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Amityville Thanksgiving (2022)

Posted: 11/08/22 06:03
by bunniefuu
- (dramatic music)

- (suspenseful music)

- Hi, my name is Frank.

I'm a couple's therapist.

You know, I had

this one, couple,

I did counseling

for a long time,

and this is kind of the

last resort for them.

I've invited them out here

for Thanksgiving dinner.

I don't expect much.

He seems to be a little lazy

and I think she's at

her wits end with him,

but one can always hope.

Maybe like whittling

a masterpiece

out of a piece of wood,

they can salvage something

from their marriage,

At any rate,

hopefully they'll have a

nice Thanksgiving dinner.

I'll let them use the

cabin for the weekend.

Maybe little sparks'll

ignite again.

One can only hope.

- (whittling, scraping sound)

So, Jackie, what do you hope

to accomplish this weekend?

- I wanna, I want

him to want me,

like he did when we first met,

like, I want me, I want him,

I wanna feel loved and

you know, wanted,

needed, he doesn't,

he doesn't do anything.

I do everything.

I try everything.

I, he's a gambler.

I pay all the bills.

I pay the mortgage.

He doesn't make me

feel sexy, wanted.

I want that feeling. I wanna,

- That's terrible.

- I wanna feel

like a woman again.

- Let me ask you something.

If it turns out that he's

incapable of being the man that

you want him to be,

would you look elsewhere

for your satisfaction?

- I've thought about it, but

I, I, I, I haven't done it.

I, I have, I just, oh, oh, okay.

Why is that? Why

is that recording?

Why are we recording?

- Oh, it's standard procedure.

I record all my sessions.

- Yeah. Well, it's making me

really feel uncomfortable.

- It shouldn't, it's

for both our benefits

and I can review it

at the end of the day

and see if I made any mistakes,

could have done something

different. All right?

But let me ask you something.

So, I mean, you would take

somebody to, you know,

caress you and

perhaps, you know,

get a little risque and show

you what they want and show you

what you need.

- Are you asking me for him?

Or are you asking me

for somebody else?

From somebody else?

- I'm just asking.

I'm a therapist.

I need to know these things.

- I would want it from him,

not from somebody else.

- But the question I asked is

if he's incapable of doing that,

are you going the rest

of your life without it?

- But he is capable.

He just lost it.

I know he can get it back.

I pray he can get it back.

I, I that's that that's about

- Tell you what, I'm

gonna do the best I can.

All right. But

remember, you know,

help is always there

in case he can't.

- Like, what do you mean?

What are you, what

are you talking about?

- I'm here to help.

Any way I can.

- Okay?

I don't know

- Just like this piece of wood.

- And what is that for?

And why do you have a knife?

- Oh, I was just whittling.

- Okay.


- So, Danny, what do you hope

to accomplish this weekend?

- I'm hoping to get our

marriage out, back on track.

That's what we're here for.

Just like my wife would.

But we're both on two ends of,

you know, the spectrum here.

We, you know, she

thinks it's me.

And I think it's her.

- A little bit of ravaging

would go a long way with her.

- Ravage, ravage, ravage.

- She wants to be taken.

She wants to, she.

- Wants to be taken. Okay.

She wants to be taken!

Well, you know what?

If the woman would shut up

and stop nagging me, maybe

- Well, haven't you thought

of putting something

in her mouth to

quit nagging you.

- Well, I thought of that.

- Well, what's she

think about that?

- She don't like that.

See, she, she wants

me to do all the work.

- No, I'm thinking of a number.

- She wants me

- 69

- 69. Yeah. No, no.

She don't like that. She

wants me to do all the work.

Now listen, it's hard

for a man to perform.

When he is constantly

putting, being put down.

- You gotta take her breasts,

you gotta cup them firmly.

- Take her breast,

listen to you.

- Listen to me!

- What has she been

filling your ears with?

- You gotta kiss her. You

gotta take your tongue.

- Kiss her, take my tongue

- You gotta run it down

her belly, down her legs

- What about her (beep) tongue?

- Well, she's got a tongue.

- Listen, it goes

both ways, doc.

I don't know what

she's been telling you

on this camera here, but

we both have needs.

- All right. You

both have needs.

Her need is for you to

grab her by the (beep)

slap her down into

bed and do her,

in plain English.

- Well, like I said, doc,

it's pretty damn hard

to get in the mood,

to get aroused,

to get my blood going,

to want to do what

you're saying to my wife,

with her nagging all the time

and telling me what a

piece of (beep) I am.

- Then don't be a

piece of (beep).

- I am not, I'm not

a piece of (beep).

She may think I'm

a piece of (beep).

And you might even think

I'm a piece of (beep).

- No, I just get the impression.

- Just cause I don't have

a nine to five job doc

doesn't mean I'm

a piece of (beep),

and I don't do my

share in this marriage.

- I just get the impression

that you're a lazy bum.

- Well, you got the

wrong impression.

- So I just spoke to Danny and

(clearing throat),

he's stubborn.

I keep telling him that

Jackie just wants to be,

felt loved and desired. And

you know, he's

not making that effort. Like

you got a wife like that,

she's hot as hell. Okay.

I mean (laughter) I got wood!

And he just doesn't

see it that way.

He says that he can't

get it up because

she keeps calling him a

so and so and a lazy

bum. I got news for you.

If I had a wife that hot,

I couldn't give a (beep)

what she called me,

I'd be on that thing.

Like stink on (beep), all right?

And, but I guess

what we'll do now is

we'll get them both

in together and

see if we can get them

both to inch towards the


So two of you are here, let's

try and get to some sort of

amicable solution to this.

Jackie, tell Danny

what you told me,

what you want from men.

- I want you to desire me.

I want to feel loved. Desired.

- Hold it, Jackie, be

a little more specific.

So he understands

what he has to do.

- Remember when we first met,

and we started dating and you

couldn't keep your hands off me.

You used to, I used

to walk in the room,

you used to just push me up

against the wall

and caress me and

kiss me and want me.

You haven't done that in years.

And, and I'm, and I'm

kind of hurt by that.

- Well, things have changed.

And if, you know, if you

keep treating me, you know,

like a piece of (beep) and

calling me a piece of (beep),

just because I don't have

a regular nine to five job,

and I go out to Atlantic

City and I play cards.

I throw a few dice every once

in a while that I'm, I'm not,

you know, I'm not,

I'm less of a man.

Maybe I will start acting

like a man in the bedroom.

And, and, and my, my, my

juices will be, you know,

won't have a problem getting

my juices flowing for you.

But, but you know, I, I can't,

I can't perform under

this kind of stress.

- Oh, but you expect me

to pay for everything.

The rest of our lives.

- Well why not? You make

a pretty good living.

- Yeah, but I shouldn't,

but you should

provide with me too.

We haven't gone away in years!

- Yeah, but you make enough

money, you make enough money.

- Come on, Danny!

- Listen, I make

money, you make money,

but you make the, you make

the money to pay the bills.

And I go out and make

a few bucks myself.

- And it's all for you.

You don't do nothing.

- No, I bring the money

home to you, honey.

- No you don't.

- I do. I do.

- No, you don't.

- I do.

- No you don't.

- Yes, I do.

- All right,

- Hey, look, we're not

getting anywhere like this.

Let me explain something to you.

Pick up that piece

of wood, Danny.

- Pick up the wood?

- Pick up the piece of wood

- What I gotta pick

up the wood for?

- Pick up the wood, Danny.

- All right, I got the wood.

What do you want

me to do with it?

- Let's say that's your

relationship. Okay?

- Yeah.

- Someday

this could be your relationship.

- Wait, wait, what is that?

How is that even possible?

- What the (beep)

is he talking about?

- A lot of whittling.

- Lot of whittling.

- Now you whittle

- This, this is

what I'm paying you

$150 a session for,

telling me about my, my piece

of wood could be like this.

- I'm paying for this

session. Not you.

- Oh that's

- Oh, there we go.

- She's paying for it, you're

right. She's paying well,

she's paying all the

bills. So why not?

What is she paying

all this money for?

So you can compare wood here?

- So you can ravage

her like she wants to

- I came 200 miles up

to your cabin so I can

compare my wood to your wood?

- She wants you to strip

her naked and do her.

- Yeah.

Is that what she wants?

- Yeah. That's exactly

what she wants.

- Is that what you want?

Is that what you want?

- That's what I want!

- You want me to

strip you naked?

- Exactly.

- Throw you up against the wall.

- Exactly.

- Well we're gonna

end the session here.

I'm hoping we made some progress

and we'll leave you

to your own devices,

leaving you the cabin.

Hopefully you make good

use out of the time

you spend with each other here.

Remember, okay.

You may not think

that it's a big deal to her,

this attention she craves,

but it could save your marriage.

And you just may make

him see a different side

of himself here, where he

finds that it's worth it

to try and please you.

Whatever it is,

don't waste this time

that you've been given.

So I'm gonna leave you

the key to this cabin,

along with a chilled

bottle of champagne

and a very comfortable

bed upstairs.

What you do with this weekend

will determine your marriage.

Don't waste this opportunity.


- Thank you, doctor.

- Yeah. Thanks a lot.

- (ominous music)

- So to keep track of

how this couple is doing,

I'm gonna, you know, check

in on 'em from time to time.

I have cameras mounted so I

can check on their activities.

I would like to think that

they might be able

to get through this.

I just don't think so though.

I just some, not this couple,

it just doesn't seem like

they're right for one another.

I mean, I'm gonna try

it the best I can.

I have no idea where this

is gonna end up, okay?

Could end up going nowhere,

it could end up

being a disaster.

I guess only time

will tell, you know,

but I'll be checking in on 'em.

- (lawn mower)

- [Frank] Can I help you?

- Frank DeMonico?

- [Frank] That's

me. Who's asking?

- Barron Richards.

I have a practice in town.

- Come in.

[Frank] So what

kind of a practice

do you have, Mr. Richards?

- I'm a couple's counselor.

- Really?

And here I thought I was the

only therapist in Amityville.

- Yeah. Well, up until

recently, I thought the same.

- [Frank] So how can I help you?

- You may remember a couple,

Joe and Linda Martin

came to see you last

year about this time.

She's a pretty

redhead with tattoos.

- Oh, you're right, around

Thanksgiving time last year.

- [Barron] Yep, exactly.

- Okay.

- Yeah. They were

former clients of mine.

(sigh) Seems

- [Frank] Why would

they come to me?

If they were clients of yours?

- Maybe they thought a different

therapeutic approach would help.

I don't know.


they haven't been seen since

last Thanksgiving time.

They came to see you. They

seem to have disappeared.

- (laughing) I'm

sure somebody else

must have seen 'em

in a year's time.

- [Barron] Nobody's gone on

the record as saying such.

So maybe they said

something to you

that would indicate what

they were gonna be doing,

where they were gonna be going.

Were they leaving the

country with anything?

Any information

- No. Last time I saw them.

They were walking merrily down

that path towards their car.

- Well, maybe you could tell me

what happened

during your therapy.

Did anything indicate

that they were going to be

leaving the area,

leaving the state.

- [Frank] First off,

anything that I interaction I

had with them during therapy

is highly confidential.

You know that.

I don't keep track of

my clients like that.

They see me once or twice

and I never see them

or hear from them again.

- I've done some

looking into you

since I've become aware of your

being here.

And I found that that also

there are other couples who have

gone disappearing

since they've seen you.

- [Frank] Not uncommon.

- It just seems

awful coincidental

that couples come to

see you and then no one

hears from them again.

- [Frank] What are you

saying, Mr. Richards?

- What I'm saying is that

you may likely

know something that

you're not telling anybody.

I don't know why the police

didn't come to see you,

but I'm coming to see you

now. And I'm just asking.

- [Frank] And I told you,

I don't know anything.

- Really?

- You know what? Mr. Richards,

you're gonna come in my

house and thr*aten me

and thr*aten a man with

a knife in his hand.

Are you an idiot?

Get outta my house.

Get off my property.

Don't ever come back

on his property again.

Do you understand me?

- [Barron] Okay.

- Get out.

- Okay.

Do it your way right now.

- So what do you think?

- I don't know about this guy.

I think he's a little crazy.

- Why?

- He's a little too

obsessed with you.

- Maybe that's just his process.

You know, you're always jealous.

I think you're crazy.

- No, no, no, no.

He goes into too much detail.

He's talking about your

curves and how you like to be

ravished with the tongue

and the fingers and the,

he gets crazy.

- Well, this is what I told him.

And this is, and this is why,

and this is why we're here.

Cuz we gotta, you know,

we gotta work on this.

- I think that he's a little,

- I think you're little jealous.

- He's a little crazy

here. Look at this.

Look at this. He's probably

burying bodies back here.

- Oh my God. You

see what I mean?

You're crazy!

- No, I'm not crazy.

Look at this.

- You think of all these things.

- Come on.

- No.

I did. I did get crazy.

You're always jealous.

You're always saying

these stupid things.

- You never listen to me.

- Okay

- This guy is out of his mind.

- There's a reason for it.

- There's very strange

things going on over here.

I see a hole over there,

could be dead bodies.

God knows what's going

on in this place.

- Come on, Danny.

- We're out in the

middle of nowhere.

Amityville. I never even

heard of this place.

- That's the process

- Amityville

- This is a good place though.

- I don't know. Like I

said, look at this place.

Look at, look, look, look.

It's not, it's obvious.

He's not growing

tomatoes back here.

I mean, it could be a

dozen dead bodies back here

for all we know.

- Would you stop thinking

that, dead bodies?

- Look at it. Look at this.

Look at this. It's it's I

can't even see back there.

- You're crazy

- Me as a man. I'm afraid

to walk back there.

- You're nuts, you're crazy.

- Look at this. Look.

Look at this. No,

no, I'm not crazy.

- Yes you are,

you're always crazy.

- Listen, listen

honey, listen, honey,

- You're jealous, you're crazy

- This guy, this

guy is out there.

I'm telling you.

Just relax.

- Oh, wait a minute.

Look, look, what's

this. What's this?

- What is that?

- Jesus, stop touching things.

- Oh aye aye aye,

whoa boy oh boy.

Oh, look at this.

- Oh my God!

- Look at this. Look at this!

- No, no, no, you are not

bringing this in the house.

- I haven't played

this game in years.

- No. It's bad luck

- Come on, Let's just

bring it in the house

- NO!

- See what kind of

demons we could drum up.

- No, no, no! Put it back down.

- I don't want it. No!

- Come on!

- Danny, no! Just no!

- I'll bring it in the house.

I'll drum up some

demons, you never know

- I don't want that,

please put it back

- I'm taking inside.

I'll drum up some demons

by myself if I have to

- No, no!

- No, no

- I said no!

- I'm gonna take it inside

- No, no! You suck!

I said no, you suck.

- I'm gonna bring this thing in,

I'm gonna find some demons.

Ho! Who the (beep) are you?

- Yeah, who are you?

- Okay. I'm Dr. Barron Richards.

I'm a, I'm a therapist in town.

- Dr. Barron Richards.

- Yeah.

- You're associated

with Dr. DeMonico?

- No, no, I am not.

Are you folks patients

of Dr. DeMonico?

- Yeah. Yeah. We're up

here for the weekend.

He's our therapist, yeah.

- Folks, folks. This man is

not a licensed therapist.

He is not a doctor. He is

a dangerous, dangerous man.

- Whoa, whoa why

should I believe you?

You jump out in the bushes

like you're a stalker,

you scare the heck

out of my wife.

I don't know you from Adam.

- Last year, former patients

of mine came here to see

Dr. DeMonico, and they've

not been seen since.

- He told me about

those patients.

- And what did they tell? What

did he tell you about that?

- He said they

they're back together.

- No, no, no, no folks.

They've not been seen since.

No one has seen them

in the past year.

Since they were here last.

You folks need to

for your own safety,

you need to leave here now.

- Yeah. Well, why

should we believe you?

- Yeah.

- You come out the

house over there,

we're two patients

of Dr. DeMonico.

We don't know you from Adam!

- Look. Here. Look, this

is my identification.


- Yeah.

- Okay, folks?

- All right.

- You need to leave

here for your own good.

This man is dangerous. Leave.

- Yeah. Well, we're

gonna take our chances.

- Yeah, we're good. No.

- Folks, please.

- We're up here for the

weekend with Dr. DeMonico

- I'm trying to help you.

- Thank you anyway.

- Thank you anyway.

- No, no.

- Take it easy there, buddy.

All right, take it easy.

- [Jackie] That was so weird.

It was.

- Hey, hey honey

- Oh, what have you

- Look what I found

this laptop, right?

It's gotta have porn on it.

- I am not watching

porn with you.

- It looks like it's porn.

- Oh my God.

- Let's just see what's on here.

- I'm here, I'm right here.

I'm porn! All right,

- Let's just,

let's just see what

- Fine, fine just put it on.

- Let's try it

- Put it on. Put it on, sure!

- Things have been

great since we

spent the weekend together.

- Yeah.

I'm you know, this was great.

There were some times when

I really wasn't with it,

but I think this is

what we needed and

- Yeah

- I, I know I don't need

anymore sessions by myself.

So how do you feel?

- And the costumes work,

we climax together

at the same time.

- Thank you for that. I guess.

- Danny, this is

not porn. This is

- No. Don't look

like porn to me.

- No, this is another couple

who had a session

that he did that

- This looks like this room.

This looks like the same

thing he did with us.

He's doing with this couple.

- Oh my God. Look, look, look,

he's putting his hand on

the leg, on this woman.

Like he did with me

last night night.

- I told you this

guy's a strange dude.

- I, I, oh my God.

I, I, I can't watch this.

No, no, no.

I, I, I can't watch this.

- Why not?

- Because I can't.

- Maybe we'll find

something else,

that maybe find another file,

maybe there's some porn on here.

- It's other people's session,

Would you like somebody

watching our session?


- So what do you wanna do?

Come on. Let's just.

- We, we came here for a reason.

I say we go upstairs

and we look to see

what we could do

upstairs, all right?

I'm going, let's go now.

- What are we gonna do upstairs?

What do you think?

- Sheesh. All right,

I'll be right up.

- (yawn)

- (sensual music)

- [Jackie] Danny, come up here.

You have to see this.

- What do you want?

- [Jackie] Get up here now!

- Yeah, yeah. What do you want?

- Danny!

Danny! Come up here!

- What, what, what?

- What is this?

- I don't know, it looks

like a turkey outfit.

- What is this doctor into?

What is a Turkey outfit?

Right? Just put

that on your head?

- Don't worry.

I'm not getting any ideas.

- Yeah.

I am not wearing this,

so don't get any ideas.

This guy's into

some freaky (beep).

- I'm not getting any ideas.

- Yeah. Lemme put it away.

Okay. That's it.

We're done.

- Want me to do,

the turkey dance?

(turkey noises)

- (Danny snoring)

- Danny

- (Danny snoring)

- Danny, Danny

- What?

- I think we should

do that thing

that Doctor Frank suggested.

- Hmm. What did he suggest?

- You know, the

thing we talked about

that aroused me. Come on.

That's what he here for.

- You're outta your mind.

- You (beep) suck.

- (sigh)

You wake me up.

I can't go back to sleep.

- (ominous music)

- Can't sleep.

Oh. God. (sighs)

- (banging noises)

- The hell?

- Hello?

- Hi.

- Hi.

Who are you?

- Is Frank here?

- No, Frank's not here.

- Oh.

- Are you a relative or

maybe Frank's daughter.

- Sure.

- And you just let yourself in?

- Oh, well I always spend

Thanksgiving with Frank

and I was just

making the dinner.

- Oh

- Well, I guess I'll just

get outta your way and

I'll come back later to do this.

- Oh, okay.

You want me to tell Frank

that you stopped by?

- [Red Headed Woman]

I think he might know.

- Oh, okay.

- Oh, and

don't mess with

that Ouija board.

- Okay.

This girl came by this morning.

I, I just happened to

walk into the kitchen

and she was here cooking.

Is that, is she your

daughter or something?

That's your pretty

girl? Red hair tattoos.

- Oh no. She's a former patient.

I let her come here

from time to time

to use the kitchen, you know?

- Oh

- But no, no, no

- Yeah, no, I was surprised.

You know, I walked in,

there she is cooking

and I asked her,

you know who she was

and she says, well,

she just comes by once a year,

to have Thanksgiving

dinner with you.

And it's just, it was just

kind of strange. Yeah. Yeah.

- Well, she used to,

if I became lonely,

she would come by

and spend time.

Keep me company just

like you and Jackie.

I'm hoping to see

you here every year

for Thanksgiving dinner too.

- Well, well, you know,

we'll see, like I said,

the weekend is, is not over and,

and we're working on it.

We're working on it.

- Be nice to have you here.

- That's all I could

tell you there Frank

is we're working on it.

- Well, it'd be nice

to have you here.

- Yeah. All right.

- Well, you keep up the

good work with Jackie. Yeah.

- I will.

- (ominous music)

- (clattering noise)

- The hell?

- (eerie noises)

- Take the shotgun.

k*ll your wife.

The shotgun is in the cabinet,

but first you must

fornicate with her.

- (grunts)

- (breathing heavily)

- (moaning loudly)

- [Jackie] Danny,

what the (beep)?

- (loud moan)

- Oh yes. Finally.

- (loud moaning)

- Ah, ah. Oh,

- (loud moaning)

- Oh, that's it, that's it!

- (screaming moans)

- Oh, oh that's it. Oh my God!

- (animalistic grunting)

- Danny. Danny! Danny!

What happened to you?

- What happened?

- You don't remember?

We had sex.

- No.

- It was the best sex ever.

Are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm, I'm okay. I'm okay.

- Are you sure?

- Yeah. Yeah. I'm okay.

- [Phantom Voice] The

g*n is in the kitchen.

Take the g*n.

k*ll your wife.

- (grunting)

k*ll her.

sh**t. sh**t. sh**t.

- (bang)

- (Jackie screaming) Danny!

- What the (beep)!

Why do you have a g*n?

Get out!

You have to come over, Danny's

Danny has had a g*n.

Please, you have to come

I don't know what to do.

Should I call the police?

(crying hysterically)

Please, you gotta come,

you gotta come quick!

I'm so scared! Please help us!

Okay, okay, thank you.

Oh my God.

What happened to

you? You had a g*n.

You had a g*n pointing at me.

I called Dr. Frank,

he's coming here. Okay?

We don't know,

you're lucky I didn't

call the police.

What the (beep)

- I, I don't know

what, what happened?

- My God, Danny.

- I must have been

sleepwalking or something.

- Sleepwalking? You

never sleepwalk!

- I don't know what happened. I

- What is wrong with you?

You had a g*n

pointed at my head.

- I, I, I, I don't

know what happened.

I gotta sleep in

a hotel? Really?

You're gonna make

me go to a hotel.

- Danny just go.

- Okay.

Whatever I have to do Doc.

- I'm so sorry. I didn't

figure him to be that violent.

- No, I can't.

I, I can't, I I'm

still married to him.

I, I still love him and I

don't know what happened.

All right. Well, I

mean, you may not

survive your marriage

if that's the case.

Look, I'm willing to stay

here tonight. You know?

I just want you to know

that I'm here for you.

Moral support.

Even physical

support if necessary.

- No, no, no, no, no.

I'm still married.

No, no, no, no, no.

I'm still married. No.

- You were almost dead.

- Get out, get out.

- You don't want me to leave.

- Yes I do. I want

you to get out.

- Get the (beep) out!

- So Danny came

back with a shotgun.

I kicked him out of there.

Sent him to a motel.

Things went according to plan.

I tell you things are

dropping right into place.

- (eerie sounds)

- So do you want to

go or am I gonna go?

- I don't know. I mean,

you seem to be the

one with the most

complaints about things.

- No, because you're

online all day.

I try and talk to you,

and for some reason

you're always on your phone.

What is it with

you and your phone?

Posting all these

pictures, doing duck faces.

What is with you and

these duck face pictures?

- You used to like

my duck faces.

- Yes. But you don't give me

duck faces in real life anymore.

You only gimme duck

faces in your pictures.

I wanna see the duck

faces in person.

You remember when we had

a great time together.

We were always happy.

And all of a sudden now I

feel like you're just always

on your phone,

texting other people.

What's going on? Who

are you talking to?

- I'm not texting

any other people,

see that's the thing, you know,

you just don't trust me anymore.

- I trust you. But

the thing is though,

remember when you

met Carl Butler

and you met up with him

and you had that thing?

You remember that.

You thought I wouldn't

let that go, didn't you?

- Yeah. I mean, that

was, that was last year.

And I thought we

got through that.

- Well, we tried to,

but now I see you

on your phone all the

time, it's making me think

that you're making these

pictures for somebody else.

- No, it's just, I don't know.

It's just something to do.

And it's like also something

for the public too.

They, they like it. You know?

You like it too.

- I do, especially

the shirtless ones.

When you do all those

muscles, I love the muscles.

- Yeah, but

- And I don't know why

though, you've taken to

having to shave

all your body hair.

What made you decide to do that?

I used to like it when

you were really hairy,

all you got is a beard.

- Well, I mean, I don't know.

I just

- Do you like it smooth

or what is that about?

- Yeah. I mean, it's just,

I wanted to try

something different.

- But I don't like it. I don't

know why you had to do that.

That's half the

reason I'm upset.

Can you please grow it back?

- I mean, it's not

gonna happen overnight,

especially after the

wax job, but you know.

- I know if you ever get, how

do you say that electrolysis,

if you ever get that

you're out for good.

- You don't have to

worry about electrolysis,

- Bitch, you better not!

I told you, I want you

hairy, we're bears.

You're supposed to be hairy.

Well, I mean, what have,

what have we tried? I mean,

what haven't we

tried, that's a thing.

- Yeah, I mean,

there was, you know,

there was visiting where

we first met, you know?

- And then the kink,

you had all these

kinky things you wanted to try,

all those flavored lubes

and everything that was your

idea. You said flavored lubes.

- I mean only a couple of them

- I know. And some of them,

some of them are

really strange taste.

I don't like 'em. And then,

and then the thing you wanted

to do with the, the whipping,

you know, I'm not a fan of that.

That hurts.

- Yeah, I don't, I

didn't like that either.

I just, well

- Why'd you think that was

something that you wanted do?

If you went through

your whole life,

never doing these things,

- I thought you

wanted to do that.

- I didn't wanna do that.

- You're the one that said

it was getting boring.

- It was getting boring,

but I didn't want

you to whip my hams.

That's what you just

didn't understand,

I didn't want that.

You've gone in this weird

direction with our relationship,

of doing all these

strange things

and that's not what I wanted.

I wanted us to be the way

we were when we first met,

when we had true love.

When you looked at me like,

you love me now

you look at me like

you just want me

out of the house.

- Now, that's the

last thing I want.

I want you.

- Oh, oh that you, you know,

I love when you putting

my hand on your tummy,

I rub it like Santa Claus.

- Yeah (laughing)

- Whoa, ho, ho, ho

doesn't know, ho, ho, ho.

Saint Nick's ghost,

right, you know!

- Tell me what you want for

Christmas and everything.

- Yes, I know. I know.

- Yeah, we used to do that.

- What are you doing?

Getting a little.

- Well, I was just holding

your hand cause you know,

I just want you to know that

- I guess therapy's

working already.

- I'm still here for you.

- Thank you. I appreciate it.

- And I want us to

be back to, you know.

- The way things were.

- Yeah.

But also just better than the

way it was because you know,

the way it was before is,

that's why we're here now.

- I know that's what we want.

We want it to be the way it was.

So that's what we want doctor

to be the way it was before.

- Yeah.

- I just told you what we

expected to go the way it was


And we want you to help us

- Or better than the

way it was before

- or better, better than

it was before. Amazing.

We, we loved each other.

Everything was perfect.

And I feel like it's starting

to get like that again.

- Yeah, maybe.

- I mean, doctor,

I think we might have to

take a little trip to the,

you know, the back

room or something.

Do you have a back room

or anything in here?

- No. No.

- Why do you wanna talk to

Enrique? As we, I told you,

we gotta go in the back.

You want to talk to him alone?

- I can talk to him and

then, you know, we can.

- All right

- But wait, wait minute.

- Why?

- I miss you though.

- I miss you too, baby.

I, I'll be back. All right.

- Okay.

- Okay. I, I know, I

know we found love again.

- I love him. I mean,

there's always like,

I don't know. Sometimes it

just seemed like, you know,

does he even like,

still look at me

the same way sometimes? And

then of course, you know,

something just happens

where, you know, we just,

we just find other things

to fall in love with

each other again.

I mean that whole

Carl Butler situation,

it wasn't, wasn't

necessarily like cheating.

I mean, it's you know,

just letting somebody

eat your (beep)

is not necessarily cheating.

You know, eating ain't cheating

as Bill Clinton once said.


Of course. I mean, I

mean, yeah, I'm a man.

I I'm, I look at other guys,

so yeah, but they're not,

they're not him. They're not.


I'm still in love

with him. Yeah.

I mean, we haven't really talked

about it much, but I mean,

I was thinking about it,

but it just never came up.

- Doctor, where is Enrique?

You know, he never

came home yesterday.

So are you with him?

Did he leave me for

you? What is going on?

Where is he?

- [Female Voice] If you're

- No, but I need to

know where he is, okay.

He wouldn't just

disappear like this,

his phone is off. I can't

get in touch with him.

If you've done something,

I'm gonna go to the police.

Come and find me and do what?

So now, so this

threats makes me think

that you did do

something to Enrique.

So where is Enrique?

Where is he?

- [Female Voice] Did

he have a heart attack?

- No.

- (ominous music & screaming)

- Oh my God.

Oh my God. Oh my God.

- And what was with

that gay couple?

You know, I don't have

the kind of skills

that that takes to

counsel people like that.

First off, I don't

even know, you know,

how they act amongst themselves.

I'll tell you this much though,

that Enrique he's a big boy,

a lot of meat on

those bones, right?

So I couldn't help, you know,

using him for something.

And I, so I took Jeremy,

k*lled him off and used

him to stuff Enrique.

And it was enough

meat left over there

for two Thanksgivings.

I put half in the freezer

and I'm gonna tell you what,

it was still good

the following year.

Can't run out of food.

I'll tell you, it's

just there for you, man.

It's better than going

to a supermarket.

- (ominous music)

- (high pitched gibberish)

- What the (beep)?

- (high pitched gibberish)

- As far as finding that

Turkey costume, (laughter)

that was a leftover for

when the Martins were here.

Tried to use that as

some sort of therapy,

it didn't work out well.

And you know, first off, Mr.

Martin was a pain in the ass.

So I beat him to death

with a stick, like I say,

and just the flesh just

rolled right off him.

And his wife, what a

pain in the ass she was.

She wanted no part

of carrying any demon spawn

or anything of that nature.

So I had no choice,

but to just k*ll

her and devour her.

You might say they both

became Thanksgiving dinner.

So, you know, I hope

they appreciated

the balloon reference.

As far as everybody

else, I didn't need that

until these two came along.

You know, a sexless,

couple. (laughter)

Sexless couple. Try to have

sex wearing a Turkey outfit.

It didn't work out for

the Wells or. the Martins.

And I don't think it

was gonna work out well

for these other two either.

- Doctor Frank, please,

please come back.

I'm I'm I'm seeing things.

I'm hearing things.

I need you to come back, please.

Just, just come back.

I'm so sorry. I'm

so sorry that I,

I was just seeing

things all day.

- I checked upstairs.

There's nothing up there.

- I saw her, I saw her

- And you just went through

a traumatic experience night.

You might see things

that aren't even there.

I know you had a traumatic

experience night,

which might make you see things,

but there's nothing there.

- Okay

- Look

- I believe you.

- I'm here for you.

- Okay.

- Here for you

physically, mentally.

- Thank you.

- Why don't I take you to bed?

Would you like me

to take you to bed?

- Okay

- Well, why don't

you go upstairs and

- Okay.

- Get undressed.

I'll be up soon.

- Okay.

- All right?

- (ominous music)

- (moaning and screaming)

- And of course, you know, after

Danny left for the motel,

which he had to go

I had this outrageous

sex with his wife,

somebody who hadn't

had decent sex for

a long, long time,

I stuck my tongue in there for,

she was screaming

like a banshee,

and she climbed on top of me

and damn near ripped

my flesh apart.

Talk about turning the tables!

And then, when it was

all over, you know, I,

I was relieved to be able

to know that I put my

demon seed inside of her.

And she was so gratified for

the sex that she just laid

there and smiled and

clutched on to me.

And we ended up doing

it again, you know,

as many times as we could,

before I finally passed out,

gave into the darkness

and rode me for dear life.

And now she'll be

part of that darkness,

as my seed's firmly

implanted inside of her,

she's carrying

my successor, I

would like to think.

- (crying) What, did I do?

I cheated on my husband

I said I wasn't gonna do it

(crying hysterically)

What did I do, what did I do?

Oh my God!

What the (beep) did I do?

What the (beep) did I do?

OK, Jackie, what did

you do? What did you do?

Okay, just relax,

relax, relax, relax.

You're gonna be fine.

You're gonna be fine.

- (screaming)

- (ominous music)

- [Jackie] What are

you doing in here?


What did you do to my husband?

- I didn't do anything.

He's one of us now.

He played with the Ouija board.

Shouldn't have.

- [Jackie] What are

you talking about?

- He's no longer your husband.

I am.

- [Jackie] Danny. Make him stop.

- Did you enjoy the

bliss that we had?

I left you with a

little something.

Demon spawn, that's

growing inside of you.

It's gonna make me immortal.

I'm gonna live

forever, thanks to you.

Be strong. Take

care of this baby.

As soon you're gonna

be part of us too.

Every Thanksgiving

I take some souls. Last

year was the Martins.

Oh yeah, I think you met her.

She was the girl in the shower.

Last year was the Martins,

this year it's you and Danny.

And next year it'll

be someone else.

So I hope you enjoyed the bliss,

but not to worry.

You'll live forever.

- [Jackie] No!

- (wind blowing, muted screams)

- No! (screaming)

- Doctor Barron. You know,

I gave him a friendly warning

to stay away from the property

and he just couldn't do it.

He wanted to cause me problems.

Well, he ended up with

the problems, okay?

I have his jaw mounted

somewhere on the wall.

I dunno whether to use it

as a coat rack or what.

The rest of him?

Ah, we all know what

happened to the rest of him.

He's part of the legacy that's

buried out here somewhere.

And I gotta tell you something.

I made sure it was

agonizing to him.

He didn't go quickly

and I wanted to make him suffer.

- (door squeaking)

- (stairs creaking)

- Got you this time

you son of a (beep).

- Mr. Richards.

- Hello, Frank.

- You're just in

time for dinner.

- We have some unfinished

business. You and I.

- I don't think so.

- No?

- No.

- I know for a fact that the

Martins never left this house.

- Really?

- Yes. I wanna know

what you did to them.

- You got me.

You got me.

Well, let me tell you something.

The husband,

I beat him to death with

a stick twice this size.

To the point that the skin

just rolled off his bones

like fricassee.

The wife, oh, she was

a real firecracker.

She was, but she wouldn't stay

pregnant with my demon sperm.

So I ended up fileting her and

having her for dinner.

Boy, I gotta tell

you she was tasty.

I always saved

the best for last.

- (dramatic music)

- You're out of

your (beep) mind!

I'm calling the cops.

- I don't think so.

Get him.

- What the (beep)?

- (wet slap)

- (loud moaning)

- (news intro music)

- This just in our next topic

today is on a local doctor

Who's now missing in action

after being named the suspect

in a series of disappearances

spanning several years.

This doctor is Frank DeMonico,

and he is a resident

of Amityville.

And he has been in

practice for decades.

Now he was allegedly was the

last person to see multiple

couples who were patients of his

and was said to have

seen them at appointments

shortly before

they went missing.

No bodies have ever been found

no evidence and

no formal charges,

but we do have witnesses

who claim to know the truth.

One man who requested not

to be named said in a recent

private interview that

he and his girlfriend,

twenty-three year

old Petra Smart,

went for multiple

sessions with this doctor

and that he grew increasingly

more creepy with each visit.

Hmm. This gets

really interesting.

He says that the doctor asked

for them to start doing solo

sessions and that

Petra went twice alone.

He, however, never

went by himself.

The first time she returned

saying that she felt

the couple should

stop going altogether

and that it was just not working

out with the doctor's methods.

The boyfriend agreed.

And he is quoted as

saying the doctor

made him feel incredibly


And his questionings were

bordering on perverted

with how he spoke to them.

Somehow the doctor allegedly

convinced Petra to return to

discuss something

in her file alone.

And she was never

heard from again.

When police spoke with

Dr. Frank DeMonico,

he stated that she never

showed up for her appointment.

Without any further proof

of it, she was there or not.

And after a brief investigation,

he was left to

continue his business.

But it continues.

There was one last

interaction that this man

claims happened before he never

heard from the doctor again.

He states that someone sounding

like the doctor called him

from an unlisted number saying

that they had gutted his girl

and would strangle

him with her insides

if he ever called him.

When asked what the

man did about this,

he quoted to say

that he believed him.

And to this day, fears

running into him.

- Hey guys,

there's something

I need to tell you.

My girlfriend Petra has

been gone for days now.

And I think I know

the reason why.

So me has some, you know,

me and my girlfriend has

not been doing great.

And we went to meet this

guy, named Frank DeMico,

whatever his name is

for marriage counselor,

cuz we haven't been doing good.


I noticed that he was,

you know, touch her.

And I told my girlfriend,

we need to leave.

She didn't notice.

So we came back home,

but she decided to go

back to meet that guy.


so she came back home

all of a sudden I'm she

hasn't texted me for days

and I've tried

calling her, text,

I went to her place, nothing.

So I tried everything until

one day I got a message

from, from her as I thought.

What I find out is that

it's from that Frank,

on the phone, he said

he was gonna do things to her.

He was gonna k*ll her.

I went to the police,

told them everything.

The voicemail, nothing.

They even went to his place and

they didn't find him or her.


Petra, if you're out there.

I hope you are okay.

I'll find you. I will.

I love you.

And anyone who's seeing this,

please spread this around.

Everyone needs to

know about this guy.

His name is Frank

DeMicro, Damico. Whatever.

If you find that son of

a (beep), you k*ll him.


- Hmm.

Funny thing is,

this is one of several

people who claim

that this doctor is responsible,

but unfortunately the

only people who have proof

are still missing and

at this time, so is he.

- It's your old buddy Frank

again, as you can see,

I'm not doing too

good these days.

Even those of us who live in

the dark side sooner or later,

you know, age, end up

leaving this planet.

But all the fun I've had all

the bodies that I've buried

around here. I don't

know, twenty, thirty?

I dunno, you lose

track after a while.

Yeah. And even the ones that

didn't die the way I normally

would've expected like

that, that Jackie,

that couldn't hang

onto my demon spawn

and that useless

husband of hers, Danny,

that outlived his

usefulness the first night.

And then that, that pesky

doctor, whatever his name was.


They're all gone all

buried, all around here.

Some I beat some

I ate, you know,

if it's all in the

realm of things, right?

That was my demonic nature

to do stuff like that.

And I'm gonna miss not being

around to do more of it.

You know, it's, it's

like, my job is not done,

but unfortunately I'm not

gonna be here to finish it.

I'm just hoping somebody

else out there is as devious

as I am, to pick

up on what I did,

cuz I left a legacy here.

Just somebody has

to pick up that,

pick up the stick and keep

going with it. You know,

not just to whittle it

like I used to do to ,

but to beat people

with it. All right.

And I'm gonna tell you what.

When that day comes, watch

out world because you know,

whoever it is, is gonna

be in a lot better shape

than I am right now. And

they're gonna finish the job.

- (ominous music)

- (papers rustling)

- [Male Voice] Now

it's that show,

I'm gonna get this

son of a (beep)

Frank, I'm gonna get you.

When did this come? Yesterday.

Oh my God.

Frank's got my daughter.

He's got my daughter

on a video tape.

He's taunting me.

Oh my God.

- Jack, my pesky

reporter friend.

I'm saving the best for last.

You know that darling

daughter of yours, Stephanie.

Oh, I gotta tell you,

boy, she is a mouthful.

What a morsel! Are you

a religious man? Jack?

You know, remember

Jesus' last meal.

Stephanie's gonna

be my last meal.

And I'm gonna savor

every bite of her,

every morsel, I'm gonna be

licking my lips in between.

And I'll eventually send you a

little something in the mail.

I'll send you an

email of this tape,

but I'll also send you a

little something in the mail

to remember her by, the part

that I don't want to eat.

You know? Cause certain

things just, eh, oh,

maybe I'll send you some

intestines or something.

I don't know. A little

something to remember her by,

but that'd be that Jack.

It's almost time

for her to be here.

Oh boy, lunch.

She should be here soon.

Good thing I didn't

eat this morning.

I want to save my appetite.

I'm sure she's coming,

sooner or later.

- (birds chirping)

- Eugene Tolerance

here. Tonight,

we'll be discussing a local

columnist named Jack Tolerance.

No relation.

Supposedly he got too close

to the story he was chasing.

Now this man was

highly respected and

had tons of followers.

So thus it should serve as a

cautionary tale for all of you

investigators that

are fly by night.

He was going after the

story of a local therapist,

Frank DeMonico.

This guy has tons of bad press.

No matter what he does,

his reviews are the

worst of the worst.

And even though

he's got multiple

and I mean multiple police

investigations going on

astonishingly his

practice is still open.

So Jack tried anything he

could to break the story.

In fact, allegedly even

having his own daughter,

can you believe that, his own

daughter pose as a patient

in order to bait this guy out.

Regardless of how Mr.

Tolerance's daughter wound up

involved in this situation,

she came up missing

and the doctor is

still missing as well.

I cannot get away from the

fact that this just screams

paranormal, especially

in Amityville,

it's always intrigued me.

I have a ton of theories.

I'd love to hear you guys'

feedback, but it boils down to,

I think the bastard

is possessed.

That is my professional

opinion speaking.

Tolerance out.

- Hello.

My name is Grant Haines.

I was hired by Dr. Barron

Richards to investigate

therapist Frank DeMonico.

What I found was

shocking and proves that

Frank DeMonico is

responsible for the deaths

of Barron Richards

and several others.

At first he seemed like a

normal couple's therapist,

but once I really got

close to this case,

I saw him commit many many

horrible and unsafe practices.

His clients have gone missing.

He convinces these women to

commit sexual acts with him.

And first the

husbands disappear.

Then next, the wife

ends up missing too.

I told Dr. Richards to stay away

from the cabin in Amityville,

but, (beep) he wouldn't listen.

He's been missing for a year.

And I believe I have proof

that it was Frank DeMonico.

Frank had skipped town and

packed up all his files

and abandoned the cabin.

Shocking. Hmm.

But I searched the cabin

and found something

under the floorboards.

He left face behind.

It seems that he

recorded everything

without patients being aware.

He's a sick, sick,

twisted old man.

But he had recordings of himself

having sex with female patients.

I have to stop for a moment.

The look in his eyes.

He looked like he knew I

would find these tapes.

He has a lot of VHS tapes.

I gotta warn you

this next part.

It's gonna be very graphic.

I do have proof though.

That Frank DeMonico

is the m*rder*r.

One of these tapes.

he has a man slowly being

tortured to his death.

The man's jaw is missing

and he cannot talk

or scream for help.

The painful moans

are disturbing.

He's unrecognizable,

but I believe this man

is Barron Richards.

I will be going

through these tapes.

I will be sending it to

the proper authorities

to help find Frank DeMonico.

Hey Frank! (chuckling)

I know you're out there.

You you, Hm.

You sick old bastard!

You better hope they find you

before I do.

- Hey guys.

I know I haven't been on in a

while and then I usually don't

post anything serious.

Usually I'm on here gaming and

I took a break and I,

I didn't really want to

talk to anybody about it,

but my sister's been missing.

Her husband is actually

a suspect right now and

they can't find him either.

I, I guess what everyone is

saying is that it's usually the

spouse, but I don't

really believe it.

Now don't get me wrong.

They had problems. They actually

were going to counseling.

They were both hotheaded.

I can't say that I ever

saw him be abusive to her.

In fact, she was even

really more aggressive,

not really bad. They were

a pretty normal couple.

Just having a really hard time.

It's, it's been crazy for them,

with everything going on

privately and my family.

And so they, they did the right

thing by going to therapy,

really urban legend kind of

stuff, or gossip or bar stories.

But I guess there were some

other people that went missing

after seeing this counselor or

whatever you wanna call him.

My sister and I weren't

close for a really long time,

but she did reach out about

them possibly getting separated.

And I feel res responsible

because I really

pushed her to do

the therapy route.

But that's the thing, the

therapist that they were seeing,

I, I don't know, but he had

a really bad reputation,

Not anything concrete, but

there's a lot of rumors,

but he still had the highest

rated business where they live.

And, and during the

process of looking,

he just won them over.

She said something about

this family showing up.

She wasn't sure, but it was

kind of weird to begin with.

And, and then people

just dropping by.

She said it was going good,

but the guy was pretty creepy.

And then she left a voicemail

for me. And I felt so bad.

I can't be any more

angry myself because

I didn't get back

to her right away.

And that call,

she said she had a really bad

feeling and that her husband

was acting really, really

weird, but happy Thanksgiving.

And she would call me when they

got back and she never did.

Now, no one has any

answers, her husband

and now the doctor

are all missing.

Apparently there's

another doctor

reported missing from the area.

I think he's someone who they

originally interviewed to do

the therapy or they met. I'm

not sure about that either.

I just don't know

what else to do.

And I'm up to all night

thinking about this.

I, if anyone has any information

about that area

over in Amityville

or any of these doctors,

or if you know my sister,

just please private message me.

My family and I,

I are horrified.

We can't go through

another Thanksgiving

without any information.

So please, and thank you guys.

Thank you.

- (ominous music)