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02x16 - Still Groping

Posted: 11/12/22 08:21
by bunniefuu
wasn't a very good movie huh you're

telling me one of these Hollywood big

shops gonna get it right its lair a

popcorn layer of butter lera popcorn

layer of ice exactly what they're gonna

find if they ever cut you open yeah how

about the two of us staff just a little

longer let me drink in your beauty in

the moonlight oh so now it's layer of

popcorn layer crap you don't want to go

inside because your mother's in there

that's cuz the second I walk in she'll

trap me into taking a shopping tomorrow

like I have to every Saturday now oh

it's only one day a week and it's your

mom it's taking time away from another

important relationship oh you mean the

couch the couch is only three years old

these are perform at every year oh

there's my little silly Billy Oh your

face is so cold you're my silly chilly

chilly billy thanks for babysitting we

Tina's all tucked in so I'll just go on

home with our big day tomorrow Oh what

time do you want me to take your

shopping oh I don't need you tomorrow

I've got friends you'd plant Judy she

has plans without me don't pick have it

and I father phoenix Saturday oh I don't

need you then either I'm doing something

with a friend you have a friend jus be

picky g'nite ma can I kids how the hell

did she make a friend oh no don't care

neither does my pal kouchi

not you doin out of bed I can dance

Justin kiddos I mean a hug I wonder why

I love more than anything else in the

world with Nana tonight she talked on

the phone to some man all night I'm

going to bed wait christmas is such a

good name he called me cupcake cupcake

ever last name I don't remember good

night wait wait I'm really tired Judy

let it go to bed she's tired fine time

go to bed but I was under the impression

you a big girl so your mom was talking

on the phone all night some guy I think

louise has a boyfriend Wow I need a

drink well I know it's going to be weird

seeing your mom with another man but I

think eventually here it is champagne

the cupcake whoever you are god bless

you you poor bastard


come at me



right she got on there it's part 6 of a

ten-part series on dinosaurs I can save

you a lot of time they died all right

dad isn't saturday your day to take nana

shopping yeah why don't you met cupcake

who is cupcake I don't know I think I

love it more than actual cupcakes Oh

what's what you want here what a bed oh

yeah I was doping it with your dad it's

manna hey MA hi Billy I can only stay a

minute soon as I find my knitting I'm

gone you heard her we're looking for

knitting you take the upstairs go go go

I'm Judy she said she promised I'd Oh

Jenna call the ways it was having the

giant baby now their golf club covers

for a friend Oh cupcake no thanks I've

gotta save my appetite so I was taking

me to a fancy restaurant I know cupcake

fine I'll take one of you and sent No so

where are you guys going Judy you know

the funny thing about knitting when you

pull one thread it all comes apart

lastly Chinese restaurant called the

monkey palace mr. golf and friend well

if you must know his name is Johnny so

where'd you meet hello you be at the

bank we were in line and he helped me

fill out my deposit slip and then he

asked me to lunch and we've been dating

ever since the end but what does Johnny

do oh we have senior citizens with their

savings something about offshore

investments offshore investments did you

hear that film offshore investment saw

the guy sells boats on by I so that's it

you're not the least bit interested in

who your Ma's dating she's not a child

she's a grown woman she can take care of

herself but doing she thinks this guy

sounds a little bit shady shady like a

picnic under an oak tree on a lovely

spring day you didn't hear one word she

said about him I did too his name's

Jimmy he lives in a palace he has a

giant baby and

Johnny this is such a nice place and

look at this fancy menu with a tasco

only the best for you Louise now why do

some of these things are little stars

next to them ah that means that dish is

hot and spicy you should have a little

star next to you well if you'll excuse

me I have to use the restroom why don't

I order some appetizers while you're

gone you're the boss Louise would you be

spying on my mother know if this

businessman scams your mom and she winds

up broke where do you think she's gonna

live you're right no swingler is gonna

make me put my mom in some trailer park

next to the graveyard bill why don't we

go sit at our regular table since you

know we eat here all the time oh wait

what are you two doing here are you

kidding me the silver chimps one of our

favorite restaurant golden monkey monkey

Palace you to come here to check out my

gentleman friend please we want to meet

him because if he did anything to hurt

you we'd never be able to live with

ourselves in what is already a very

crowded house well he'll be back in a

second you might as well join us Thanks

we probably all right I'm starving I'll

order some appetizers while we're

waiting oh hi yeah you are yeah could

you start us with an order of egg rolls

I'm afraid you're making a little

mistake here yes before of us better

make that tour Billy Crystal or drink

don't worry if your boyfriend's too

cheap I'll pay for it mom buddy was

starving well he's not a waiter you're

telling me let's go Johnny you know if I

wasn't so used to moments like this I'd

be uncomfortable this is my son bill and

his wife Judy hi nice to meet you Johnny

you'll have to excuse my husband ISA

we'll see it's an easy mistake I mean

we're here in a Chinese restaurant this

guy walks up looking all Japanese he's

just a matter of letting him talk we

would you like some coffee oh no I'm not

drinking coffee anymore Johnny turned me

on to tea actually he's introduced me to

a lot of exotic thing thanks for

inviting us over for dessert I've

enjoyed meeting bills lovely sister in

law no Johnny the least tell us you're

an investment counselor i do pretty well

for my clients yeah oh really cuz uh

bill and I are always looking for a

shrewd place to put our money have any

suggestions oh I'm sorry Louise asked me

the same thing but i have a strict

policy against handling my friends money

and i guess i'll just stick with my

current investment strategy what's that

that's pretty diversified some quick

pics some scratchers in the long term

living off my children


palla we just so great that you've been

a nice guy and without even trying you

have to use the internet or a dating

service or pretend you like fishing or

rock climbing or this house boy who's

clearly his life partner well we should

get going you're the boss Luiz yeah

let's see them on Friday when they come

over for Mom's birthday uh Billy you

know how tomorrow you were taking me to

the outlet stores to check for tight oh

if you don't mind I'd like to take her

welcome to the family let me walk you to

the car Johnny it's so great to meet you

and I look forward to meeting your

brother sons nephews doctors what have

you I'll make a few calls thank you to

meet you son right ladies drive safe wow

that johnny is a great guy don't you

think he's kind he's polite you just

grab my ass

your ass grabbed by your mother last

boyfriend are you sure I think so I mean

it wasn't exactly a grab but at the very

least it was like a gentle cupping Oh

Judy I guess you all worried for nothing

Johnny's the best thing to happen to my

mom hands down and touch don't say

anything I don't want to accuse Johnny

if I don't know for sure okay all right

why don't you just show me how it felt

maybe we can figure it out all right

yeah well um so I went to hug him like

is CIA and he put his arms around me

like that seems okay yeah and then you

know his hands kind of slip we're really

high TV before canal I have been

spinning thanks for noticing so perv not

a purse I don't know I'm k words are

there any of this no now look a little

lower this is good but could we switch

Linda out for Shania Twain


oh brother Brian sister Tina so happy to

see you and that wouldn't be because you

forgot to buy Nana a birthday gift and

you want to hone in on ours no you know

and just want to see what you wrote on

the card and she has a tent with fat man

is for thick you yeah for me and Tina

and nobody else would you hire Lauren uh

I will hand a poem oh really let's hear

it well it's not an actual word form yet

it's totally hurt oh honey that is so

not fooling anyone scared to start

writing and that one of those cheap

poems don't rhyme great missing ranks

with Nana come on big nana or Montana or

fancy Anna I did it table for Macky

fault are you wearing your good a spam

whole idea was to keep Johnny away from

you well I figure if he does it again

I'll know for sure so I brought out the

heavy a*tillery oh I was traffic exactly

if you can keep his hands off of this

then he is a good guy and I don't have

to say anything this oh okay here we go

now keep your eyes on my butt all night

long I'll get it I'll get it there you


oh happy birthday mom some sweet of you

kids I don't know how I can ever repay

you you already have it is our pleasure

Louise we're the ones who should be

thanking you thank you well Judy I just

like merlot you brought us wine come

here take it easy I saw him first Oh

Louise I'm sorry I'm just so happy for

the both of you I can't help but to come

with me to some kind of weird in the


we're new kitchen you why are you moving

in on my mother's boyfriend all right I

didn't want to tell you this cuz I

didn't want you to get upset but

something happened with Jonny what he

grabbed my ass Haley my Johnny the other

night while we went to say goodbye you

know he had to be and I think he might

have gotten a little handsy okay okay

now I'm hearing Mike and sink which to

me means might not and I don't think so

k*ll your mother might be dating a

groper and I need to know for sure oh I

get it this is what all the hugging's

about you're trying to trap them with

that ass of yours yeah just like you

didn't matter if he takes the bait you

gotta tell your mom this is terrible

terrible i just got my Saturday's back

now I'm gonna have to go tight shopping

with believe all you care about your

Saturday's you know there was a time

that you would clock a guy if I thought

I even looked at me funny tights Judy he

models and for me and you know why they

call tights becomes a tight


Brian Tina oh thank you so much it's top

of the line trust me say goodbye to

nosebleeds forever I want to thank you

oh that's so fast anna i think the lawns

have something for you it's nice to see

a family that loves each other so much

yeah yeah i lost got a poem oh it's

nothing special you know i'll just send

it to you tomorrow no I would love for

the poet asst to recite it for me yeah

this should be good little miss Nina so

down the banana in her chief Owen wine

then Along Came her birthday which was

surf and turf day at Denise for 899 like

that was my favorite present I'm deathly

allergic to shellfish what a sweet poke

all right I should go fix my face

favorite president would have ripped

mine came from sharper image mine has a

fully enclosed missing chamber fully

enclosed there's a finish your homework

will call you when it's cake time Oh

Johnny let me refill your wine oh why

thank you and I think you could use a

little more too can I give you a hand

now are never County okay kick ready

well why don't you let me help I haven't

listened to finger all night no kiddin

last one was practically a lap dance Oh

No grab not a cop not even a brush pic

makes you feel any better I look down

your shirt

thank you honey well I guess the other

night was just an accident it's just

nice that my mom found a guy who makes

her really happy thanks for the help

with the king oh you're welcome Oh bill

I was waiting for a chance to speak to

you alone I'd like to talk you about

something in port oh sure big piece ice

cream on the side no on the tongue no

I'm actually I was thinking about asking

your mother to move in with me Wow few

girls are getting pretty serious well

I'm not getting any younger so I was

wondering if you'd give me your blessing

not take your time and think it yes oh

wow thanks Billy I appreciate that oh

sorry about the sugar oh don't worry

coming oh oh good another hug he really

does seem like a nice guy yeah I agree

see how helpful he was with the cage

you thought he was some sort of grow fur

I admit I feel very cool now we can all

just relax and enjoy the party ah crap I

didn't feel a thing wow he's good Johnny

just asked me to move in with him why

don't you two take the cake after the

living room gladly leave the night lead

the night MA I think we need to talk

about you and Johnny living together

well the downside is you wouldn't be

seeing as much of me he's got a condo in

Scottsdale so I'd be 2,000 miles away

from October on ma Johnny's a great guy

in almost every way but there's this one

thing about him you might want to know

oh I know all about his new hips and

trust me they work great ah there's no

good way to say this but we caught

Johnny grabbing Judy and Linda's butts

I'm sorry mama could you tell him but

not that off you know about this oh how

do you think we met he got me in the

bank line why would you want to live

with somebody who's gonna do this oh

it's not a cheater she's just a little

crabby man his hands may wander but they

did their best work at home can't call

around grabbing people it's not right

well maybe I should have a talk with him

hey Johnny yeah stop grabbing the ladies

they don't like it you're the boss Luiz

now go apologize to the girl gotcha do


here you're not rushing into things

moving in with him already Oh relax I

haven't decided anything yet but you

know it's really cute what you at first

I thought you were happy I found Johnny

so that you wouldn't have to do errands

with me no I know now I see how

protective you are made oh you are my

mother and I'm always gonna look out for

you so sweet of you and you do not have

to worry no man is ever gonna steal me

away from you I'd love to see one try

will your the mixed truck let's go blow

out your candles what a happy birthday I

can't believe I'm so lucky to have two

caring sensitive men in my life good I

like the skies of mom Jenna

I'm glad you liked it then I spent all

weekend working on it no I'm sorry the

music of Lawrence poem



I wouldn't have it any

the way cause me mags me
