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02x05 - Still Got It

Posted: 11/12/22 08:03
by bunniefuu
I don't believe it you went grocery

shopping don't act so surprised I don't

just hunt I gather pretzel another

kind of did you gather anything

that wasn't fried or crunch Alecia

Watson proof the fact that says here

there's 12 feet in every box you go Tina

have some mango banana motives hey honey

is that your new cheerleader's sweater

yeah what do you think Oh looks great

all the times I prayed to God he'd get

into a cheerleader's sweater I probably

should have been more specific Lauren

what's wrong I auditioned for the fall

dance show dance tastic didn't get in ah

you must be so dance appointed so sorry

honey don't care mom never gotten into

one thing that I tried out for this year

I mean I used to be popular but now that

I'm in high school i'm just a big loser

like brian i heard that what about

trying out to the band you still have

your clarinet junk at the clarinet

besides I can't find the stupid

mouthpiece anyway what are you looking

at me for I'm just gonna get some hey

what the how did this confounded why

don't you keep the band one more try

great table if you to place at oboe with

the runny aisle have a crush on me his

name is Hakeem and he has an overactive

tear ducts

oh poor kids having a tough time in high

school there's got to be something we

can do well having a few beers it'd make

me feel better but that's really boring

we should go talk to her dance teacher

maybe she'll change your mind since when

are we the parents who run to the school

and cry foul every time our kid has a

problem okay let's go out no I'm talking

about anywhere



okay now when we go in there let's not

get too emotional we'll just explain

that Warren love stands no funny Weiner

dance teachers names mrs. Weiner okay

okay you know what we're both adults we

can do this we're just gonna walk in

there and look Weiner rightly all right

okay clearly we cannot do this together

so i will go in by myself I'm sorry Judy

good luck don't write winner too hard

they don't have any imagination these

days oh my god no no I found it like

that Bill Miller it's me Madeline back

from high school I didn't even recognize

you well I got a haircut and stopped

wearing ponchos Thanks doing here you're

not still a senior are you I'll have you

know I graduated second out of my class

among the three of us that had to finish

up over the summer so I thought she

moved to Ohio I did but I moved back and

now I'm the new English teacher and I'm

also headed to be broad apartment what

have you been doing all these years you

follow football hmm I played a couple of

seasons in the NFL now I'm married with

some kids wait are you Lauren miller's

father well that's what the courts say

you in my freshman English class she's

great you know now that I think about it

she has your eyes and the same way of

using her hands you know I always loved

your hands ville they're very elegant

all right never really thought about

that now that you mention it you know we

had a lot of fun that one summer down by

the beach yeah that was pretty calm

there was and pretty humid too yeah I've

got to get to the theater but you know

this really made my day I hope I see you

more often

bye Madeline time to see me mrs. whiner

well I think I convinced her I just told

her that outside activity would boost

Lauren z what are you doing look at my

hands given notice how elegant they are

Phil whatever you stuck your hand in

while I was gone I'm not smelling

Madeline's Beck the girl with the

ponchos I haven't seen her in years yeah

she's teaching drama there now you know

we went to grad school together he

didn't go to grad school fence traffic

school so was a weird seeing her again I

mean what would your sensuous tales it

was a long time ago and it wasn't that

big of a deal I don't hope till one of

my most vivid memories of high school is

you and her on that be you weren't

there no I was not damn future that

Lauren needed to feel accepted and she

really seemed to understand right you

can I get by ok wife let you put your

feet up on the coffee table what doesn't

care where I put my feet it's my hand

she's got rules about oh my gosh you

will never believe what happened to me

today then drama teacher asked me to

audition for the play how about that

trauma what happen to dance I don't know

but anyway so I did and she gave me

apart I even have my own monologue

that's true so I'm here some permission

slips except you guys have to sign mom

could you come help me with my line sure

thing honey well I guess the dance

teacher had a little talk of a drama

teacher now everyone will see what a

talented daughter we have high def damn

clarinet row bill way to go left I think

bill had a little something to do with

Lauren getting that part in the play

fits no I think Judy got Lauren that

part bill my know the drama teacher a

little better than you think way better

on a red beach blanket to the sweet

zooms are you a Speedwagon is how i

imagine if the time right who's this

drama teacher Madeleine back Madeleine

back without weird girl with the

Poncho's used to refresh I know we just

drop it so you think that she gave

Lauren apart in the play because of you

hey you're at your line sorry gal anoche

road bill I hope you'll be able to help

out backstage we've got a lot of

catching up to do love Madeline PS

chicka chicka wow wow how close were you

Madeline back in high school not that

close I guess I just left a big

impression on it more like an

indentation yeah my god you would forget

it just once well one weekend well does

Judy no no and don't tell her it was a

mistake it happened a long time ago and

it had only heard her feelings Linda I'm

her everything and then some oh don't

worry this lady can keep a secret like

the time music r*pe the car door on that

mailbox and you spent a fortune trying

to get it fixed real fast so she

wouldn't find out I didn't do that Judy

okay don't tell her I told we hover but

it is for justice wait first readiness

for freedom honey okay kids that's it

for today I'll see you all tomorrow hey

this is really coming along it's so

great having you around bill well I'm

having a great time really I'm glad to

hear that well a good time certainly

good good good for now because you know

right now is really all we have ah you

have some paint on your face no right

here sweetie wow you have really soft

skin I use moisturizing lotion

never stopped yeah Judy hi what are you

doing here well I came to get Lauren I

didn't know if you'd have to stay late

no no I'll bring a home you head on out

that traffic there is no traffic exactly

so now's the time to make you move I

love you Merriman and I need to talk to

you about our son what I think you might

have made it to yellow oh that son sure

it can be any color you want long as it

doesn't look anything like me Judy

Michael yes it's me Madeline back man

what's fair about doing here I'm Lauren

drawn a teacher no I didn't tell me

Madeline back with the drama teacher all

right I thought I did tonight baby saw

her marriage doesn't tell me that what I

thought I did Lawrence doing great in

the play and I just love your husband oh

whoa this thing should have a safety hi

mom you have to come see my costume okay

I right dad Oh bill I know I'm becoming

a total nag but I need a huge favor I

have a grandfather clock that would look

great in the bedroom scene could you

come by my place later and pick it up oh

I don't know your place there's a beer

in it for you and some leftover chili if

you play your cards right I can't I have

to play cards with the elderly yeah

every every tuesday i play cards for the

elderly you are so sweet can you help me

tomorrow night no I got basketball with

the elderly well how about this

afternoon I just can't all right bill I

just thought because you had a van you

could help me out but I'll ask someone

else spill how we're gonna kick off okay

I'll walk out with you so Madeline back

looks pretty good huh oh you think i did

I didn't notice kids a huge crush on you

and we always made such fun of her I

don't remember a crush

thanks to track I did not oh thank you


hey at rehearsal go not so good miss

Beck cut her mom walk she said the play

was running too long I'm just a stupid

villager with no wine well you still

have to act you have to stand around and

look stupid I'm not a stupid I feel so

bad that apartment the world to her we

should go down and talk to Madeleine

first thing tomorrow Judy we can't go

down there well if you don't want to go

fine I'll go by myself no you can't why

not I guess I know why Lauren lost her

monologue why because of my baby soft

skin of my elegant hands what I think

Madeline gable or in the park because

she has a thing for me and she took it

away because Billy doesn't play that

game that game be I'm not believe me I'm

picking up vibes everybody always talked

about vibes I never felt fides Judy

these are vibes are you sure yeah I'm

sure she wrote me a personal note she

invited me over for chili to her house

at night when the Sun Goes Down I know

what night is and the day after I say no

she takes lawns monologue away well

maybe she's hitting on you well you know

what you gotta go do ya tell her I'm a

married man and she should keep her

hands off no you got to go down there

and shake it for

you gotta get Lauren her monologue taxes

it seems so wrong prudence do you think

it's an accident I wear a halter top

every time we buy a major appliance

we're just wearing that so I go to the

store with you they stripped many

purposes wife wants you to go down with

the school and flirt with your

daughter's hot drama teacher my wife has

a cow when I hang on to mrs.

Butterworth's bottle too don't it to get

Lauren her part back or Judy's feeling

saucy and she's just using Lauren as an

excuse so you'll invite Matlin home for

a little while with whatever you do

stick around make sure she doesn't start

anything come on it oh hi Madeline

though where's all the other parents oh

I canceled the rehearsal this morning I

must have forgotten to call you but I'm

glad you're here I could use some help

with the sex that's why Danny and I are

here you remember Danny Fitzsimmons from

high school oh yeah diani yep Danny's

gonna hang around here and help yes

that's what I'm here for that's great Oh

could you go buy some paintbrushes I

sure think I'll see you later bill you

lay down on the bed what I got to make

sure the Lighting's right in the bedroom

scene oh okay Oh perfect right in the

hot spot it's something wrong you look

tense well I have kind of a problem

Laurens feelings were really hurt when

you cut a monologue from the show oh

that's right you know this could be the

answer to my problem Amy's got mono and

I need someone to play the part of town

maybe Warren control that'd be great

it's a really big part though she might

not have time to learn it I'm sure she'd

be willing to do

well she is a very bright girl in a heck

of an actress all but there's no time to

change the costumes are you sure of

course they are about the same size you

know it's worth a shot oh I think so too



Warren Miller would like to dedicate his

performance to her mother and father for

authoring hers oh I am so happy for

Lauren because it turns out that it was

put at middle and hit a little thing for

bill huh wait well you know about that

oh yeah you tell me all about it oh what

a relief it to keep that secret anymore

yeah I don't know what Bill was so

worried about I mean it's not what you

care who bill had sex with 20 years ago

useless mantle in fact no Linda told me

you slept with her back in high school

Oh in high school yeah yeah I told you

she had a thing for me yeah but I didn't

know you sing her back I'm going on back

here the place about the star juvies

just a little upset because she found

out about us back in high school oh this

is awkward Judy it's no big deal it

happened 20 years ago and it meant

nothing well let's not say it meant

nothing are you talking about come on

the touching the hands inviting me over

for chili at night when the Sun Goes

Down oh it's obvious you still have

feelings for me excuse me we all know

Lauren only got this part because of me

what Lauren I'll go after her bill

you've got it all wrong I'm gay I can't

get far

okay pretty gay Lauren only got this

part because she worked hard and

deserved it you weren't gay in high

school well I was leaning that way in

fact it was soon after our little thing

that I knew for sure Lauren go away come

on Lauren opened the door it was a

misunderstanding I swear okay you're not

going to open the door I'm gonna walk

away goodbye yeah yeah I know you're

still there all right look this is a

little embarrassing but I thought miss

Beck gave you the part because she had a

thing for me she's gay I know that now I

didn't have anything to do with it

either people are born that way but you

shall thought I couldn't get the part of

my own but you did get it on your own

miss Beck says you're really good I'm

sorry I got involved but I never want to

see you disappointed she really thinks

I'm good yeah are you sure maybe should

just have a thing for me yeah yeah

but father I'm afraid of widow johnson

co can't believe you slept with madeline

you didn't tell me about it it was that

summer remember between junior year and

senior year we had that big fight and

then you left the Florida with your

family oh that's Alma all don't forget

better yeah you see it's really not that

wait what do you mean forget about it oh

you know a free pass summer summer what

the hell's a free pass summer well I met

a college guy you turned a woman gay

crazy summer gym Oh are we talking about

this anxious you three besides our

daughter Paige I am here the wagon is

ready for you goodbye big man what I'm

them watch from the office got the video

camera to me is crushing our cross I can

be silent no more

bill the dryers broken we need to get a

new one why can't we just think that you

know we really can't afford a new oh

we're gonna do it that way



I wouldn't have it

no way cuz he
