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06x28 - Blind Date

Posted: 11/12/22 07:24
by bunniefuu
(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] Robert Young

and Jane Wyatt.

With Elinor Donahue, Billy Gray, and Lauren Chapin

in Father Knows Best.

(uptempo jazz music)

- Well if I had a chanceof being nominated

in the campus queen finals,

I wouldn't be sitting here,

I can tell you that.

- Tell us, Judy, where would you be?

- I'd be at school right now,

biting my nails while the votes are being counted.

Aren't you excited?

- Well, of course I am,

but there's nothing I can do about it now.

It's in the hands of the Fates.

If I'll be chosen one of the finalists,

then I'll be chosen.

- I still think we should've stuffed the ballot box.


- Excuse me, I'm sorry.

- Well, you ought to be, Barlet.

Do you realize what you have done?

- It was just a mistake.

- Well, I demand satisfaction.

I appoint you as my second.

- Right, what shall our weapons be?

Cream puffs at paces?


- No wait.

There maybe extenuatingcircumstances.

So we'll let the guilty party speak on his own behalf.


- Yes.

- Well, come on now.

- I'll get your hamburgers.


- Doug, I don't think Rudy gets your kind of humor.

- Oh, you're so right, Betty.

There is the original cornball.

Rudy Kissler,

formerly the pride of Edward Agricultural College,

Antwerp, South Dakota.


- Until he transferred down to Springfield

where he is now workinghis way through college

getting his degree in...

- Advanced hog calling.


- Then he ought to be able to call you.


Say Betty, is Ralph going to take you

to the presentation party tonight.

- I haven't accepted a date with anyone yet.

Well after all, the party's being given

to present the three finalists in the queen contest

and well, it seemed like a sensible idea

to wait and see if I'm one of the three selected.

- Come on, Betty, let metake you to the party.

- Well, call me later, after the votes are counted.

- Rudy boy, allow me to extend my humble apologies from me

and my vulgar friend.

- It's okay, I can take a joke.


- Rudy, maybe you ought to stick to milking cows, boy.

- I'll get a mop.

- Yeah, get a mop.


- What are you trying to do, Doug?

Make Rudy lose his job?

- Can I help it if he's clumsy?


- Excuse me, I have to run.

- Oh, come on, Betty.

We were only kidding.

- Well it might befunny if the other fella

could answer back.

- Well, I guess the duchess put us in our places.


- Sorry.

I didn't mean to.

- That's what I call a cute couple.

Just made for each other.


- They should've countedthe ballots by now.

Oh, how do people standit when they're running

for President of the United States and waiting.

(phone ringing)

Keep your fingers crossed.


She's here, I think.

It's for Cathy.


- I'm coming.

- Try to make this a short conversation, please.

I might be getting an important call.

- Hello.

Oh hi, Shirley.

Oh, I don't know.

I'll ask her.

Hey Betty, did you get in the finals

of the campus queen contest?

- I don't know yet.

- Oh, she doesn't know yet.

Oh, Shirley says good luck.

- Tell her thanks.

- Betty says thanks.

- Say, did you hear what happened?

You won sis.

You're in the finals.

- Shirley, Betty's in the finals.

I'll call you later.


- Give me that.


- Well, it's a little early in the afternoon

for a party, isn't it?

- I'm in the finals forthe queen of the campus.

- Congratulations, princess.

You didn't expect me tobe surprised did you?

I could've told 'em all along, you'd be one of the winners.

You see, it's very simple,

the way to have beautiful daughters

is for them to have a beautiful mother.

- Oh boy, the oil isreally flowing tonight.

(phone ringing)

- Hello.

Oh hi, Ted.

- Congratulations, Betty.

We just heard the good news.

- Oh, thank you, Ted.

I just heard it myself.

I'm still breathless.

- Look, Betty, about the rail with Rudy,

I'm sorry we laid it on so thick.

But you know Doug, anything for a laugh.

Besides he doesn't really mean any harm.

- That's alright, Ted.

Maybe Rudy let himself in for it.

- How about the presentation party for tonight,

have you a date yet?

- No.

- Well that's good, because a friend of mine,

absolutely the greatestguy in the world.

- Look, Ted, if you're leading up to a blind date,

I'm not interested.

- Now wait a minute, Betty, we sort of had a date

for tonight if you made the finals

and don't think I enjoy passing it up,

but well, I'm in a spot.

- But Ted, you know how I feel about blind dates.

- Well, this isn't really a blind date,

he's a old friend of my family's who

just got into town andhe doesn't know anybody

and I want to show him a good time.

And besides, don't think this is the usual blind date dud,

this is no ordinary guy.

- I know Ted, they never are.


- But no really Betty, this one's got everything.

The looks, personality,intelligence.

I mean no kidding, this is the kind of guy you read about,

the kind you see on a magazine cover.

- Look, I don't liketo let you down, but...

- Well, at least let mebring him to the party

and you can meet him there.

Now, what do you say?

- Alright, yeah, it's a date.

- Swell, we'll meet you at the party at eight o'clock.


She went for it.

Hook, line, and sinker.


- You're great, man.

You are just great.


- More good news.

- Could be.

I have a date with a fellow whobelongs on a magazine cover.

- Oh, who?

- I don't know.


- Ah, I bet there isn'tthis much excitement

at Cape Canaveral when they're getting ready

to launch a rocket to the moon.


- Oh Father, the scientists at Cape Canaveral

have seen the moon,

I'm gonna meet a man who's a complete mystery.

- For some reason I can't explain,

I'm not enthused over the idea.

- Yeah, why do you have to meet

this mystery man at the party?

I know it sounds old fashioned,

but couldn't he come byhere and pick you up.

- Well, he's from out of town, I think.

Besides, this is kind of exciting.

Oh, don't worry, Father.

Ted described him to me in minute detail

and if he's even half aswonderful as Ted says,

I'll be the envy of every girl there.


- Wowee!

You look like the Firehouse Five minus four.


- Suppose he changed his mind

and decided not to come.

- Oh boy, he'll be here all right.

I'm surprised Betty isn't here yet.

Here she is.

And so beautiful.

- Well, I'll see you later sis,

I gotta find the guys.

Good luck with your dream boy.

- Thank you.


- Hi Betty.

- Hi.

Why's everyone looking at me?

My slip showing?


- They're admiring you, doll.

- Yeah, if you think they're admiring you now,

just wait until your date gets here

and the two of you together.


Boy, you're really gonna dazzle him.


- Right.

This is a guy who's fit for a queen.

I mean, I happen to knowhim Betty, through Ted.

Hey, here he comes.

- Well, the big moment.

Betty, may I present your date for the evening,

that very popular man about town, Mr. Rudy Kissler.


- How do you do?

(sad music)

- Well, I'm so glad you could come tonight, Rudy.

Your friends have told me so much about you.

- I was kind of surprised when they said that

you wanted me for your date.

I didn't think you knew me from Adam.

Could I get you some punch or something?

- Well, that's verythoughtful of you, Rudy.

Thank you.

- Now, Betty is was all just a gag.

- I tried to talk them out of it.

Honest I did.

- Where's your sense of humor?

We did it for laughs.


- Do explain to Rudy that therewas just a misunderstanding.

- You don't have to spend the whole evening with him,

but we'll lose the guy.

- I'm here, I planned tobe your date all along.

- Well, I'm sorry, but I have a date.

Thank you, Rudy.

I want to thank you for choosing Rudy as my escort.

I'm going to enjoy his company for the entire evening.

And that means every dance.

Farewell, dear hearts and gentle people.

I had such a nice time.

Thank you for a lovely evening, Rudy.

- I wish I could think of the right words to tell you.

I mean better words than just,

thanks for everything.

- Well, they're pretty nice words.

- I'm not good enough though.

I mean not for you.

You're just...

You're a real swell girl.

- Thank you.

- Well, good night.

- Good night.

(dramatic music)

- Well, go ahead, explode.

- Believe me, I feel like it.

- Bud told us what happened.

I think it's the meanestthing I ever heard of.

- Who do we chop first, Ted or Doug?

- I'd like to chop practically everyone

in that senior class.

They were all in on it.

- Yeah, you surebought them over

when you took old Rudy in tow.

- Oh, I'm just getting started.

I'll get even with them, you wait.

I'm going to take Rudy to every

social affair that class puts on.

Before I'm finished that senior class

is going to have Rudy Kissler

coming out of its ears.

(dramatic music)

I'd like you to meet Rudy Kissler.

I'd like you to meet Rudy Kissler.

I'd like you to meet Rudy Kissler.

Meet Rudy Kissler.

Meet Rudy Kissler.

Meet Rudy Kissler.

Rudy Kissler.

I'd like you to meet Rudy Kissler.

I'd like you to meet Rudy Kissler.

I'd like you to meet Rudy Kissler.

Meet Rudy Kissler.

Meet Rudy Kissler.

Meet Kissler.

I'd like you to meet Rudy Kissler.

- Excuse me, Rudy.

Betty, I've got to talk to you.

- I'll be right back.

- Betty, enough is enough.

Doug and Ted have apologized,

everybody's sorry soquit trying to get even

with the whole school.

You're only hurting yourself.

- Well, how?

- Betty, the final voting is tomorrow.

What are you trying to do?

Deliberately ruin your chances

of being chosen queen of the campus?

- Because of Rudy?

- It doesn't matter to me.

I mean I'd vote for you even if you were boy stating

with a rhinoceros.


- In other words, what you're saying is,

if dump Rudy, I'm a shoe in.

- I'm afraid that's it.

- You've just given me the perfect reason

for continuing to see him.

(slow jazz music)

- What gives with Betty?

Is she bonkers or what?

- Don't be ridiculous.

She's just dragging him around

and pushing him in our faces

because of you and Ted and your idiotic joke.

- Good night, Rudy.

I hope you didn't mind leaving the theater party early.

- No, no it's alright with me.

I have to be back at work at the malt shop anyway.

- Okay, I'll see you later.

- Um Betty, could I talkto you for a minute?

- Sure, what is it?

- There's something I want to tell you.

If I could think of the right words.

And I probably can't because,

because I never talked to a girl like this before.

All this week, seeingyou everyday like this,

it's been like I was living in some kind of a dream.

It seems so wonderful I couldn't even believe it.

I mean it.

What I'm trying to say is

I love you.

Do you know why I love you?

It's because you're an angel.

You're the sweetest, you're the most honest and true girl

the good Lord ever put on this earth, really.

- Don't say that, Rudy.

- I had to tell you.

Good night.

(slow orchestral music)

- Hi, princess.

- What's wrong?

- Father, I've just done the most awful thing to Rudy.

It never occurred to me.

I swear, it never occurred to me.

(slow orchestral music)

- I'm afraid I don't follow you.

- All this time

he's been thinking I was going with him

because I liked him.

And just now,

he told me he loved me

because I was sweet

and honest and true.

What am I gonna do, Father?

- Well, I think the first thing you might do is

go upstairs and wash your face

with some nice, cold water.

When that's done and you're beginning

to think a little more clearly

I suggest you take another look

at your relationship with Rudy.

I'm pretty sure you'll find your motives

were not as selfish as you think they were.

- But Father...

- Hey, good news, Betty.

You don't have to worry about going out with Rudy anymore.

- What do you mean?

- Well, I just came from the malt shop

where I heard your jolly friend Doug

tell Rudy to stop dating you

or you'd lose the campus queen contest.

- No.

- Of course, Rudy didn't buy the idea

and one word led to another

and so finally Doug had to tell him all about the joke

they played on you.

- He didn't.

- Yeah, he did.

And pop went Rudy's little dream world.

And so happily ends another absorbing chapter

in the life of BettyAnderson, girl avenger.

- Was Rudy still at themalt shop when you left?

- Yeah, but they were just closing up.

- Princess, wait.

- I've got to talk to him, Father.

- Would you like me to...

(sad music)

- You must think I'm a terrible person, Rudy.

I'm not going to tryand justify what I did.

Cause everything Doug told you was true.

I did go out with you just because...

In spite of him andTed and all the others.

It was very wrong and I'm sorry.

I'd like another chance.

Please, Rudy.

If I didn't want to keep your friendship, would I be

humbling myself like this.

- No, I guess you wouldn't.

- Can we try again?

- Well...

- Campus queen dance this Saturday.

- Maybe, we better just leave things as they are.

- Look, Rudy,

if you're worried about what Doug said about you.

- Listen, he was right.

You're not going to want me tagging along.

- Hey now, wait a minute,

you've got everything wrong on this.

- Even in South Dakota wedon't put a prize winning filly

in the show ring with a,

with a plow horse.

But thanks anyway.

- Rudy Kissler,

put down that mop and listen to me.

(dramatic music)

(uptempo jazz music)


- Now, don't be nervous folks

because right after the next dance

we're going to announce the winner

of the campus queen contest.


(uptempo jazz music)

- Betty, Betty, you see we're the two

saddest sacks in Springfield.

- Oh, I'm in no mood for jokes.

- Yeah, neither are we.

Throwing Rudy at you was a brilliantly stupid idea

and it's all mine.

- Oh Doug, I was... - My idea.

- What's done is done,

please let's just forget it and go on.

- I wish there was something we could do to help.

Besides just say we're sorry.

- You can help by letting me by.

- Betty, where are you going?

- I have to find Rudy.

He got off work an hourago and he promised me.

- You can't leave now, they're going

to crown the queen in a minute.

- I don't care, I have to find him.

- But what if you're announced the winner?

- That'd be a fat chance.

Right now Rudy's feelings are more important to me

than any old contest.

- Thank you.

And now the moment we'veall been waiting for.

- Here it is, you can't go now.

- Winner of the campus queen contest,

is none other than

that lovely senior we all know.

- No telling what a bit of hazing will do.

I have to find him if I have to turn the town upside down.

- Get excited.

Ms. Betty Anderson.

- Betty, wait, you won.

Come on, you can look for him later.

- Betty, where are you?

- Here she is.

Come on, Betty.


- Oh come on now Betty,we see you hiding

modestly back there.

Come on up and be crowned.

- Find Rudy for me will you?

- I'll try.


- Let's hail our new queen, Betty Anderson.


- Thank you for this great honor.

I don't really deserve it,

but I'll do my best to be worthy.


- And now the real highlight of the evening,

and our newly chosen queen will select her partner

for the traditional queen's waltz.

Who's the lucky guy, your majesty?

- Well I'm afraid the one Iwould've chosen isn't here so...

- [Judy] Here he is Betty, we found him.


- The kid's only been sitting on the curb.

- Oh, wait a minute.

I believe the queen's choice has just rushed in.


Ladies and gentlemen, I would consider it a great honor

if a classmate who's friendship I deeply treasure

would consent to be my choice for the queen's waltz.

- Betty, I'm sorry I...

- May I have this dance?

(orchestral music)


(orchestral music)