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02x04 - We Shall Not Be Moved

Posted: 11/08/22 13:22
by bunniefuu
AMARA: Today, they came for us.

Their goal was to terrorize us,

to disrupt our lives and instill fear,

but I have one thing to say to them:

We shall not be moved.


Yeah, I like it.

Nope. Blue top, brown bottoms.

SIMONE: Okay, fine.

Let's focus on lunch,
and do not say tuna salad.

Shade. What did tuna ever do to you?

Because it's giving
lunchtime loneliness.

Ain't no kid want to trade
for tuna salad.

KEISHA: I would.

DAMON: What's all this?

SIMONE: It's a vision board
for Shay's first day of preschool.

Shanelle found a beginner's
preschool program.

So what, like, pre-preschool
or something?

More like day care but with classes.

Yeah, Shanelle and I have been planning

the perfect first day for weeks.

I cannot wait for her to send
us pictures and videos.

I know.

I think it's dope that you're working
with Shay's adopted mother.

SIMONE: Are you regretting

your mom and birth mom meeting
up on campus tomorrow?

Uh, I mean, I know it's time
to clear the air with everybody,

but I can't help but feel like

this is gonna be a complete disaster.

I mean, you never know.

Keena and Celine,
they might surprise you.

Look at me and Shanelle.

AYELLE: ♪ Every time I start... ♪

Stop thinking about your moms.


Well, I mean, I would if I had
something else to think about.

Hmm, okay.

You mean something like this?

♪ They won't leave me alone ♪

♪ And I start to reminisce upon ♪

♪ All the ways that I've gone wrong... ♪

Okay, it's getting late. I should go.


Hey, what's that on your shoulder there?

What? Oh, um, I just had, like,

a bad reaction to a new skin cream.

Uh, you know, Cam is gonna
be at Keisha's tonight,

so you can just stay
the night if you want.

Look, we can sleep,
just sleep, all right?

I appreciate that. I do.

I just... I sleep better in my own bed.

Do you, though?

I mean, since you've been
back from your trip,

doesn't look like you've
been sleeping well.

Are you saying I look tired?

No, you always look great. It's just...

Okay, then what are you saying, Damon?

I'm saying that I'm worried, all right?

I just want to make sure
that everything's good.

Yeah, aside from this conversation,
everything's great.

I got to go.

J.R.: How bad you think it'll get?


No clue. That's why we
meeting in a public place.

That's smart. That's real smart.


DAMON: Damn. Like, I wish
my mom kind of got here first,

so we could, like, ease her into things.

Don't worry. Whenever she get
here, we'll make sure she okay.

Is everything okay?

That's my mom. She said
she can't make it.

NATHANIEL: Keisha, I don't understand

why you won't give Nico another chance.

One... he's not good for you

and two... he got our
family dinner canceled

via a Yard Yack post, so...

If you spent any time with him,

you'd see how amazing he is.

And I asked him about
the post. It wasn't him.

And you believed him? Yeah, okay.

No offense, Cameron. This
is a private conversation.

Not when it costs me a
free meal, plus leftovers.

No, it ain't.

Ah, Simone.

Can you please tell Keisha

that she's overreacting about Nico?

No. It's giving tension,

and I don't do friend drama.

THEA: Oh. Hey, guys.

- KEISHA: Hey.

Oh, so you don't do friend drama?

Doesn't count. She ain't my friend.

But, anyway, y'all
need to figure this out.

No man is worth y'all's friendship.

CAM: As for me, if Keisha hates him,

I hate him, too.

Oh, you're a good man.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

Keisha, I'm not letting this go.

I would expect nothing less.


'cause I invited Nico to study with us.



President Amara Patterson's office.

Hey, Cam, I'm headed
to the budget meeting.

You're gonna need to reschedule it.

Why? Who was that on the phone?

Um, Damon, will you please

confirm to Mom that I gave
you the photo album?

Even though I told her I did,

she keeps asking.

Uh, my bad. I guess I could've
texted you or something.

I hope you like it.

No, actually, I thought it was dope.

Maybe you can add some
photos of you and Miss Thea.

I look forward to meeting her one day.

No rush.

Wait, wait, wait. How do
you know about Thea?

Oh, I saw some pictures
you posted online.

So you follow me online?


CELINE: I mean... yes.

JESSIE: My invite to the family meeting

must've gotten lost in the mail.

CELINE: Jessie, please don't ruin this.

MARCUS: Let's head to
the meeting, Jessie.

I'm gonna get some air, all right?

Hold up, bro.

AMARA: Everyone, can I have
your attention, please?


Amara, what's going on?

Please have a seat.

STUDENT: What's going on?

Okay, what is going on?


AMARA: The FBI and the Atlanta P.D. are

investigating a b*mb threat
made against us this morning.

The threat involves the area
immediately surrounding

west campus, which is
currently being evacuated.

Please avoid this area
as the investigation continues.

For those in other areas on campus,

please, please shelter in place
until further notice.

This is not a drill.

There's no longer access in
or out of Bringston University.

AMARA: Have you called your mother?

Yeah, I had to convince her
not to hop on the next plane.

And Shanelle?

Not yet, but hopefully,
she can still send me

pictures and videos of Shay's first day.

That'll help keep me distracted.

You're handling all of
this well, baby girl.

It would be natural if the b*mb
threat stirred things up.

Auntie, I love you.

[SIGHS] I love you, too.


Marcus, hey.

Hey. How can I help?


I've been president all of seconds.

I have no idea.

It's not your fault.

You're doing everything you can.

President Patterson, I'm
Special Agent Louis Hunt.

We need to talk, privately.

Cam, please. Please, please,
please, please pick up.

Pick up, pick up. Pick up. Pick up...

CAM ON VOICEMAIL: Hey, this is Cam.

Do the damn thing after the beeeeep.



Oh, hey, Simone. Sorry.

Uh, yeah.

My bad. I would stay
and talk, but I got to...

People to call. Yeah, me, too.

Listen, if you got fam at
East Lennox University,

call them first.

People are saying there was
a b*mb threat made there, too.

And if it's true, this could
be a coordinated attack.

Uh, maybe you should just
not say that too loudly

before we know for sure, okay?

People are scared enough.


THEA: I mean, I can't believe you're
stuck there with Jessie and Celine.

I can't believe any of us
are stuck anywhere.

Right? This is wild.

It almost doesn't feel real.

Like, how is this still happening?

All this because we're a Black school?


And, also, Damon, about last night,

like, I feel like I may not
have been my best self...

Whoa, whoa. Hey, hey,
babe, don't apologize like

we never gonna see
each other again, okay?

I mean, Damon, we may not.

Look, this is how this is gonna go.

You're gonna stay mad at me,

and I'm gonna stay confused about why.

[CHUCKLING] We'll talk in person.

Tonight, all right?

Okay, got it. I am staying mad.

And I'm gonna stay confused.

Okay. I will see you tonight.

All right. Bye.

How are you holding up?

You know, I thought the worst thing
that would happen to me today

would be my mom not showing up,

even though she said that she
would come and meet Celine.

We got the b*mb threat, and I just...


Honestly, I don't know
how I feel, Coach.

But the fear I see is not
the cause of a b*mb threat

or the anger of your mom not being here.

Jessie and Celine said when they
gave me away, it was for the best.

But I've really thought about it, and...

Right? That's cap. Come on, Coach.

If you were a parent, you would
fight for your kids, right?

If they really loved me,
if they really wanted me,

they would've made it work.

You need answers, okay?

And the people that have them
are right here, Damon.

HUNT: The evacuation of
west campus is complete.

We've begun a sweep to look
for any expl*sive devices.

How can I help, Agent Hunt?

Honestly, by letting us do our job

and staying out of the way.

No one knows this campus
better than I do.

Be that as it may, my
previous comment stands.

Who was on the phone when
the b*mb threat was made?

My assistant, Cam Watkins.

After I take a look at
the phone records,

I need to speak with him.

When you do, I want to be there.

That's not typically how we do things.

Be that as it may,
my previous comment stands.


Why didn't you tell me
your mother was coming?

That's what you want to talk about?

We're sheltered in place
because of a b*mb threat.

Exactly. A threat, not an actual b*mb.

You don't know that.

There could be a b*mb
somewhere on campus.

I need you to understand the assignment.

And I think the students
seeing a coach staying calm

is the assignment.

You realize that you haven't
asked me am I okay?

You have two sons in
the same building with you.

It's like you really don't
see me or Damon.


Oh, my God. Are you okay?

Well, more or less, I think.

We've been praying for y'all.

The b*mb threats are all over the news.

"b*mb threats"? Plural?

Yeah, another HBCU,
East Lennox University.

They just confirmed it.

How's Shay?

Are you guys safe?

I mean, who knows what
else could happen today?

Shay's a little fussy, but
other than that, he's fine.

Want to say hi?

I would really love that.


Shanelle, what happened?
Is everything okay?


Shanelle? Hello?


It was the cell phone tower, the noise.

It was being shut down.

How do you know?

I can see the truck from here.

Look, the Wi-Fi's down, too.

It's probably just the FBI
doing their thing, okay?

I'm good, I'm good. Thank you.

Okay. Breathe in for seconds,

hold your breath for ,

and then exhale for seconds, okay?





- - breathing.

You get panic att*cks, too?

Got them a lot as a kid
when my dad was deployed.

You were scared he wasn't
gonna make it back.


Now the parent is
worried about the child.

We were on the phone when
everything went down.

I have a son... Shay.

We were on the phone when
everything went down, so...

Your panic attack was about him.


These coordinated b*mb
threats are just a reminder...

that there are spaces that
Shay won't be accepted in

just because of how he looks

and there's nothing I can do about it.

For now, Shay's safe, okay?

But there is something you can do.

I see a lot of people
who could use a friend

or some help.

Look, J., about Celine and Jessie, I...

um, actually, um, mental health check.

How you handling all this, bro?

You'd think I'd be used to the
fear of losing my life by now.

When I was a kid, I thought

aplastic anemia had my number.

I even made a bucket list.

For real?

What was on it?

Oh, the usuals...

kiss a girl, fight a ninja.

Ninja? Ha ha!

Damn if Mom and Dad
ain't try to hit every item

as if they ain't have
enough to deal with.

What do you mean, what
they had to deal with?

You was the one that was sick, bro.

Mm-mm. If one person in
the family is that badly sick,

everyone is.

Damon, Mom and Dad argued a lot,

about my care, how to pay for it.

And the stresses of that led to...

led to Mom's affair.

Growing up, I fooled
myself into thinking

that our lives were perfect,

that we were happy.

And we weren't and they weren't.

And for years, you didn't
know where you came from

because Mom and Dad
couldn't handle two kids.

My illness hit different
for all of y'all,

and I feel responsible for it.

Look, no, I know I shouldn't, but I do.

I'm working through it with my shrink.

Why did it take a b*mb threat

for you to tell me all this?

Felt selfish given everything.

You can talk to me about anything.

You hear me?


I'm scared, bro.

Yeah, man.

Me, too.

NICO: As your SGA president,
I'll demand that

Dr. Patterson make
our safety her priority.

First order of business,

adding police officers to campus.

STUDENT: Yup, mm-hmm.

NATHANIEL: I don't...

I don't know about that.

Bringing cops to a school
full of Black students

doesn't seem like the move.

People who make b*mb
threats against HBCUs

are violent individuals who need
to be met with strength and force.

NATHANIEL: But sometimes...

the people that are supposed
to have our backs

end up being our greatest threat.

Nate, I love you, but you're wrong
about this, so why don't you...

- KEISHA: Excuse me.
- NATE: Keisha, it's okay.

No. no. For the record, Nate knows
exactly what she's talking about.

She's stood up to more
cops on this campus

that tried to shut down
our right to protest

than anyone else in this building.

That's funny. So the former
president's daughter,

who lives in a big house,
knows about struggle.

KEISHA: Okay, well, at least
I'm not an insecure man

who feels the need to
silence other people

to make himself feel better.

No. I'm the guy trying to get
things done for this student body.

Well, then maybe you
should do less talking

and more listening because it's
clear you're only about yourself.

I would argue that's your issue.

Nate, I hope you're seeing this.

SIMONE: Excuse me, everyone.
Can I please have your attention?

A lot of you may not know me,
but my name is Simone Hicks.

And as uncertain and scary as today is,

we have to be here for each other.

We should really talk about
what's happening.

It might do us some good.

What did the caller say exactly?

Agent Hunt, what are you doing?

I mentioned I'd need
to speak to Cam Watkins

since he's the one answered the call.

And I said I wanted
to be there when you did.

Mr. Watkins, what did
the caller say exactly?

That he hid expl*sives
in the west campus,

and he chose Bringston because...

there are too many Black students here.

THEA: Well, being a majority
Black school makes us a target.

So does being the only
Black speck at a PWI.

We should get to have
our own space, right?

That's naive.

We all know that when we come together,

excellence happens,
and that threatens them.

- Exactly.
- Right, right.

We put ourselves in the line of fire.

You're playing their game.

Whenever we get terrorized,

they always find a way
to flip it and blame us.

HUNT: Mr. Watkins, your memory
of the call's impressive.

Most people in your situation

wouldn't be able to remember
so thoroughly.

Look, man, if you got
something to say, just say it.

Your responses seem rehearsed.

Was this call real, or is this a prank?

Maybe you heard about the threat
at East Lennox and wanted...

- Man. I ain't got to do...
- Uh-uh.

Cam Watkins is

one of the most upstanding
students on campus.

If he says the call happened, it did.

This isn't a prank. It's a pattern.

How do you not see that?

The th Street Baptist Church bombing,

the Tulsa Race m*ssacre,

the Charleston church sh**ting.

Guys, we have a long history
of att*cks against us.

Exactly. This isn't new,
which is why I'm

shrugging off this b*mb threat.

It's just another instance of fill
in the blank while being Black.

Well, it's really sad that
you're desensitized

to your own trauma.

Maybe this is how I'm
strong and resilient.

LANDO: The problem with being told

to stay strong and persevere is

that it invalidates our human emotions.

But our society constantly validates

people who commit v*olence
against people of color

when more needs to be done
to protect Black students.


TOOTIE: Yeah, and maybe
this whole discussion thing

was a really bad idea, Simone.


AMARA: Your line of questioning

was out of line.

Cam is a victim.

Trust me.

Cam Watkins doing this as a prank

would have been preferable.

To what exactly?

The other threat,
at East Lennox University.

My colleagues just radioed in.

They found a device.

They were able to defuse
it a few minutes ago.

So if the Bringston b*mb
threat isn't a prank

and is part of a pattern...

There's a good chance a device

really is somewhere at Bringston.

Yo, hey, we saw
the FBI interrogating you.

What... what's up?


How long it take 'em?

Five minutes.

I went from a victim
to a suspect in minutes

- just sitting in a damn chair.
- J.R.: That's messed up.

The whole situation is trash, bro.

Man, Bringston's supposed to be
different than the rest of the world.

Supposed to be safe.

It's like they want us to know
we ain't safe nowhere.

And an education? [SCOFFS]

Forget about that.

Hey, bro, today doesn't
change what Bringston is.

For us, by us.

Those are dope words and all,

but the truth is, they gonna
always find a way

to tear us down.

Hey! Where the hell are you going?

None of your business.

Fine. I hope wherever you're
going is worth risking your life.

I'm going to find Damon, okay?


God. I can't believe this. It happened.

I have become the woman
willing to do anything for a guy.

No. You sound like a woman

who's willing to do whatever
for the man that they love.

I mean, if it'll help, I've done

something out of love
that I'd later regret.

To take my mind off of
worrying about Shay,

I basically tried to
mother everyone else.

Yeah. It feels really weird
loving someone so much

that I wasn't even thinking
of the harm to myself.

I just...

hope I get the chance to tell him.

And you will.

You have to hold on to that
belief that we'll make it out.

We all do.

Hey, since we're having
this nice moment,

I need you to do something for me.

Okay. I messed up.

I was wrong earlier.

Talking is not what we should be doing.

And sitting around, waiting for
our world to end ain't it either.

SIMONE: And I don't know about
y'all, but I want to fight back.

I want to hit something, feel alive.

Hence, dodgeball.

THEA: They're used for tennis drills,
but they'll get the job done.

TOOTIE: So your plan is
for us to run around here,

hitting each other with tennis balls?

Tootie, I'm not the only
one with pent-up energy.

You're not. I'm in. Lando's in.

You know what? Whatever. Let's do it.

All right.

STUDENT: All right, all right.

STUDENT : Whoo! Let's go.

Get the answer to your question?

Uh, yeah,

but I know what I want, Coach,

but what if it blows up in my face?

I don't know the words for this.

You'll find them. I have no doubt.

But don't let anything
that should be said

go unsaid, okay?

KEISHA: Seriously? We're in
the middle of a b*mb threat

and your partner is missing.

Why aren't you worried?

Because I'm positive that
Nate is somewhere safe

and she'll come back when she's ready.

She gets like this.
She just needs a minute.

Wow. You really are trash.

Am I? Or is it the fact that I
know Nate better than you

and that is what's really bothering you?

No. What really scares me is that Nate

won't see you for who you actually are,

and that one day, when
she really needs you,

you won't be there.

Let's just hope that day isn't today.




They found a device at the other HBCU

that was threatened today.

Okay. All right. It's just us.

Let it out.

Mm-mm. I'm the president.

I have to focus on our kids.

Who is focused on Amara Patterson?

Because the last time I checked,

the president doesn't exist without her.

If you want to help me,
go check on our kids.

That's what I need.

Look, I told Damon not to let
things that should be said

go unsaid.

If this is the end of the road,

I just want you to know that
I love you, Amara Patterson.

I am grateful to you

for everything.


When you gave me up, you
said it was for the best.

And, look, I'm not gonna lie.
I thought it was an excuse,

that y'all didn't want me to mess up

your perfect little family.

Now I know that your lives weren't
perfect. They were far from it,

and what you actually gave me was...

was a gift.

I had an amazing life
with my adoptive parents,

a life I might not have had
had you not given me up.

So I don't know what a relationship
with you looks like, but...

I want to find out.


It means a lot, you giving
us a second chance.

Yeah. Um, what I said was for Celine,

not you.

I know I have more to atone for.

I pushed her to give you up
out of my own selfishness,

but I apologized for that.

Don't shut me out because
of my past mistakes.

I don't have to look
at the past, Jessie.

Come on. After you found
out that I was your son,

you didn't hit me up, not once.

Did you really try to get to
know me outside of baseball,

but yet you're sitting here,
asking me for my forgiveness?

That's just something that
I don't give away, man.

You got to earn it.

♪ Yeah, hey, hey, uh ♪

♪ I just want to do what
I want when I want ♪

♪ How I want the way I'm gonna do it ♪

♪ Yeah, who I want to do it with
or why I want to do it ♪

♪ I do not need no permission
for that, yeah? ♪

♪ And I know you think you know
what it is that I want ♪

♪ Maybe you do, maybe you don't,
either way, yeah? ♪

♪ But my life, I'm in control,
I'mma guess you might know ♪

♪ If I don't ask, I get a
shot anyway, yeah? ♪


Simone, I got to tell you something.

- Mm-hmm?
- You're at a disadvantage.

Really? How so?

As a pitcher, my speed
and accuracy are on point,

and I'm gonna tag you.

Okay. Well, as a tennis player,

my speed and my ability is gonna
make it hard for you to hit me.

Plus, I got a little secret w*apon.

All right. Cool. Bring it.
Come on. Let's go.

♪ There ain't no need for guessing ♪

♪ You can just ask the question ♪

♪ I got no problem with it ♪

♪ Ooh, no matter what I want ♪

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪

♪ No matter what I ♪

♪ Whoa, oh oh, whoa ♪

♪ I know, I know what I want... ♪



Are you okay?

Uh, yeah, I'm good. I'm good.

You're impressive.

Well, you didn't think
I had that arm, did you?

Actually, I was talking about this.

You tabled your fear
and worry for your son

and helped everybody else.

That's impressive.

Well, I did have a little help.




LANDO: I guess the cell service is back.

I can call Shay.

Uh, okay. Where is my phone?

Uh, here. Use mine.

What? There's no one you want to call?

It can wait. Talk to your son.

J.R.: I got to say,

how you handled Mom and Dad,

I'm proud of you.

Yeah, well, don't be proud yet.

I still got one parent
I haven't figured out.


I don't know what to do with my
anger that I have towards my dad.

You got to release it.

Get on that train of
forgiveness with him, too.

He lied to me and my mom for years, bro.

Like, how do I forgive a man who
can't answer for what he's done

because he doesn't remember what he did?

It's not always about him
being able to answer.

I mean, in therapy, I had
a lot of conversations

with my dad of where he wasn't present.


It sounds crazy, but it helped.

Having the other person there sometimes

just gets in the way
of letting the pain out.

Yeah, I don't know, J.

You know, that's not really me.

I got to hear dude's voice, you know?

Then call him. 'Cause
given his condition,

he's not gonna be present
for the conversation either.

Nate, are you in there?


Nathaniel Hardin, let me in, please.

Why did you run off?

I was really, really worried about you.

You know... [INHALES]

you and Nico arguing

sound like a married couple
when they're getting a divorce.

Not like a married couple
getting divorced...

your parents.

Nate, I'm so sorry that I did something

that could trigger you that much.

And with the b*mb threats,

I felt like my life was imploding.

I'll be okay. I just...

I need a little me time,

and then I will come out
when I'm ready, okay?

Nico was right.

I'm guessing you chewed him out.

I may have said a few words.

He's a good guy, Keisha.

I know that he's rough around the edges,

but the part in the middle is good.


Uh, hey, Natalie, it's Damon.

Uh, yeah, I'm good.

Um, how's my dad doing today?

You think he'd be up to talking?

Uh, cool, yeah. Um, no worries.

I'll call him later.


Look, now is not really a good time.

What you said, I heard you.

J.R. said you like the diner on Lennox.

I'm gonna be there every
Wednesday night, p.m.

I'll keep showing up until you're ready.


I've got good news.

We didn't find a device on campus.

You have the all-clear.

Oh, thank God.


But you did find something
somewhere, didn't you?

We found a suspect,
a known local radical.

He had two devices.

He was literally two blocks
away, Dr. Patterson.

Whenever you're ready, Dr. P.


Today, they came for us.

Their goal was to terrorize us,

to disrupt our lives and instill fear,

but I have one thing to say to them:

We shall not be moved.

CALY BEVIER: ♪ Racing empty boulevards ♪

♪ There I go ♪

♪ Tryin' to make this life an art... ♪

AMARA: When you come for us,
we band together as a family.

BEVIER: ♪ Not afraid to look back ♪

♪ But I don't gotta look back... ♪

AMARA: And once the crisis is gone,

though we may go back
to our regular lives,

we are not unchanged.

We're stronger, even if
we don't know how yet.

BEVIER: ♪ All I know is
with my head held high ♪

I know today must have brought
back a lot of memories

from when you were sick.

It did. But, for real, I'm good.

Well, I brought something for you.

- Hmm?
- Mm-hmm.



This... it's my bucket list.

I found it when I was
moving into my new place.

I was gonna give it to you before...

everything happened.

Really? Why?

Because sometimes,
especially on a day like today,

we need reminders of what
we want out of our lives.


Ma, this was written by an year old.

I doubt there's anything left
on here worth fighting for.

Read it.

"Make it to the MLB".

Wow. Mom, when I wrote this list,

the miracle was I had just enough energy

to swing a bat occasionally.

Maybe it's time you start
believing in miracles again

and pursue your dream.

AMARA: When you seek to tell us

what we can and can't have...

I love you, Ma.

AMARA: that's when we dream big

and realize that the sky is
nowhere close to our limit.

SIMONE: Hey, y'all.

Looks like we made it, huh?


Yes. And we are stronger because of it.

SIMONE: Okay. What
you got going on today?

We like Nico now?

Girl, that would be a no.

If anything, I'm more sure now
than ever that he's got to go.

She's not like her full,
vibrant self with him.

Eventually, it's gonna
blow up in her face,

so I'm just sticking close.

I love you.

Love you, too.



Are you good?


Uh, did you get my text?


I have so many unread messages today.

Yeah, it's all good. Heh!

Look, I probably should head to my room.

Thea's gonna be there soon.

Says she's got something
important to tell me, so...

Then you should get going.

Right. Um, I'll see you later.

BEVIER: ♪ Winning hand,
I've got these cards ♪

♪ This battle ♪

♪ Played it right and found my heart ♪

♪ Not fragile ♪

♪ Went through hell
and left my mark... ♪

AMARA: We are a people
of hope and faith,

even in the midst of circumstances

that tell us it's too late.

BEVIER: ♪ ... That I've
never seen before ♪

♪ Could be beautiful ♪

♪ Is it possible? ♪

♪ To see a flower standing
in the middle of a storm? ♪

♪ All I know is ♪

♪ With my head held high ♪

♪ I'll be the last one standing ♪

♪ In these shattered walls ♪

♪ With my head held high ♪

♪ I'll brace for the crash landing ♪

♪ Not scared to fall ♪

♪ With my head held hi-igh ♪

♪ With my head held hi-igh ♪

♪ With my head held hi-igh ♪

♪ With my head held ♪

♪ With my head held high ♪


You need anything else, Dr. P.?

No. I'm good, Cam. Thank you.

All right.


Thanks for having my back today.

You sure you don't need nothing else?

BEVIER: ♪ With my head held high ♪

♪ I'll be the last one standing ♪

♪ In these shattered walls ♪

♪ With my head held high ♪

♪ I'll brace for the crash landing ♪

AMARA: And though you may seek
to destroy us psychologically,

you will fail

because we are learning
we don't have to fear

the things we feel.


BEVIER: ♪ With my head held... ♪

Today reminded me

not to let anything that
should be said go unsaid.

And so...

I wanted to say I love you, Thea.

And I understand if you can't
say it back yet. It's just...

I love you, too.

And about last night,
Damon, you were right.

I haven't been handling my
recovery as well as I thought I...

Hey, it's okay.

All right. Peaks and valleys.

I'm down for whatever.

You know why?

'Cause you love me.

Because I love you.

AMARA: There is no power on Earth

that can conquer Black love.

Y'all gonna learn that the hard way.

BEVIER: ♪ High... ♪


Hey. What are you doing here?

You still have my phone.

Oh. Right. Um, sorry.

I was gonna get that
to you later, eventually.

And I wanted to check on you.

Uh, yeah. Today was a hard day.


Uh, you want to go somewhere?

AMARA: And when we
come out the other side

of the attack you thought
would take us out,

we'll find something new

that may be just what we need.


BEVIER: ♪ With my head held high ♪

♪ I'll be the last one standing ♪

♪ In these shattered walls ♪

♪ With my head held high ♪

♪ I'll brace for the crash landing ♪

♪ Not scared to fall ♪

♪ With my head held hi-igh ♪

♪ With my head held hi-igh ♪

♪ With my head held hi-igh ♪

♪ With my head held ♪

♪ With my head ♪

♪ With my head held high ♪

Greg, move your head.