chicken wire take me a second

to so vus hi hi wear a skirt maybe you

wear no pants maybe okay then okay Mr

Fitzsimmons hey that was close what what

they'll just called me in here in my

underwear and then he takes off his

pants and you choose him all that fit oh

look we decided to drop by hey listen up

Terry's BAM got a last-minute gig and

Des Moines a fight you might like to

check out that new rib joints Fitz and I

are plannin on goin to a movie can I

calm all right citizen okay with your

cheek on I guess so we're gonna take my

car at it and I've got a jacket on the

back seat can you move it it's just got

a lot of stuff in the pockets and we'll

make it work Oh fit all right I walk

outside my underwear what will the

neighbors think that we're having an

affair I don't need your problems

that's my boy taught him everything he

knows huh he's playing my son well I bet

the janitors are glad he came because my

son's mopping the floor with him I'm

just hoping the boys have fun oh he'll

have fun if he enjoys being my son's

what are you talking about the

game stay in the game oh that's right

Dilbert you just got Haddad how does it

taste dad can you please stop calling

everybody Dilbert he has a name yeah

Gilbert good don't get cocky team Miller

still have another round away yeah

listen dad I think I'm just gonna step

down while on the head what you can't

quit now you're about to win it all it's

not about winning every player has their

preordained destiny and my inner voice

tells me that my journey of engine or

maybe it's just the g*n did you hear

that stop it dad it's over no no my

son's not gonna be a quitter a quitter

is worse than a loser all right you

wanna know why dad it's because of you I

don't want to play anymore because of

you you keep pushing me and pushing me

and you're just taking all the fun out

of it I just want you to go as far as

you can I know you can win it all I

don't care i just want to go home well I

don't possess the gift of prophecy I

totally saw this coming oh yeah did you

see this coming Oh

oh that is a great movie oh and what an

ending I can't believe that she could

you please not talk about it some of us

had to see the Hilary Duff movie because

your movie was sold out you know what

tagging along with you too was a big

mistake all that long a hitch here but

what a great time you guys had at the

mall in the farmers market what do you

expect Linda that she was just gonna sit

around by the phone waiting for you to

tear yourself away from your fiance

you've been a very selfish sister don't

talk to her like that well I'm on your

side 4mon okay she's a wonderful person

and she finally found someone who loves

her after an endless parade of

heartbreak after heartbreak lose this

might be her best shot what we kidding

her last shot but where was she when we

went to the candle store to the

botanical gardens or we had tea at the

museum I was a much better sister you

than she's ever been okay I gotta go

back to being a guy now the two girls

have fun i'm gonna go buy some tires or

spit or something i had a lot of fun gee

I did too fits thanks for being there

for me it's my pleasure Oh quite a good

buy was there something going on between

you two thank you

and I am so sorry about tonight don't be

it's my fault right I'm a lousy

sister no no I just have to learn how to

share you you know what you dance

everything that I have a home a

wonderful loving sale I hate you I don't

care leave me alone all right Brian way

okay do you want me to catch you up on

this thing no no this is all yours I

just have one question is that our

Christmas tree skirt k*lled and your

pasta strainer my helmet and it's that

everything's what you think it is just

go away forgive him bride cut it out why

are you so mad I was I was just trying

to be there for you this wasn't about me

Dad this is about you I feel like a big

shot yelling only okay okay you're right

I blew it I guess I just got excited you

were good at something like a cheer for

and I turned into one of those of

noxious football dads screaming from the

stands oh my god just like my old man i

am so sorry son all right I guess no no

it isn't I never wanted to be like my

dad set down the dance floor and then

floated like a feather a mean drunk and

r*cist Heather well then why did you act

that way I don't know but I swear it was

never about me I was really proud of you

you were wow you know all these years

I've been trying to impress you and now

hold on hold on I just realized

something all those times my dad was

screaming at me from the sidelines he

was proud of me my father was proud of


Chuck something like fine crying I'm on

the phone yeah hi pox it's me bill yeah

yeah I just realized all over x you

yelled at me when I was a kid you were

actually what okay I'll call you back

when the games over ah ok I'll call you

tomorrow okay maybe next week then I

want you to know son I love you you're a

good kid yeah turn out fine I'm a very

lucky dad OH dad but that have been so

hard for him to say oh geez bill we left

the remote on the TV can you get it




I will have it any other way cause you

