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02x17 - Still Parading

Posted: 11/12/22 08:35
by bunniefuu

your honey take this it'll make you feel

better and I taste good SMR really you

want more yeah makes me feel good less

man my teddy bear talk to me well

shouldn't be doing that you're only

taking oh you're good for another day

don't operate heavy machinery how's our

sweet little Tina oh don't think you

should go talk to her why being sick

doesn't make it more interesting feel my

spell she can't help it if she's sick

she touched that toast yeah hey guys hi

Brian Oh Donald hockey hi my name is

Miller well you're not gonna believe

this i have the most amazing news

another one of those Frodo Potter books

is coming out roto Potter I think you're

confusing we've all chosen slow the flow

for the st. Patrick's Day parade and I'm

the head designer well this is great the

Millers are all over the parade this

year Lauren and I are step dancing and

you're building a float yeah wait to see

my design we're going with the

traditional Gaelic theme three guys

building a parade float sounds pretty

Gaelic to me



oh wow Irish dancing is quite a workout

yeah I just hope we get the routine down

in time for the parade are you kidding

we are great we're not just mothers and

daughters what River dancer any chance

we can get her to dance into the river

nice Lords mom is really enthusiastic

get real Becca I know she sucks oh good

she's really bad you have to say

something to her I will man you guys are

so lucky to have moms who don't want to

be involved in your lives I know having

my mom in rehab it's like the best thing

that ever happened hey guys hey Scotty

oh hey Lauren Becca and Kristen right by

your game last week you were awesome

yeah that's my boy and let this be a

little bit of warning for you girls

about beer before and after oh it was

fun watching you at the batting cages

Scotty that's quite a swinging out their

highest batting average on the varsity

team you've been a star since you were

little weed yeah only because you were

such a good coach well it's not just me

oh my kid of course it's me huh hey Dad

hiya champ Wow

you're creating my tissue paper hey

Brian hi Scotty that's some fancy tissue

paper you got there yeah it's for my

flow but it's all wrong i asked for

kelly green and they gave me sage green

who ever heard of a sage leprechauns it

was my whole color scheme afloat yeah

Brian and his engineering club buddies

got picked to design a float for the god

I need a beer where you been Fitz and I

took our boy Scotty to the batting cages

now we're gonna watch the game did you

just say our boy me Judy don't twist my

words around all I meant was I want

Scotty to be our son bill you have a son

and he's out back working on his project

and I'm sure he could use some help but

it's a float and still daylight and his

neighbors you know it wouldn't k*ll you

to get involved with your son's interest

like Fitz's with Scotty hey mom can we

talk and like I am with Lauren and her

Irish step dancing it's me that's closer

we have a blast watching those other

moms try to dance some of them do not

have a clue not a clue did you want to

ask me something sweetie no mom I just

wanted to thank you f---ing so involved

my life hey she is Kirsten her eyes well

it's easy for you you both like dancing

i'm stuck with float building which

brian wouldn't be doing if he had

friends like Scotty those kids out there

they're a bad influence those boys are

good kids bill and they're probably a

lot cooler than you give them credit for

I can't watch out


Oh our team is using the nail g*n and

the neighbor's cat room right by a mean

horrible allergic all right you know

what don't panic Donald why don't you

take him home let's go do you need me to

call your mom my mom is at home she's

over the Pacific right now vantaa

stewardess no she's on the International

Space Station wait we don't have our

helmet safety be damned Wow now how am I

gonna get all this done by myself yeah

where's frien gonna find someone who

knows how to work with tools and has the

whole day free ahh Judy I see where are

you going with this Scotty can you come

out here that's not what I meant it's

Carly's not an engineering club were not

even friends sure you are remember when

you were little and Fitz's bring Scotty

over you guys were inseparable yeah we

were in a playpen Brian need your help

with this float oh you need a hand I

guess but if you don't really want

please just being shy he really misses

hanging out with you like the old days

you remember that playpen Oh times come

on Judy let's go aren't you gonna stay

in hell not always like you always say

too many cooks in the kitchen I begged

for help in the kitchen hey how was

dance practice mmm kind of weird the

dance teacher moved me all the way to

the back line why you know what I'm

afraid of that I'm showing up the other

mothers making them look bad making us

all look bad mom Oh giannoni let's look

at your medicine yay Oh your mom that

dance thing she showed me some of her

moves yesterday so you know she's awful

oh yeah mommy no no no I love your

mother very much and would never do

anything to break her heart you just

want to see her make a full of herself

in that pray yeah for to hold on you

taking off yeah I take away video camera

hey Brian how are you guys coming along

with the flow oh not so good Donald was

late and Hakeem still going through the

school dumpsters he left his retainer on

his lunch tray golly I bet he was a big

help no that didn't work out haha really

cuz you know Fitz and I were hoping you

guys had hit it off so we could all go

out together Scotty did want to go out

but I don't think he wanted you two

alone yup ill kids don't want their dads

tagging along no Scotty didn't just want

to go out with me he wanted to go out

with me on a date you mean a double date

no a boy on boy gay days apparently he's

got his game what are you sure Scotty

you know he's a guy's guy yeah and he

was hoping I was the guy so he thought

you were gay yeah it's not her Boysen it


I always thought I had a pretty good

gaydar but I never would have thought

Scotty yeah this blows my mind poor

brian he must have been so uncomfortable

on the other hand it's not every day you

get asked out by the captain of the

baseball team well at least we'll have

something in common sons we just don't

understand yeah but then again who knows

when Fitz will find out hey Fitz pick up

I guess I'm out there anyway get this

what do you win can't leave him a

message oh no I guess you're right I

should probably break it over a few

beers calamari you can't tell him at all

he is so close to Scotty this could

devastate him how can he say he's close

to Scotty when his son has this huge

secret it's scotty secret and he will

tell his father on his own time it's

just the right ltu for calamari okay

then I'm good


g dash hey you know what I really admire

about you dad your relationship with

moms you're so open and honest I'm not

telling her she's a crappy dancer but

dad you don't have to be out there with

her it's gonna be so embarrassing please

when I was in third grade my mother

showed up at my school to bring my lunch

and curlers in an open ropes Oh

boo-hoo-hoo Lauren can you get that hey

nope oh hey Fitz what are you doing here

I thought I'd stop by oh spent a while I

mean I haven't even talked to you since

the day went with the batting cages with

Scottie oh yes Scotty he's that yeah

well thanks for coming by can I come in

yeah I guess I'm just watching wrestling

wrestling oh this is great yeah there's

nothing like watching two guys go at it

huh to have faced balls while speaking

of which you should have seen Scotty

played last night big Homer so Scotty's

up right first pitch goes white ball one

second pitch high inside now Scotty's

got two balls on right so he's just

laying back waiting for a big fat one

right up the middle huh sure enough

we're right in the sweet spot he really

taught the pitcher with his band stuff

I'm back to wrestling so how did Scotty

and Brian make out the other day why God

he's still hoping on with the flow no no

now that didn't really work out welcome

well there are really two different

people you know scollay the Scotties a

big athlete Brian's kind of nerdy where

it is Scotty picking on cuz I know how

these Hot Shot baseball players can get

and I don't want my son being one of

them you know what I shouldn't have said

anything no no no no it's not right I

mean this kind of stuff is unacceptable

and I didn't raise my son to be like

that no I can't believe you told him I

didn't tell him anything oh so he just

figured out on its own the Scottish game

what no he heard it from you oh jeez

okay buddy the thing is we found out

there might be a small chance that

Scotty might be a little bit gay yes

Ryan out on a boy on boy gay date wow

this is so surprising I know Fitz I'm

sorry you had to hear it this way no I I

just didn't know he's ready to start

telling people oh you know Scott he's

gay oh yeah sure I'm he's my son he came

out to me and Marian about a year ago I

need fine with all this up took us a

little while to adjust to it but no

matter what still a great kid good for

you being all okay with your gay son I'm

glad you found out actually you know

it's getting harder and harder to keep

it from you you know what would the

support group we joined and the gay

Softball leading

sounds like you're all over this gay

stuff you gotta stay involved with you

want to stay close to your kid you're

right you know what this is a big

wake-up call for me you can be close to

your gay son there's no reason why Brian

and I can't be closer good for you honey

you know all this time I blame brian for

the fact that we don't connect you know

maybe it's me okay this rainbow is just

the kind of dazzle my parade float need

to be fryin buddy I'm here to help you

with you whoa mama welcome to our world

of Celtic wonders that's check us out

they dance hey you were right about the

sage it made it look stupid Brian I know

I haven't taken much interest in things

that matter to you but that's all about

to change right now what can I do to

help okay well I've got to go buy some

more paint so I guess you can put the

jefferson high sign up at the top of the

rainbow if you want you got it good

because you know now that I think about

it it's the only thing that connects the

float to the school he's right we should

have found a way to represent the school

more I guess we just got intoxicated by

a love of Irish lore let me give you

fellas a tip someday when you start

dating complicated good luck do these


oh hey Lauren check it out pretty cute

huh yeah I guess I guess I might be

catching a little bit of Tina's cold you

really think so honey don't worry I

wouldn't dream of letting you down we

are going to be dancing side by side in

front of thousands of people and I'm TV

and everyone will know you're horrible

dancer oh my god I'm so sorry I said

that but you're horrible you can dance

and everybody knows it huh I had no idea

this doesn't mean you still can't be

part of the parade won't be one of those

losers that just holds the banner then I

guess he can't be part of the parade

okay I got the pace a list get my god

that's right your old man came to the

rescue my fault what did you do to my

float well I was putting up the sign and

I remembered what she said about needing

to tie in the float with Jefferson High

and I thought what says Jefferson High

more than their championship baseball

team I can't believe that I worked so

hard on it and now everything is ruined

I was trying to help i made it better no

you made it into what you wanted it to

be I don't like baseball dad I'm not

Scotty and I'm sorry if that's a big

disappointment to you calm down we can

put it back the way it was but first let

me show you what it can do i'll tell you

the crowd is going to love this okay i'm

going to swing

in a minute spoon me change it back the

second and he swings for the fences


dad stop it don't panic


okay cool well the important thing is

we're safe and we've shared a father

some moment will always remember dad how

could you do this you ret everything

well I mean maybe we can fix it I mean

it's not really that Foucault's still on

fire no it's too late the parade is

tomorrow's forget it well what are you

gonna do well I guess I'll have to put

on my leprechaun costume and dance on

the float myself and if that embarrasses

you can just a Hawaiian Brian way you

have a leprechaun

can't believe I'm not going to be

dancing in the parade so disappointed

yeah you're not the only one here look

at this video from cousin Steve's

wedding bad day it's in my ass I'm

tearing up 50 in school yeah but for

when I remember he also tore through

that open bar do you remember prom

people formed a circle around me and

cheered me on and that's even before my

boob fell out of my dress yeah you were

pretty messed up that night too hey

maybe you can only dance if you're

messed up my god yes if I want to be a

really good dancer I have to be hammered

if you've got a cold it's not like you

can go out and get drunk mom already a

little lip you know Tina's right this

stuff rocks where's my uh not bad huh oh

you're actually good I'm going to put on

my dress up in that parade I better go

if you make sure to both days in


so I think I'm all set how do I look

like the bravest man I know we'd be up

there beside you we didn't both suffer

from horrible motion sickness starting

very good on the slope hopping out me


I changed my mind you're the bravest man

I know what are you doing you I'm here

to help you with your flow your way

right here in front of thousands of

people and on TV oh crap yeah yeah I'm a

leprechaun you want a piece of this

magic come on buddy yeah that's what I

thought you don't have to do this if you

don't want no I want to because this is

important to you and if that includes

walking a mile in your leprechaun shoes

then so be it are you looking at what

little people we love each other this is

it started so do we just stand on the

float and wave actually we fall I can

throw pixie dust of course we do




mom it's time for my medicine

I think I've had enough
