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02x19 - Still the Man

Posted: 11/12/22 08:38
by bunniefuu
hey Dad hey mr. Miller ah hey Lauren

Robbie played a little bball huh you

know I was sh**ting a few hoops myself

today kind of jammed my finger would you

mind pulling don't pull it next time dad

can with the car yeah soon as the oils

changed dad do you have to do this right

now yes Lauren when you own a car it

comes with responsibilities and that

includes changing the oil every four

thousand miles yeah sure I could take it

into a shop it this way I know it's done

right was it gonna take much longer I

can't say I can about a half hour I'm

rush it honey I want it done right



god I'm exhausted you're exhausted I was

standing out there in the direct sun at

least you were in the shade working

under the car in the shade over at Aunt

Linda it was a blast simply clean my

apartment yeah I guess your wife of a

quitter you hell of a job am I often oh

great now I'm gonna have to wait a week

to ask her to clean mine hey Lauren I

saw you out there sh**ting hoops with

Robbie you're getting good keep

practicing you could get into the WNBA

and make hundreds of dollars a year hey

we're I mean the game was fun but as

soon as it was over Robbie just wanted

to go home I'm sure they always want to

go home when the fun's over sometimes

when only have some fun I just don't get

it maybe I should have let him win ah no

no you just be yourself be the best you

you can be okay all right I'm off to my

meeting what meeting uh you're not an

alcoholic no I know Judy but Danny w is

and he's hot and I think tonight is

gonna tell me slapping laura is going to

sound a little weird especially after

that but your aunt linda's right you

know if Robbie need you to throw a game

then he's the wrong guy what you want is

the man who doesn't care if you're

better than him at everything like me

and your dad

so bad that I beat him no because the

right man nosa it's perfectly fine if he

doesn't always measure off that's what I

admire about your dad I do all the

things around here that men are supposed

to do it's so evolved that he accepts

that i'm way more confident that he'll

he's not at all hung up on being the

moon mom yes Bobby's gonna have to learn

how to handle it like dad what you

looking for I know I used to have these

two things shaped like walnuts make me

yet maybe feel like a man I believe you

had them laughs you're not upset i told

her all that stuff are you oh no not me

I've evolved into a woman because you

can't deny that I do a lot of stuff

around to your fell you know I work on

the car fix the air conditioning I could

do all those things you just seem to get

so much pleasure out of them they're

interested in giving me pleasure i have

a whole different to-do list for them

waited if i allow you to do some of the

easier man chores around here at the end

of the day I wear the pants in this

family oh you were the pants in the

family okay first of all I have to

remind you to even wear pants Manny

there's a slender Allegro can you k*ll

us I'll get sweetie well hold on a

second if there are any spiders to be

k*lled in this house daddy I'll k*ll

them for you because that's what a daddy

does the Texas family like you hate

spiders that's just something your

mother led you to believe no you told me

that well I think you misunderstood you

said I hate spiders go back to bed while

we're getting a warning what a

conversation or a dead spider

now Tina there's nothing to be worried

about you just tell daddy where the

spider is and he'll take care of it

right there okay will you just sit back

and heavenly God I sense a challenge

sure if you can live with it for three

days I could go apply for a handgun Wow

okay hand me that color able no way this

could go bad I know what I'm doing where

is it up there the jumps let me go get

the desk Buster did the caveman do his

k*lling with a dust buster no you're

right here's the coloring book whatever

you say ah trying to make a run for it

not today my friend oh don't worry honey

there's no way I'm gonna break you well

if there were any spiders in the

dollhouse they're dead now

Oh sweetie your dollhouse ruin no

sweetie I'm fine thanks listen honey I'm

sorry about your doll house I wanted to

take it to show until on Monday well you

could show them me and tell him how I

fell out of it I really wanted to take

my doll house in you rest it sweetie you

know what sighs nothing else for showing

town no no we won't because daddy's

gonna fix this doll house for you Mary

you bet like you say fixing stuff what

gave you that idea when asked you fix my

bike you said I say fixing stuff well

enjoy fixing this thanks dad you

shouldn't have promised her that you

don't have a clue how to fix it look I

promised my daughter I fix her dollhouse

that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna show

her who's the daddy around here pants

exactly I wear the pants no you ripped

your pants when you fell on the doll I

believe I found your walnut



hey i'm heading out Flynn don t know

just trying to see if you need anything

oh yeah you'd love that wouldn't you

butting in on my doll house project so

once again you can be the big hero with

the kids I don't need anything from you

I meant from the store did you some ham

what a pound of ham yesterday you gonna

judge me you're gonna get the ham

railing Forge you glued it to your shirt

I still don't need your help you on

behalf hi dad oh hey kids do I have a

doorknob on me no just usual handles so

again are you gonna be in the driveway

mom because I rob is coming up we're

gonna sh**t some hoops later and you

know I want to warm up I should be done

in an hour hour and a half tops yikes I

don't like to look at that mole oh it's

the doorknob della I think this is gonna

take a lot longer than you think you're

telling me everything so small and my

hands are so big I need someone with

long skinny delicate lady like fingers

say finally after deciding what you

really like finger to give you right I'm

buddy i meant manly hands built for

men's work okay I'll do it all right

that's the spirit the Miller men working

together sweating it out with nothing

but our bare hands and our manly

manliness hand me that chenille curtain

oh pretty

meet the men without our fight for the

right they should all start me with him

for South our defense and I'll soon give

you 10 bout 40 shoulder and hold and





when the strong there's no





Oh times like this that really test a

man's crib there's two things we could

do right now we could take the easy way

out and go buy a new doll house or we

stay here roll up our sleeves and get

the job done that's the spirit dad I

know it might take all day but surely

working together rocket smart move

admitting defeat I'm not admitting

defeat I'm giving up on impossible task

once you're splitting hairs if I could

split hairs I would have been able to

fix that tiny freakin dollhouse i'll get

bettina one that's just as nice and she

can take it to a show-and-tell on Monday

this was okay she's a beauty ain't she

lots of curb appeal I'm Simon what could

a tiny town what can I do for you today

what do want to buy a doll house so tell

me your needs are you looking for bold

and architectural II exciting or small

and rustic well we just need something

nice maybe three stories but this big

uh-huh okay let's go for a walk here we

are now this is an entertainer's delight

four bedrooms two and a half baths bonus

room could be anything you want maybe a

gym big guy just ribbon yeah yeah how

much is we all this whole neighborhood's

pretty pricey neighborhood yeah yes this

whole area one of these wouldn't happen

to be a little mental institution you do

back at with it

oh now you're Riven me no I'm not exact

same house Tina who looks like someone's

trying to keep up with the Joneses we'll

take it oh that one's sold this morning

it was only on the market an hour yes

she's coming back later to pick it up

too late so to Judy Miller I don't

believe your mother she bought another

doll house because she didn't think I

could fix the old one dad you couldn't

fix the old one that's why we're here so

that's it you're against me too well I

don't care if anyone believes in me I'm

gonna rebuild Tina's dollhouse it's

gonna be just like knew that if you say

you can do it i believe in you thanks

Brian baby I win yeah yeah all right are

we gonna play ball or what hey Dad man

on a mission why can t good say yes to

go the bathroom like everybody else

doing the dollhouse think so guys that

throwing the rock around come on task we

divide pass me the rock yeah Brian

Miller takes it from the top of the key

sh**t and nothing but neighbor's yard

get it I'm gonna get something to drink

you in something yeah quit cheating I'm

not cheating whatever whatever is it mom

helping you with that no I'm doing this

I don't need your mother's help I don't

need anybody's help what's everybody's

problem around here Robbie just bit my

head off to well maybe Robbie wouldn't

have a problem if you weren't showing

him up and they can him feel like he

couldn't do things I'm saying is back

off a little mom said I shouldn't let

him win on purpose well your mom isn't a

man which is what first attracted me to

her because she's not there are certain

things she'll never understand like what

do you like winning yeah do you like

Robbie yeah choose you mean it's got a

loose for him to like me lon

a man needs to feel he's wearing the

pants in the relationship so get that

boy his pants back and then don't ever

touch go near or think about those pants


okay refrigerator will put you next to

the toilet TV right in front of the

toilet and now it's a house of the

future I got your ham thank you but I'm

busy wow it's really coming along I'm

surprised really you're surprised why am

I not surprised that you're surprised

frankly I'd be surprised if you weren't

surprised you know it's called smoked

ham but you're not really supposed to

smoke it hey how's it going out there

with Robbie awesome see I told you to be

yourself you're just working out so well

started going better way I started

letting him win thanks dash no problem

honey that's what your dad does he fixes

things there you told her to lose yeah I

just didn't want her to do to the men in

her life would you've done to me what

have I done to you besides knack and 100

points off your cholesterol and giving

you sex no Ben did tiny town lately what

because I haven't it seems one Judy

Miller about a doll house because she

had no faith in her husband and assumed

he couldn't fix this one just out of

curiosity what were you doing at the

dollhouse store just hanging well I need

your permission every time I go to tiny

town oh please you gave up you went

there to buy a new one okay fine I did

but you shouldn't have expected me to

fail can you blame me always bail on

things and then I end up changing the

oil recycling 800 beer cans because

somebody's too sentimental to throw them

away it's not that I can't do those

things I choose not to because I'm lazy

but when I say I'm going to do something

it's insulting for you to assume i'm

going to fail so i should just wait for

you to fail and always be shocked when

it happened well that makes sense to be

insane i'm not arguing with you we have

a system that works we both know the

division of labor around here who does

why me every

it's our unspoken agreement there's no

reason to speak it in front of the kids

it's not it's like taking him to Disney

World and let them see goofy without his

head up more like that than you think

all I'm saying is you run me down in

front of Lauren Tina comes to you to

k*ll bugs and then at the dollhouse

store Brian sees how little you really

think of me I felt very small in tiny

town too well I'm sorry I didn't mean to

do that from now on any contempt i have

for you i will keep to myself thank you

know there is a solution to all this you

could be a little less lazy around here

maybe you have a point there I should

think about that Bobby could be driving

bass acute in the car goes whoop sh**t

in the county on sh**t in the ground

yours while ya eat it in your face in

right game Robbie hey where were you on

those rebound yes I just missed him look

I mean it's not your fault I was on fire

so maybe next Friday we'll do something

maybe yes one come to my house and watch

every lift weights that sounds like fun

alright see ya yeah hey I'm Kim hey Dad

so what I look like fun yeah it's a

gracious winner a lot of class pressing

him for weeks and suddenly went a couple

games you think she's on fire

oh that's not his fault he's a guy we're

easy to fool when you telling us we're

good you know you're pretty smart dad oh

thanks wow that was easy all that stuff

I said about letting Robbie win I was

stupid stuff your mom said about always

doing your best do that so next time I

can clean his clock absolutely I'm sorry

I ever told you not don't sweat it dad

it was way too much effort not to be

myself anyway ah that's my lazy girl

can't play a little one-on-one sure I

don't try and take it easy on you bring

it on old man okay I gotta warn ya I

played a lot of all in my day you're

about to see my patented I'll go get

that later Gina this is gonna be a great

show and tell your dollhouse sure beats

the heck out of kami Kelly stupid hotel

soap collection yeah wait your dad

worked really hard to fix this and he

did a great job hey I finally found that

ball she bail on me

your dad can fix this I'll cook you my

tea set
