01x10 - Still Scalping

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Still Standing". Aired: September 30, 2002 - March 8, 2006.*
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Bill and Judy Miller are a blue-collar Chicago couple trying to raise three children responsibly without sacrificing their youthfulness.
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01x10 - Still Scalping

Post by bunniefuu »


all right bill everything looks okay

you've been flossing absolutely every

day don't lie to me bill okay never oh

yeah suck my teeth after every meal

doctors are your wife's on the phone oh

okay be back in a minute to take some

pictures of your teeth he already took x

rays I know these are Repole roids that

we use to scare the other patients into

flaws hey I'm a tooth model I heard

there's a positional thing up in the

Michigan Avenue office and dr. Gruber's

deciding between me and colleagues Oh

Colleen the cute blonde with the dimples

who only makes me love you more each day

I really hope I get this promotion and

be closer to home in more money okay as

a businessman I'm gonna give you some

important career advice put your nose to

the grindstone by grindstone I mean his

butt brown-noser I'd like to think I

could get this promotion on my hard work

in marin hard-working merit been in

America long all right all right we both

know you deserve this promotion but the

world isn't always fair you gotta have

some kind of edge I know find something

in common with him what well how about

ballet I mean look at all these ballet

posters okay first of all that's opera

second of all that's all I know about

that you don't have to know about

something to talk about it just last

week I was talking about someone about

World w*r two I forget who it was but I

threw around a few key words they

thought I was a genius yeah that was

Lauren and she's got a D on that paper

all right bill you're free to go I see

in six months or six thousand Milk Duds

whichever comes first honey's on the

dugs barbarous well what a wonderful

opera Judy you remember the first time

we saw that yeah bye Billy told me late

for work I didn't know you guys were

opera fans oh well Judy's really the fan

she got me into it although I do really

enjoy the libretto really how kidding

what's your favorite

what why don't you take a guess all

right stuff I traviata man you're good

well I should be going you two probably

have a lot to talk about we do now thank

you honey don't mention it ve got home

figaro figaro that's going to be going

around in my head all day




five four three two one yeah victory

John Judy's hometown hey honey how would

go after I left oh great thanks for

convincing my boss I was an opera expert

next time I want you to tell him I'm

fluent in Russian I can help you with

that nice ghazali struble must read da

ta it means nobody told me you had three

children Oh how'd it work ah work so

well that he gave us his tickets to the

Opera Friday night I don't want to go to

the Opera give them back oh that's a

great idea bill I'll send a card opera

sucks I'm a big fat liar P&I their

promotion love Judi and senior libretto

hexic way PS comes after that's not

important damn people pay a lot of money

to see an opera wow these costs more

than hockey tickets hey I got an idea

call isn't your brother a ticket broker

yeah he's the successful ones stop

rubbing it in dad Judy here's what we do

we trade in these opera tickets and get

Carl's brother to get us some blackhawks

tickets right on the glass man I never

said on the glass before have you so

great about we can trade in his ticket

well is dr. Gruber gonna be at the Opera

no he's got some charity dinner so he'll

never know we have a great time at the

hockey game you say we went to the Opera

it's a win-win situation I don't know

bill Judy intent and inked in then I'll

stop that bill that's not fair the

Darien okay fine ha


goody would too hope it's more than

place for me please got it pretty good

question you don't make Michigan i have

a new office i'll take it is what your

question i read my schedule at the

michigan avenue office and i got my

dates confused it turns out that the

charity benefit isn't until next weekend

right my wife really gave me the

business about giving away the Opera

tickets so I was wondering could I maybe

have them back Oh Gavin you're upset I

can tell no no I'm not upset it's just

that one bill saw the tickets he was so

happy and he's been very sad lately man

dead seem sad this bottles up but I'm

very sensitive to other people's pain no

I want to lighten up on the pressure

yeah okay you get away forget about what

I said you and Bill you go to the Opera

okay I have a great time just grab my

wife a program on the way out all right

a program yeah Beverly collects them

they're the only thing she collects it's

free and I like to encourage that knows

easy could begin map there at the Opera

Monday morning you and I were gonna have

coffee you're gonna give me every detail

all right okay yeah so why don't you

take the mold out and clean them up like

two forgotten to set the timer


hey dad your mom go to the hockey game

shredded right could i sell my sleepover

sure but only if you promise invite over

some horndog teenage boys and make sure

they bring beer and cigarettes no man

overboard on high man and Bill cards

head in the fridge sorry I got here

first but the ovens free yeah I can't

jump for most people over now I've

already invited everybody whole thing

over to love sleepovers technically

they're not sleepovers if you guests out

there when you wake up hey Linda could

you chaperone my sleepover tomorrow

night when you kiddin ya there'd be so

much fun talkin style each other's hair

do manicures facials with anti-wrinkle

cream a 13-13 turns to 36 pretty quickly

3 i'd like to introduce you to our two

new friends front and row hello Judy

we're gonna get ripped so we can't go to

the hockey game tomorrow night we have

to call Carl and get our offer tickets

back Wow my boss wants a program and a

total recap of the Opera we have to go

wait wait wait wait wait there's got to

be a way out of this I got it we get

cheap opera tickets for tonight that way

you get the program get to learn all

about the Opera and we still get to go

to the hockey game tomorrow man that nap

at work paid off no so that's crazy and

irresponsible I'm out intent intent

intent intent intent and intense



I'm car keys bill at the program why

can't just leave dr. Cooper and I are

having coffee monday morning and I got

empty tail fine whoever said it's not

over till the fat lady sings has never

been to the Opera


Oh starving oh yes skills ability pally

mrs. Goldfarb must have been in that

chair for a good hour and a half you've

never seen so much flak not even on that

plaque dr. Gerber the tools are all

sterilized plus i sent out the dental

reminders for the next two months yeah

yeah yeah great great thank you yeah

dear colleagues joke no I missed it must

been too busy working your Michigan

Avenue office called and asked if

someone could stop by later and help

them with bookkeeping I'd be happy to so

would I know it sounds like Colleen has

a cup of thanks anyway Judy you know

we're very excited about going to the

Opera tonight Giovanni giacosa is

playing the role of alfredo merely yeah

and they say the mezzo-soprano is

extraordinary particularly her vibrato

Oh kidding who was it her name is very

hard to pronounce Angelina said you

ready to send trailer yeah let's take

her a while to sign a check huh Judy

it's really great having somebody in the

office with whom I could share my

passion to the yeah yeah we do have that

in common you want to talk opera you

come see me you know it's really k*lling

me that I'm gonna have to miss tonight's

performance oh yeah what is she wait

maybe I don't have to miss it you know

what we're screwed oh noes let's go to

the game

what I don't know what happened all of a

sudden Colleen was showing me up so I

started kissing his butt like you told

me I was throwing around words

mezzo-soprano vibrato I didn't think I

said burrito he didn't even notice him

left me that bad he's hoarding the Opera

again tonight well it's a big theater

he'll never notice we're not there oh

he'll notice he managed to get seats

right next to the ones he gave us we

have to get our tickets back and go to

the Opera unless don't put on my suit

still where's Karl with those

opportunities Eddie be here he'll be

here some cotton candy no I think I just

ironed over a couple of skittles ah i

just made a new flavor lemon lime Terry

lint dad why does Lauren have to have

her sleepover tonight why what's the

problem there's a bunch of 13 year old

girls upstairs running around in their

pajamas and hitting each other with

pillows Merry Christmas son yeah I'm

trying to study and they keep running

into my room and tickling me and a happy

new year how would you like it if I

invited all the moms friends over to run

into your room and tickle you that gonna

happen I'm gonna be Carl okay people I

try to get back to your original opera

seats but they were already gone so I

got you even better seats fifth row

center who loves Carl that doesn't help

us at all we need the same seats back I

love Carl

it's over Judy I'm out of ideas there's

absolutely no solution to this problem I

know we got great seats what if we go to

the Opera and ask the people in our old

seats that they'll trade with us I don't

know will you do it if we pretend it's

your idea okay it's the act surprised

when I come up with it in the car hey

what do you think you're doing watchin

TV they've a lot more super fun stuff

planned and Linda you already made us

watch you try on all of you new outfits

we were playing fashion show now who's

ready for a game of remember me oh ok

you go away and we'll see if we can

remember you you just ask me someone's

on popcorn duty remember me is a game

where we tell boys and have a little fun

with them cowboy right ladies ok oh hi

Jason and Melissa remember me yeah

that's right you ditched me at that

French restaurant made me pick out the

check my new boyfriend is a biker with a

black belt in karate and he's gonna kick

you in the throat yeah you ever been

kicked in the throw just feel so good

kind of like how you ripped out my heart

that didn't feel too good either loser


your neck no way ok I'll go dim this guy

name is Frank apparently my boobs were

big enough for me here is H 1 and 2

groupers not theory yet maybe these

people to show up we trade and we're

home free you mean we're home free after

four and a half hours of a slamming

boredom hi we're just sitting here

enjoying our seats good see Judy bill

you remember my wife Beverly nice to see

ya it's been a while I haven't seen you

two since ceased to party at our house

that's right and can I just say again

how sorry I am about your trellis but

your kid bet me I couldn't climb it he

was right oh honey everything is at the

irving oh you're just wave it's the ER

things you should go ask her about her

surgery we should what how did you what

they're old I took a shot all right so

far so good people haven't even showed

up excuse me you're in our seats say

how'd you like even better seats fifth

row center no thank you come on they're

great seats laughter she's had the baby

you're not gonna get out that often you

might as well live it up now she's not

pregnant well as fault is that gets down

to the good seats och romancing her

she's my sister

he'll Jam would you just mind training

suits with us would we be doing you a

favor up equal then no excuse me we'll

trade seats with you done trust me now

what you two I don't you feel about

moving up a role you'd be closer to the

stage plus you won't have to sit behind

this guy's melon sure we have four seats

in the row behind where our seats are

it's a dark theater your boss will never

know you know I think I'm smarter when

I'm wearing the suit I'm here how are

the Irving's heavily medicated I don't

think they know who we were it's going

to be so much yeah I'm really looking

forward to this oh no no this is

definitely not our seats but one row up

excuse me I believe you in our seats ya

know they made us move why would we make

the move they tried to get us to move

first to we saw the whole thing how

would he tell me what's going on here

all right last night we were att*cked

the mother made up with our opera

tickets val is called Paul are you

wearing a blue suit you know that's

you're absolutely right officer there

will be no more threatening phone calls

tonight you know girls boy crazy good

night now we have a slumber party secret

we watch a movie now yeah yeah linda has

one more phone call to make now Jason

thanks a lot for calling the cost you

big woman I know with you hey should

tell her we're the ones that call the

cops see where this goes tell you lies

pretended you like the Opera sold my

tickets and embarrass me in front of the

entire section wait a second yep that's

it that's everything he'll admit we made

a few mistakes but it's just because I

wanted to work in the Michigan Avenue

office I'm so sorry that I lied to you I

appreciate your honesty cutie you do

work hard I can assure you this won't

affect your chances for promotion no I

just lied how's it feel hey my wife only

made one mistake and that was listening

to me it's okay bill calling probably

deserves that promotion I mean she's

there all the time she's there when I

get there in the morning when I leave ok

so two teachers no I mean she's there

almost every weekend I mean she even

agreed to go to that dental convention

with you in Toledo ok I keep calling

credit I mean why would a beautiful

single woman want to spend her weekend

with her boss in Toledo neck of a word

are you still talking to these people

we've got to get back to our seat I'll

be with you in a minute sweetie

aren't you happy he got you keep quiet

the promotion's yours I don't want to

get a promotion this way yes she does

she also wants an extra week's vacation

time but don't think this means you can

push me around because nobody pushes me

around Nathan got me sweetheart Judy I'm

proud of her me the only reason I got

the promotion is because it black Mia oh

you worked hard for it you're a capable

confident reliable employee if there's

one thing our kids should learn from

your example it's still bill if we hurry

we can catch the end of the hockey team

on TV good cuz I didn't know where I was

going with that I don't think know he

can put the shaving cream in her hand

they got a sickle under her nose


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