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01x14 - Still Scoring

Posted: 11/10/22 08:49
by bunniefuu
hey those pictures developed from

Brian's birthday party these are from

Brian's eighth birthday party that was

six here yes I got it so you can quit

bugging me here you are weird and mamas

tell me lieutenant dad is belly you

don't know sweetie but we're pretty sure

it's gonna have a long neck and a foamy

head no I should go wash up I better

start dinner Linden or new boyfriend

will be here any minute I thought I'd

fire up the BBQ and grill tonight

freezing out there you're gonna be

standing out there all by yourself while

we're in here getting to know Linda's

new guy and oh okay I can see where you

going huh hi Bill I Linda hello sweet

freezing cold hey where's Trevor I had

to get in here first and tell you

something I'm 27 you told them you were

27 why do you want to start off a

relationship on a lie you know a voice

in my head asked the same question

fortunately it was drowned out by a

louder voice screaming he's young and

hot my my you're 37 year old ass off

Linda that is so shallow when he was

sorry Linda I couldn't find your

lipstick hey hey when are you gonna

introduce me to your new boyfriend baby

sis you tell me your baby's fist and I

with the Chicago Bulls cheerleader yeah

we had a lot of fun and that squad

didn't we Linda




so Trevor takes me to close 31 I end up

doing a shot with math your sister's

wild sure you're a sweet no that's

perfect wow that's a lot of ass you know

I don't want go ahead that's what

they're there for oh my numbers it back

up six-pack who wants to tap a keg

chatter this is my husband bill bill dis

linda's boyfriend Trevor nice to meet

you you too why are y'all sweaty I was

trying to get the grill out of the

garage I couldn't get the door to open

sherbert honey could you open the garage

door for bill sure I wouldn't bother his

frozen shut maybe Trevor can melt it

with his eyes no I don't mind taking a

look I'll give you a hand oh no bill we

don't want you to hurt yourself Trevor

looks like he can handle it he lifts

weights yeah and not just his own off

the couch I workout sure you do sweetie

Trevor the garage is down okay I'll be

right back I don't know about the new

guy you're dating but his son seems very

nice Linda told him she was 27 okay

you'll find out my real age when the

time is right trust me he'll find out

when the light is right oh you gave up

huh no I got it I just threw a little

shoulder into it come on now I bet you

happen to have a little shoulder since

you were five it's not that big a thing

you know my job keeps me in shape yes

Trevor teach is spinning at the health

club that's where we met he's also a

triathlete I'm more of a team sport guy

you know football basketball hockey

until six o'clock and then he switches

to game show wow you play hockey well I

don't play hockey as much as I used to

but I still pick up a stick now and then

especially there's a marshmallow at the

end of it I haven't had a toasted

marshmallows as I was 12 what year was

it when you were 12

oh hi honey hey Bill what's in the bag

oh I joined that roller hockey league at

the rec center I had to buy some

equipment oh this is so cute you're

doing all this because of Linda's new

boyfriend trip because I want to play

hockey and maybe reconnect with my jock

roots yeah well while you're back there

in the 70s pick me up a can of tab

you'll be I made up my mind i'm playing

hockey okay whatever but don't you think

you should work your way up to something

as strenuous as hockey like maybe you

could start by walking past the couch

bexley go to the gym after a couple

weeks go inside have a look around Judy

it's a beginner league and I played

hockey before remember I used to be

k*ller Miller yeah well if you do this

you're gonna have to change your last

name two min jerk I'm not gonna get

injured I got a helmet pads gloves then

why'd you have to buy all this couldn't

you borrow this stuff until you found

out if you're gonna do more than one I'm

gonna do it more than once I was born to

play hockey oh really well reps visit a

place I like to call bills closet of law

street there was the summer you were

born to fish hey my defense I only gave

up because worms are icky and the wind

turn you were born to ski I was born to

ski I just wasn't born to stop and

they're part of the afternoon you were

born to scuba dive I don't care if

sharks don't live in lakes that was a


what are you doing ha we're playing a 32

iron can't play the point in that you

get back on D I know that this is the

beginner league right yeah but it's also

hockey a good on d back off pal oh you

want the minute you're a girl so are you

humble everybody doesn't run all right

now we can beat these guys but we can't

count on filter health bill kazhagam I

know let's take our game to the outside

keep the play away from this okay let's

go man this is a lot harder than I

thought it would be still least I'm

doing better than that Phil guy you're

right about that just fell no honey oh

wait I'm till I don't want to be bill

bill sox bill


daddy stop stop stop stop stop hi honey

daddy's hockey equipment not play with

it you can have it yeah well not exactly

what I expected matter of fact I've ever

got that broken air conditioner out of

ransom for you guys Wow bill couldn't

get that thing to budge so bill I just

go to get back in the ring well great

great just great I was just telling Judy

I can't wait for the next k see that

honey don't play with daddy's equipment

Hey look at this I have gum where do you

want this to t.o put it in the mudroom

bill Kim Han sure right in there Oh what

do you know that's the second rusty old

thing he's taken out this week whoo-hoo

getting some don't care

do you mind if I take away your house

boy what Judy's been having him do stuff

around here all day well I figured since

we had a young strong guy around I might

as well take advantage I mean they had

old fridge in the garage isn't gonna get

to the curb on its own bill I could have

done that I don't think so it still had

the chain around it from when you tried

to drag it with the car don't tell me

about the game bill guys when barely

some guy on our team named Phil

accidentally knocked the puck into our

goal what what an idiot yeah well did

you score any goals yeah too all right

bill you know everyone does high five

that's why I'm bringing this one back


what is that noise oh I just doing some

crunches 100 you feeling all right I

feel great really cuz we were walking

around if he was kind of sore you sure

you didn't overdo a plane hockey not at

all no seriously stop I know you're sore

okay maybe a little you can't make it

down the stairs I could put your hot

stuff in the closet of lost dreams for

you you're right we'll have Trevor carry

everything out to the curb you know it's

easy to criticize Judy but when was the

last time you saw the inside of a gym

was it been like 15 years haha have to

work out I'm not really since has a

difference between being thin and being

athletic they stomp out there trying to

be fed trying to be useful who else is

doing that here in this room oh oh oh oh

it's just me I can start working out

anytime I want easy Judy don't get that

heart rate up not used to it I'll go

with Linda to the health club tomorrow

great idea you consider the juice bar

and tell people how you're naturally

thin High Point health club and I'm

going to take Trevor spinning class and

after that I might lift weights and

after that I might take a kickboxing

class well good for you kickboxing Yeah

right like you could handle that

how can kick you I know I got a cramp

are you sure you want to come to

spinning class with me it's pretty

intense workout what is it with everyone

around here I used to work out a lot

when I was younger running from the cops

because they caught you with beer is not

working out I think I could handle

riding a bike that doesn't go anywhere

unlike your age which goes backwards

your information I felt guilty making

traversing I was 27 this weekend we're

celebrating my 28th birthday bills at

you oh you're heading out to your

spinning class huh yeah good luck oh I

don't need luck I've muscles but you

better watch yourself playing hockey I

can't watch myself I skate too fast Judy

the bikes in France Phillip early

interpreter ok let's go bill your shoes

on time Thanks hey Bill hey Carl you do

me a favor buddy what's that help me up

oh boy oh it's stuffy ass for heat rub

advil i speck did I forget anything

grandpa shut up oh you stop making that

noise or give me a handful of that too

far from hockey I can hardly move you're

so sore why don't you just quit I can't

quit I open my big mouth now Judy's

working out I can help you bill you yeah

I used to coach my nephew's League I

know a lot about hockey all right what's

in it for you you did say there was some

ladies playing right yeah but they're

pretty big and brawny hey I said I'd do

it you don't have to sweeten the pot

now remember everything we worked on

stick to the boards hustle up to the

point got it yeah and most of all when

we try to score we should all the other

teams go right to get in that game

you're an animal don't get him champ

that's it bill stick with it I of the

tiger watch out Oh take it off hey where

did you go I looked for you half of your

class and I couldn't find you really

because I looked for you too and I

couldn't find you so I came home no

problem my car I was Trevor oh so

thirsty kinda sip your water yeah sure

huh do you mind handing it to me what do

I have to drink it for you too are you

okay your life but you're not sore are

you cuz you ever really moved at all

since I got here no I'm fine okay hey

deepa new workout shoes rock hey all

right I'm sore every muscle in my body

aches it hurts just sit it hurts to

stand my crotch feels like it was used

as a backstop at a batting cage so did

this mean you're gonna quit I can't quit

made such a big deal about Bill taking

up hockey and now he's playing

practically every night and he's barely

hurting at all well maybe you'll just

get used to it why can't you switch I

want to be able to cross my legs again

whatever you do don't mention any of

this to fill why cuz you don't want him

to know you're in worse shape than here

I just want me didn't you yeah I'm gonna

go try to find a bottle of aspirin and

if it has a childproof cap so help me

God I'll chew right through it oh hi

Linda you all right oh I'm fine looks

like you dropped your coat there huh oh

yeah I shot those the kind of moves use

on the rink okay okay I'm a little

banged up but don't tell Judy this is so

funny what's so funny you guys are

both working out and doing so great

you're my champion yeah don't you have

to go pick up your boyfriend from his

play date going yeah are you forget that

before the ants do

I'm not picking up those cookies neither

am i I'll teach her I'll go see what's

on TV meet you you know what's fun just

kind of strolling through your house

yeah we paid for this place might as

well enjoy it where's the remote we

don't have to watch TV yeah we watched

too much of it we're jocks now you bet

we are dependent going well then oh yeah

I live for my spinning class I don't

know what I'd do without it I feel the

same way about hockey I'm hungry can a

scanner thing sweetie we'll be there in

a minute okay so you're gonna go get or

something yeah I'll get out then get her

something what you want to okay I'll do

it then again there are cookies in there

ah she loves cookie okay okay this is

ridiculous we're feeding our child food

off the floor I say go let's both admit

how we really feel okay together okay

ready set go haha yourself or you can't

even point I know I haven't been able to

bend my legs for days are we trying to

prove bill I didn't want to be old I

wanted to be young like Trevor fell when

we were young we weren't even young like

trap no but we were an old like this how

did this happen happen to everyone we're

not even that old someday we're gonna

look back on this and one feel this good

oh my god that's depressing well it's

not that bad i mean we may have peaked

physically but age has given us a lot of

other wonderful things you're right like

what wisdom oh yes please oh we must

have something to show for our time on

this earth keys we have a lot more peace

than we used to that's right we do have

a lot more keys and you know what else

after all these years we're still hot

for each other you're right someday

we'll have sex again oh god no

did you just try and kiss me yeah right

Becca happy birthday sweetie can't

believe I'm 28 or you know it you'll be

in your late thirties they'll come help

me get this place Linda I forgot I

couldn't get tickets to that play oh no

I was really looking forward to that

well what are we gonna do now well we

could go back to my place and you can

eat the cake off my abs okay builder

leavin with the cake run after all I am



I wouldn't have it any

way cuz you make me
