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02x09 - Promoting from Within

Posted: 11/09/22 18:22
by bunniefuu
TRAVIS: Wow, they look like Bronco.

Yeah, you should have been there.

I had a front row seat
in the splash zone.

(CHUCKLING) Carpet's a bit of a mess.

But it was all worth it,
right, little buddies?

Yeah, let's see these little guys.

No, you can't touch them.

They need to know my scent, Shannon.

Trust me, we're all gettin' it.

Don't let her coddle you, okay?

You are not special.

Did Doris write that
in your birthday card?

It was my baby book.

Actually explains a lot.

Anyway, I gotta go

clean up that whole "miracle of
life" thing in my living room.

Well, we can come do that.

I meant to last night,
but it was so late.

Don't even worry about
it. I'm already grubby.

Are you sure? Happy to help.

I mean, yeah, sure, if you want.

Okay, I'll send Paul over.

Oh, right.

Oh, you...

- Well, I...
- You thought me?

I wasn't sure.

Well, I could come help Paul.

Help you.


It's a date then.

Plus Paul.

Cool. See you later.

♪ Like, yeah, we so amazing ♪

♪ Yeah, we do it like that ♪

Hey, Shannon, could I
talk to you for a minute?

Uh, sure.


I have been in my
position for some time now,

and while I love the job,

I feel I deserve more.

I agree.


Yeah, your adoption numbers
are through the roof,

and your work with Gran-paws
has been above and beyond.

So you like what I've been...

You know what? No, I
do have some concerns.

The biggest of which
is your LinkedIn page.

I really did work the
makeup counter at Zellers.

Uh, nope, it's your job title.

It... it misrepresents the shelter.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Yeah, it gives the impression
that you're the "acting"

animal care manager, when
it should obviously say

that you are the permanent
animal care manager!

My God, really?!

Congrats, K-man. Your
acting days are over.

Wow! And I had a whole list of
selling points to convince you.

It might be fun to
still go through them.

- Do you have a minute?
- I'm just on my way out.

I can't wait to tell my folks!

Hey, do you mind saying it
again and I'll record it?

It's just, I'm already
running late, so...

Okay. I'll text you that list.

JOY: Oh, love that shade.

I found it on the bus.

Oh. "Midnight Spatter."

"When you want your eyes
to say 'don't f with me.'"

Yeah. Marko and I are
going apartment hunting.


Time to blow Russ and Peggy's
crapsicle stand, you know?

I do.

They put usage limits on my Wi-Fi.

Total human rights
violation. And check this out!

Liam linked me to some dope places.

Oh, wow! That one's so nice.

You can just imagine
cuddling up on that couch

in front of that window.

Or doing it on the balcony
with neighbours watching.


Ah, I just think Marko and
I are like, ready for this.

And I've got my grooming business!

I can't be living at
home like some basic bro.

Yeah, if only I could
afford a place like that.

Duh, we're not paying full price.

Oh, you can do that?

Haggling is low-key
my greatest strength.

I'll show you how it's done.

Oh, I don't want to intrude.

Plus I kinda need a
ride. I'm minutes late.

- Oh, yeah.

Don't drink and drive.

Yeah, it's three acres prime waterfront

and a half acre of garbage.

But they even threw in
a broken canoe, so...

Sounds like we're paying you too much.

Definitely not enough.

But Liam agreed to help
me with the financing.

I'd love to get Betty up there.

Oh. Betty is your... ?

- g*n.
- PAUL: Nice.

Oh yeah, she's a beaut.
Let me go grab her.

Okay, no, no, let's keep Betty
locked up right now, please.

Aw, jeez, Shannon, I
thought you were a feminist.


Hey, Wilson, congrats on the land.

We'll definitely have
to get out there sometime

and hunt some partridge.

PAUL: I'm game.

We work in an animal shelter.

Okay, see you back at the shop, boss.

Okay, I'll be there shortly.

Well, this is looking better, right?

Oh, yeah. If there's anything I can do

to help the puppies or
whatever, let me know.

Thanks, but between Liam and the staff,

we've got more parents
than puppies right now.


We keeping you up?

Sorry, Nikki stayed over
last night with her boyfriend.

Ah. Bit of a theme, huh?

Yeah, there are some
things you can't unsee.

Do you want a coffee or something?

Um... no. No, I should go.

Okay, but you can't go without taking

some of my homemade venison stew.

I can't eat Bambi.

TRAVIS: You've got to honour
the sacrifice, Shannon.

If we don't hunt deer, it
actually leads to over-foraging.

So in a way, if Bambi survives,

that means that all
of these little birds

that make Cinderella's
dress, they're goners.

You don't want that, do you?

And here is where you can
try that great new recipe

- you found online.
- It's called a kitchen, Joy.

All these burners work?

You can make four soups
at once, just like a chef!

You know, I saw some
small holes in the walls.

Yep. Probably termites.

They were from pictures
that were hanging.

Art-friendly, that's a plus.

So those holes were pre-existing?

- Marko, make a note.
- Noted.

You ask so many good questions.

Not my first rodeo.

Oh, I thought you said
you always lived at home.

And, uh, this outlet works?


Yeah, what about the bottom outlet?

LANDLORD: They all work.

Try with the lamp.

Uh, there's no bulb in that lamp.

Oh, we're gonna need bulbs.

That lamp doesn't come with this place.

- And lamps.

Or get candles. So romantic.

Hey, how many people would
you say can fit on this balcony

- before it collapses?
- I don't know.

Uh, ?

But it's up to code.

Uh-oh. Mouse poop in the cupboards.

- Oh.
- Oh, it's in that one.

(GASPING) It's in all of them!

That looks like birdseed.

We don't want a place that's
crawling with birds either.

I bet they love all
the space to themselves.

It is nice, but maybe
overpriced for what you get.

Well, we can be flexible
for the right tenant.

- You're looking at them!
- NIKKI: Appreciate it.

We might just need some
time to think about it.

- MARKO: Mm-hmm.
- LANDLORD: Of course.

Thank you for your time.

NIKKI: Babe, the birdseed.

If I had to hear Janet talk about
her dead husband one more time...

Oh, I honestly think she k*lled him.

So do I!


Who the hell is this?



What are you doing here?

I must have fallen asleep.

Whoa! Mom! What the
hell is she doing here?

DORIS: Ask her, she's your wife.

- You must be Stephanie. Hi.
- Now this adds up.

I remember you saying that
you were not coming back.

I'm dropping off Doris.

And you don't waste any time, do you?

Oh, that's rich coming from you!

I know what this might look like

but I was just napping on the couch.

Yeah, I've "napped" on that couch too.

Okay, okay, Mom. Where were you?

We crashed at Janet's. She's got HBO.

Oh, they do have some great shows.

And I figured Joy might
want some alone time

with her soldier friend.

Yeah, a little r*fle inspection.
I bet you know all about that.

Okay, get out.

It's my house!

You know what? I'll get out.

Here's your dirty shirty.

- Oh my God.
- What?

It was clean up after the birth!

What the hell happened here?

Have a great day.


LIAM: I'm having
separation anxiety, too.

Please give her these. They're for cats,

but she likes them.

Okay, stay.


- Why is your hair smooshed?
- What?

And there's a pillow
crease on your face.

Oh, I, uh, fell asleep in my car.

I gave you a lift this morning.

Right. Well, Travis needed
a little help cleaning,

and I fell asleep on the
couch, and he took a shower.

Oh my...

- It was totally innocent.
- Then why do you sound guilty?

Okay, let's not make a
big deal about this, okay?

It was a long night
and a longer morning.

So, last night too?
Can Travis get no peace?

I don't know.

Maybe you should talk to
his angry ex-wife about that.

Oh my God. She was there too? Kinky.

Yeah, if your kink is getting yelled at.


But what I would love to
talk about is Kristian.

God, was everyone at this romp?

I am making him permanent
animal care manager.

(SIGHING) As long as we
don't have to pay him more.

When does the posting go up?

Um, I'm sorry?

It's a permanent position.

We'll have to advertise
to outside candidates.

Oh. I didn't realize that.

And I suspect Tonya will
want to attend the interviews.

She's very keen on making
sure we get the right people.

Kristian has earned his keep.

I know, but after your predecessor hired

his son's violin coach,
we need to make sure

we have a fair and open process.

I mean, Joy worked out,
so I'm not complaining,

but no special treatment.

Trust me, there won't be any.

And here's a mint.

You've got morning mouth.

♪ Do it right ♪

♪ I said, if you're gonna do it ♪

♪ Then do it right ♪

♪ Do it right ♪

♪ If you're gonna do it ♪

♪ Then do it right ♪



Hey, Stephanie.

I was hoping to check out the puppies

now that you're up and
wearing your own clothes.

We're kinda wrapping up
for the day here, so...

You know, we got Bronco
through my brother.

So the pups are actually closer to me

than, you know, Travis. In a way.

Right. Uh, yeah. Well, I
guess we can go see them.

Did Travis tell you that we named them?

Real mommy and daddy.

All right, they're
just right in the back.


Are you okay?

Why are you so nice?

I wouldn't say nice. I mean,
I'm non-confrontational, but...

You're just this good
person saving animals.

No, not really. Nobody's perfect.

Who said perfect?

Okay. Can I get you
a coffee or something?

Like, I know I messed up,
but I didn't need to see

some new slice on the couch, you know?

I do, but again, nothing happened.

I know what I did was unforgivable,

but we all make mistakes.

Yeah, we do.

I bought a two litre
bag of rosé last week.

What did you do?

You know what? Don't tell me.

It was a girl's weekend.
We hired a bartender.

All the girls went to bed
and it was just me and him

in the hot tub, and I was
just wanting to be a good host,

you know?

Offering a backrub to the guy.


And sometimes it's hard to tell
what's a jet and what isn't.

I like to think I could tell.

I just don't know what
I'd do without Travis.


Well, things have a way of working out.

And you'll tell him that?

Um... what?

I think it would mean so
much more coming from you.

He respects you.

Oh, uh, I don't know about that.

He wouldn't have bothered
with the towel if he didn't.

Right. Uh, why don't
we go see the puppies

and keep considering all the options.

What puppies?

Okay, let's get you that coffee.

Sorry, so do I have the position or not?

Oh, in my books, you're
good, but, uh, yes,

you will have to interview
and receive board approval.


Oh, but don't sweat it,

you're still the best
person for the job.

- Okay.
- But, uh, you know,

maybe update the ol' résumé.
Show off the accomplishments.

Don't lie, but don't hold back.

Do you not think I'm qualified?

Of course! You've got
one thing nobody else has.

Anxiety. Psoriasis. Two
moms? It's anxiety, isn't it?


Yeah, how many people can
say that they've worked

their entire career at just one place?

Yeah. Or is that a bad thing?

No. No. It shows a stick-to-it-iveness.

And who needs a variety of work
experiences to pad a résumé?

I do speak a little French.

Mm, include that!

♪ This world can beat you down ♪

♪ Chew and spit you out ♪

♪ Leave you feeling numb ♪

♪ But better days will come ♪

KRISTIAN: No, no. Now is fine.

Uh, yeah, yeah. Tomorrow is ah-mah-zing.

And three o'clock is purr-fect.


Well, I can't wait to virtually meet you

and all of the little
kitties in van city.

Oh, and I emailed you my updated
résumé with special skills.

Oui. Oui. C'est vrai.

Yeah. Well, talk soon.

And thank you so much, David.

But I did such a good
job seducing the landlord.

She wanted it.

Ugh, I gotta go.

If that's the possum,
I swear it was dead.

What? No, it's a gift.

(GASPING) A gift?



It's a box of empty boxes.

They're for your move.
I've been collecting them.

Thanks. But Marko and I are
gonna hold off on the apartment.

Nothing really met our needs, you know?

Oh. But that place was really cute.

Yeah. We're gonna save
our cash for a beach house

when it's more of a buyer's market.

- Right.

So smart.

It means sticking with Peg
and Russ and their keto dinners

and charade nights, but
only suckers rent, so...

Yeah. My sister once dated a squatter.

(GASPING) I want that life.

Me too.



Come on in. Close the door.

Yeah, look, uh, I want
to tell you something,

but all my instincts go against it.

Okay, thank you.

'Cause we all know what
happens to rats, right?

Yeah, we relocate or euthanize them.

Exactly, so I'm stuck between
the devil's drainpipes here.

I mean, do I let
someone get blindsided...

Paul, please. What?

Okay. I just over heard Kristian

setting up a job interview in Vancouver.


Well, he's free to see
what else is out there.

He's talking to a guy named David.

He was really laying on the charm.

Wow, listen to me. I'm singing
like a friggin' canary here!

I appreciate it, but a good
manager supports her employees

whether they're here or elsewhere.

I would feel betrayed. I
would feel very betrayed.

No, no, it's just business.

Okay. Well, I guess I'm the jerk, then.

No, but you should
respect people's privacy.


You aunt just texted.


There's a practical means
to bridge that talent delta.

Uh-huh, without overreaching.

- It's all about balance.
- And passion.

I wouldn't do any of
this if I didn't love it.

So you love it here?

Oh, absolutely. We're like family.

That kind of trust is essential
when dealing with animals.

Especially those who have
had their loyalties tested.

- Ah, so interesting.
- Is it?

SHANNON: Well, why don't
we move on to scenarios.

Sorry, what scenarios?

Let's say there was a dog
who came to the shelter.

A little mangy, not very socialized.

Sorry, how old is the dog?

I'm not sure, I wasn't
here. But this dog, you know,

thrived at the shelter. Ate
the food, made some friends.

Even learned some new tricks.

- I like this dog.
- Yeah, everyone did.

But then one day the dog
decides he doesn't need

the shelter anymore. So long, suckas.

So he was adopted, or ran away?

- Is this about Coco?
- We know you're fond of her.

No, no, it's just a
hypothetical situation,

and if you could please answer.

It sounds to me like this dog
had someone looking out for him

and if he now has the
confidence to leave,

I think that he owes it
to the people around him

who believed in him.

Great answer.


I'm also a probationary member

of the Hamilton Orienteering Club.

♪ You got a heart like a lion ♪

♪ You got me messed up
without even trying ♪

♪ I thought you meant well
but you savage as hell ♪

Hey, Joy, I checked,

and I can be there with my van at am.

Thank you so much.

I'm happy to help.

I haven't moved anyone since
my pal Nico skipped town.

White collar criminal,
it was really quick.

Who's moving?

Joy. She's shacking up with her soldier.

A place off Kenilworth.

I've been living at home
for so long, over years.

Try .

And the place that we looked at...

I looked at.

... was still vacant, so I went for it.

And apparently the lamp
does come with the apartment.

Wow, sounds fancy! I cannot wait.

You look upset.

I wanted that apartment!

But your keto charades
with Peg and Russ!

My parents never play games.

Are you kidding? We're there
because no one wants to rent

to a part-time dog walker
and a struggling DJ.

I'm sorry.

And you have this perfect life

with your perfect boyfriend,
and I'm gonna be stuck

living in Peg's friggin' basement

until my hips decay
and my teeth fall out.

Wait, can your hips decay?

- Hey, boss.
- Oh!

If it isn't Oprah, fresh off
the interview of her life.

You think?

Ah, believe me, Tonya and
Liam were super impressed.

- Just Tonya and Liam?
- Hmm?

You were grilling me pretty hard.

Oh, I just wanted them to see
how quick you are on your toes,

but I was always rooting for you,

and congrats, you got it!

Oh my God, really?


That's amazing. I'm just
not sure I can accept yet.

I'm also being considered by
the Vancouver Humane Society.

Oh. Wonderful.

Well, congratulations, again.

Yeah, I'm really torn, actually.

But I just wanted to
be up front with you.

Well, um, I support you either way.

Thanks. Also, did Paul
tell you about my interview?


He just said that he did,
so I was kinda confused there

when you... when you didn't
seem to know about it.

No. No. Nope. No.

No, no, I think maybe he did.

Oh, well, either way. Thank you.

Damn it, Paul.


Here. I was gonna throw it out anyway.

Dr. and Mrs. Nurse?

Marko and I bought that for
our... your apartment door.

I mean, Devon is trained in first aid.

Whatever. Keep it,
throw it, I don't care.

Oh, wait! I spoke to the landlord.

You said. You got the lamp
too. Quite rubbing it in.

No. I mean, I did.

But he said it would be
okay for me to have roommates

as long as the lease remains in my name.


So, I wondered if you and Marko

wanted to take the second bedroom.


Yeah. It'd be great to
have other people around,

and I could really
stand to split the rent.

So Devon's okay with this?

Well, he actually won't be around much.

Turns out he's shipping out to Petawawa

then flying out to patrol the Arctic.

So he's leaving.

Mm-hm, next week. The
timing's not great,

but it's so great to
finally be out on my own.

Far from my parents, barely scraping by.

Do you still have those boxes?

I thought maybe one of
them could work as a table.

Joy, chill. We'll do it.

Oh my gosh, really?

You sound pretty desperate, so...

I am. And thank you so much.

We'll party our asses off with no
parents to f'ing tell us what to do.

Yeah, stupid parents!

- You like weed?
- I've never done dr*gs.

Then buckle up, Joy-ride.

You can keep that crap.

Living together!

So great. No regrets.


Hey, I got your text.

I tried to get here sooner,
but, you know, hurricane Steph.

- Yeah, she's...
- A trainwreck? Yeah, I know.

And listen, I'm really sorry for
her dragging you into all this.

Me? What did she say?

Oh, just some garbage about
you telling her that she and I

should be together, but I
mean, you can't trust a word

that comes out of her mouth,
so don't even worry about it.

Right. Although she and I
did have a brief conversation.

What? When?

She came here pretty upset.

So, hang on, you did say to her

that she and I should be together?

No, no. Not exactly.

I'm just saying it's
sometimes better, healthier,

for everyone to leave
the past in the past.

Oh, jeez. Thanks,
Doc. What do I owe you?

You couldn't afford me.


I just feel like hearing
her talk about you

got me thinking a lot about...

You know, I should have known
you were gonna take her side.

I'm not taking sides,
but it's a marriage.

I don't want to see you
throw it away just...

So now I'm the bad guy
because I want a divorce?

No, but I don't want to be the
bad guy either just 'cause we...

What? We what?


Oh, okay.

Well, then I'm sure that you
and your new BFF Stephanie

will support each other in
this very difficult time.

I think she's trying to make it right.

Why are you defending her?

It's like you need
everybody to like you.

What? Oh my God. I
shouldn't have texted you.

Well, I shouldn't have answered.

You didn't answer. You started to,

and then it was just those
three dots for like minutes.

Well, now you'll never
know what I was gonna say!

- I think I got it.
- Mm-hmm!

And I don't need everyone to like me.


Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear.


♪ Let's shake it up ♪

♪ It's kinda scary but
I'm loving the rush ♪

♪ My heart is racing like oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ 'Cause this feels like home ♪

♪ Feels like home ♪

♪ Yeah, it's true ♪

♪ Look in the mirror
and I'm feeling so good ♪

♪ Yeah, I've been searching ♪

♪ Like oh-oh-oh ♪

♪ 'Cause this feels like home ♪