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04x03 - Jinx

Posted: 11/11/22 17:48
by bunniefuu

[BEAST BOY] Is she gonna be okay?

[NIGHTWING] Her heartbeat's steady.

Rachel, can you hear me?

[STARFIRE] She's so cold.



What happened?

[NIGHTWING] We were att*cked.

You got hit pretty bad.

Are you okay?


I can't feel you.

[JO] So, tonight's the big night.

[LAMAR] I got the ring.
All I need now is a yes.

[JO] If she doesn't say yes,

I'll make a voodoo doll and stick pins

- in her for all eternity.

[SIGHS] Hold on.
















We have the blood.

And I have something even more valuable.

The heretic is without her power.

It was never hers to begin with.

She had no right to it.

You shouldn't have brought it here.

Now is not the time for worry or doubt.

Powers backward demands.



You're right.

You always are.

Tonight we shall take back what's ours.

After that, nothing else matters.


[d*ck] You sure you're okay?

Yeah, I just... I feel empty.

Like there's something, you know...


But it... it's so big that
I can't feel it all at once.

I want you to rest. Okay?

We don't know what happened
to you, and until we do...

It's my soul-self.

It's just gone.

How can your soul be gone?

[CONNER] Who the hell was that?

She just took us all out.

It's like, we didn't stand a chance.

Look, we're all here, okay?
We're all alive.

That's all that matters.

Somehow, what Kory did drove her off,

which means she's not invincible.

We're gonna find out who she is,

how she fights, what her powers are.

The next time we see her,
we're gonna be ready.


Gar, stay here.

Keep an eye on Rachel.

Tim, I want you back at S.T.A.R. Labs.


'Cause you almost died last
night. I can't risk losing you.

So... I'm off the team?

No. You start your Robin training today.

You're gonna finally learn
how to use that Bo staff.

Okay. [LAUGHS]

Kory and I have an errand to run.

We do?

We're gonna go meet someone.
Someone who can help us.

d*ck, wait.

She, uh...

She caught me off guard.

Next time I'll be faster.

I know there's a way I can beat her.

Don't take this on by yourself.

We're a team. We do it together.





Sebastian. Derek Sands at Bixel.

You ready to change your life?

I'm sorry. What?

Your video game.

My team and I have reconsidered.

We'd like to buy it.


Um... I mean, that's... that's great.

[IN DEREK'S VOICE] I need you to come in

so we can talk next steps.

Can you meet me this afternoon?

[SEBASTIAN] Yeah. Yeah, of course.

Great. I'll see you then.

[KORY] So are you gonna
tell me why we're here?

[d*ck] Didn't wanna say
anything back there,

but what happened to Rachel scares me.

We're dealing with the supernatural.

That's just not something
I know a lot about.


Without Rachel, we're gonna need someone

who knows this stuff, knows the players.


There's a woman I knew back
in Gotham. Her name's Jinx.

She's a thief and a grifter.

[KORY] And this is the person
we're going to for help?

[d*ck] She travels in those circles.

She might be able to tell us
who hit us last night.

She looks harmless.

Yeah, I know.

I felt something in my shoe.

You ever let her out of her cell?

No. She's been in solitary
since she got here.

Open the gate.


Oh, shit.

- What's wrong?
- Stop.

Stop! Don't let her foot hit the ground.




[KORY] So now what?

We're chasing down a human tornado?

Jinx got nailed for trying to steal

a high value artifact
from a dealer in Bludhaven.

Right, a thief. You said that.

As it turns out, there's an
auction in Geneva next week.

The dealer is transporting his
entire inventory this weekend.

Returning to the scene of a crime.

It's bold.

Well, if there's money to be made,

that's where we're gonna find Jinx.


Oh, my God.

Is everything okay with the pancake?

Yeah, they smell amazing.

- I'm ready to start.

Thank you.

I'm kind of starving.

So I guess you're feeling better.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, 'cause...

At first I was feeling empty,
but now I just feel...


Like... [SNIFFS]

I'm smelling this maple syrup.


And I... I'm just...

smelling this maple syrup,

without the pain of everyone,

like, flowing through me, all the time.


Is this what life is like for you?

Without having people's
troubles, just like,

brushing through you
every second of every day?

I wouldn't know. [CHUCKLES SOFTLY]

Oh, my God.

But I guess so, yeah.

I think I like it.

Is that a terrible thing to say?

Why is that a terrible thing?

I don't know. I just feel like,

I've got a responsibility,
as, like, a Titan.

I... [SIGHS]

But this is what living
a normal life is like.

Oh, God.

Is it your responsibility

if it wasn't your choice to begin with?

I don't know.

Isn't it?


[RACHEL] What's wrong?

Gar, what...




[RACHEL] My chef ghosted me.


- Needed a break.

You know, I... I didn't mean
to say that, like,

it was your responsibility
to be a Titan.

Because I know you didn't choose this,

and Niles, that whole mess.

It's okay, I'm past all that.

This is my life.

I just wanna take charge of it.

Like, your transformations?

- I... I thought that you already...
- No, there's something else.

Ever since we got to Metropolis,

strange things have
been happening to me.

Stranger than being blasted blonde?



At first I thought they
were just hallucinations.

I would get flashes of this weird place.

I'm in a world surrounded
by red, and I...

Then yesterday,

before the attack, in the woods, I...

heard voices.

They called me "skinwalker",

and they kept saying, "Join us".

Join who?

I don't know.

But in Navajo culture,
skinwalkers are shape shifters

that can change into animals.

So I...

Oh, so you think this is a
connection to your animal side.


I think they're trying to tell
me something about her.


The witch that att*cked us.


If I can just get them
to talk to me again.

Maybe they could help us take her down.


Okay, wait. Hold on.





I'm supposed to fight back or...

No, just let him tire himself out.

Then we can actually get started.



They're just crash pads, sensors
that connect to the VR simulator.

They're just gonna make sparring
with your opponents a little more...


Meaning I'll feel the hits.


You're scared of a little pain?

- I'm not scared.
- [CHUCKLES] Yeah, you are.

- Your heart rate's ...

Oh, .

- I...
- Tim, relax.

Conner, stop looking inside of people.

He's no help to the team
if he can't suck it up.

Hey, don't put your shit on me.

You're the one that freaked out

about not taking down that witch.


There was a break in
at the MPD evidence warehouse.

And two people are dead.

What got stolen?

[BERNARD] Forty gallons of blood.


You've upped your game.


Still got the moves.


I got some moves, too.

Who invited you?

And... whoever she is.

Koriand'r, this is Jinx. Jinx, Kory.

We're here because we need your help.

And this is payment if you accept.

d*ck Grayson, deal maker extraordinaire.

- [CHUCKLES] Hard Pass.
- [d*ck] You sure?

It must be pretty valuable considering

you came straight back here to get it.

[JINX] You're a genius.

Yeah, it's valuable and it's dangerous.

If you're smart, you'll give it back
to me before someone gets hurt.

Then again, you are kind of into that.

- [d*ck CHUCKLES]
- Okay. I don't know whatever all this is,

but we do need your help.

And the sooner you give it to us,

the sooner you can have
whatever's in this box.

Is that a heart?


[d*ck] Kory?


- Undo it now.

I love it when you get bossy.

But there's nothing I can do.
It's not my spell.

Is her heart beating? Can she breathe?

She'll be fine.

I think.

Tell me how to get her back.

I don't know.

That box belonged
to Lironne, the dark elf.

Probably her spell.

- Did you just say dark elf?
- [JINX] Oh, I did.

Yeah, that heart was stolen from her.

There's a hefty reward for its return.

Hey, maybe when I take it back to her,

she'll unrock your friend.

I'll let you know.

So this friend of yours
can undo the spell?

No, I never said that she was a friend.

- I don't trust you to go alone.

Fine. I'll take you to the Lironne.

But I collect the finder's fee.

[d*ck] Wait. We can't just
leave her here.


Trust me, she's not going anywhere.

I hate magic.

- [MAN] But we're not...
- [WOMAN] Yeah.

[MAN] ... so they're just going
to have to live with the deal.

[MAN ] Yeah, well, I hate it, too.

But she's the devil that we know.

So make it work.

Yeah. All right.


Hi, I... Sorry if I'm too early.

Let me call you back.

What are you doing here?

You asked me to come in
to talk about next steps.

We told you yesterday, okay?

We're not interested in your game.

You... you said
you'd reconsidered, so...

What is this?

Some twisted sales tactic?

No. No, on the phone...

- You said...
- I never called you.

All right? But if you
don't leave right now,

I am calling security.

Wait, wait, wait.

Please. I...

Look, I have the call. I can...

It's in my recents. I can show you.

Then you're going to see.

It's, uh... Sorry.

It's just...

Sorry. Sorry.

Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!

I'm sorry...

Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!

What are you doing?

No. Stop!



Somebody help!

- Help!


- Please.

[OFFICER] Hands in the air!

I was trying to help him.


I take it back.

About being normal. Um...

You know, when you're in
the middle of the creepy woods,

being normal... sucks.


Something's coming.

The witch?


Something else.





The sky.

Can't you see it?



How about now?

We should turn back.

I can't.

I'll take you back home,
and come out on my own.


Then we do this together.





You're watching me, aren't you?


Just monitoring your stats.


I look like an idiot.

You should see me doing lateral lunges.

I look like a demented hermit crab.

Hey, Bernard.


Can you come look at this for a minute?

I've been reviewing these stills

from the CCTV footage
of the slaughterhouse.

[BERNARD] It's some kind
of occult symbol.

[CONNER] That's what I thought, too.
But I've run it through

every occult database, no hits.

I mean, if you're murdering
people for their blood,

who's to say what kind of wall art

- piques your fancy?
- Hmm.

[CONNER] These lines. Too deliberate.

The word occult means hidden.

The lead we're looking for, it
might be hiding in plain sight.

So if I run a search
for corporate logos,

social media avatars,
recent Discord posts

- within the last days...
- Hmm.

In the meantime,

check the blood samples from yesterday.

See if there's any sort of genetic
connection between the victims.

You think these people
might all be related?

[CONNER] These people weren't
chosen randomly.

There's a pattern.

I just need to find it.

I did have lunch plans...

that I would be thrilled to cancel.


Look at us. Just like old times.

Let's just not talk.

Wow. Okay.

This girl must be different.

I figured she was just your next
pump and dump informant.

Always had such a tender
way with words, didn't you?

Excuse me, Lord Byron.

Just telling it like it is.


We both knew the deal.
Gotham was just business.

And a little fun on the side.

You played me.

You gave me no choice.

Yeah, well, if you'd trusted
me instead of burning me

- to Constantine.
- You blew my chance to get Two-Face.


You came out on top. That's
all that mattered to you.

I thought you liked me on top.

Okay, so...

You never trusted me.

But you're coming to me again. Why?

Last night, I went up against
someone very powerful.

She took on me and my whole team.

We were lucky to get out alive.

- Supernatural?
- Very.

What style? What school?

Oh, I think she got her BA
from Harvard. I don't know.

Her power. What did it look like?

Red waves.

What did she look like?

Tall, dark hair, dark robe.

She had a staff.

A magical staff?

You know her?


But my advice...

Don't f*ck with her.

You are way out of your league.

Yeah, I know that.

If I was in my league, I wouldn't
have tracked you down.

What? Like, I'm supposed to know
every crazy witch with a staff?

It'd help.

Where is this dark elf
hanging out, anyways?

I don't see Santa's sleigh anywhere.

Uh, not that kind of elf.

And talk like that will
get your ass kicked.

Right, by elves.

Yeah, by elves. They're badass.

They're like Lord of the Rings elves...

You better not be setting me up again.

[CHUCKLES] We've been here before.

No, not this time.
I want that finder's fee.

Got bucks?

What for?

The parking is very expensive
here. The club...

There's a cover to get in.

In where?

You want to play questions

or you want to save your girlfriend?

[SOFTLY] Two hundred bucks.

Come on.

Thank you.


[d*ck] Nice try.




♪ If you make sure you're connected ♪

♪ The writing's on the wall ♪


♪ Stumble you might fall ♪

- [MAN] Watch it...
- [JINX] Hey.

Buy me a drink and
I'll try to keep you alive.

You've got to be kidding me.






[WOMAN] Koriand'r.

We meet again.


Why am I here? Am I dead?

Did that creepy little witch
k*ll me with her magic box?

You're not dead.

Please don't be cryptic.

You alone can save them.

Save who?

You know what? Don't answer that.

I did the "Queen" thing.

I did the "go to Earth
to save Tamaran" thing.

I just want to do my thing for once.

Is that too much to ask?

You have all the answers.

All you have to do is listen.

My birth year on Tamaran.


[KORY] You used to sing this song.
It inspired me to train harder.


[IN ENGLISH] "When the red moon
fills the sky, my true fight begins".

You always asked me what that meant.

You always said it was about my destiny.


And now your destiny has arrived.

It's time to be the warrior
I trained you to be.

I can't do that if I've been turned into

an oversized paper weight by a witch.

So are you gonna help me out of this?

Your friend will do that part.


How do you know about him?

It's a part of your destiny.


You'll understand more
when the time comes.

I want to know. Now.

Koriand'r... patience.

It's all how it's meant to be.

You got the results
on the blood analysis?

Uh, yes.

Um, so each victim
has a genetic mutation

that traces its origins back
to an ancient Assyrian tribe.

The Kurzus.

Never heard of it.

Guys, come check this out.

That's the symbol
from the slaughterhouse.

Where'd you find it?

It's a screen grab from a
beta version of a video game.

This guy, Sebastian Sanger,
uploaded it online.

Says he's the creator.

All right, um, let me see
what I can dig up on him.

You think he could be a part
of this? Like, one of the K*llers?

The symbol from the crime scene
just happens

to be the centerpiece of his game?

My first day of fourth grade,
I wore the exact

same green striped pants
as my best friend, Kaiya.

Got him.

Sebastian Sanger.
Place of birth, unknown.

Raised in Metropolis by Sandra Sanger.

Foster mother. Currently employed...

at Wolfman's Taxidermy.

I think we better find him fast.

I've just taken a morally
questionable peek

at Sebastian Sanger's medical records,

and he has the same genetic
mutation as the other victims.

So, for all we know,
he could be the next one.


Amar. Two Blutbads.

He's buying.

Rumor had it you busted out.

Working with humans again?

I need to talk to Lironne.

Don't know who you're talking about.

[d*ck] That change your mind?

Stay here.

You should let me handle this.

I don't think so.

Look, they know me here.

Lironne and I go back.
You're an outsider.

As you might have noticed...

they don't like outsiders.

Nice try,

but I can take care of myself.

[AMAR] You...

come with me.

Don't worry, you'll get your reward.

Damn right I will.




[IN ENGLISH] What do you have
that belongs to me?

Always happy to recover stolen goods.

First, I need a favor.

[SCOFFS] I'm sorry, what?

This little box turned
my friend to stone.

Release the spell and
we all get what we want.

For all I know, you're the one
who stole it in the first place.

Now, you want favors?

I'd ask someone else,

but apparently you're the
only one who can undo it.

Impudent and naive.




I'll k*ll you myself.






You can undo the spell
yourself, can't you?

You only took me here as a distraction

to get to whatever's in that box.

[SCOFFS] Don't act like
I owe you favors.

We're both adults. We know
how the game is played.

This is more than that, isn't it?

You have a death mark.


I know you.

As much as you hate me, you
wouldn't get anyone else k*lled

unless your life was on the line.

Congratulations, detective.

You've earned your gold star.

How much do you owe?

Five million.

No doubt, with a little padding

for a private yacht
to sail the Maldives?

Yeah, well, since yours is
no longer at my disposal.

All right.



The funds are in escrow.
Transfer activates in seven days.

You free Kory and helped
the Titans, and this is yours.

Help how?

With her magic problems.

We have a deal?


Shut that.

You know, I think she'd look
really good on Bruce's terrace.

You sure you wanna to do this?


Go ahead and kiss her.

- What?
- It's how you undo the spell.

Okay, no, it's not. I just wanted to see

if I could make you kiss a rock.



Kory? Are you okay?

No, I'm not okay.

Did you do this?

Hi. Yeah. It wasn't my spell.

And I warned you, so...

Don't worry, she's going to help us.


Great. That's great.

If you try something like that again,

I will f*ck you up.

I can see why you like her.



Conner, talk to me.

We identified a unique genetic
marker common to all the victims

and traced it to a guy in Metropolis.

Sebastian Sanger.

- [d*ck] Can you get to him?
- Uh, we tried.

That's where it gets strange.

He's just been arrested for m*rder.

- What?
- [CONNER] Yeah, it's really weird.

The cops arrived almost
as the m*rder was happening.

[TIM] It's like they knew.

It's a set-up. It has to be.

She's engineering the whole thing.

Then we know where she'll be next.

They're holding him at Metropolis PD.
I can stop her there.

Connor, no. This isn't the time.

No, I told you, I just need
one more shot at her.

We need to know more about
what we're going up against.

We do that together.
Do not go off on your own.

But, d*ck, I got this.

[d*ck] Meet us at Metropolis PD.

Our mission is to get
Sebastian, that's all.





[SEBASTIAN] Who are you?

That doesn't matter.

Not yet.

All that matters is that I'm here now...

and I'm going to take care of you.

Are you my lawyer?


But I know you, Sebastian.

I've known you since
before you were born.

I know what's in your heart.

And I know...

that you didn't do any of
the things they said you did.

[VOICE SHAKES] You believe me?

Of course I do.

I know about your game.

All the years you've
spent working on it.

All your dedication and passion.

It's wonderful.

You're right, by the way.

You are going to change the world.

And I'm here to help you do it.


Would you like that, Sebastian?

I can make all this go away...

if you let me.

Will you let me?


Shall we do it?

Shall we do it now?


Then say these words.







Who are you?

We're the Titans. Buckle up.


[RACHEL] What is that?

[GAR] That's the tree
I saw in my vision.

What are they?

[GAR] They're trophies.

Collected and slaughtered
by a dark force.

They're trying to tell me something.

[RACHEL] What are they saying?


"When the blood moon is full,
the world will follow you".