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01x22 - Still Partying

Posted: 11/10/22 09:02
by bunniefuu

hey daddy how was work making the world

a better place one toilet at a time

you're my hero oh I'm hungry smells good

just boiling water where is it coming

from oh wait i got barbecue sauce on my

shirt when you ate lunch does any of you

go on your mouth i have 30 minutes 8 45

minutes worth of food there's bound to

be shrapnel besides you you might want

to be nice to me oh no way ac/dc concert

forces how'd you get these some loser at

work had a baby bear she says she can't

go to the concert she's gonna be home

with the new board no AC DC fans oh who

should i create or time saturday i have

the tickets Oh take me take me yes go to

dinner beforehand you want to have sex

after the concert after the concert

you're no AC DC fan yeah mom dad um if

you have a minute can I have a word with

you long as that word isn't pregnant

bill don't be ridiculous i would have

read about that in her diary I possibly

ever have a serious conversation with

you sorry what's on your mind honey

concerning the Saturday eat concerning

the saturday evening bill go ahead honey

concerning the saturday evening on your

father made a face you have great your

people all right Lawrence Atari yes

concerning this Saturday's well

Tiffany's oldest sister's a cheerleader

and she's having a party on Saturday

I've been invited there's going to be

boys there and possibly beer but I

promise I won't drink or do anything bad

yeah I have your permission to go are

her parents gonna be there no but I will

conduct myself responsibly

I'd like to start at any parties and

that's why I'm telling you all this I

want to show you that you couldn't trust

me because I'm honest well we respect

that you came to us it was a very mature

thing to do you obviously grown up a lot

during the past





ouran we're not being unreasonable we

can't possibly let you go to a party

where there's boys and beer there is

such a double standard in this house I'm

sure Bryan's invited and I bet you'll

let him go right away we will not let

him go let me go where of course will be

conducted cheerleader party and since

he's a cheerleader all his friends are

gonna be there all my friends are having

a party Ryan would have to ask us if he

could go we would tell him no just like

we told you Yeah right she got invited

my point Ryan you are not going to that

party what party I'm going to my room

Lorne there is no way that you can go to

some boy girl cheerleader beer bash and

that's final gosh you make me so mad

that's real mature real mature what

party five minutes ago everything was

fine now doors are slamming I have no

idea how to deal with daughters and

their girl problems I'd say invite me to

the party I'm a cheerleader our sons and

their girl problems I mean I choreograph

that entire halftime show that we did

whose idea was it to go urban mine and

who loved it everyone I'm sure they did

son I mean I don't get it why don't I

ever get them bought into these parties

I'll be right back son there are a

million things you're gonna ask my

advice about and most of what i tell you

will be pure nonsense parties that's

where your old man shines that's because

you probably got invited not at first

when i was a freshman i wanted to get

him with a football players because man

those guys were getting a lot of tail to

tell the next day in school

anyway they had a party I went along

pretended I belonged and I got a little

tail I can't ever tell your mother what

they knew you weren't invited didn't

they kick you out no I laid low I just

hung out in the kitchen I made a pyramid

out of empty beer cans and when the guys

came in they assumed I drank all that

beer and bama legend was born and then I

started living the legend and that's why

you'll need grants and loans to get

through college so you're saying when

you were my age you're a loser like me

Brian Miller I don't ever want to hear

you talk like that I was not a loser and

neither am i oh yeah thanks a lot dad

glad to help daddy ask you a question

well daddy's very hungry so as long as

it's quick who's God hi game over to

spend some time with my favorite nieces

and nephews no you didn't you're here on

guard duty while mom and dad go to the

concert so I don't try and sneak out to

the party okay that is so not true i'm

here because i love you and Linda Laura

and brands not allowed to go either and

he's not acting all crabby that's

because he wasn't invited okay good

keeping your brother I'm sure he was

invited I wasn't Bryan knew these people

I'm sure they would have invited him

they're all my friends maybe needs to

stand up please I know it's like when

you can't go to a party because you're

too young or not invited or breaking out

because that dermatologist is too

expensive thank you mother ha when you

make your own fun that's why I brought

party in a bag

I got Phil saddle and mad libs and who

wants to play truth or dare jenga and

learned a little bit more about at Lisa

I got a big project in one Monday you

want the taste of the beacon he's

concealing Halen now going to the

concert remember no one leaves this

house Lauren until I need a boy with the

car than I am so gone honey please don't

thr*aten us with peace and quiet okay

you know the rules no smoking no

fireworks no borrow in the car where are

you going mommy and daddy and a drink

from the fountain of youth called AC

electric bolt DC Tina have fun with your

Aunt Linda and went up grandma we're

gonna be rocking all night long did you

bring your visine in earplugs yep that's

the fanny pack huh lock and load baby

that woman trying to be 18 again at

halter top ain't helpin anything anymore

check out the guy with the rainbow

tattoo there's nothing but a pot of gold

at the end of that Oh at least we're

still cool are they going to open these

doors nobody to rock her all over there

I bet she's barely fourteen what's she

doing here come on Judy snack after your

first ac/dc concert when you were 14 did

he leave this house Judy your economy

trusted me fool I was so clueless bill

you don't think Lauren judy judy don't

go there floor seeds i want to call home

and make sure she didn't try anything

stupid she'll be fine Linda's with my

god what were we thinking hello hey

Linda is Lauren there do you mean she

went to bed at seven thirty don't worry

I checked on her like half an hour ago

she's out cold yes I'm sure okay now go

upstairs to her room and throw it as

hard as you can at the lump in the bed


hey you does your mother know you're

here oh yeah give an old person to

finger that's original Judy she's gone

Oh Lauren still stuck out well she

better enjoy the next three hours cuz as

soon as this concerts over but pulling

her out of that party and she is dead

don't hurt your right one on the floor

ever helped to on the floor you just be

cool you want to find out we're here

looking for take off half-back thank you

check yourself test it kids up there yes

in the bedroom to be bedroom so are you

Tiffany's dad yes I like to provide a

love den for underage kids to drink and

make out awesome yeah at midnight I get

a big prize to Chicago stupidest high

school student he's got a real shot in

this year but awesome

I need to with Dew Drop cellphone it

dude drop cell phone well well well

little Missy I know I find you here dude

you dropped cell phone ah and a beer can

Pyramus yeah science oh no dad what are

you doing you kidding me dude I heard

this to the total blowout of the

semester I'm just here cuz it's lonely

enough to play for an invitation I

wasn't talking about this RV let me

smell your friend you've been drinking

coffee yeah I figured this party go away

press on that time how many cups 2 3 4 5

6 I don't know didn't drink any beer no

but I'm flying well you better fly home

before your mom gets down here mom's

here yes she's upstairs look at the Lord

Laurens not here don't neither EU nao go

home don't you dare let your mother know

it was my idea look who I found look at

his eyes how many cups of coffee is he

had made you think you could speak out

the house and crash your party truth is

I don't want to hear his coffee dub

version of the truth the more important

thing is to get Brian home and find

Lauren please don't embarrass me okay

your mom and I are gonna call the cops

and you head for the front door walk

home Thanks you paint cool guys cool

you've turned it from hard rockers into

cop call and parents that is so bogus


can't believe Lauren would do this to me

you know I mean I'm the ants I'm a fun

one I'm the one you're supposed to tell

your secrets to make good opinion I

Amanda my god I Austin up weren't you

been I was at a party okay you better go

upstairs right now because your parents

are on our way home and hey before I

caught trying to sneak out he found him

at the party had told him to come home

look I caught trying to sneak and I

heard from Lauren no but looked you know

still here yeah why didn't you go to bed

it's way past your bedtime I wanted to

be Aunt Linda test huh okay I'm gonna

take you upstairs this is why I am never

having children


not at bethany's I'm gonna try Ashley's

fine you are in so much trouble you are

so grounded go upstairs I only did what

Dad hold their son I don't want to hear

your excuse wait a second what you say

bro it was dad well let's hope your

father tell you you could go to this

party no he didn't Brian that it would

make me cool oh oh you know what doesn't

make you cool knocking on your dad nice

work bill now let's see what stories did

you tell Lauren anything about hopping a

freight car and see in America no one's

home at Ashley's house I got to go find

your phone book look for a class list

dad yes narc it's not embarrassing me

all right let me be clear about this you

don't sneak out of this house to go to

parties but don't you ever let anyone

make you feel like you don't belong

somewhere you understand yes thanks man

good so did you talk to any girls at the

party no I was too busy building my

pyramid no son if you ever want to get

under a girls sweater than what you

gotta do it you know what I'm in enough

front Thank You Samantha sorry to have

bothered you hi it's getting late i'm

starting to worry I'll keep call him

we'll find her find you oh thanks God or

where have you been downstairs you guys

are home early house concert you were

downstairs yeah in the basement I was

listening with some arrow records you

are listening to our old record Judy if

our daughter says she was downstairs

then we should trust yet yep she's warm

she has been outside

then why did you ball up your clothing

underneath your blankets to make it look

like you were sleeping I didn't want out

one didn't know I was still awake she

brought party in a band oh yeah so you

were home this entire time yes you guys

told me I wasn't allowed to go anywhere

and I gave you my word that I wouldn't

good cuz we busted your brother at that

party oh so you went to the party

looking for me and you found him you

thought I had betrayed your trust well

it was Brian born we made a mistake I'm

sorry we misjudged you well maybe next

time that you're ready to accuse me of

lying and sneaking out to remember this

you're right you have our trust from now

on thank you where are you going to

listen to some more records pink white

rock I'm not great our daughter thinks

Pink Floyd rocks we totally gotta

babysit my chairs are so cruising hi I'm

mr. clueless look it is my wife mrs.

clueless honey hi these kids they ran

away from the other party and they tried

to hide in our basement I told him no I

am listening to music here by myself you

almost got away with it right up to the

Pink Floyd rocks Pink Floyd doesn't Rock

Pink Floyd is never lets go inside the

house kids we're gonna call your parents

oh my God we're now the parents to call

other parents

I looked hot tonight hey aren't you

Japanese dash okay it's official you're

the stupidest kid in Chicago in your

face Donnie I only got a hand to do you

kids this has been quite a night yes

it's inevitable both in an age we're

gonna try and pull stunts like this but

you're forgetting that your mother and I

know all the tricks for instance Lauren

I'll bet you grease the window so it

opened silently then you shinny down the

drain it crept across the backyard

heel-toe him is that the trick no sudden

movements actually I went up the front

stairs down the back stairs and let my

friends in but your way with the dream

bike can you really have given them I

see ya Travis trying to say is anything

you can think of anything you try I

guarantee we've done it and done it way

better you're playing against a

championship team here so go ahead and

try but we'll catch you you taught me by

accident okay just for that if I ever

catch you with a party again I'm gonna

climb up on the couch and shout hey

everybody I'm Brian Miller's dad and my

sly will be open anything else you know

it doesn't seem fair to me that we're

getting in trouble for doing all the

same stuff you did because Brian we have

a lot of regrets we did a lot of idiotic

stuff and we're lucky that we never got

arrested convicted or worse right now I

remember this one time I was climbing a

hotel fire escape with a 12 pack in one

hand and I fell to my death point is

we're not only watching you but we are

one step petty now get up to your room

and think about what we just told you so

how was your party good how was yours

cool can you to at least pretend you've

just gotten in trouble

that bill didn't feel bad for a second I

don't think they're afraid of us we're

so screwed I thought we had a chance

with the boy Oh remember when they were

babies and you couldn't leave him alone

for 2nd you have to check on him in

their beds they're always throwing up

well we're back to that here's the plan

we hang on another few years and the

Society's problem how are you mr. date

tonight well that's still a little bit

of time left we could put on some

romantic music see were the night


dance orange pounding on my door yeah

well he will get off the internet 90 to

make a phone call Brian alarm on society

never better honey do you want to handle

water should I I got it




cuz it back

