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02x20 - Still Hangin' Out

Posted: 11/12/22 08:40
by bunniefuu

did you just have a sandwich like an

hour ago yeah and I can't go swimming so

I might as well have another sandwich

hello hey hey Matt Matt and I are going

out for coffee coffee good idea you've

grown enough Houston Maurice ha how

about I give you the same answer you

gave me last night when I asked you to

do those dishes in a minute mother I

think you're being a little hard on it

you can have some money thanks daddy all

you gotta do is ask my sandwich what

that's right I'm the one with all the

bread why are you doing this to me well

if we can't get clean dishes for our

money we deserve some entertainment so

let's watch as Lauren talks to the

sandwich fine can I have ten dollars

what's my name I think it's hammy can I

have ten dollars hammy for coffee when

it costs and yes and all right for

coffee it's what it costs you stupid

sandwich all right desktop I believe

we've made our point thanks mom so you

got change for tiny



Laurens right down here wow great rec

room we call it a rumpus room man as

friends think it's fantastic all right

contacts couldn't you just say parents

on deck but that wouldn't be fantastic

thurs degree we created a wholesome teen

scene here where we respect the kids

privacy so we give them plenty of

warning well give me fair warning next

time you ring that damn Bell say a wats

with potty mouth okay next time unless

you're talking about the Hoover Dam you

cannot do time on the penalty couch hey

honey oh hey mom I'll be down in just a

sec well it's really nice to you to have

all the kids to your house after school

well you know we considered our civic

duty to keep these kids away from the

influence of the streets you know some

of them have working moms you know Ted

I'm a working mom that's all right

Barrett on deck Oh hungry mmm huapi Joe

made with the secret ingredient is pork

love well if you ever run out of love

you could use pork you should get the

recipe mom I mean yours are good but

these are delicious now now Lauren take

it easy and your mom she's a career gal

feeding you is not her priority



where's mom I'll she went to pick up

lauren from the however sins i guess

that's the new hang out with matt how

persons he didn't invite me I'm like his

best band friend look I could tell you

that he called and I forgot to give you

the message but whenever I do that you

know I'm just lying to make you feel

better now Warren no no he called i

forgot to give you the man oh thank god

mr. Allison thank you papito Oh next

time I see him he's getting a sloppy

kiss the place to be since that got

cardboard games a couch you sit on when

you swear oh we got one of those I don't

know what it is about those halvorsen's

but the kids seemed to love it there

well for one thing they're sandwiches

don't talk stick around this one will be

making some noise see the hell persons

don't embarrass us like that you know

they respect us and you can talk to mrs.

Halvorsen about anything she gives great

advice I give great advice I know it's

just you know I've been spending more

time over there so I just talked to her

more off a great idea why don't we make

our house to hang out house a better

idea sh**t me well clean out the garage

I'll perhaps max what do you think

backpack no way well I don't know why

our house can't be the Hangout house I

know I'm with the backpack I know we

were in high school and we used to hang

out at Jimmy always have some Franny

Balkans hell yeah we spent a lot more

time with their parents and we did with

our own but I want learn to spend time

here you know I want her to remember my

advice to the Kathy halvorsen's big

crock pot full of how big a crock pot I

mean if I made up an excuse to go back

there can i get another one of these

uh-huh this will be great you know hook

up the old stereo take out the centipede

game ping pong I'm fine why don't you

let me clean out the garage I got a lot

of junk in there and you don't need to

pick through it all Oh bill I know all

about your dirty magazines dirty

magazines I don't know what to talk to

throw them out just put them in our

bathroom oh good you know the kids might

be disappointed they think I've been in

there all winter building the boat

mom did knock off no he didn't call okay

what's that better no she didn't call

either none of your friends would call

but I have a feeling you'll be speaking

to them very soon maybe we should fix

that crack in the microwave door like a

French around the garage sure we can see

what they're up to hey Lauren this is

great your dad's so funny funny make you

happy funny I need to find a new school

did Sean the best part hello i was

waiting for lauren ok for this oh yeah

made this bad boy myself and chopped

that what shall I well suddenly used to

let the boys use power tools and school

back before they were so touchy about

gender stereotyping dad giant talk to

you for a sec Oh get it over with what I

know this is a setup so you can show

your bike rack on the story about how I

was three and I talked to oh we don't

want to embarrass you we really just

want to give you and your friends

applies to him now and besides you know

me if I was going to sh**t crack I'd

have done it in the first five minutes

your father makes a good point so this

is really just for me and my friends yes

and now we are going to leave you alone

have fun and if we need to come back in

for any reason we will respect your

privacy and blow the pair Lord

or we might knock or in spend one whole

cocktail Frank just sent you out with a

plate she's talking to go I dropped them

you ate them didn't you after i drop

down she didn't drop them there's still

a couple of driveway I should probably

go clean those up mom he has a going out

there everyone's having a great time and

thanks for the advice about Matt it

really worked out oh you're welcome

sweetheart you can come to your mom for

anything now take these out to your

friends and throw a few in the driveway

for your sister is it likes to tease

playing chips and cocktail weenies for a

bunch of kids all week saw worse its

memories Lauren will have the Hangout

house he'll be in them remember hanging

out of jimmy o's house yeah I might have

remembered hanging out at jimmy o's

house if somebody had invited me in come

on you're gonna come in if you wanted oh

I'm sorry perhaps I misinterpreted the

words go home freak girl god I forgot

about that go home freak girl oh that

was a hard time for all of us hey Brian

hey Neil I miss Miller hey Linda yes

Brian I will just have to accept the

fact that we don't get invited to the

cool hangout even when it's right in

your own house way our house is the

Hangout house now no one invited me and

I cannot wait till dad finishes this

boat I'm gonna sail right out of here

you've been at the library all week i'm

sure lauren left you a note you just

didn't find it unless that's what

happened i just didn't get the note i

don't get messages all the time timer

goes off take the stuff out of the oven

oh hi hello Judy I'm here to pick up my

son well come on in he's out back

can I interest you in a cocktail Frank

my name is Ted and I don't drink in the

afternoon hey Ted Phil so it seems your

place with the new team scene yeah we

don't call it that we don't like to put

labels on things especially dorky ones

you know how fickle kids can be first

one place is cool then it's another yeah

sure sure sure then they'll go and

change their mind again are they want

are they will I think one or will our

mom well our won't oh she wins I'll go

tell Matt you're here so I understand

you have a parent air horn that we do

that's quite similar to our parent Bell

no it isn't yes it is oh jeez hey Dad

ready to go picked oh yeah sure I'm

still see tomorrow matt drive carefully

Ted that what isn't

someone's a little pouty Oh what's the

big deal so the kids are hanging out

here now here's a grown man who can

handle it hello oh hi okay that was Ted

he said to tell you yes it is ready for

chocolate fondue party we got sticks to

utensils and sticks the grand illusion

what's going on well I thought I'd stop

by to check out the hang and I got stuck

in a backgammon tournament with these

two and when we're done we're gonna try

a mating season I told you know well

we're alone and all our friends we are

gonna have a fondue party and talk about

how everyone's insecure about something

oh well I'm sure that Matt something

about a new foosball table like that's

the Hangout house again well sure

everyone starts hanging out here and he

bites a foosball table plus head tick

okay have our own fondue party without

them or without fondue great not there

over there and we're here never where

the cool kids are Oh Brian don't worry

pretty soon you become an adult and it

all evens out but you're 38 and you're

playing backgammon with us 30

fussball jukebox bumper pool not a

cotton candy maker great yours might

have a fondue party or maybe you could

bring it over here mrs. Halvorsen wants

all us girls to have something called a

rap sesh will somebody answer me is that

or is that not a cotton candy why yes it

is hello Millers I see you've been busy

well with the kids at your place all

week I do a little shopping and on the

seventh day I made a sundae bar get it I

got it you were jealous that the kids

were having so much fun at our house

that you needed to lure them back with

all new stuff so sad I assure you we are

not jealous whatever cuz you can't buy

someone to love with treats in that

right bill


I think you understand it's nothing

personal cannot be personal you can't

our house and saw how much fun you got a

parent or ah that's just like our parent

or which is also a parent core not

making the connection who's ready to

wrap I brought a hassle of teen issues

and the honesty stick Oh cutie bill how

nice to see you so much for the honesty

stick honey there was a little p owed

penalty couch annoy they think we stole

teen scene back because we're jealous Oh

silly but Judy should stick around

because jealousy is in the issue has

crazy I'm not competing with you people

let's let the babies have their teen

scene battle this isn't a competition

which is for comfortable having the kids

here that way we know what they're doing

are you saying you don't trust us no she

dated pal nothing to see everything

without a bargain it's just ted says you

use the c-word in front of your children

what we're casting we never say that

kind of crap in our house you just said

it again lovely people but we have

different ideas than you do about what

our children should be exposed to a lot

of us had wild times were younger but we

grew up shade their sideburns and put

away to Dan Fogelberg album so are you

listening to this they think that we're

a bad influence oh I'm listening you two

have got some nerve do you think for one

second you're better parents than us you

are two kinds of nuts

come on bill okay we're out of here

speaking about this one's cashed Lauren

let's go we want to show you the

surprise your father and I have for you

in our backyard well if you're speaking

of an above-ground pool and a horseshoe

pit got it you got it yeah but I bet you

don't have a trampoline I'm gonna trim

believe that trample leaves really

working out there's like 20 points out

there yeah you figured out what every 14

year old boy dreams up then I added the

word Oh lean hey are you having fun on

the trampoline well the boys has kind of

taken it over but the girls are hanging

out in the garage enjoy the view oh I

brought up my old albums for you oh

great Becky's mom swear she was in the

bangles we're gonna check it out lord

knows she drinks like a rap star oh gee

I'm here for Matt well come on in bill

how mad is dad here would you like any

old can I get you some lunch Ted you

seem a little upset want to Snoopy

toothbrushes hey Teddy you want to take

a spin on the trampoline I don't think

so hey that reminds me i printed up some

information on trampoline safety off the

internet Gary's stuff might want to up

your liability maybe you should up yours

dad what are you doing here I told you

I'd be home at six your mother and I

thought we could have a family nice oh

well I can't leave now I mean it's

almost my turn on the trampoline okay

well you're gonna miss out on shadow

puppet theater that's too bad for you

miss Miller will you be sending up and

make your own taco bar yeah since I get

out of my work clothes cool see you

later dad make your own taco bar sounds

a lot like our make-your-own-sundae bar

not making the connection okay so you're

officially the cool parent whoop-dee-doo

head this isn't a contest Oh Bowl see

did you see his face he's so added the

game loser I'm still on the porch


hey fellas waiting for the trampoline

yes just want to jump boys and

trampolines who'da thought it not it's

nice that you kids have a healthy

alternative to dr*gs and alcohol

although I do love bouncing on that

thing when I was fake he's really gone

to town Showtime what what do you say


good copy hi cat hey we talk for a

minute not much to talk about guess it

really was about popularity I even went

against my better judgement bought a

trampoline but kids weren't interested I

could tell you how to fix that Oh Kathy

this involves you Phil and I also owe

you an apology no we were wrong the kids

have a fun and wholesome time at your

house and we shouldn't have judged you

yeah we'd like to give teen scene back

what you do well due to a slight error

and placement of our trampoline your son

and all his friends may have definitely

seen my wife naked I'm so sorry I knew

something like this would happen that's

why I wanted the children to stay here

in our home where our values are

supported I'll make it we talking back

back in front it really wasn't her fault

the whole thing is a very regrettable

accident just Topsy's its level for the

big bamboo

was there any pending involved hey kiddo

how's it going well when you said you

wanted this to be the Hangout house I

didn't know it'd be you hanging out are

you about this whole mess I just wanted

to be the only one you go to for advice

it's okay just kind of where that half

the guys in my class of senior Topsy's

can we make sure this doesn't happen

again Oh sweetheart you know I can't

guarantee that I can't believe the only

reason they were hanging out here so

they could jump up and look in your

window oh honey if you're a window

overlook the backyard those little pervs

would have been just as happy peeping at

you you think oh I know
