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01x06 - Stargazers

Posted: 11/12/22 14:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on Let the Right One In...

[MARK] I say my prayers every day.

I know you say

He doesn't always give answers.

But I'm tired of clinging to hope.

[CLAIRE] Either we pay
what's owed on the house

in full or we have to sell it.

There's no way we can make
the money we need

selling your dad's painkiller.

I think it's obvious
you're about to suggest we sell

my painkiller instead.

We can save the house.

And you can keep working
so you can save Peter.

[CLAIRE] Let's get started.

Let's assume it's this new drug

we're chasing, whether Frank
was dealing or using,

something went south
and he got brought back here.


This is a sad place to die.

The night Dad came to dinner,

I think something
may have happened to him.



[ELEANOR] Dad, cut the lights.

[MARK] What?

The headlights.
It's ruining the sky glow.

[ELIZABETH] Are you sure you
don't want us to come with you?

It's-it's so dark.

Mom, I'm already gonna be
the youngest kid there.

If I show up with my parents,
it's gonna look like I'm five.

Your dad and I are gonna be
eating dinner

right nearby, so if you need
anything, just call us, okay?

- Okay. Can I go now?
- Yeah.

Have fun, baby.


We got to let her grow up sometime.


[CLUB LEADER] Good evening.

Lots of familiar faces,
but for our newcomers,

welcome to the Stargazers
annual youth event.


We've got telescopes spread out
throughout the fields,

so grab a partner and start stargazing.


[PETER] Hey.

You need a partner?


Look, I found Chertan.


Then the M Group
has to be in there somewhere.

Wow. You really know your stuff, huh?

So do you.

[CHUCKLES] Yeah, well, in my family,

I'm, like, the remedial scientist.

[CHUCKLES] What, do they all have,

like, Nobel Prizes or something?

Well, my dad definitely
thinks he deserves one.

And my sister's,
like, gonna cure cancer.

She's really cool, though.

Yeah, I want a master's
degree in astrophysics.

Oh, come on, only a master's?


Well, if I do a PhD, it'll be forever

before I get some astronaut training.

How old are you?



Geez. Really got your
whole life figured out, huh?

My dad says you should do what you love.

Hmm. You know, nothing I do
would be good enough for my dad.

We're completely different.

He's just obsessed

with having all the answers,
but I like the things

that don't really have
an answer, you know?

Like that.

You two finding everything okay?

I want to find Messier ,

since it just had a supernova.

Mm. May I?

I'm supposed to get all your
addresses for the newsletter.


You know what Charles Messier's
nickname was?

Le furet des comètes.

"Ferret of comets."

He found of them.

Imagine all those lonely hours
he spent, sweeping the sky,

looking for those...

fleeting little jewels.


Have a look.



Don't mention it.




Hey, Mr. Mark.

Eleanor's gonna stay
a little bit longer, okay?





I wanted to show you something.

I just got Isaiah's cake.


Would it be all right
if I kept it in your fridge

overnight? I don't,
I don't want him to see it.


- Damn it.
- What?

They misspelled his name.

I must've told them ten times.

Oh... I can fix that, no problem.

You sure?


Oh, shit.


- Okay, all right.


I don't know, I don't know
where my head is tonight.

Are you busy on a new case?


I've been reading
about these horrible att*cks.


Can I ask your advice about something?

Of course.


Tomorrow will be Isaiah's
first birthday without his dad.

Or at least knowing
that his dad is gone.

I know Eleanor's mom
isn't around anymore,

and I wondered

if that made birthdays hard for her.



My partner. I'll-I'll call him back.

No, please.

You sure?

[SCOFFS] Of course. Work is important.


Hey, what's up?

- [BEN] You see the email?
- What email?

Lab just sent us the results.

Oh. Well, give me a second.

No, never got it.

- You're gonna want to hear this.
- Uh...

- What, is someone there?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh. Would you mind
watching that for a second?

I'm listening.


[BEN] Turns out the product
Roland Scwartz was carrying

is about % composed
of an old opioid called Mitigan.

You're kidding, right?


Xavier Andrews had Mitigan
in his system,

but they dismissed it
because there's no way

it would make someone psychotic.


What do we know about Mitigan?

I'm sure Narcotics is looking into it.

Yeah, I don't want
to wait for Narcotics.

Let's get into it tomorrow.

All right.

I put your computer over there.


You are welcome to stay and
join us for pasta aglio e olio.

I, um, I'm pretty sure it will be
way better than yours.

[CHUCKLES] Thank you, but...

it wouldn't be fair to Ellie.

[CLUCKS TONGUE] Of course.


I'm sorry if I overstepped.

Ah, not at all.

And for what it's worth, I think Isaiah

is gonna have a great birthday.


I may have overdone it on the presents.

[ISAIAH] So I definitely want
to start with the Cyclone.

Last time I went
to Coney Island, I was, like,

an inch short, and my mom
was like, "It's not safe."

Well, yeah, if it has negative Gs,

you definitely got
to fit the restraints.


Negative Gs is when your stomach
goes like... [RETCHES]

[LAUGHS] Oh. How come you
always know stuff like that?

Uh, I used to want to be an astronaut.

Hey, uh...

I got you something.

But my birthday's not till tomorrow.

Well, I wanted you to have my
present before anyone else's.


I love it.

Where'd you get this?

I made it.

[ISAIAH] You made this?

[ELEANOR] I used to make 'em for my mom,

but hers were a different color.

These are my favorite colors.

I know.


Isaiah's dinner is ready.

We should go.

See you tomorrow.






What are you doing to Daisy?

Peter, get back into your room.

I'm trying to keep this
at least semi-sterile.

[MATTHEW] It's a brain biopsy.

[PETER] For what?

I've been trying to map out the genes

that cause each individual
symptom of the virus.

And I think I might have found one.


So I'm injecting Daisy
with a nucleic acid binder,

to see if we can switch that gene off.

Well, that's awesome.
Which symptom is it?

- If I'm right, it's...
- Wait.

- Actually, let me guess.
- Peter.

Is it the one where I'm deathly
allergic to sunlight?

Because that one sucks.

[MATTHEW] It's the gene
that keeps you from aging.

You're joking, right?

It's the first gene I could
isolate that wasn't epistatic.

[PETER] Well, can you pick another one?

[MATTHEW] Buddy, I don't
think you get what this means.

No, I get it. Claire's trying to fix

the one thing that's actually
good about being a vampire.

Treating symptoms is the first
step to finding a cure.

Great. So I'll still starve
to death if I don't drink blood,

but now I get to be
old and wrinkly, too.

- Then f*cking cure yourself!
- Claire.

No, I'm sorry. I'm so goddamned sick

of his little smart-ass comments.

Do you have any idea what I've
sacrificed to keep you alive?


[ELEANOR] What are you looking at?

Uh, nothing.

Those looked like photos
from a crime scene.


What are they?

They're... [SIGHS]

They're from...

Naomi's computer.

You hacked into her computer?

She happened to leave it open.

She's investigating the drug
and the people who sell it.

I need to find out everything she knows.

So, is that why you're
becoming friends with her?

I like Naomi very much.

But if she can get me closer
to finding someone else like you?

To finding a cure?

I'm telling you this because...

you said you wanted to do this together.

I know.

I know, I just...


I wish we could tell her the truth.

No, we can never do that.

I know. I'm not stupid.

You haven't told Isaiah, have you?


No, I promise.

You two have become very close.


He's my best friend.

Is he your boyfriend?

What? No.

'Cause you know that would
be inappropriate.

- Dad, I know.
- Okay, okay.

All right.

I just want Isaiah to have
a really good birthday.

When I used to have birthday parties,

I used to have all my friends over.

But all he has is me.

And me. I'm going, too.

You don't count. You're a parent.


But I can help you make it special.

Like how for my tenth birthday,

we had that crazy scavenger hunt.

- And you taught us how to do

- homemade pizza.

That was probably
one of the best days of my life.

I'm sorry we can't do that anymore.

It doesn't matter.

I'm just thinking about tomorrow.

Then let's have the best
birthday Isaiah has ever had.



I didn't know you'd gone out.

Ah, I just stopped
by the restaurant real quick.

What for?

This is currently

Isaiah's... birthday cake.

They didn't even spell his name right.

I know.

We can do way better than that.


Yeah, it's been a long time
since I've made desserts.

I will require some assistance.

You said he likes chocolate, right?

Huh, huh?

- All right.

Let's go.






I ate meals less sad than that in Kabul.

It's not as bad as it looks.

You want some?

No, thanks. I'm vegan.


I'm serious.

I know.

Have you talked to Peter
since last night?

You think I owe him an apology?

[SIGHS] I think he should kiss
the ground you walk on.

But I think you deserve a day off.

Why don't you go in the city
tomorrow, get a hotel room,

get a proper meal.

No, I think I should look after Daisy.

I can cover you for a day, right?


Peter feeds tomorrow night, doesn't he?


You don't need to be here for that.

What's the difference?

Why pretend?


That I haven't sold my soul.

I put something into the world
that's getting people k*lled.

That got your friend k*lled.

I'm not convinced
that's how Roland died.

You said they found him
torn apart in the sewers.

How'd he end up in the sewers?

Something about it doesn't add up.

Even if it's not the way he died,
others did, and for what?

So you could save your brother.

Yeah. Hell of a job I'm doing.

He's not wrong.

I'm trying to treat
the one good symptom.

And even if it works, a...

a chimp's brain is different
than a human's.

I swear to God,
some days it feels like a cure

is just around the corner, and...


feels like...

I'm further away than the day I started.




Oh, my God. Daisy's bleeding.

Claire. Don't get too close.


They'll calm down
once the blood is gone.

I don't think I'll be taking
that day off.

Thanks for the offer though.

Claire, what's going on? Is Daisy hurt?

She's not hurt.

Then why is she bleeding?

'Cause she just got her period.

I thought Daisy was just a...

A juvenile.

I'd say your sister's
aging trick worked.

Did your mom do all this?


She's awesome.

[WHISPERS] Is everything
okay with the cake?

You bet.

Oh, I love that jacket.

Thanks, Mr. Mark.

But Mom says
that it's still cold out there,

so I have to wear a jacket to cover it.

Well, she's right.

Let's see.

Wow. Look.

You can probably do something like this.

Pull that up.

Because guys like you
can pull off any look.

You got swagger.

[NAOMI] Is everybody ready to go?


- Oh, wow.




Hey, Mom, can I get funnel cakes

and Dippin' Dots?

Not unless you want
to make yourself sick.

- Man.

Eleanor, that looks just like Ojiisan!

Oh, yeah. Yeah.

What's Ojiisan?

It's the octopus from Prince Kioshi.

Is that a video game?

- A movie.
- It's about a guy named Kioshi

who fights demons and falls
in love with a mermaid

who everybody else thinks is evil.

It's pretty much my favorite movie.


Well, I think we should

- get this Ojiisan.
- Yes!

Step on up, folks. Step on up.

Who wants to test their
strength? Who are the real men

- in this crowd?

- This guy? All right.
- Yes.

- Come on, Dad.
- All right, here we go.

Mr. Mark, you can do it.

Come on, Dad. You got this.

Step back, folks. All right.

- Big man swinging!
- Let's get it.

- Come on, Dad.
- Hey, batter, batter, batter!

- Go for it!
- Very close,

but no prize.

Hey, batter, swing. Oh, very close.

- Just one more time. Yeah.
- One more try.

- Boom!
- Ah.

- Oh. Not quite.
- Okay.

It's okay, Dad.

Yeah, Mr. Mark.

We just want to ride the rides.

But thanks for trying.

- Come on.
- Okay.

Thank you.


I don't get it.

Come on. I'm not ready to admit defeat.

Let's try something else.

- That was embarrassing.

Okay, they're gone. Come on!

- Hi.
- Hey.

Oh, I bet you're stronger
than you look, huh, big dog?

This is for her.

It's for... Okay.

Careful, princess.
It's heavy, all right?


Hey, batter, batter.
Hey, batter, batter.

Hey, batter, batter, batter, swing,

batter, batter. Swing.


Ojiisan, please.

Careful. It's heavy.





New high score.


It's pretty impressive what your
sister just pulled off, huh?


It's too bad she hates me.

She doesn't hate you.

Well, she basically said
I ruined her life.


She's exhausted, Pete.

And you were acting like a shithead.

No, I wasn't.

I love you, bud, but you can
be a real d*ck sometimes.


Yeah, thank you a lot.

It's-it's okay.
You're supposed to be. You're .

Not for long, apparently.

Does that freak you out?

All my friends are, like...

adults now.


Everyone I know thinks I'm dead.

So what kind of a life
am I supposed to have?

I wouldn't think about it like that.

So how should I think about it?


Once you're cured, what's
the first thing you want to do?

I don't know.

No, come on, what's the
first thing that comes to mind?


the beach.

Yeah. Yeah, ocean's beautiful.


I was thinking more
like girls in bikinis.

- Jesus.
- Oh, come on.

You asked the first thing
that comes to mind.

But I do love the ocean.

Okay, then.

Once you're cured,
I'm taking you to the beach.

One condition.

Don't be a d*ck to Claire?


atmospheric music





You've got this.

I know.


I hit that can dead-on. I saw it.

Oh. Those are pellets.
They're not b*ll*ts.

So if you don't get the angle right...

Yeah, no way. Lift the can.

Lift the can.

Lady, chill.

I want to see you lift the can.


How about we give you another
turn on the house, huh?

Fine. Load 'em up.



What are you thinking about?

We came here once.

Me, my dad and my mom.

My mom was afraid of heights,

but we convinced her
to go on this with us.


me and my dad were such jerks.
We kept rocking the car.


Don't do that now, okay?

You miss her, huh?

I miss my dad, too.

But it's easier 'cause you're here.

Hey, what do you want to do
for your birthday?

I don't have a birthday.

What are you talking about?

I don't get older.

But you still have a day
that you were born, right?


When is it?

October th.


We have to wait till October?

Well, if I'm cured by then,
we can celebrate.

But if not,
then I don't think I want to.

If I don't get cured until
you're, like, or something...'ll just think
I'm this annoying little kid.

No. No way.

I'll always like you.




I got us some Colombian arepas,

- empanadas, elotes,

And a couple of beers.

I don't know if you drink beer.

I have no problem drinking a beer.

The kids wanted to walk around
a little while by themselves.


As long as...

they stay together.

Oh, Eleanor's not gonna let
Isaiah out of her sight.

It's really sweet.

Most girls aren't like that.

When I was her age, it was all about me.


That's normal.

I don't think I ever really

grew up until...

Until you became a father?

Even later than that.

Ellie's mom was the responsible one.

She was the one
who held us all together.

Can I...

can I ask what happened to her?

She passed.

I don't really like to talk about it.

I'm sorry.

It... it just wasn't a good death.

I'm really sorry, Mark.

I'm, um...

And I'm sorry for prying. I-I...

I'm, uh...

just trying to figure out how
to give Isaiah some answers.

You don't know how his father died?

I know he was k*lled,

but I can't prove it.

And if I'm honest,

I don't think
we'll ever find his k*ller.



Can you hear that?

Hear what?

The ocean.

It's so peaceful.


[MAN] Go f*ck yourself!

- Oh, well. Except for that.





[MATTHEW] Come in.


I'll be right with you.



After all that vegan talk,
I thought you'd be doing yoga.


That's funny.

You wouldn't happen to know
why Peter ordered me dinner,

would you?

Maybe he's just trying
to do something nice.

Look, I... I appreciate
what you're trying to do.

But my guilt is mine to live with.

I'm not trying to feel better.


I enlisted the day I turned .


Not out of some sense of duty.

But because if I didn't do it,
I would've been on the street.

Six months later, I'm in a desert

in one of the poorest countries
of the world,

being told that people with
f*cking nothing are the enemy.

That women and children
will be used as shields

and as human bombs.

And then, seeing it with my own eyes.


It's a strange thing to suddenly
find yourself in hell.

But I learned two things pretty fast.

One, you come up with an exit strategy

for how to get out of hell
as fast as you can.

And the second?

You find the people who will go
into the darkness with you.



[ECHOING] Check one, two.

Attention, shoppers.

Isaiah's birthday sale
is ending in two hours.


[ISAIAH] Yeah.

- Hey.

I made a more special cake for Isaiah.

I hope that's okay.

- It is okay.
- Oh, great. Thank you.

We need to heat that up.

[ECHOING] Hey, do you want to have...?

to have a sleepover tonight?

After we go to bed,
you can sneak back over.

Okay. Sure.

- Yes.
- [MARK] Isaiah Cole,

my grand and magical friend,

I now present your final

- birthday gift.
- [ISAIAH] Wow.

What is it? It smells like chocolate,

- and it's glowing.
- [MARK] It's because

it's not just a dessert.

It's a magic trick.


And now, my lovely assistant
will give you

- this liquid chocolate.
- Careful. It's hot.

[MARK] Yeah. It's very hot.

So I would like you to slowly

pour it on top

in an "X" shape.

Yeah. Okay. Make an "X."

Keep a steady pace.

This is so freaking cool!



Don't forget to make your wish.

- Yeah!

[NAOMI] Yay!


[ELEANOR] ♪ Thanks
to Martin Luther King ♪

♪ Happy birthday to ya ♪


♪ Happy birthday to ya ♪

♪ Happy birthday ♪

♪ Happy birthday to ya ♪

- ♪ Happy birthday to ya ♪
- She's really good.

- She gets that from me.
- Really?

- Absolutely not.
- ♪ Happy birthday ♪

[MARK] Yeah!

[NAOMI] My goodness.

- All right.
- Mom, it's your turn.

Mm. No, I'm enjoying
watching you guys have fun.

[ISAIAH] But my birthday wish was

for you to sing to me.

- Yeah.

- [ISAIAH] Yeah.



♪ Hey, little baby ♪

♪ Don't you cry ♪

♪ We got that sunny morning ♪

- ♪ Waiting on us now ♪

♪ There's a light at the end ♪

♪ Of the tunnel ♪

♪ We can be worry-free ♪

♪ Just take it from me ♪

♪ That morning sun is here ♪

♪ Here to greet us ♪

♪ With a loving light ♪

♪ So warm ♪

♪ That morning sun is ♪

♪ Here to meet us ♪

♪ And waiting on the waking up ♪

♪ Of everyone ♪

♪ She ain't gonna quit ♪

♪ Till you're smiling now ♪

- ♪ Let me tell you, child ♪

♪ Let me tell you, honey child ♪

♪ That morning sun has come ♪

♪ To greet ya ♪

♪ She's peeking round the corner ♪

♪ Just waiting just to meet ya ♪

♪ Shining down ♪

♪ On all your troubles ♪

♪ Let me tell you, child ♪

♪ Let me tell you, honey child ♪

[PETER] Huh. Hey.

You can see Cassiopeia tonight.

See? Look.

It's the big "W."

[CLAIRE] Oh, yeah.

[PETER] You can only see it
on super clear nights.


I was just thinking, there were
nights I was out in California,

and you were here, and we were
both looking at the same sky.

You know, Dad didn't really
let me outside, so...


He was afraid people would see me.

Well, the next house is,
like, a half a mile away.



There's gonna come a time really soon

when you can walk anywhere
you want, night or day.

What happened today with Daisy
means I'm on the right track.

But I can't keep fooling around
with animal studies.

There are things I can only
learn on a human brain.

Well, you're not gonna drill
into my skull, are you?

I would never do anything to hurt you.

Come inside.

There's something I need your help with.

What do you say to our guests?

Thanks for coming to my birthday.

- Why don't you go on in?
- Okay.

Good night, Miss Naomi.
Your song was beautiful.

- [NAOMI] Yours was, too.



I don't... I don't even know
how to thank you.

For that cake,

for everything.

And you and Eleanor
made this night just...

[INHALES] perfect.


Are you okay?

I know you're as careful as I am

about who you let get close
to your child.

And I just feel really lucky

that you and Eleanor moved in next door.

I understand

if you don't want to talk about

what you're struggling with,

but whenever you're ready,
I'm right here.



- Hey, that was so fun.

You were just like your old self again.

[SIGHS] I...

I-I need some fresh air.

I'm just gonna...

go for a walk, okay?

I'll probably be asleep
when you get back, so...

- Okay.


I know you're not supposed
to feed till tomorrow,

but I asked Matthew
to bump your schedule up a day.

I can't have you so hungry
you tear the person apart.

We're done with chimpanzees.

I need you to make me a
human specimen to experiment on.






Thanks for making me a cool bed.

No, that's for me. You get the real bed.

That's dumb.

You should get the bed.
It's your birthday.

But you're my guest.

Well, couldn't we both fit in the bed?




Do you know what "cuffing" means?

No. What's that?

Well, like, I don't really
know the rules,

but I guess older kids...


When a boy and girl want
to stay together,

they start cuffing.

And if they're cuffed up,

they know they won't want
to leave each other.

You... want to do that with me?


How do we start?

We make a link.


Well, that's it?




Looks like you can use
someone to talk to.

Don't tell my mom,

but my birthday wish wasn't
for her to sing me a song.

It was for you to get cured.

And if you can't get cured,

for me to become a vampire.

Don't say that.

That way,

- me and you, we could both be...
- No.

You don't want to be like me.

- Take it back.
- No, I mean it.

No, you don't.

You really don't.


[CLAIRE] The bite alone
will transfer the infection.

But if he loses too much blood,

he could die of shock before he turns.



I'm sorry.

[CRYING] Please. No.



Oh. Please.

Please. [SNIFFLES]

No, no, no, no.




[PRIEST] How long has it been
since your last confession?


Ten years, nine months and four days.

Hmm. Why so long?

There's no point.


I can't be forgiven if I keep
committing the same sin.

And why do you have
to keep committing it?

Why are you here?

What happened ten years,
nine months and four days ago?